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Syed's Mega-Thread

Gila Guerilla

god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish.

So can "God do anything that he wants to ?
Are there any exceptions, (what can "God" NOT do) ?

Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise
So "God is NOT omniscient ???

yes, as explain above
The Christian god is said to be omniscient. I would like to know, in your Muslim belief, just how much foreknowledge "God", as you understand "him", has.
As you are 57 years old, imagine back 100 hundred years, (ie. before you were born). Did "God" at that time know when in the future, you would be born ?
Further to that, does "God" now know when you will die, and how, (maybe of old age, cancer, heart failure or whatever else) ?

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )
Where could I go, (in theory), where "God" is NOT to be found ???

that place does not exist
I can't make sense of that, Syed. Everywhere means all the places that there are, wherever they are. If "God" is not everywhere, (ie. "God" is not in all the places that there are), there have to be some places where "God" is NOT.
I'm asking where is that ?
If the place that "God" is NOT to be found, does not exist, then surely "God" is everywhere.
You have told me that the place where "God" is NOT to be found, doesn't exist, and so, (different to what you've said), "he" IS omnipresent.
Can you please clarify, Syed ?

Again, thanks for your attention and help.

i will reply later
if there is no diseases then human wont be learning about how human body work

Do people have human bodies in Heaven?

So people get sick and die in heaven, being 'human bodies?" Human bodies as we know them do get old, sick and die.

no death, no old age in heaven

Does god fix all his other idiotic design flaws as well?

i think you still have to shit in heaven lol

In a lot of the posts that you presently make (not all of them, but a huge chunk of them), it seems like you go for a reply that is mainly just a one-liner and snarky in tone, and you do that instead of making a more substantive response. It is harder then to actually understand what your viewpoint and thoughts are on the topic of discussion. In the future, I do hope that you will try to write out your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives out more fully and make an effort to explain what your view is, how you came to that view, why you hold that view, and why you think that view is right and other views are wrong. If you are sincerely trying to convince us of your perspective, you will have a better chance that way, plus it is just more fun and worthwhile for us to read then too. You will probably learn a lot more that way as well about your own attitudes and beliefs, why you hold those, what about your own views is right or wrong, and how to just improve your overall mental thinking, processing, and functioning.

Hoping the best for you here,

Brian -- I think he's always presented in that fashion. He's like a fundamentalist you-name-it. Totally encased in circular reasoning. It's hopeless; no real dialogue. When Syed posts, it's time to move on. It's like trying to engage the religious door knockers from the Witnesses or the LDS. They're incredibly engaging until they find that you're sharing your own observations. That's not in their script.
It is possible for fundamentalists to change their thinking, and sometimes they even deconvert from fundy religion all the way to secularism/atheism. So I think you are right that there is at least a very slim chance that it will ever happen, but it can even be more pleasurable to try, rather than responding back to Syed with 1-liners and snarky comebacks of our own. Conversations where people actually explain their thoughts, views, beliefs, and opinions on subjects are (generally) more fun to read than ones like this filled with insults and quick comebacks that present no real substantive or quality-thoughts.

It is possible for fundamentalists to change their thinking, and sometimes they even deconvert from fundy religion all the way to secularism/atheism. So I think you are right that there is at least a very slim chance that it will ever happen, but it can even be more pleasurable to try, rather than responding back to Syed with 1-liners and snarky comebacks of our own. Conversations where people actually explain their thoughts, views, beliefs, and opinions on subjects are (generally) more fun to read than ones like this filled with insults and quick comebacks that present no real substantive or quality-thoughts.


I think it is more important to engage these fundies for the benefit of the lurkers and other posters.
I agree with that point, but am just saying that spending the bulk of our time and efforts in insulting the fundies will not accomplish much in our own goals. There are definitely times where we need to be insulting the fundies who come here to insult us (bullies need to be taken down a notch or two), but for the most part we should be making our efforts towards educating, enlightening, debating with quality and substantive arguments and thoughts, etc. Both angles have their merits, but we should be spending the large bulk of our efforts towards the latter approach. Plus it is more enjoyable that way, overall.


