• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Tara Reade is a person who exists

Derec, it must be exhausting to work so hard to carve out excuses for all of the legal precedent and procedural expectations that were violated in order to get Kavanagh off the hook.
On the contrary, it must be exhausting to pretend that there is anything more to the accusations against Kav than there is against Biden.

It's clear that you don't believe her, and that you aren't swayed by the evidence and that you don't think an investigation was needed to discard all of it.
I do not think there was any meaningful evidence to be swayed by. I would as easily be swayed by a gentle breeze!

But what's amazing to behold is how hard you have to work to try to support your claim that the legal system was not violated in this case.
I think the legal system was violated by this attempted character assassination.

You have to pretend you haven't heard things.
What should have I heard?

You have to pretend that case law doesn't exist
I ASKED for case law for a similar, decades old case. All I got was evasive action and reference to federal rules of what may be admitted into evidence, not any case law that shows that such evidence proved useful.

You have to pretend that investigations should be stopped before checking the evidence
Again, there was no real evidence. Also, the local or state law enforcement would have jurisdiction over rapes. Why didn't CBF file a police report?

You have to pretend that people mean something other than what they clearly say, and write
And people can lie.
Even women. Even about rape. Contrary to feminist dogma.

You have to pretend that private school jocks are teetotalers
I never denied that Kav liked beer.
Why would they have to be teetotalers?

You have to pretend that a lifetime appointment to the highest court shouldn't be subject to even the bare minimum of procedure.
The procedure is confirmation hearings followed by a vote. That was followed, Kav was confirmed and it's over.
I wish the Biden camp the same level of success against Tara Reid's accusations, although running for elected office is very different than Senate confirmation of course.

That's a lot of hard work. You must be exhausted. Wouldn't it just be easier to say, "I don't care what the law says, I say he didn't do anything, and if he did do it, it wasn't wrong, and if it was wrong, you can't convince me he should be accountable for it."
If CBF had actual evidence, she should have filed a criminal complaint with the law enforcement agency with the proper jurisdiction.

Note also that she waited with her allegations until a very high profile SCOTUS confirmation. Mirrors Tara Reid and her waiting until Biden was de facto nominee for presidency.
Ask yourself, qui bono?
To some of her friends. To another friend, Keith Koegler, she named Kavanaugh specifically (in an email chain no less):
An email chain from late June 2018, just days before he was nominated and when he was well known to be on Trump's short list.

Kavanaugh was not even nominated by Trump until July 9th, 2018. He was merely on a "short list" of possible nominees at the time Ford sent that email to Koegler confirming that it was Kavanaugh that had been the judge she had told him had raped her.
So? A short list means a relatively high chance that he will be picked. So CBF is a Democrat and knows Kav from high school. She gets an idea - aha. She can falsely accuse him of rape and derail his nomination.
We are not talking about her telling people that Kav raped her decades ago when it supposedly happened. No, she emailed these "prior consistent statements" mere days before Kav was nominated and mere months before she would publicly accuse him.

And, of course, her husband (and, presumably, their couples therapist), was explicitly told it was Brett Kavanaugh and the details of her assault were discussed repeatedly in their sessions, over several years but starting in 2012:
That's still decades removed from the alleged events, and when Kav was already a federal appeals court judge on the DC circuit who might be nominated for SCOTUS some day. So she might have started hatching her plan then. And your presumption that she also told the therapist is just that.

“I remember her saying that the attacker’s name was Brett Kavanaugh, that he was a successful lawyer who had grown up in Christine’s home town, and that he was well-known in the Washington, D.C. community,” Russell Ford says. “In the years following the therapy session, we spoke a number of times about how the assault affected her.”
Of course, him not being a disinterested party, he could be lying about her telling him anything in 2012. We don't know.
Which is why I want to see much more solid evidence than this to justify denying somebody the nomination.
It's most certainly looking that way. But only one of them can be somewhat classified as a pedo!

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Those two little Asian girls in the middle top of the image look very uncomfortable with Creepy all over them!

