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Syed's Mega-Thread

yes many descriptions of God is WRONG but there MUST be a creator because NOTHINGNESS can not create the universe
Abandoning the 'everyone believes in one god' defense for the 'argument from incredulity.'
you atheists believe NOTHINGNESS created the universe
WRong again.

you atheists CANT explain how NOTHINGNESS created the universe except to say BIGBANGDIDIT or EVILUTIONDIDIT
One day, you really must learn the difference between atheism and cosmology or evolutionary theory.
Once you can make these distinctions, you'll post will look less and less like an ass clown's ranting.
Theists believe their god sucked the universe out of the penis of a giant space goat in an event called the "Mother of Blowjobs."

Here's a thought: Try learning what the other side actually believes rather than telling them what they believe.
Abandoning the 'everyone believes in one god' defense for the 'argument from incredulity.'
you atheists believe NOTHINGNESS created the universe
WRong again.

you atheists CANT explain how NOTHINGNESS created the universe except to say BIGBANGDIDIT or EVILUTIONDIDIT
One day, you really must learn the difference between atheism and cosmology or evolutionary theory.
Once you can make these distinctions, you'll post will look less and less like an ass clown's ranting.

that DAY will never come, you believe based on one day you will have evidence
Theists believe their god sucked the universe out of the penis of a giant space goat in an event called the "Mother of Blowjobs."

Here's a thought: Try learning what the other side actually believes rather than telling them what they believe.

this is very shameful responded
that DAY will never come, you believe based on one day you will have evidence
Sure, IF evidence is ever available, that's all I've ever asked.
Well, evidence and a logical narrative.
And, you know, some sort of consistency on the part of the believer telling me shit about their god.
When they say 'god is good' and 'god is unknowable' in the same paragraph, I know they're making shit up.

When they say 'everyone believers there's only one god' I know they're making shit up.

When they say 'atheists believe that...' then about 90% of the time they're very clearly making shit up. Most of the other 10% is generic BS that applies to almost everyone.

So if they spend six years telling me made-up-shit, but insist that ONE DAY i'll believe in their skybeast, the smart bet is that they're still making shit up....

You've done a great job establishing your level of credibility syed. Too bad it's at Zero.

- - - Updated - - -

Theists believe their god sucked the universe out of the penis of a giant space goat in an event called the "Mother of Blowjobs."

Here's a thought: Try learning what the other side actually believes rather than telling them what they believe.

this is very shameful responded
I'm willing to bet Atheos feels as much shame about the space goat theory as you do about saying atheists believe nothingness created the universe.
Theists believe their god sucked the universe out of the penis of a giant space goat in an event called the "Mother of Blowjobs."

Here's a thought: Try learning what the other side actually believes rather than telling them what they believe.

this is very shameful responded

It is as honest a response as you claiming that "you atheists believe NOTHINGNESS created the universe." After all these years you evidently have no idea what we believe. Are you really that unwilling to listen to us?
this is very shameful responded

It is as honest a response as you claiming that "you atheists believe NOTHINGNESS created the universe." After all these years you evidently have no idea what we believe. Are you really that unwilling to listen to us?

there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS
there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS
That may be your understanding.
It is, however, wrong to project this belief onto other people. Just as wrong as projecting the blowjob goat theory of creation on all theists.
there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS

If that was the case, that would suggest that the god also caused the existence of all the pain, evil, and suffering that is in the universe too. Being all-knowing, the god was aware of it as well. Being all powerful, it chose not put an end to it, but to continue with it. So the god would not be all-good then, and we should NOT worship it and deem it to have complete authority over our lives and that we must be unquestionably submissive to it forever. Good riddance to that garbage.

there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS

I think that's the same dichotomy people have made about many things throughout history?

What makes thunder? Don't know; it can't come from nothing, so it must be from Thor, God of Thunder.

What makes the crops grow? Don't know; they can't grow from nothing, so it must be  Al-‘Uzzá, Arabian goddess of fertility.

It seems to be human nature to ascribe the existence of unknown phenomena to deities. There must something uncomfortable for many people to leave something to "I don't know." Fortunately, enough people have overcome that tendency to investigate, to set aside pre-conceived notions and to get the facts.

