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Syed's Mega-Thread

Syed, normally I don't treat your posts seriously as much of what you post is just silly and not well thought out. However, I felt your comment here needed a response.

1) The 'west' is not of one mind or thought, so the 'west' can't 'hate ISIS as much as Muslims in general; the statement is flat out false.
2) I've worked along side Muslims and Hindus, and the funny thing was that they were simply people like everyone else.
3) My father had 2 best friends during college, who were Muslims from Iran. He exchanged letters with one of them for about a decade after he returned to Iran.
4) Christians in Muslim dominated countries face far more hardship and abuse than Muslims living in the west.

I certainly don't hate Muslims in general. I do hate what ISIS has done and is doing. However, I don't feel the west can make things better by participating in the blood letting in the greater ME. I do believe that the west is part of the problems within the ME. However, at the same time, I believe that the Arab nations are their own worst enemy. I certainly don't hate you, even as I barely even have a sense of who you are.

donald trump got elected for 2 reason because he is a white supremacist and he hates muslims
You seem to live in a simpleton world....and you saying this still doesn't change the fact that 'the west doesn't equally hate ISIS and Muslims'.

We all will have to wait and see how Don the Con performs. However, less than half of those who voted, actually voted for Don the Con; and only 58% of those eligible actually bothered to vote. So we only know for sure that roughly 30% of the adults picked Don the Con. And voters had many differing reasons for voting for him, including your assumed only 2 reasons....like trade deals, poor employment opportunities in the rust belt and beyond for uneducated people, he wasn't Hillary, taxes, the Supreme Court, he was a registered Repug, he licked evangelical ass et.al.

Taking everything that Don the Con literally, would make him hate woman, Muslims, Hispanics, handicapped people, bankers, Republicans, Democrats...(I dunno did I leave anyone out?). Yeah, he would then pretty much hate everyone...

Anyway, Don the Con's money suggests quite strongly that he does NOT in fact hate Muslims. See below:

Nov 2016:
S Since 2014, the Trump Organization has pocketed up to $10 million in a licensing deal for Trump Towers Istanbul, the owner of which is a vocal proponent of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s regime.
Trump’s most concerning conflicts of interest continued to grow during his presidential run, too. While campaigning in August of last year, Trump registered eight new companies in Saudi Arabia,
Trump held a rally in Alabama where he bragged, “Saudi Arabia, I get along with all of them. They buy apartments from me. They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.”

Dec 2015:
Trump International Golf Club: Trump's International Golf Club conglomerate is close to completing a 7,205-yard golf course in Dubai, according to the website, which says it is scheduled for completion in 2015. The venue will feature a 30,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art clubhouse, which Trump wrote on the site "will be the largest of its kind in Dubai."
Qatar Airways: The international airline Qatar Airways has had a New York office in the Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
"Dubai is a top priority city for us," Ivanka Trump said. "We are looking at multiple opportunities in Abu Dhabi, in Qatar, in Saudi Arabia, so those are the four areas where we are seeing the most interest.
In February, the Dubai-based, Landmark Group-operated, retail brand Lifestyle announced that it would partner with Trump Home, the Trump Organization's line of home decor and furniture, exclusively in Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The god of Judaism is depicted as being Male.

well, god dont have genitalia

''The names for God—Yahweh, Elohim, Shaddai, Sebbaoth, Adonai, Kurios, and Theos—are all masculine gender. Furthermore, male metaphors frequently are applied to God. The psalmist cried, “The Lord is king for ever and ever” (10:16) and wrote that “like as a father pitieth his children, so Jehovah pitieth them that fear him” (Psalm 103:13). Nehemiah represented God as a warrior when he wrote: “Our God will fight for us” (4: 20). Jeremiah portrayed God as a spurned husband (3:1-2). Jesus likened God to a loving Father (Luke 15:11-32). The names for Christ—Iesus and Christos—are masculine. And Jesus is presented in the male roles of a shepherd (Matthew 25:32; John 10:11-18), a prophet (Luke 13:33), a priest (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 7:24-28), a bridegroom (Matthew 22:1-4), and a son (Mark 1:11; John 3:16 [John mentions the father-son relationship more than 60 times in his Gospel]; Hebrews 1:2-3).''
well, god dont have genitalia