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Even a dye hard Dem has to admit which images look the more compromising! By the way. Iv'e deliberately left out Creepy kissing his granddaughter full on the lips!
It's most certainly looking that way. But only one of them can be somewhat classified as a pedo!

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Those two little Asian girls in the middle top of the image look very uncomfortable with Creepy all over them!

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Even a dye hard Dem has to admit which images look the more compromising! By the way. Iv'e deliberately left out Creepy kissing his granddaughter full on the lips!

It's obviously Trump and his minor daughter, lounging on a motel bed while Trump is on the phone and daughter is kissing him, trying to pull his attention towards her, her skirt riding up her thigh. I also left out plenty of pictures of Trump kissing his daughter on the lips. When Ivanka was an adult as well as a child.

The images you showed are not nearly as overtly sexual as the ones I showed. Plus, Trump has openly discussed how hot his daughter is--not how beautiful, now smart, how accomplished: how hot she is and how he'd date her. And we know that for Trump, date = fuck.
An email chain from late June 2018, just days before he was nominated and when he was well known to be on Trump's short list.

So? A short list means a relatively high chance that he will be picked. So CBF is a Democrat and knows Kav from high school. She gets an idea - aha. She can falsely accuse him of rape and derail his nomination.
We are not talking about her telling people that Kav raped her decades ago when it supposedly happened. No, she emailed these "prior consistent statements" mere days before Kav was nominated and mere months before she would publicly accuse him.

And, of course, her husband (and, presumably, their couples therapist), was explicitly told it was Brett Kavanaugh and the details of her assault were discussed repeatedly in their sessions, over several years but starting in 2012:
That's still decades removed from the alleged events, and when Kav was already a federal appeals court judge on the DC circuit who might be nominated for SCOTUS some day. So she might have started hatching her plan then. And your presumption that she also told the therapist is just that.

“I remember her saying that the attacker’s name was Brett Kavanaugh, that he was a successful lawyer who had grown up in Christine’s home town, and that he was well-known in the Washington, D.C. community,” Russell Ford says. “In the years following the therapy session, we spoke a number of times about how the assault affected her.”
Of course, him not being a disinterested party, he could be lying about her telling him anything in 2012. We don't know.
Which is why I want to see much more solid evidence than this to justify denying somebody the nomination.

I don't know. CBF would have gotten big reminders of a decades old trauma when Kavanaugh's name was all over on the short list of potential nominees. It makes sense.

Reade managed to overlook Biden's running as VP--twice.
An email chain from late June 2018, just days before he was nominated and when he was well known to be on Trump's short list.

So? A short list means a relatively high chance that he will be picked. So CBF is a Democrat and knows Kav from high school. She gets an idea - aha. She can falsely accuse him of rape and derail his nomination.
We are not talking about her telling people that Kav raped her decades ago when it supposedly happened. No, she emailed these "prior consistent statements" mere days before Kav was nominated and mere months before she would publicly accuse him.

That's still decades removed from the alleged events, and when Kav was already a federal appeals court judge on the DC circuit who might be nominated for SCOTUS some day. So she might have started hatching her plan then. And your presumption that she also told the therapist is just that.

Of course, him not being a disinterested party, he could be lying about her telling him anything in 2012. We don't know.
Which is why I want to see much more solid evidence than this to justify denying somebody the nomination.

I don't know. CBF would have gotten big reminders of a decades old trauma when Kavanaugh's name was all over on the short list of potential nominees. It makes sense.

Reade managed to overlook Biden's running as VP--twice.

Oh, she liked Biden. Liked him a lot. Championed his stances on women's rights and fighting abuse. Then all of a sudden, she decides that she likes Sanders, wants to help him, then tweets: "Yup. Timing... wait for it....tic toc; in response to a coming debate by Joe Biden, then she changes her story, copied her father's fictionalized version from a book, and then attacked Biden with these new charges. I've done a lot of reading on this topic, and I really think that she has very low credibility. Her agenda is clear, she dosn't want an investigation (because she knows that there is no evidence to support her story), she simply wants Biden to step down.

