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Syed's Mega-Thread

god does not send plane, train, car, earthquakes, hurricanes, diseases or any other natural disasters

BUT some time god use those thing to destroyed evil people
Like Paul Wellstone.

Dude, if Allah is god, he still may boot you to hell for being so bad at apologia and barring dozens and hundreds of people from ever seeing the light.
if Allah is god
allah mean god
That is not the question I asked you. Please answer the question.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

god gave knowledge to angels and angels suffered no pain from having knowledge but they are like robots

god could give knowledge to human without pain and suffering BUT human would be like robots

Still haven't answered the question...I'll keep asking just in case you missed it as I would never think you are being disingenuous.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?
god gave knowledge to angels and angels suffered no pain from having knowledge but they are like robots

god could give knowledge to human without pain and suffering BUT human would be like robots

Still haven't answered the question...I'll keep asking just in case you missed it as I would never think you are being disingenuous.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

god CAN make all human like of albert einstien WITHOUT pain and suffering but we will be like robot not a self learning creature from self experience
I want you to use your imagination, Syed. Can you imagine that "God" made the universe and everything in it? Can you imagine that "God" has the power to move every atom at "his" will? Can you imagine an atom / molecule which is bouncing around in a bottle of water? Do you agree that "God" could have made that atom bounce around another way than what it actually did, say three minutes ago? Can you imagine someone killing someone else? Can you imagine them doing it three days ago? Can you imagine "God" existing BEFORE "he" made the universe?
i will answer all your questions one at a time

but it will be good if you start a new thread or i will answer here its up to you, let me know
How about I ask a few questions at a time, and get your answers on those, Syed.
First two personal questions, (no need to answer if you don't want to):-

I know that you are a glass artist, but are you man or woman?
What is your age, (range if you like).

I ask the above to get a better picture of who I am corresponding with.

Now to your beliefs; I hope you'll answer anything I have on your beliefs,
(if you have the answers) :-

Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)
Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)

And by the way, thank you for, (as you say in you quote above), offering to answer all questions.
That's six easy questions I've asked - thanks, Syed.
Still haven't answered the question...I'll keep asking just in case you missed it as I would never think you are being disingenuous.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

god CAN make all human like of albert einstien WITHOUT pain and suffering but we will be like robot not a self learning creature from self experience

Shall I assume you do not want to answer the question then? If you are not willing to have a discussion and you are not willing to answer questions to further understand/clarify your point...then you are here just to preach and that is against the forum rules.

So again...shall I try this one more time? I'll give you a hint, this is more or less a yes or no answer.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

I can ask another question, knowing you will choose to ignore it.

Is your God capable of making a non-robot that is capable of self learning without suffering?

Another hint...I can because I've taught my children lessons without them suffering...so am I mightier than your puny God?
This is where we were like 5 pages ago.

Before going around the circuit again, please think about the actual argument people are making:

1. These babies will go to paradise before having learned anything on Earth.

2. They will not suffer in paradise.

3. They can learn in paradise.

4. Therefore: Suffering is not required to learn things.

how could babies learn in paradise without a adult who have no knowledge him/herself ?

God could teach them. Or is he not capable enough?

That's the whole argument. An all-powerful god could create whatever beings it wanted, design their minds and bodies EXACTLY how he wanted, teach them whatever it wanted, HOWever it wanted. That's what ultimate power is. No limitations.

Are you trying to say that Allah is not powerful enough to create beings that learn without pain? Or that he does not know how to simply put whatever information and experiences he wants into the minds of those beings? Of course he is powerful enough to do these things, right?

So why the suffering, then? It's not necessary for learning, as you've admitted, because people can learn in paradise where there is no suffering.

The fact is that suffering exists because no beings that are able to eliminate it exist that actually want to do it. It doesn't matter if suffering exists to bring about some greater end that whatever god has foreseen. If that God were all-powerful, he could get those same results without suffering, because he can do whatever he wants.

