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Syed's Mega-Thread

i dont know who are you talking to nor what is your question

You said that we can't learn without suffering, that without suffering we are robots. That is what you said, hence my remark.

the pain of sickness made us to LEARN about our anatomy and find cure

we learn about weather and earth quick for our safety

every invention gave us comfortable life

so our suffering responsible for our learning, school, college, university

so there is no problem of evil
You said that we can't learn without suffering, that without suffering we are robots. That is what you said, hence my remark.

the pain of sickness made us to LEARN about our anatomy and find cure

we learn about weather and earth quick for our safety

every invention gave us comfortable life

so our suffering responsible for our learning, school, college, university

so there is no problem of evil

It does follow that if there is disease we learn to find a cure but we also evolve our immune systems. We are competing against several life forms.

Similarly organisms evolve in response to environmental factors. Some survive and some don’t.

In a nuclear war the cockroach will survive better than man as noted in Japan after the A Bomb.

Some inventions created more comfort; some didn’t. Guns are not comfortable to all.

We learn to read and write and science but this is not always because of bad experiences (and suffering).

The solutions you mentioned may well increase our ability to more effectively control our environments (sometimes to our later detriment) but will clearly there are numerous problems with evil, which the points you mentioned have not resolved.
most people use cursing word to avoid reality

saying bullshit does not make your argument strong

This is some fucked-up bollocks right here. People use swearwords for all kinds of reasons - for emphasis, to indicate anger or other emotions, to fit in with their peer group, etc. - but "avoiding reality" isn't one of those reasons. How would that even work? If I say "fuck" often enough, I don't have to worry about paying my bills or something? What a pile of shite.

Also, it's a bit rich for somebody who proclaims his belief in gods, angels, djinns and other such made-up shit to accuse others of avoiding reality. That's the world turned on its head, spun around until it's dizzy and left to fall flat on its arse. Avoiding reality - particularly the reality of death - is a huge part of believing the shit theists believe in, so to accuse people like me of avoiding reality just because of the occasional curse - well, you can fuck right off with that shit.

Finally, and I'm just throwing this in as an aside, did you know that swearing is an indicator of a larger-than-average vocabulary?
http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/09/27/swear-words-intelligence_n_12213206.html said:
"A voluminous taboo lexicon may better be considered an indicator of healthy verbal abilities rather than a cover for their deficiencies," the researchers wrote. "Speakers who use taboo words understand their general expressive content as well as nuanced distinctions that must be drawn to use slurs appropriately. The ability to make nuanced distinctions indicates the presence of more rather than less linguistic knowledge, as implied by the POV [Poverty of Vocabulary] view."

So you can take your bullshit shot in the dark about (yet more) things you clearly don't understand, and shove it up your pox-ridden arse.
There's a covert duress system on the subs, a word that can be used in conversation to indicate trouble, without alerting the troublemaker that you've called for help.
Sometimes they're real winners. Im supposed to figure out a way to just slip 'petunia' naturally into the conversation as the terrorist is escorting me to the targeting safe.

One XO decided the word should be 'fuck.' His belief was that we weren't supposed to be swearing on a naval vessel. So if we caused a security violation every time it was used, we'd condition people not to use the word.
My chief told him he was being fucking stupid. "We could never even route the word to the people who need to know it!" We demonstrated.

"Petty Officer &Co!"
"Yes, Chief?"
"We have the new duress word."
"What the fuck is it?"

Or, maybe they would wait until he opened the folder. "That's the fucking word?"
"That's fucking stupid."
"you gotta be fucking kidding me."
"Whose fucking idea was that?"

And, of course, every time they called it away, everyone else would react.
"Fuck, not again."
"Fuck me..."
the pain of sickness made us to LEARN about our anatomy and find cure

we learn about weather and earth quick for our safety

every invention gave us comfortable life

so our suffering responsible for our learning, school, college, university

so there is no problem of evil

It does follow that if there is disease we learn to find a cure but we also evolve our immune systems. We are competing against several life forms.