Below is a great story from an journalist who has been on this story from the beginning:


This journalist has strenuously investigated Reade's ever changing charges. She concludes with the following: "I wanted to believe Reade when she first came to me, and I worked hard to find the evidence to make certain others would believe her, too. I couldn’t find it. None of that means Reade is lying, but it leaves us in the limbo of Me Too: a story that may be true but that we can’t prove."

Well, I do want an investigation to go forward. Clearly Ready has cleverly left it so that if the investigation finds nothing, that she can't be charged for perjury. She's a very savy attorney. But at the end of the day, I really don't think that we can allow charges that can't be proven from one person to derail the people's vote and lead to 4 more years of Trump.
An email chain from late June 2018

Corroborating what she told him in 2016.

just days before he was nominated

Almost two weeks before. Email chain was from June 29nth; Trump nominated Kavanaugh on July 9th, so a total of 11 days prior, but of course there would be no possible way for Ford to have known Trump would actually choose Kavanaugh at all, no matter what was speculated upon in the press.

and when he was well known to be on Trump's short list.

Your point? Are you seriously suggesting that in 2016 she decided to falsely accuse Kavanaugh just in case at some point he ever ended up as a nominee to the Supreme Court and so told her friend about being raped in high school (but did not yet reveal the name of the fake rapist), and then, when the day came two years later when she saw he was not a nominee, but merely one of many other possible nominees, she took that opportunity to finally spring her trap to her friend in an email?

Oh my christ you are:

So CBF is a Democrat and knows Kav from high school. She gets an idea - aha. She can falsely accuse him of rape and derail his nomination.

In 2016. We're setting aside the fact that she told others far earlier about being raped by someone who was at that time a Federal Judge for the sake of extending you so much more rope.

And, of course, her husband (and, presumably, their couples therapist), was explicitly told it was Brett Kavanaugh and the details of her assault were discussed repeatedly in their sessions, over several years but starting in 2012:
That's still decades removed from the alleged events


, and when Kav was already a federal appeals court judge on the DC circuit who might be nominated for SCOTUS some day. So she might have started hatching her plan then.

So, now, you are seriously arguing that in 2012, Ford decided that one day in the future she would falsely accuse Kavanaugh of raping her just in case he be nominated to the SCOTUS, so she concocts an even more elaborate plan to lay down the basis for that false accusation by telling just her husband--and their therapist--that Kavanaugh had raped her in high school.

And your presumption that she also told the therapist is just that.

No, it's part of her husband's statement:

In his declaration, Russell Ford says his wife first shared the details of a sexual assault during a couple’s therapy session in 2012.

“I remember her saying that the attacker’s name was Brett Kavanaugh, that he was a successful lawyer who had grown up in Christine’s home town, and that he was well-known in the Washington, D.C. community,” Russell Ford says. “In the years following the therapy session, we spoke a number of times about how the assault affected her.”

Therapy sessions are not held alone. They are held with a therapist. That is why they are called "therapy sessions."

Of course, him not being a disinterested party, he could be lying about her telling him anything in 2012.

So, NOW you are saying that Ford is lying AND her husband is lying AND in that lie has stupidly mentioned that Ford made this accusation in a couple's therapy session, thus providing a third party (the therapist) as someone who could, upon being investigated/subpoenaed, reveal that both Ford's were lying and that no such mention of Kavanaugh in their session occurred, nor did they at any point subsequent to that session mention Kavanaugh in subsequent sessions.

Before you say something else asinine, no, there would not be any client confidentiality the therapist could invoke. Therapists are NOT allowed to invoke client confidentiality if their clients have committed a crime, such as conspiring to falsely accuse someone of being a rapist.

And/or, if there never was any therapy session, the husband's false statement would be even easier revealed once investigated and asked to provide the name of the non-existent therapist.

Which is why I want to see much more solid evidence than this to justify denying somebody the nomination.

So, you mean, like a criminal investigation by the FBI. Too bad one was never conducted at Trump's direction.

