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Syed's Mega-Thread

(emphasis added)

I always find it mesmerizing when theists tell us something like that, and then at some other point in time they will go on to tell us how good god supposedly is.

Blatant contradiction there.

good and bad also does not apply to animals and insects
Wait, you actually mean to say that God is neither good nor bad? As to say the terms don't apply to God? That is something an atheist might say, not one that believes God is good.
good and bad also does not apply to animals and insects

You saying that does nothing to justify calling God good (or bad). It is just adding to the group that *cannot* be given such labels, not saying why anybody or anything *can* be given such labels.


there are thing in the universe can not be said they are good or bad, sun is useful but neither sun is good or bad

i could say that god is rational being
Oky doky, then what if Odin is allah?

no problem

And amid their murmur it stands;
There daily do Othin | and Saga drink
In gladness from cups of gold.

The fifth is Glathsheim, | and gold-bright there
Stands Valhall stretching wide;
And there does Othin | each day choose
The men who have fallen in fight.
You saying that does nothing to justify calling God good (or bad). It is just adding to the group that *cannot* be given such labels, not saying why anybody or anything *can* be given such labels.


there are thing in the universe can not be said they are good or bad, sun is useful but neither sun is good or bad

i could say that god is rational being

Syed, please just make sure that in some future breath you do not also go on to describe how good this god is. If you did, you would be contradicting what you are writing right now.

God could teach them. Or is he not capable enough?
yes, god can program our brain with all the knowledge of universe but wont be self learning creature


You chopped off the rest of what I said. I'm asking why God can't just make you a self-learning creature.

You say we won't be "robots" in paradise, where there is not suffering. God could simply skip the stage of making us hang around in what you view as a terrible world for a few decades.

Why is God not powerful enough to make self-learning, happy, beings that can live free of suffering? This is the end state he seems to desire. A paradise full of fully-intelligent beings who think he's really really great.

Why can't he just make that happen? Does he enjoy putting everyone through misery, even though it's not necessary?
yes, god can teach human like WE teach robots but god wanted to create a self learning creature not a puppet

So humans are robots in heaven?


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bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us
(emphasis added)

I always find it mesmerizing when theists tell us something like that, and then at some other point in time they will go on to tell us how good god supposedly is.

Blatant contradiction there.


that christians say
babies will learn from adults

You are making this up as you go along. :)

If babies don't need to suffer evil in order to learn, nobody does. Everyone who has the ability to learn can learn without being tortured, stabbed or shot or dying of cancer....

if there is no diseases then human wont be learning about how human body work
This is the most blindingly stupid plan imaginable. Create disease-prone bodies for an artificial environment that will only exist for a brief time so their owners can learn about them through agony. Then toss all of it out because the permanent bodies won't be subject to disease.

It reminds me of the priests in one of the Monty Python bits who walk around singing some Gregorian chant and pausing at the end of each stanza to hit themselves on the head with a board.

If people didn't hit themselves on the forehead with boards they wouldn't learn how bad that is for their brains. :rolleyes:
Gila Guerilla
Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)
god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish.
OK so "God" has power over every single atom. But is "God" omnipotent - is "God" ALL powerful ???


Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise
So "God is NOT omniscient ???

yes, as explain above

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )
Where could I go, (in theory), where "God" is NOT to be found ???

that place does not exist

Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)
bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us
So "God" is NOT good, and does NOT DO good things ???

god is NOT good, god is NOT bad

god is ultimate force who have power to create and destroy as he wish
This is the most blindingly stupid plan imaginable. Create disease-prone bodies for an artificial environment that will only exist for a brief time so their owners can learn about them through agony. Then toss all of it out because the permanent bodies won't be subject to disease.

It reminds me of the priests in one of the Monty Python bits who walk around singing some Gregorian chant and pausing at the end of each stanza to hit themselves on the head with a board.

If people didn't hit themselves on the forehead with boards they wouldn't learn how bad that is for their brains. :rolleyes:

if you are 300 pounds and want to lose weight you will suffer lots

but you want to lose weight but without pain
This is the most blindingly stupid plan imaginable. Create disease-prone bodies for an artificial environment that will only exist for a brief time so their owners can learn about them through agony. Then toss all of it out because the permanent bodies won't be subject to disease.

It reminds me of the priests in one of the Monty Python bits who walk around singing some Gregorian chant and pausing at the end of each stanza to hit themselves on the head with a board.

If people didn't hit themselves on the forehead with boards they wouldn't learn how bad that is for their brains. :rolleyes:

if you are 300 pounds and want to lose weight you will suffer lots

but you want to lose weight but without pain
...then wait until you die and get free magic liposuction in Valhalla.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

no i dont torture my child

You didn't really answer the question still, but it is close enough. You would not torture your children if you could still teach them a lesson.

Here is an easy question...why don't you torture your children?
Gila Guerilla

god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish.
OK so "God" has power over every single atom. But is "God" omnipotent - is "God" ALL powerful ???

So can "God do anything that he wants to ?
Are there any exceptions, (what can "God" NOT do) ?

Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise
So "God is NOT omniscient ???

yes, as explain above
The Christian god is said to be omniscient. I would like to know, in your Muslim belief, just how much foreknowledge "God", as you understand "him", has.
As you are 57 years old, imagine back 100 hundred years, (ie. before you were born). Did "God" at that time know when in the future, you would be born ?
Further to that, does "God" now know when you will die, and how, (maybe of old age, cancer, heart failure or whatever else) ?

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )
Where could I go, (in theory), where "God" is NOT to be found ???

that place does not exist
I can't make sense of that, Syed. Everywhere means all the places that there are, wherever they are. If "God" is not everywhere, (ie. "God" is not in all the places that there are), there have to be some places where "God" is NOT.
I'm asking where is that ?
If the place that "God" is NOT to be found, does not exist, then surely "God" is everywhere.
You have told me that the place where "God" is NOT to be found, doesn't exist, and so, (different to what you've said), "he" IS omnipresent.
Can you please clarify, Syed ?

Again, thanks for your attention and help.
no i dont torture my child

You didn't really answer the question still, but it is close enough. You would not torture your children if you could still teach them a lesson.

Here is an easy question...why don't you torture your children?

why should i?

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if there is no diseases then human wont be learning about how human body work

Do people have human bodies in Heaven?
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