''The names for God—Yahweh, Elohim, Shaddai, Sebbaoth, Adonai, Kurios, and Theos—are all masculine gender. Furthermore, male metaphors frequently are applied to God. The psalmist cried, “The Lord is king for ever and ever” (10:16) and wrote that “like as a father pitieth his children, so Jehovah pitieth them that fear him” (Psalm 103:13). Nehemiah represented God as a warrior when he wrote: “Our God will fight for us” (4: 20). Jeremiah portrayed God as a spurned husband (3:1-2). Jesus likened God to a loving Father (Luke 15:11-32). The names for Christ—Iesus and Christos—are masculine. And Jesus is presented in the male roles of a shepherd (Matthew 25:32; John 10:11-18), a prophet (Luke 13:33), a priest (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 7:24-28), a bridegroom (Matthew 22:1-4), and a son (Mark 1:11; John 3:16 [John mentions the father-son relationship more than 60 times in his Gospel]; Hebrews 1:2-3).''
all of that christians and jews dont say their god is a male
''The names for God—Yahweh, Elohim, Shaddai, Sebbaoth, Adonai, Kurios, and Theos—are all masculine gender. Furthermore, male metaphors frequently are applied to God. The psalmist cried, “The Lord is king for ever and ever” (10:16) and wrote that “like as a father pitieth his children, so Jehovah pitieth them that fear him” (Psalm 103:13). Nehemiah represented God as a warrior when he wrote: “Our God will fight for us” (4: 20). Jeremiah portrayed God as a spurned husband (3:1-2). Jesus likened God to a loving Father (Luke 15:11-32). The names for Christ—Iesus and Christos—are masculine. And Jesus is presented in the male roles of a shepherd (Matthew 25:32; John 10:11-18), a prophet (Luke 13:33), a priest (Matthew 26:28; Hebrews 7:24-28), a bridegroom (Matthew 22:1-4), and a son (Mark 1:11; John 3:16 [John mentions the father-son relationship more than 60 times in his Gospel]; Hebrews 1:2-3).''
all of that christians and jews dont say their god is a male

All biblical references to God are male terms: Lord instead of Lady, Father in Heaven rather than Mother in Heaven, etc, etc. The God of the bible is a construct of a Patriarchal society.
all of that christians and jews dont say their god is a male

All biblical references to God are male terms: Lord instead of Lady, Father in Heaven rather than Mother in Heaven, etc, etc. The God of the bible is a construct of a Patriarchal society.

but they dont say their god have male genitalia
Exodus 33
20 And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
21 And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
22 And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
23 And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.


No mention of a tail.
atheism is worthless philosophy will not survived

there is no benefit in atheism, for instance if my life based on denying aliens dont exist, i again nothing from it

The benefit of being an atheist is that you don't have to worry about being tortured forever in the eternal lake of fire. There are many religious books that threaten this kind of eternal punishment if you don't follow the rules. Not believing in any of them is the sweetest kind of freedom that can not be described until you feel it for yourself.

It is probably impossible to understand the mental state of Fearlessness as long as you believe in the old prophets and their stale teachings. I tried to read through the Quran when I was looking for another path to follow, but that book is so full of threats and promises of punishment that it disgusted me to read it. That god described in the Quran is obviously a tyrant, the same as the god of the Bible.
Great point, Smoker. I might add that the increased productivity one can enjoy by not stopping what he (or she) is doing 5 times a day to pretend he's in some sort of telepathic communication with this god-thingee can add up over time.

With the number of stories of people who give their last farthing to some mega church ("seed faith" theology) in an effort to curry the favor of a god who doesn't exist it is not hard to imagine how much real benefit using those resources constructively to their own benefit would be better.

The estranged family members who no longer speak because of religious differences also comes to mind. Because their imaginary friends are very different (or because a son or daughter lacks belief in a parent's imaginary friend) rifts develop in relationships that could otherwise be whole.

There is almost always benefit to truth. And the truth is that Santa, the Tooth Fairy and everyone else's invisible friends do not exist. Growing up and realizing that is a powerful step towards self-actualization.
Jesus does exist though, much in the same way Santa does, through the "body" of churches, instead of the body of parents.

Unfortunately, this means those who hide in the shadows, playing Jesus through technological and biological (drug based methods), are able to control and abuse the disenfranchised to their heart's delight.

It would be ideal if the controllers of the Jesus/Abrahamic system were not corrupt, greedy, pieces of shit who exploited the Jesus system to gain the liar's share of the proceeds... but they played the Trump card which means they aren't playing for the greater good. They are playing for the liar's share, because they know that it is greater, and that only fools fight against it.

They are the ones who have given up on trying to do good in the world. They are the losers who won. They are the fat, bloated, useless beings who clog up the medical system. They are the useless liars who clog up the world's political systems. They are the bloated sacks of protoplasm who clog up the world's financial systems.

Human's god perfect creation vs human evolution

Human's god perfect creation vs human evolution

what does evolutionary scientist say about that human evolution perfected no more to evolve?

why do living creature evolve? god said he created every thing perfect
Human's god perfect creation vs human evolution
What do you mean when you say 'perfect?'
What do you mean when you say 'god?'
what does evolutionary scientist say about that human evolution perfected no more to evolve?
Who do you know what understands evolution AND says we're perfect with no more evolution to happen?
why do living creature evolve?
Because we're much better at it than dead creatures are
god said he created every thing perfect
Define 'perfect,' please?
I have diabetes. Is that perfection?
what does evolutionary scientist say about that human evolution perfected no more to evolve?

why do living creature evolve? god said he created every thing perfect

Fuck--that is some retarded shit.

Humans are not perfect. No living creature is perfect. Humans, like everything else, are still evolving.
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