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Syed's Mega-Thread

I did watch, of course it was not Professor Moore speaking.

Professor Moore confessed to receiving lots of money from the Saudis to make vague references to Quran embryology.
The whole thing was subsequently exaggerated by Saudi paid media.

dont lie for atheism

That is rich, coming from somebody who lies for Islam all the time! You know Allah doesn't like hypocrites.

Ask your self:

If the Quran is so miraculous, why do you need a kafir, a Westener to tell you?
Why is Professor Moore the only embryologist in existence who holds this view?
After his discovery of the 'miraculous nature' of the Quran why does he not become a Muslim?

Pray, obey and hate the West is the only teaching coming from Islam.
Medical information from the Greek Physician Galen...including his errors. Which shows that the Quran is not a divinely inspired work, but a collection of information, ideas and concepts, from surrounding cultures and various time periods, including Judaism.

''Many have written about the remarkable similarities between Qur'anic embryology and that taught by Galen. He was a highly influential Greek physician (b. 130 CE), whose works were studied in Syria and Egypt during Muhammad's time[2]. Some of the most obvious links with Galen (and also with the Talmud) are in statements about the nutfah stage of embryology in the Qur'an, and even more so in the hadith. See the article Greek and Jewish Ideas about Reproduction in the

can you steal well known einstein theories and write a book about it and say that those theories are yours?

if galen was well known scientist / theorist in middle east at that time, nobody would believe prophet a man claiming he got a book from god........stolen materials from well known scientist galen

Quran on Embryology - Professor Keith L. Moore

Not a good source in Dr Moore, Syad:

''Dr. Moore is notable as the only embryologist directly quoted by Islamic sources in an attempt to prove embryology as described in the Qur'an is scientifically correct. In the 1980s he accepted an invitation by the Embryology Committee of King Abdulaziz University to produce a special 3rd edition of his most successful book "The Developing Human" specifically for use by Muslim students in Islamic Universities. He was financially patronized by the Saudi royal family for the use of his name, and for no real additional work.''

Links to Islamic Terrorists
The co-writer of Moore's book is a leading militant Islamist named Abdul Majeed al-Zindani. He is the founder and head of the Iman University in Yemen, head of the Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood political movement and founder of the Commission on Scientific Signs in the Quran and Sunnah (one of the organizations that spearheaded Bucailleism), based in Saudi Arabia.[5]

The result of Moore's and Zindani's collaboration is not an academic book and subsequent editions omit and contradict the "Islamic additions". Reverting back to his previous description, they basically admit that the embryology in the Qur'an is a repetition of Greek and Indian medicine[7]

if galen was well known scientist / theorist in middle east at that time, nobody would believe prophet a man claiming he got a book from god........stolen materials from well known scientist galen

If you consider the verses in the Quran that are attributed to copying from Galen there can be no doubt that writers used this material as their source for medical information. Even the errors Galen made are there.
I wouldn't want to diminish God's righteous exercise of His prerogative to wrath and punishment.

I don't call it "vindictive" but I certainly wouldn't resile from the hard facts. Neither do I accept that there is an Old Testament version of God who is somehow not the same God of the New Testament.

That would be like a child whose father was a police officer being unable to reconcile the fact that their parent at one time saves people from burning cars and other times uses a tazer on people who steal cars.

What is it with theists and their lame analogies? The police officer in your example is not all knowing and all powerful. If he was, he would not need to hurt or kill people, he could simply restrain them through his will. Nor is the police officer a genocidal tyrant who kills off the entire human and animal population on this planet, except for a select handful, because it was pissed off at them.

If you want to sell your god as an all powerful entity that can create universes, don't keep comparing it to humans. Which, ironically, is exactly what the Bible does. Biblegod gets pissed off at various infractions to the rules that exist in its head and murders hapless humans left and right. It also delights in the aroma of burning flesh, despite apparently not having any need to eat to sustain its metabolism. Biblegod is simply a creation of our goat-herder ancestors who knew very little of the universe they found themselves in, a myth like so many others. You live in the 21st century but you are seemingly unable to grasp this concept.

There's also the basic fundamentals of ethics.

God doesn't define what is good. The Euthyphro dilemma proves that much. God only has a prerogative to dole out punishments if he keeps within the confines of what is good. If he oversteps his bound then he is not good, and we don't need to obey and he has no right to punish us. This is just ethics and some applied logic.

Whether God of the Old Testament is good or not is a matter of definition. But we certainly have a position from where to argue that that God isn't good. And then God has no right to punish us for anything. At that point God becomes just any dictator ruling with the help of terror, in a police state. Which is stupid since why would an omnipotent entity need to instill terror. It's like a child torturing ants with a magnifying glass.

