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Syed's Mega-Thread

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
You know how when you're running an electric drill, and unplug it, it slowly runs down rather than stops suddenly?
I knew an MT who was convinced that power tools retained an electrical charge in their windings for some period after they were unplugged.
Until the power was 'used up or drained off' as he put it.'
So you would sometime see someone chasing him through the submarine, waving an unplugged power tool, making him scream in terror.

People THINK a lot of stupid shit, from time to time, and no one can ever talk them out of it, no matter how clearly stupid it all is.

Something like that happens, but we're talking about milliseconds. When the power is cut off, the magnetic field created by the current in the windings collapses. The lines of magnetic force move to the center of the winding and fade away. This motion induces a voltage in the windings, which creates another magnetic field, and another collapse. Sometimes this is a problem, but there are ways to deal with it.

However, you raise a relevant point, about stupid shit. Whatever a person believes is true is based on a model of reality and unless there is some kind of conflict, we never question our model of reality. In my years of working on cars for a living, there was never a week passed that I didn't have to listen to a customer's self diagnosis of their car's problem, based on their limited, or simply boneheadedly mistaken knowledge of how things work.

Even my very intelligent wife is subject to this kind of thing. She is convinced there is something wrong with our electricity, because light bulbs burn out sooner than she thinks they should. No amount of mansplaining can convince her differently.
showing anger does not makes good argumentation, try answering without anger its hard lol
Nope. There's no anger at all in my reaction to you or my response to you, Syed. I've long since given up any hope of a rational discussion with you so there's no disappointment or frustration. But, hey, sometimes someone else has a clever turn of phrase in a Syed thread, so they're worth attending.

Your posting is just stupid shit, in my personal estimation. You're making shit up as you go, which is really not going to make 'good argumentation.'
Even my very intelligent wife is subject to this kind of thing. She is convinced there is something wrong with our electricity, because light bulbs burn out sooner than she thinks they should. No amount of mansplaining can convince her differently.
Yes. My wife is much better educated than I am, but while I respect her opinion on many topics, when there's a problem and she starts a sentence with 'I wonder if it could be' there's a 50-50 chance it'll be either something I should have thought of or something that'll probably be repeated if we're ever on Jerry Springer.
look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST
No, you’re an opinion-maker. If you had curiosity you would study the empirical findings of more learned persons (scientists) on the topic.
i dont believe everything scientists and priests says

if i believe everything they say i would be atheist like you
No, you’re an opinion-maker. If you had curiosity you would study the empirical findings of more learned persons (scientists) on the topic.
i dont believe everything scientists and priests says

if i believe everything they say i would be atheist like you
If you believed everything a priest said, you'd be an atheist?
What, you're a member of the holy church of opposite day?
showing anger does not makes good argumentation, try answering without anger its hard lol
Nope. There's no anger at all in my reaction to you or my response to you, Syed. I've long since given up any hope of a rational discussion with you so there's no disappointment or frustration. But, hey, sometimes someone else has a clever turn of phrase in a Syed thread, so they're worth attending.

Your posting is just stupid shit, in my personal estimation. You're making shit up as you go, which is really not going to make 'good argumentation.'

that is a expression of frustration and anger for no reason at all

you do not win argument by calling stupid shit
Your posting is just stupid shit, in my personal estimation. You're making shit up as you go, which is really not going to make 'good argumentation.'

that is a expression of frustration and anger for no reason at all
No, it's not, Syed.
You'll have to trust me on this, _I_ am the one inside my head, with a full view of my emotional state as I type posts on this board.
I'm not angry or frustrated. You read too much into my vocabulary.
you do not win argument by calling stupid shit
I already made it clear that I don't see any way to win an argument with you Syed. You'll just make more shit up and keep on going.
I do, however, feel a need to be honest with you.

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If you believed everything a priest said, you'd be an atheist?
yes i would be like you
That's funny, Syed, because my path to atheism started when I STOPPED believing everything the religious authorities said.

So there you are, stepping on your dick once more.
Here's another thing I thought of while pondering this: Organ doners.

Dude dies and donates organs, many of which get removed from his body, packed in ice and shipped all over the country to be transplanted into other people. Each organ is only going to be "viable" for a short period of time, which is another way of saying the organ isn't dead yet. Does the person's soul become fragmented into a bunch of individual parts that have to travel across the country with all these parts until they get transplanted? Once the transplant takes place does the soul do some sort of "tag" with the recipient's soul, then give the spirit equivalent of a thumbs up before heading out? Or does the originating soul have to continue powering its little piece of the recipient's body until the new gig plays out?


look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body

Life is not a mystery. Life is a process which enables an organism, which is an organized collection of cells, to perform certain functions allowing the organism to defy entropy for small amounts of time and also create copies of itself. The physical and chemical processes that make life possible are quite well understood by science. You may not be aware of the science, but that doesn't mean nobody understands.

You have got to stop making up shit and posting your opinions as fact. You have been around long enough to know how this forum works. A debate involves people listening to other people and then responding, not simply repeating shit you made up. Enough is enough.
You know how when you're running an electric drill, and unplug it, it slowly runs down rather than stops suddenly?
I knew an MT who was convinced that power tools retained an electrical charge in their windings for some period after they were unplugged.
Until the power was 'used up or drained off' as he put it.'
So you would sometime see someone chasing him through the submarine, waving an unplugged power tool, making him scream in terror.

People THINK a lot of stupid shit, from time to time, and no one can ever talk them out of it, no matter how clearly stupid it all is.

showing anger does not makes good argumentation, try answering without anger its hard lol

You should try taking your own advice. Stop repeating shit you made up and try reading other people's posts and responding honestly to what they say. Why is it so damn difficult to get people like you to behave honestly on these forums?