Let's recap. You are seriously arguing that, (a) her husband is lying about an easily verifiable couple's therapy session from 2012 and (b) Ford decided in 2016 to lay down the groundwork for being able to ONE DAY falsely accuse a completely innocent kid she knew in high school of raping her, on the outside chance that some day that kid would be on a short list to be nominated to the SCOTUS.

This is the hill you're willing to die on. I want to make perfectly clear you understand the conditions you are laying out for yourself to be judged upon by all of us.
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New Evidence Emerges In Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden. Forget that this story comes from the anti left Pamela Geller, the story is actually from the Daily Wire.

Okay this is getting ridiculous. Firstly, if you know what the primary source is, why not link to the primary source in the first fucking place? Secondly, clearly you didn't read the fucking article as it clearly states the primary source the the San Luis Obispo Tribune, not the Daily Wire. Thirdly, using the Daily Wire, run by this petulant cunt, is a terrible source for anything.

Lastly, read the original fucking article, where it clearly says:

The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.

Not exactly the slam dunk piece of evidence your shitty propaganda websites are claiming it to be. You'd believe anything you read if it supports your worldview, don't you? That's your yardstick for authenticity and it's a great way of being constantly proven wrong.
New Evidence Emerges In Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden. Forget that this story comes from the anti left Pamela Geller...

Saying "forget that this story comes from Pamela Geller" is like saying "set aside for a moment that this anti-evolution screed comes from Ken Ham."

Oh, and non-stick Pam isn't "anti-left." She's a raging bigot.

Once again, the timing of this whole thing is suspect. Joe Biden has been a public figure since trains were still a thing. He's run for President before, been a Senator since long before Ukraine (!) broke away from Russia, and was VP for 8 years.

Why now, Tara?

The whole Ukraine-gate thing only gained steam after Biden became the clear front-runner for the Democratic nomination. The Trump administration had a two-year jump start to "investigate" things that happened before Trump even entered the race, but only jumped on the "oh my god Biden is corrupt" train when he became the biggest threat to them. This is a bit like if Joe Biden were a regular...well, Joe...and he'd suddenly hit a 100 million dollar lottery. People coming out of the woodwork.
Corroborating what she told him in 2016.
- without naming the federal judge
- and that itself is quite recent and in no way corroborates the veracity of an event that may or may not have happened in 1982.

Almost two weeks before. Email chain was from June 29nth; Trump nominated Kavanaugh on July 9th, so a total of 11 days prior, but of course there would be no possible way for Ford to have known Trump would actually choose Kavanaugh at all, no matter what was speculated upon in the press.
11 days is an incredibly short time compared to the amount of time that elapsed since 1982.

Your point? Are you seriously suggesting that in 2016 she decided to falsely accuse Kavanaugh just in case at some point he ever ended up as a nominee to the Supreme Court and so told her friend about being raped in high school (but did not yet reveal the name of the fake rapist), and then, when the day came two years later when she saw he was not a nominee, but merely one of many other possible nominees, she took that opportunity to finally spring her trap to her friend in an email?
It is a possibility, yes.

In 2016. We're setting aside the fact that she told others far earlier about being raped by someone who was at that time a Federal Judge for the sake of extending you so much more rope.
2012 is not "far earlier".

So, now, you are seriously arguing that in 2012, Ford decided that one day in the future she would falsely accuse Kavanaugh of raping her just in case he be nominated to the SCOTUS, so she concocts an even more elaborate plan to lay down the basis for that false accusation by telling just her husband--and their therapist--that Kavanaugh had raped her in high school.
She may have decided that she would falsely accuse him if he were ever nominated to SCOTUS. Since he was on the DC circuit that was a distinct possibility.

And your presumption that she also told the therapist is just that.

Therapy sessions are not held alone. They are held with a therapist. That is why they are called "therapy sessions."
Has any of it been confirmed by her therapist?

So, NOW you are saying that Ford is lying AND her husband is lying
May be lying. I wasn't there, I do not know if she is lying or not. And neither were you.