There's just so much that is fundamentally flawed with Christian ethics. There's just no way to twist it around to make God a good character.
Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures

this is my new religious theory

when god made creature with clay then ( GOD ) breath something into clay-dummy and the clay-adam come to live

every living creatures have electricity or soul

soul makes us living creature

when we died our soul no-longer in our dead-body

this should be end to mystery of what is death ?

I don't get it. Is the soul the engine or the fuel to the engine? You seem to imply that the soul is the engine. But then what is the fuel?
i dont believe that death of a organ makes us die, body may not be functionable but person still alive

i agree, that electro-chemical is our soul keep us alive

something we agree on

I do not agree that there is any evidence a soul exists, but there is certainly plenty of evidence of the electro-chemical activities that take place in living organisms. Interestingly these electro-chemical activities can always be traced to nutrients and catalysts consumed by the organism, the processing of those materials to manufacture the necessary enzymes to continue the cycle and the generation of commensurate waste products from this process.


do you mean that death cause by lack of nutrients and catalysts in our body?
Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures

this is my new religious theory

when god made creature with clay then ( GOD ) breath something into clay-dummy and the clay-adam come to live

every living creatures have electricity or soul

soul makes us living creature

when we died our soul no-longer in our dead-body

this should be end to mystery of what is death ?

I don't get it. Is the soul the engine or the fuel to the engine? You seem to imply that the soul is the engine. But then what is the fuel?

food is a fuel, organs are machine, soul is the engine
dont lie for atheism

That is rich, coming from somebody who lies for Islam all the time! You know Allah doesn't like hypocrites.

Ask your self:

If the Quran is so miraculous, why do you need a kafir, a Westener to tell you?
Why is Professor Moore the only embryologist in existence who holds this view?
After his discovery of the 'miraculous nature' of the Quran why does he not become a Muslim?

he explained he believe in god and he is a christian he dont need to become muslim

i agree with him
I don't get it. Is the soul the engine or the fuel to the engine? You seem to imply that the soul is the engine. But then what is the fuel?

food is a fuel, organs are machine, soul is the engine

Then what's the Krebs cycle for? We understand very well how the body extracts energy from food and how it is transported around the body. We know how energy is stored. We know what the "engine" is. It isn't the soul. If we're to go with your metaphor the engine is where the chemical reaction happens that releases the energy that puts the body to work. In the bodies case this is found in the mitochondria. The liver "enriches" the unrefined fuel (food) into ATP. The mitochondria (where the release of energy happens) splits the ATP into ADP. The ADP being waste.


The body is a chemical machine. We know this. Science has figured that out. Yes, even for the brain. Your theory isn't God-of-the-gaps. This God-of-the-brick-wall. You're postulating a magical part in an engine where we already know what all the parts for, and there's no magic to be found anywhere. There's nothing about how the body gets energy that we don't already know. We've figured it all out already.

I think you need to rethink your theory.
I do not agree that there is any evidence a soul exists, but there is certainly plenty of evidence of the electro-chemical activities that take place in living organisms. Interestingly these electro-chemical activities can always be traced to nutrients and catalysts consumed by the organism, the processing of those materials to manufacture the necessary enzymes to continue the cycle and the generation of commensurate waste products from this process.


do you mean that death cause by lack of nutrients and catalysts in our body?

Death is invariably caused by a systematic breakdown of the mechanism by which the electro-chemical activities animating a living organism operate. Even in the case of human beings the body does not die all at once unless perhaps it is completely vaporized in something as traumatic as a nuclear explosion. Systems fail in sequence, which is why it is often possible to resuscitate someone whose cardio/pulmonary functions have stopped. Even then it is possible that some brain damage has occurred and the person will never be "the same."

Even after a person has been pronounced dead and lowered into a coffin their skin cells continue to reproduce for several days. Hair and fingernails appear to grow but generally this is simply an effect of the skin losing hydration and drawing back, so we'll ignore that part. Portions of our digestive systems can continue churning along, producing gas (dead people often fart, piss and poop). Muscles are still viable and can spasm. A dead man can obtain an erection and even ejaculate viable sperm. Exactly how long does this "soul" of yours linger? Does the very last cell that was part of the human have to finally capitulate to the lack of nutrients before the soul gets to evacuate or does its job include hanging around in the coffin and driving all this activity for weeks, perhaps even months depending on how granular one gets?

Yours is an absurd claim. You have been shown that there is no place for this soul of which you speak. We've done our part and demonstrated why your claim is not a valid hypothesis. Rather than just continue to parrot the claim as a baseless assertion why not shake things up a bit and try to offer some evidence to substantiate one of your claims?


Here's another thing I thought of while pondering this: Organ doners.

Dude dies and donates organs, many of which get removed from his body, packed in ice and shipped all over the country to be transplanted into other people. Each organ is only going to be "viable" for a short period of time, which is another way of saying the organ isn't dead yet. Does the person's soul become fragmented into a bunch of individual parts that have to travel across the country with all these parts until they get transplanted? Once the transplant takes place does the soul do some sort of "tag" with the recipient's soul, then give the spirit equivalent of a thumbs up before heading out? Or does the originating soul have to continue powering its little piece of the recipient's body until the new gig plays out?