And good thing, too. Rather than blindly offer sacrifices to a fertility goddess and hope for the best, we've been able to study the science of agriculture and improve crop yields a thousand-fold, thus feeding millions.

If you start typing a sentence with "You atheists believe", then at that point, you should stop and delete what you were about to post, because any sentence that starts with those three words is going to be wrong.

Atheists share only one thing in common - they don't believe in gods. Anything that an individual atheist believes might well be (and almost certainly is) disbelieved by at least one other atheist. There are atheists who believe that the universe began from nothing; there are other atheists who believe that the universe is eternal, and had no beginning; There are other atheists who believe that we will never know whether the universe had a beginning or not; And there are atheists who believe that the universe is a small bubble of a larger 'multiverse' - and those atheists are divided on the question of the origins of the multiverse. Most likely there are atheists who don't believe any of these things.

The only thing that you can say about what atheists believe, without making yourself look like a fool who hasn't even bothered to find out the basics before spouting forth on a subject, is 'Atheists don't believe in the existence of gods'.
there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS

If that was the case, that would suggest that the god also caused the existence of all the pain, evil, and suffering that is in the universe too. Being all-knowing, the god was aware of it as well. Being all powerful, it chose not put an end to it, but to continue with it. So the god would not be all-good then, and we should NOT worship it and deem it to have complete authority over our lives and that we must be unquestionably submissive to it forever. Good riddance to that garbage.


god responsible for every thing in the universe good and bad, god allow good and bad for our benefit
Anything that an individual atheist believes might well be (and almost certainly is) disbelieved by at least one other atheist.
I'm not sure that's entirely true...

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god allow good and bad for our benefit
That's a common refrain from child abusers, I'm beating you for your benefit.
Makes god something of a dick...

If you start typing a sentence with "You atheists believe", then at that point, you should stop and delete what you were about to post, because any sentence that starts with those three words is going to be wrong.

Atheists share only one thing in common - they don't believe in gods. Anything that an individual atheist believes might well be (and almost certainly is) disbelieved by at least one other atheist. There are atheists who believe that the universe began from nothing; there are other atheists who believe that the universe is eternal, and had no beginning; There are other atheists who believe that we will never know whether the universe had a beginning or not; And there are atheists who believe that the universe is a small bubble of a larger 'multiverse' - and those atheists are divided on the question of the origins of the multiverse. Most likely there are atheists who don't believe any of these things.

The only thing that you can say about what atheists believe, without making yourself look like a fool who hasn't even bothered to find out the basics before spouting forth on a subject, is 'Atheists don't believe in the existence of gods'.

i am mostly talking about mainstream atheists not cults within atheists

majority of atheists believe that the universe began from nothingness and THE NOTHINGNESS CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND LIFE ON EARTH

If you start typing a sentence with "You atheists believe", then at that point, you should stop and delete what you were about to post, because any sentence that starts with those three words is going to be wrong.

Atheists share only one thing in common - they don't believe in gods. Anything that an individual atheist believes might well be (and almost certainly is) disbelieved by at least one other atheist. There are atheists who believe that the universe began from nothing; there are other atheists who believe that the universe is eternal, and had no beginning; There are other atheists who believe that we will never know whether the universe had a beginning or not; And there are atheists who believe that the universe is a small bubble of a larger 'multiverse' - and those atheists are divided on the question of the origins of the multiverse. Most likely there are atheists who don't believe any of these things.

The only thing that you can say about what atheists believe, without making yourself look like a fool who hasn't even bothered to find out the basics before spouting forth on a subject, is 'Atheists don't believe in the existence of gods'.

i am mostly talking about mainstream atheists not cults within atheists

majority of atheists believe that the universe began from nothingness and THE NOTHINGNESS CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND LIFE ON EARTH

A majority? What evidence do you have for this claim? I could just about believe that a majority of atheists believe that the universe began from nothingness, although it seems plausible to me that this might be a minority belief; I find it very hard to believe that many atheists believe that nothingness created the universe; And I am certain that the majority of atheists do not believe that nothingness created life on Earth.