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No, you’re an opinion-maker. If you had curiosity you would study the empirical findings of more learned persons (scientists) on the topic.
i dont believe everything scientists and priests says

if i believe everything they say i would be atheist like you

How the fuck would you know what scientists say? Have you ever read a science book, or listened sincerely to anything people say? Your ignorance is deliberate and dishonest. You are not fooling anyone.

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Nope. There's no anger at all in my reaction to you or my response to you, Syed. I've long since given up any hope of a rational discussion with you so there's no disappointment or frustration. But, hey, sometimes someone else has a clever turn of phrase in a Syed thread, so they're worth attending.

Your posting is just stupid shit, in my personal estimation. You're making shit up as you go, which is really not going to make 'good argumentation.'

that is a expression of frustration and anger for no reason at all

you do not win argument by calling stupid shit

Your arguments are stupid. They lack fact, supporting evidence, and any semblance of reason and logic.
Nope. There's no anger at all in my reaction to you or my response to you, Syed. I've long since given up any hope of a rational discussion with you so there's no disappointment or frustration. But, hey, sometimes someone else has a clever turn of phrase in a Syed thread, so they're worth attending.

Your posting is just stupid shit, in my personal estimation. You're making shit up as you go, which is really not going to make 'good argumentation.'

that is a expression of frustration and anger for no reason at all

you do not win argument by calling stupid shit

Why would anyone invest frustration and anger in winning an argument with an irrational person?
(Hint: they wouldn't)
FWIW, I agree; your posting is simple-minded stupid shit. And I don't really care.
Here's a hint, Syed, when a scientist ends his report with 'god only knows' he means 'yet.'
It's a request for further research, not evidence that gods are real, nor even evidence that the researcher thinks gods are real.

science has its limit, science will never be able explain everything in the universe

here is one, what is mind?

Gold, bauxite, coal and other stuff in the ground.
If the Soul is the electricity, why do we need to breath and eat to survive?

please read all my replayed to the members

we eat for energy for body

we breath oxygen to circulate blood in all our body and for other reasons

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look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
It's nice to think you know what you are talking about. If the soul is energy, we shouldn't need to eat.

soul is engine not energy
You said soul was all sorts of things like electricity (energy), a battery (energy storage), and an engine (device that runs on energy). I noted that these claims don't overlap like you intended. To say the soul is the engine makes absolutely no sense. The heart is the engine.
please read all my replayed to the members

we eat for energy for body

we breath oxygen to circulate blood in all our body and for other reasons

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look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
It's nice to think you know what you are talking about. If the soul is energy, we shouldn't need to eat.

soul is engine not energy
You said soul was all sorts of things like electricity (energy), a battery (energy storage), and an engine (device that runs on energy). I noted that these claims don't overlap like you intended. To say the soul is the engine makes absolutely no sense. The heart is the engine.

my title of the thread say ''Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures''

this is just my theory, i am just trying to understand what is soul? so my conclusion is soul is a engine of life

this is just my religious understanding of soul

soon science will find out what keep us alive
my title of the thread say ''Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures''
Yeah, read that. It's nonsense. Batteries are not electricity. Batteries and electricity are not engines. You've yet to prove that souls exist, which is a necessary step to explaining their function(s)
this is just my theory, i am just trying to understand what is soul? so my conclusion is soul is a engine of life
Not much of a conclusion. Seems more like your starting assumption. There's no argument to get us from 'do souls exist' to 'they're the engine of life.'
this is just my religious understanding of soul
No, it's not. It's your attempt to prop up an analogy for souls, but you failed to do the groundwork
soon science will find out what keep us alive
You really need to stop using the word 'science' that way. To you, 'science' seems to mean 'everyone who doesn't accept the Koran as an authority.'

Words have meaning, which you well know, and sometimes forget to fake your misunderstanding.

'Science' is not a collective for all skeptics.
Batteries Not Included...

soon science will find out what keep us alive
Is this the same 'science' that you regularly reject as it conflicts with your dogma?

please read all my replayed to the members

we eat for energy for body

we breath oxygen to circulate blood in all our body and for other reasons

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look what all i am saying here is trying to find mystery of life, i dont know the REAL truth neither you nor scientist WE ALL ARE SCIENTIST

what i think is donated organs are still CHARGED not dead for period of time like cell phone, and after the transplant of organ to other person that person's soul keep charging the new organ, so soul is our engine or life of our body
It's nice to think you know what you are talking about. If the soul is energy, we shouldn't need to eat.

soul is engine not energy
You said soul was all sorts of things like electricity (energy), a battery (energy storage), and an engine (device that runs on energy). I noted that these claims don't overlap like you intended. To say the soul is the engine makes absolutely no sense. The heart is the engine.

my title of the thread say ''Soul = Electricity = Battery = Engine of all creatures''
And I showed how the four things you equated are not equatable and are entirely different things. See, when you use metaphors, they need to make sense.

this is just my theory
Any one in here would be kind to agree with your term "theory". Others have labeled it appropriately. As for myself, I'll just call it nonsense.
i am just trying to understand what is soul? so my conclusion is soul is a engine of life
That is a better vague metaphor, but the bar was already too low. Firstly, in order to understand what a soul is, one must observe a soul.

this is just my religious understanding of soul
If this is just about religion, why are you trying to sneak science into it?

soon science will find out what keep us alive
Water, food, the sun, Joss Whedon, Billy Wilder or to toss in a King Crimson reference, 'sex, sleep, eat, drink, dream'.
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