In a lot of the posts that you presently make (not all of them, but a huge chunk of them), it seems like you go for a reply that is mainly just a one-liner and snarky in tone, and you do that instead of making a more substantive response. It is harder then to actually understand what your viewpoint and thoughts are on the topic of discussion. In the future, I do hope that you will try to write out your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives out more fully and make an effort to explain what your view is, how you came to that view, why you hold that view, and why you think that view is right and other views are wrong. If you are sincerely trying to convince us of your perspective, you will have a better chance that way, plus it is just more fun and worthwhile for us to read then too. You will probably learn a lot more that way as well about your own attitudes and beliefs, why you hold those, what about your own views is right or wrong, and how to just improve your overall mental thinking, processing, and functioning.

Hoping the best for you here,


i understand what are you saying but my problem is my english and i cant write ALL my thought at once

if you dont understand what i am saying please ask again


the majority of thing i wrote here is from MY understanding of the quran and direct from the quran
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i understand what are you saying but my problem is my english and i cant write ALL my thought at once

Well, nobody can write ALL their thoughts at once. We can write out more developed, fully articulated thoughts though. We can do more than do mostly 1-liners, insults, and snarky comebacks. If you do write out your thoughts more substantively though, there will very likely be people still who do not understand, but they can then reply back to you and let you know what exactly it is they do not understand, and then you can reply back to them and explain it in more detail still. You can have that conversational exchange back-and-forth with each other where you actually learn from each other better, rather than (again) just these insults and teases of each other.

i understand what are you saying but my problem is my english and i cant write ALL my thought at once

Well, nobody can write ALL their thoughts at once. We can write out more developed, fully articulated thoughts though. We can do more than do mostly 1-liners, insults, and snarky comebacks. If you do write out your thoughts more substantively though, there will very likely be people still who do not understand, but they can then reply back to you and let you know what exactly it is they do not understand, and then you can reply back to them and explain it in more detail still. You can have that conversational exchange back-and-forth with each other where you actually learn from each other better, rather than (again) just these insults and teases of each other.


i NEVER insult any one here
Gila Guerilla

god have power over EVERY single atom in the universe that mean god can manipulate SINGLE atom as he wish.

So can "God do anything that he wants to ?
Are there any exceptions, (what can "God" NOT do) ?
does god have to respect the rules of logic?

YES indeed

god is a ENGINEER not a magician

god can not make human to live on the sun

if god want a creature to live on the sun, he have to create a non biological creature who could survived on the sun

god can not create a biological human without brain or heart

Is "God" omniscient? ..... (ie. Is "God" all knowing?)
god knows every single detail what is beneath the earth and over the earth and EVERY thing over our head and he also knows i am chatting with you RIGHT NOW but god does NOT know that i will kill some one or not because he gave me free-will to exercise
So "God is NOT omniscient ???
yes, as explain above
The Christian god is said to be omniscient. I would like to know, in your Muslim belief, just how much foreknowledge "God", as you understand "him", has.
As you are 57 years old, imagine back 100 hundred years, (ie. before you were born). Did "God" at that time know when in the future, you would be born ?
Further to that, does "God" now know when you will die, and how, (maybe of old age, cancer, heart failure or whatever else) ?


i will explain about human death later

human death is VERY interesting in islam

Is "God" omnipresent? ... (ie. Is "God" everywhere?)
god is NOT everywhere BUT he have knowledge everything we do in our lives ( in the quran god said he is closer then our jugular vein )
Where could I go, (in theory), where "God" is NOT to be found ???
that place does not exist
I can't make sense of that, Syed. Everywhere means all the places that there are, wherever they are. If "God" is not everywhere, (ie. "God" is not in all the places that there are), there have to be some places where "God" is NOT.
I'm asking where is that ?
If the place that "God" is NOT to be found, does not exist, then surely "God" is everywhere.
You have told me that the place where "God" is NOT to be found, doesn't exist, and so, (different to what you've said), "he" IS omnipresent.
Can you please clarify, Syed ?

when we say that god is EVERYWHERE we mean that god has KNOWLEDGE of EVERYWHERE

we believe that god created EVERY THING that mean he have knowledge of everything
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if there is no diseases then human wont be learning about how human body work

Do people have human bodies in Heaven?

So people get sick and die in heaven, being 'human bodies?" Human bodies as we know them do get old, sick and die.

no death, no old age in heaven

So they are not human bodies because human bodies get old, get sick and die. You are talking about something else.
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