Before you say something else asinine, no, there would not be any client confidentiality the therapist could invoke. Therapists are NOT allowed to invoke client confidentiality if their clients have committed a crime, such as conspiring to falsely accuse someone of being a rapist.
Do you have a citation about that?
And even if she told the therapist, that doesn't mean she wasn't lying then of course.

And/or, if there never was any therapy session, the husband's false statement would be even easier revealed once investigated and asked to provide the name of the non-existent therapist.
Was the therapist ever named?

So, you mean, like a criminal investigation by the FBI. Too bad one was never conducted at Trump's direction.
FBI does not usually investigate rapes.

This is the hill you're willing to die on. I want to make perfectly clear you understand the conditions you are laying out for yourself to be judged upon by all of us.

Let me mention something else that makes me think she planned all this carefully, whether her husband knowingly aided her or not.
She did not make her accusations public in early June when Kav was nominated. No, she waited until September. Why? Because any lengthy investigation would have delayed the nomination for months. She hoped that this would lead Trump to withdraw the nomination in order to avoid delays.

Again, if Kav really raped her, why didn't she say something before September?
New Evidence Emerges In Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden. Forget that this story comes from the anti left Pamela Geller...

Saying "forget that this story comes from Pamela Geller" is like saying "set aside for a moment that this anti-evolution screed comes from Ken Ham."

I just like his "logic". Apparently it coming from The Daily Wire makes it more legitimate somehow.
New Evidence Emerges In Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden. Forget that this story comes from the anti left Pamela Geller, the story is actually from the Daily Wire.

Okay this is getting ridiculous. Firstly, if you know what the primary source is, why not link to the primary source in the first fucking place? Secondly, clearly you didn't read the fucking article as it clearly states the primary source the the San Luis Obispo Tribune, not the Daily Wire. Thirdly, using the Daily Wire, run by this petulant cunt, is a terrible source for anything.

Lastly, read the original fucking article, where it clearly says:

The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.

Not exactly the slam dunk piece of evidence your shitty propaganda websites are claiming it to be. You'd believe anything you read if it supports your worldview, don't you? That's your yardstick for authenticity and it's a great way of being constantly proven wrong.

I'll take a wild guess and say you only read the Washington Post or NYT. All else is BS! Tell me, would you let Creepy babysit one of your daughter/granddaughters, or any small girl relative?
More reasons why CBF is as much of a bullshit artist as TR:

Christine Blasey Ford's changing Kavanaugh assault story leaves her short on credibility

USA Today said:
But the problem for Ford is not that she doesn’t remember everything: It is that everything she remembers changes at her convenience.

First, Ford’s testimony that the assault occurred in the summer of 1982, when just 15, conflicted with both her therapist’s notes and the text message Ford sent to the Washington Post. According to reporter Emma Brown, Ford claimed she had been assaulted in the mid-1980s; and the therapist’s notes stated Ford had been the victim of an attempted rape in her late teens. But by that time, Kavanaugh was attending Yale, so Ford’s recasting of the attack to the summer of 1982 is suspect.

So maybe she was attacked by somebody else and retconned it to frame Kav. Or she had planned to frame somebody else but shifted her guns to Kav when he was nominated.

USA Today said:
Ford’s retelling of the alleged sexual assault also included several conflicting accounts of the number of individuals at the gathering. The therapist’s notes stated that four boys had attempted to rape Ford. (Ford claims her therapist confused the total number of boys at the party with the number of boys who had attacked her.)

Later, in her July letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Ford again placed the number of individuals at the party at five, stating the gathering included her and four other individuals. But Ford then identified the four by name, and that group included three boys and one girl. And finally, during her Senate testimony, Ford unequivocally stated that “there were four boys I remember specifically being there,” in addition to her friend Leland Keyser.