Absurdities abound as one continues down the path of exploring this unnecessary soul. It is incompatible with the evidence we have and you have offered absolutely nothing (except ignorance) wherein to fit it. It's a soul of the gaps but the problem here is there are no gaps for you to fit it into. The gaps only exist in your mind because you haven't bothered to educate yourself about what you're talking about.
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Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures

this is my new religious theory
A theory predicts something. What does your theory predict?

To make matters worse, you seem to equate inequatable things. A battery stores energy, electricity is energy going from place to place. An engine is a device that uses energy to operate.

If the Soul is the electricity, why do we need to breath and eat to survive?
do you mean that death cause by lack of nutrients and catalysts in our body?

Here's another thing I thought of while pondering this: Organ doners.

Dude dies and donates organs, many of which get removed from his body, packed in ice and shipped all over the country to be transplanted into other people. Each organ is only going to be "viable" for a short period of time, which is another way of saying the organ isn't dead yet. Does the person's soul become fragmented into a bunch of individual parts that have to travel across the country with all these parts until they get transplanted? Once the transplant takes place does the soul do some sort of "tag" with the recipient's soul, then give the spirit equivalent of a thumbs up before heading out? Or does the originating soul have to continue powering its little piece of the recipient's body until the new gig plays out?


look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
Here's another thing I thought of while pondering this: Organ doners.

Dude dies and donates organs, many of which get removed from his body, packed in ice and shipped all over the country to be transplanted into other people. Each organ is only going to be "viable" for a short period of time, which is another way of saying the organ isn't dead yet. Does the person's soul become fragmented into a bunch of individual parts that have to travel across the country with all these parts until they get transplanted? Once the transplant takes place does the soul do some sort of "tag" with the recipient's soul, then give the spirit equivalent of a thumbs up before heading out? Or does the originating soul have to continue powering its little piece of the recipient's body until the new gig plays out?


look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
It's nice to think you know what you are talking about. If the soul is energy, we shouldn't need to eat.
Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures

this is my new religious theory
If the Soul is the electricity, why do we need to breath and eat to survive?

please read all my replayed to the members

we eat for energy for body

we breath oxygen to circulate blood in all our body and for other reasons

- - - Updated - - -

look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
It's nice to think you know what you are talking about. If the soul is energy, we shouldn't need to eat.

soul is engine not energy
what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
You know how when you're running an electric drill, and unplug it, it slowly runs down rather than stops suddenly?
I knew an MT who was convinced that power tools retained an electrical charge in their windings for some period after they were unplugged.
Until the power was 'used up or drained off' as he put it.'
So you would sometime see someone chasing him through the submarine, waving an unplugged power tool, making him scream in terror.

People THINK a lot of stupid shit, from time to time, and no one can ever talk them out of it, no matter how clearly stupid it all is.
Syed, you're trying to squeeze a soul into a spot where it is neither needed nor evident. It's not going to work. You speak of mystery and in this case there is no mystery. There is only your lack of knowledge about what science has already discovered. This has been explained several times already in this thread.

Everything every living organism does is related to the consumption of materials and energy, the chemical and electrical processes that result and the expenditure, storage or emission of energy and waste products. Everything is already accounted for. There is no hole in what we know for a soul to fit in. You've lost this one. Either find a place for your soul that isn't already accounted for or let it go.
look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST
No, you’re an opinion-maker. If you had curiosity you would study the empirical findings of more learned persons (scientists) on the topic. We are not all scientists, that takes very long training. Some of us are empiricists, which is possible to learn on your own but only with long effort to do it reasonably well. And it basically entails learning from scientists, but being able to understand and judge the process (intelligently, not with an opinion-maker's quick disdain for anything that doesn't suit his personal preferences).

It takes curiosity and effort to learn anything. It takes a capacity to put aside personal preferences when the world differs from what you want or were told by religious opinion-makers. If the answers come too easy then you aren’t really curious, just intent on having quickly formed opinions so you can feel like you know something when you don’t. People keep mistaking opinion and knowledge. They’re very different things.
what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
You know how when you're running an electric drill, and unplug it, it slowly runs down rather than stops suddenly?
I knew an MT who was convinced that power tools retained an electrical charge in their windings for some period after they were unplugged.
Until the power was 'used up or drained off' as he put it.'
So you would sometime see someone chasing him through the submarine, waving an unplugged power tool, making him scream in terror.

People THINK a lot of stupid shit, from time to time, and no one can ever talk them out of it, no matter how clearly stupid it all is.

showing anger does not makes good argumentation, try answering without anger its hard lol
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