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Syed's Mega-Thread

Fuck--that is some retarded shit.

Humans are not perfect. No living creature is perfect. Humans, like everything else, are still evolving.
Well, ya know, give a perfect human some free will and an apple tree and shit happens. Don't blame momma for not making a perfect cake because the neighbor came in and dropped it.
And yet, when I let the dog into the house and the dog ate the cupcakes I made for the bake sale, everyone held me responsible.
Why give god a pass for not making the system foolproof?

I mean, other than the fact he's not real, and blaming the sinners helps religion become a tool to manipulate people using guilt for something they did not do... But, sure, blame mankind for an act that was taken while they were incapable of making an informed decision. That's holy.
evolution theory based on survivor of fittest or natural selection
Um, no. Evolutionary theory based on evidence. some of the elements of the theory include survival of the fittest, and natural selection.
i am just asking evolution of human is completed
That's not what you posted, though. Stop posting your English through a fake English As Second Language filter and ask what you mean to ask the first time.
or are we still evolving until no more sickness and dead ?
We're still evolving. Evolution is not the going to bring us past all sickness and death, though.
god use human suffering as tool for human to learn and grow, without suffering human CANT learn, human learned when we suffer
What kind of a sadistic fucker would design students that can only learn through suffering?

And what a waste.

Would you design software that could only improve by outlasting computer viruses? No one DOES that. Well, no one non-psychotic, anyway.
Read these, Syed.

Introduction to Evolution

Evidence of Common Descent

List of Common Misconceptions About Evolution and Palaeontology

If you don't understand evolution then every single thread you start, making bullshit claims about evolution, is an act of gross dishonesty.
Do you have evidence to show the world was ever 'perfect' in the sense of no suffering?
god use human suffering as tool for human to learn and grow, without suffering human CANT learn, human learned when we suffer

So based on that reasoning, school children should be made to sit on crushed glass and whipped regularly as an aid to learning? How else are they going to learn, eh?
god use human suffering as tool for human to learn and grow, without suffering human CANT learn, human learned when we suffer

So based on that reasoning, school children should be made to sit on crushed glass and whipped regularly as an aid to learning? How else are they going to learn, eh?
our body pain makes us to learn about our body

no pain no gain
would you like to be a robot with the ALL knowledge given to you or a human with brain to learn yourself?

Is god like a robot or did he have to suffer?

Does your god need to use suffering, since without it there are things he can't do?

God created people who must suffer to learn because:

(1) he wasn't powerful enough to create people who (like him) could attain knowledge without suffering;
(2) lacked the intelligence to create such people;
(3)suffering is necessary for when god sends more suffering;
(4) just enjoys seeing people suffer.

Which is it for you Syed?
And again, just how sadistic would a bastard god have to be to design a system where knowledge required suffering?

would you like to be a robot with the ALL knowledge given to you or a human with brain to learn yourself?
Your English peaked once more, Syed. You need to be more careful about that.

Now, please explain why having knowledge would make me a robot? I would tend to think that having knowledge just means you have knowledge, it does not implicitly remove any choice. Unless your all-knowing God has no choices.
How does knowledge reduce choices, Syed? And is there a limit? Can I have HALF of all knowledge and not be a robot? 75%? 20%? How does this work?

Or is it just made-up-bullshit?

would you like to be a robot with the ALL knowledge given to you or a human with brain to learn yourself?

Is god like a robot or did he have to suffer?

the only thing i know that god have all knowledge and all powerful

Does your god need to use suffering, since without it there are things he can't do?

angels are like robots and they have god's given limited knowledge and they dont suffered

human are god special creation
would you like to be a robot with the ALL knowledge given to you or a human with brain to learn yourself?
Your English peaked once more, Syed. You need to be more careful about that.

Now, please explain why having knowledge would make me a robot? I would tend to think that having knowledge just means you have knowledge, it does not implicitly remove any choice. Unless your all-knowing God has no choices.
How does knowledge reduce choices, Syed? And is there a limit? Can I have HALF of all knowledge and not be a robot? 75%? 20%? How does this work?

Or is it just made-up-bullshit?


god wanted to create a creature would learn themselves so he created human

learning cause lot of suffering
god wanted to create a creature would learn themselves so he created human

learning cause lot of suffering
No, you just said that suffering is what causes learning. You haven't justified an enlightened being creating such a sadistic system.
Nor have you justified god having any knowledge, with or without suffering.

So, yeah, clearly made-up-bullshit.
god wanted to create a creature would learn themselves so he created human

learning cause lot of suffering
No, you just said that suffering is what causes learning. You haven't justified an enlightened being creating such a sadistic system.
Nor have you justified god having any knowledge, with or without suffering.

So, yeah, clearly made-up-bullshit.

you need to stop cursing if you want to learn
you need to stop cursing if you want to learn
Well, 1, cursing is a behavior I learned from the largely-christain society I live in

2, if you think 'bullshit' is cursing, you need to work on your threshold of pain

3, you said suffering is necessary for learning. Wouldn't that mean that uncomfortable language is thus fucking required for learning?

and 4, until you stop contradicting your own BS, no one's going to learn from you, anyway.
you need to stop cursing if you want to learn
Well, 1, cursing is a behavior I learned from the largely-christain society I live in

2, if you think 'bullshit' is cursing, you need to work on your threshold of pain

3, you said suffering is necessary for learning. Wouldn't that mean that uncomfortable language is thus fucking required for learning?

and 4, until you stop contradicting your own BS, no one's going to learn from you, anyway.

most people use cursing word to avoid reality

saying bullshit does not make your argument strong
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