Speaking of Leland Keyser "Söze", she doesn't believe her either.
Christine Blasey Ford’s friend now says she’s skeptical of Kavanaugh accusation

NY Post said:
“I don’t have any confidence in the story,” Leland Keyser — who Ford has said was at the party where the alleged assault occurred — told two New York Times reporters in their book “The Education of Brett Kavanaugh: An Investigation.”
“Those facts together I don’t recollect, and it just didn’t make any sense,” Keyser insisted of Ford’s account, according to authors Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly.

Back to the other article.
USA Today said:
Another significant change in the scenario came when Ford testified about the location of the party. She had originally told the Washington Post that the attack took place at a house not far from the country club. Yet, when Mitchell revealed a map of the relevant locations and reminded Ford that she had described the attack as having occurred near the country club, Ford backtracked: “I would describe [the house] as it's somewhere between my house and the country club in that vicinity that’s shown in your picture.” Ford added that the country club was a 20-minute drive from her home.
The final three contradictions are even more significant because in each circumstance Ford altered her story only after Kavanaugh and Senate investigators had obtained evidence to disprove her original tale. For instance, investigators had obtained statements from Kavanaugh and the two men and one female lifelong friend of Ford’s, and they all denied any recollection of the gathering.
Koy said:
Your point? Are you seriously suggesting that in 2016 she decided to falsely accuse Kavanaugh just in case at some point he ever ended up as a nominee to the Supreme Court and so told her friend about being raped in high school (but did not yet reveal the name of the fake rapist), and then, when the day came two years later when she saw he was not a nominee, but merely one of many other possible nominees, she took that opportunity to finally spring her trap to her friend in an email?

It is a possibility, yes.
Koy said:
So, now, you are seriously arguing that in 2012, Ford decided that one day in the future she would falsely accuse Kavanaugh of raping her just in case he be nominated to the SCOTUS, so she concocts an even more elaborate plan to lay down the basis for that false accusation by telling just her husband--and their therapist--that Kavanaugh had raped her in high school.
She may have decided that she would falsely accuse him if he were ever nominated to SCOTUS. Since he was on the DC circuit that was a distinct possibility.

So, to make it perfectly clear, you are seriously arguing that in 2012, Ford just decided out of the blue that she was going to some day publicly falsely accuse a completely innocent kid she went to high school with of having raped her, so she tells her husband and therapist during a couple's therapy session that she was raped by Kavanaugh. The only point of which is to lay a prior statement groundwork so that some day years into the undetermined future she might decide to falsely accuse him, should he ever be nominated to the SCOTUS.

Not for any other purpose; just in case he would ever be nominated to SCOTUS.

And she lays down this years long false accusation plan against a completely innocent kid why? Because she is omniscient and knew one day a Trump-like incompetent President would nominate a completely innocent kid from her high school to the SCOTUS and in 2012 the very thought of such a possibility happening--a completely innocent kid from her high school--being nominated was presciently unbearable to her?

Congratulations. You have won the most ludicrous argument ever posted on the interwebz. No small feat.

But it is a possibility.
It is a possibility, yes.

She may have decided that she would falsely accuse him if he were ever nominated to SCOTUS. Since he was on the DC circuit that was a distinct possibility.

So, to make it perfectly clear, you are seriously arguing that in 2012, Ford just decided out of the blue that she was going to some day publicly falsely accuse a completely innocent kid she went to high school with of having raped her, so she tells her husband and therapist during a couple's therapy session that she was raped by Kavanaugh. The only point of which is to lay a prior statement groundwork so that some day years into the undetermined future she might decide to falsely accuse him, should he ever be nominated to the SCOTUS.

Not for any other purpose; just in case he would ever be nominated to SCOTUS.

And she lays down this years long false accusation plan against a completely innocent kid why? Because she is omniscient and knew one day a Trump-like incompetent President would nominate a completely innocent kid from her high school to the SCOTUS and in 2012 the very thought of such a possibility happening--a completely innocent kid from her high school--being nominated was presciently unbearable to her?

Congratulations. You have won the most ludicrous argument ever posted on the interwebz. No small feat.

But it is a possibility.