Of course, it's totally possible that an all-powerful God exists and simply doesn't care to fix everything with a snap of its all-powerful fingers.
i will answer all your questions one at a time

but it will be good if you start a new thread or i will answer here its up to you, let me know
How about I ask a few questions at a time, and get your answers on those, Syed.
First two personal questions, (no need to answer if you don't want to):-

I know that you are a glass artist, but are you man or woman?
What is your age, (range if you like).

I ask the above to get a better picture of who I am corresponding with.

Now to your beliefs; I hope you'll answer anything I have on your beliefs,
(if you have the answers) :-

Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)
Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)

And by the way, thank you for, (as you say in you quote above), offering to answer all questions.
That's six easy questions I've asked - thanks, Syed.

I know that you are a glass artist, but are you man or woman?
What is your age, (range if you like).


Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)

god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish

Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)

god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)

god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )

Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)

bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us
bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us
(emphasis added)

I always find it mesmerizing when theists tell us something like that, and then at some other point in time they will go on to tell us how good god supposedly is.

Blatant contradiction there.

bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us
(emphasis added)

I always find it mesmerizing when theists tell us something like that, and then at some other point in time they will go on to tell us how good god supposedly is.

Blatant contradiction there.

good and bad also does not apply to animals and insects
god CAN make all human like of albert einstien WITHOUT pain and suffering but we will be like robot not a self learning creature from self experience

Shall I assume you do not want to answer the question then? If you are not willing to have a discussion and you are not willing to answer questions to further understand/clarify your point...then you are here just to preach and that is against the forum rules.

So again...shall I try this one more time? I'll give you a hint, this is more or less a yes or no answer.
Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

I can ask another question, knowing you will choose to ignore it.

Is your God capable of making a non-robot that is capable of self learning without suffering?

Another hint...I can because I've taught my children lessons without them suffering...so am I mightier than your puny God?

Would you choose to torture your children if you had the choice to not torture them and pass on the same lesson?

no i dont torture my child

Is your God capable of making a non-robot that is capable of self learning without suffering?

no, if i made a self learning walking robot he will break his leg or head or worse brain dead
(emphasis added)

I always find it mesmerizing when theists tell us something like that, and then at some other point in time they will go on to tell us how good god supposedly is.

Blatant contradiction there.


good and bad also does not apply to animals and insects

You saying that does nothing to justify calling God good (or bad). It is just adding to the group that *cannot* be given such labels, not saying why anybody or anything *can* be given such labels.

What needs to be acknowledged and kept in mind is that all words are human inventions that we human beings use for our own purposes, and we also decide what will be their appropriate or inappropriate contexts for use. If we humans want to decide that a word like "pvwik" (which I just made up) applies to gophers and nobody and nothing else, we can do that. Languages and words and sentences are entirely human inventions, and we determine how we will use them. It is not something we (usually) are making a conscious decision on either, but just part of the regular process of human living, that words are invented, modified, edited, forgotten, ignored, etc. and then our languages change over time. So if we wanted "good" and "bad" to apply to god, we can make those rules for ourselves. The universe is not deciding itself what humans can and cannot speak and say. We determine that for ourselves, either consciously or subconsciously, over time.

If you have the ability to learn, location has nothing to do with your inherit ability to learn.

What about all the humans who died as babies and infants...are they all supposed to remain ignorant or 'robot's for all eternity because they did not 'learn on Earth?'

babies will learn from adults

You are making this up as you go along. :)

If babies don't need to suffer evil in order to learn, nobody does. Everyone who has the ability to learn can learn without being tortured, stabbed or shot or dying of cancer....

Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)
Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)

. . .

Is "God" omnipotent? .... (ie. Is "God" all powerful?)
god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish.

OK so "God" has power over every single atom. But is "God" omnipotent - is "God" ALL powerful ???

Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)

god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise
So "God is NOT omniscient ???

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)

god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )
Where could I go, (in theory), where "God" is NOT to be found ???

Is "God" omnibenevolent? (ie. Does "God" always do what is ultimately good?)

bad and good does not apply to god, good and bad only for us

So "God" is NOT good, and does NOT DO good things ???

Thank you very much for your quick reply, Syed, I appreciate it. I have more follow-up questions, but I'll Leave it at the above for now.
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