Similarly organisms evolve in response to environmental factors. Some survive and some don’t.

In a nuclear war the cockroach will survive better than man as noted in Japan after the A Bomb.

Some inventions created more comfort; some didn’t. Guns are not comfortable to all.

We learn to read and write and science but this is not always because of bad experiences (and suffering).

The solutions you mentioned may well increase our ability to more effectively control our environments (sometimes to our later detriment) but will clearly there are numerous problems with evil, which the points you mentioned have not resolved.

explain which evil problem?
This is some fucked-up bollocks right here. People use swearwords for all kinds of reasons - for emphasis, to indicate anger or other emotions, to fit in with their peer group, etc. - but "avoiding reality" isn't one of those reasons. How would that even work? If I say "fuck" often enough, I don't have to worry about paying my bills or something? What a pile of shite.

Also, it's a bit rich for somebody who proclaims his belief in gods, angels, djinns and other such made-up shit to accuse others of avoiding reality. That's the world turned on its head, spun around until it's dizzy and left to fall flat on its arse. Avoiding reality - particularly the reality of death - is a huge part of believing the shit theists believe in, so to accuse people like me of avoiding reality just because of the occasional curse - well, you can fuck right off with that shit.

Finally, and I'm just throwing this in as an aside, did you know that swearing is an indicator of a larger-than-average vocabulary?
http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/09/27/swear-words-intelligence_n_12213206.html said:
"A voluminous taboo lexicon may better be considered an indicator of healthy verbal abilities rather than a cover for their deficiencies," the researchers wrote. "Speakers who use taboo words understand their general expressive content as well as nuanced distinctions that must be drawn to use slurs appropriately. The ability to make nuanced distinctions indicates the presence of more rather than less linguistic knowledge, as implied by the POV [Poverty of Vocabulary] view."

So you can take your bullshit shot in the dark about (yet more) things you clearly don't understand, and shove it up your pox-ridden arse.

i am not responding to you because i set on high horse of intellect
This is some fucked-up bollocks right here. People use swearwords for all kinds of reasons - for emphasis, to indicate anger or other emotions, to fit in with their peer group, etc. - but "avoiding reality" isn't one of those reasons. How would that even work? If I say "fuck" often enough, I don't have to worry about paying my bills or something? What a pile of shite.

Also, it's a bit rich for somebody who proclaims his belief in gods, angels, djinns and other such made-up shit to accuse others of avoiding reality. That's the world turned on its head, spun around until it's dizzy and left to fall flat on its arse. Avoiding reality - particularly the reality of death - is a huge part of believing the shit theists believe in, so to accuse people like me of avoiding reality just because of the occasional curse - well, you can fuck right off with that shit.

Finally, and I'm just throwing this in as an aside, did you know that swearing is an indicator of a larger-than-average vocabulary?

So you can take your bullshit shot in the dark about (yet more) things you clearly don't understand, and shove it up your pox-ridden arse.

i am not responding to you because i set on high horse of intellect

I think it's more likely you're not responding to me because you have no answer to what I said, and none of your usual non-answers suffice. That's fine; sometimes people just don't know what to say. Maybe, though, if they learned to swear properly, and improved their fucking vocabulary, they'd have more of a chance of being able to contribute something worthwhile to discussions such as this. Just a thought.
i am not responding to you because i set on high horse of intellect

I think it's more likely you're not responding to me because you have no answer to what I said, and none of your usual non-answers suffice. That's fine; sometimes people just don't know what to say. Maybe, though, if they learned to swear properly, and improved their fucking vocabulary, they'd have more of a chance of being able to contribute something worthwhile to discussions such as this. Just a thought.
the most people who use swearing word are unintelligent people

cursing word use to avoid answering honestly

swearing word makes you dumb human

swearing word keep you an angry person

swearing word use for easy way out

there is nothing good about swearing word
All people who refuse to engage in linguistic ornamentation through the judicious use of profanity are unintelligent.

Use of profanity has absolutely nothing to do with the truthfulness of any given answer.

Swearing is a sign of the highest order of intelligence among humans.