There is no such thing as a 'mainstream atheist'. Atheism doesn't have any rules, dogma or sects; You are either an atheist, or you are not - and if you are, the only thing that makes you so is a lack of belief in gods. Everything else is up to the individual.
As an example, here is what I believe:

Origin of the universe -
I believe that mass/energy is eternal, and that the space-time it occupies has passed through at least one singularity, the most recent of which we call the Big Bang.

This is a 'soft' belief - I think it is true only as a placeholder while I await actual evidence, and I expect to revise it if any such evidence is found. It is, I believe, the simplest hypothesis that fits with the evidence we currently have; But the nature of a singularity is that we really can't know for sure what happened at or before that point - or even whether 'before' is a valid concept in this context.​

Origin of the Earth -
The Earth is a bit of heavy element 'slag' left over after the gravitational collapse of the gas cloud that formed the Sun. That gas cloud was the partial remains of several Generation I stars, which generated heavy elements via end of life processes, probably including supernovae and neutron star collision. Conservation of Angular Momentum in the collapsing cloud of gas led to rapid rotation of the proto-sun, and a number of small planets and some other debris span off and became planets, asteroids and comets. The inner planets lost most of their light elements due to solar wind, leaving the Earth as a ball of iron, surrounded by a mantle of mid-weight elements, mostly oxygen and silicon. Cometary bombardment returned some of the lighter elements to the surface of the Earth in the form of water.

I am pretty confident in this belief, as it is backed by a lot of evidence; But I am not an expert in the field, and may well have some mistaken beliefs here, so I am happy to revise this understanding if presented with better evidence. The details are likely out of date, but the basics are close enough to reality that I consider it highly unlikely that massive revisions of this belief will be needed.​

Origin of life -
Aqueous solutions containing the elements carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur and hydrogen, plus traces of other mid-weight elements, energized by solar radiation for several hundred million years, naturally give rise to trillions of different structures and chemical combinations. At some stage, some stable configurations are inevitable; And equally inevitable in a high energy flux environment due to solar radiation is that these stable structures will be able to transfer and transform energy. The development of simple energy cycles is inevitable, because those structures that fail to do so will break up and be reformed into new structures. Once a set of cyclic reactions exists that dissipates energy without falling apart, and which generates copies of itself as part of the energy dissipation process, evolution by natural selection is unavoidable; And we call cyclic reactions that dissipate energy without falling apart, and which generate copies of themselves as part of the energy dissipation process, 'life'.

I am very confident in this belief, as I have studied much of the detail (and we assuredly do NOT have room for even a small fraction of it here) in my days as a student of Molecular Biology. I am certain that the full and precise details are not yet known, but I am equally certain that this basic sketch is not likely to be wrong in any significant way. I would change my mind if presented with really solid evidence that this was wrong, but it seems very unlikely indeed that any such evidence could exist, but not yet have been found.​

If you do want to look into the details of any of these things, then the place to look is at: https://scholar.google.com.au/; However I would recommend that you first study Physics, Chemistry and Biology to at least undergraduate level first, or the details will likely be beyond your grasp.

All of the above beliefs are independent of my atheism, and all of the above are believed by some (but not all) atheists, and by some (but not all) theists. There are non-trivial numbers of theists who believe that the above describes the mechanism by which a god or gods created these things. Personally, I don't see the need for any gods to explain any of this, nor any evidence that they are anything other than fiction written by people who were ignorant of both the scale and origins of all of these three phenomena.
i am mostly talking about mainstream atheists not cults within atheists

ALL ATHEISM IS is A LACK OF BELIEF IN GODS. That's what the word means.

What the hell would be the basis of a cult WITHIN atheism?

majority of atheists believe that the universe began from nothingness and THE NOTHINGNESS CREATED THE UNIVERSE AND LIFE ON EARTH
Can you quote one or more atheists that say this is what they believe? If it's the majority, that shouldn't be a difficult task...
Because it looks to me like you're just spouting gibberish.
It is as honest a response as you claiming that "you atheists believe NOTHINGNESS created the universe." After all these years you evidently have no idea what we believe. Are you really that unwilling to listen to us?

there is TWO thing that cause existence of the universe god or NOTHINGNESS

There many Cosmological models being considered....which is not 'nothingness'
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