There is precedence. After all, those goat herders conspired to get the African village baby to become President of the US.
One down, what, 5-6 to go? At any rate, I'll not be thinking of him except to have a warm fuzzy over their huffy departure.

Poor baby. The NYT and WAPO are socialist propaganda but Pamela Geller is an esteemed journalist. It would be funny if it wasn't so delusional.

Can you in all honesty prove where Geller is wrong?


Here's two pages of links to where she was wrong.

Screenshot 2020-05-11 at 9.47.16 AM.png
Here's some fun that may lay at the heart of the usual suspects desperately trying to keep the Reade accusation alive in spite of the many many problems with her changing story over the years: Woman who accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of sexual assault now claims Trump supporters paid her to lie.

Snippet (emphasis mine):

The woman says right-wing provocateur Jacob Wohl and his frequent accomplice Jack Burkman persuaded her to cast Fauci as the assailant using details from an actual sexual assault she survived just after high school, and they paid her to do it, reported Reason.

"The reality is that I've known Jacob since 2018 and that he charmed me into taking money to do this (see attached picture of us together)," said Diana Andrade in an email to the website. "[They also] had me do something like this . . . back in January."

Andrade said she decided to abandon her claims and try to record incriminating evidence against the pair after Wohl asked her to find another woman to accuse Fauci of sexual assault — as they've done to former special counsel Robert Mueller and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

"Let me tell you something, Diana," says Burkman on the nine-minute, 35-second call. "This guy shut the country down. He put 40 million people out of work. In a situation like that, you have to make up whatever you have to make up to stop that train and that's the way life works, OK? That's the way it goes."

Andrade reminds the pair that COVID-19 was dangerous, and asked them to take the outbreak seriously — but Burkman seemed excited about mass deaths.

"Mother Nature has to clean the barn every so often," Burkman says. "How real is it? Who knows? So what if 1 percent of the population goes? So what if you lose 400,000 people? 200,000 were elderly, the other 200,000 are the bottom of society. You got to clean out the barn. If it's real, it's a positive thing, for God's sake."

Andrade sounded horrified by his "survival of the fittest" argument, and then Wohl begged her to keep her mouth shut and stick with her story.

"What could be wrong, Diana?" Wohl asks. "You did a good job. You got paid. What's the problem? What seems to be the issue? You're freaking out. You're texting me late at night. What's the issue?"

Andrade asks whether a man who hand-delivered five figures to her in Los Angeles was actually a lawyer, as the pair claimed, and Wohl boasts that the attorney has White House connections.

This is evidently the same Wohl behind the Pete Buttigieg fake assault accusations.

And what do we find in regard to Reade specifically? From Biden Accuser’s Lawyer Is Trump Donor With History of Representing Sexual Harassment Accusers

Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who alleged Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, is being represented by a prominent lawyer and political donor to President Donald Trump’s 2016 Republican campaign.

Attorney Douglas Wigdor told The Associated Press he was not currently being paid for his work with Reade. His firm also denied there was a political motivation for his decision to represent Reade in her accusations against Trump’s presumptive Democratic opponent in the November election.

“We have decided to take this matter on because every survivor has the right to competent counsel,” the firm said in a statement.

Yeah, yeah. Trump supporters care so much about the survivors! That's the ticket!

Though, to his credit, he represented Weinstein accusers and:

In 2018, he spoke out in the media defending Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Hey, Derec? Do you think he did that to lay the groundwork...? Nah, that's a completely idiotic theory. So he's apparently legit in spite of being a Trump supporter.

Of further note:

Wigdor said he plans to help Reade in her dealings with the media and any independent investigations into her allegations that might occur. He said the two have not discussed bringing a lawsuit based on her claims, but he did not rule that out.

That's from May 8th (last friday). They have not discussed bringing a suit based on her claims? One must wonder, why in the world not? Shouldn't that have been the very first thing they discussed? What could possibly be wrong with her claims that such a prominent defender of assault survivors would admit publicly is not even worthy of discussing?

Do you think he did that to lay some other groundwork?
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