Releasing pent-up emotions through the therapeutic use of profanity reduces rage and has a calming effect.

Finding the best way to implement profanity in a discussion isn't always easy but it's always worth it.

There is no virtue in eschewing profanity. Profanity is fucking awesome.
the most people who use swearing word are unintelligent people
OK, so you didn't read the link I provided, talking about a study which shows that people who swear more tend to have a bigger than average vocabulary. Your loss.

cursing word use to avoid answering honestly
Au contraire. Swearing at somebody is often the most honest way of telling them how you feel. It's those who hold back who are being dishonest, with themselves as well as others.

swearing word makes you dumb human
No, it's the inability to speak which makes one dumb. Or did you mean "stupid"? In that case, I refer you again to the study I mentioned earlier which showed that those who swear command a greater vocabulary than those who don't.

swearing word keep you an angry person
Again: au contraire. Swearing is often a good way to release anger, to get the anger out of one's system, leaving one with a clearer head to consider the thing that made one angry in the first place. You should try it sometime.

swearing word use for easy way out
You only think that because you've never tried it. Swearing is never the "easy way out", especially when done in front of prudes like you who don't swear and don't like others doing it. It can cause all sorts of problems with uptight arseholes, especially the religious ones.

there is nothing good about swearing word
Bullshit. It has many benefits, not limited to those I've listed above. I think you're just jealous because you don't know how to do it properly, or because your tight-arse religious mindset prevents you from expressing yourself in that way. Either way, it's your loss.
the most people who use swearing word are unintelligent people
Feel fucking free to support this claim.
I mean, I know it's a prejudice among many people that swearing is a sign of stupidity, but I can't see that there's evidence that knowing more words, and not being afraid of them, is a sign of reduced mental capacity.

How about people who can't fucking write a sentence? Should we say that most people with poor English skills are unintelligent?
cursing word use to avoid answering honestly
Funny, I tend to associate swearing with candor.
swearing word makes you dumb human
Now, that's just impossible. Using words correctly in a sentence may or may not reflect your intellect, but the words you use can NOT make you dumb.
swearing word keep you an angry person
No, swearing blows off steam. When I really get mad, I get quiet.
swearing word use for easy way out
You still can't support your original statement, so this derail is YOUR way of ducking the issue, rather than confronting it.
there is nothing good about swearing word
I thought I read a study that showed it lowered blood pressure?

Seriously, if I'm swearing from upset, I'm getting LESS upset with every fucking word. Keeping it bottled up inside you, that's where the problems arise.
All people who refuse to engage in linguistic ornamentation through the judicious use of profanity are unintelligent.

Use of profanity has absolutely nothing to do with the truthfulness of any given answer.

Swearing is a sign of the highest order of intelligence among humans.

Releasing pent-up emotions through the therapeutic use of profanity reduces rage and has a calming effect.

Finding the best way to implement profanity in a discussion isn't always easy but it's always worth it.

There is no virtue in eschewing profanity. Profanity is fucking awesome.

so curing other member is ok with you?

Swearing is a sign of the highest order of intelligence among humans

i dont know any scientist and professor swears
Swearing is a sign of the highest order of intelligence among humans
.i dont know any scientist and professor swears
Wow! YOU question someone's bare assertion of fact?
How can you do that?
I mean, that's ALL YOU DO on this forum, you can't just accept it when someone else does the same fucking thing?

And, uh, how many scientists do you know?
Swearing is a sign of the highest order of intelligence among humans

i dont know any scientist and professor swears

As someone who has a BS in Electrical Engineering (certainly no scientist), I have learned out to utilize Google, despite my being relatively average in my University time many moons ago....

Michael Adams, Professor of English Language and Literature at Indiana University Bloomington, joins us to discuss his new book, In Praise of Profanity.

Provost Professor
Past President, Dictionary Society of North America
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1988

Now you can't claim to not know....
Don't forget Harry Frankfurt, from Princeton.

I wonder if Biff the Unclean is dead? Biff would absolutely swoon over Syed.
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