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Tara Reade is a person who exists

Tara Reade, as the title of this thread is called, IS still a person who exists! Perhaps she should have far more credibility than most politicians have?

I mean, who can forget a certain POTUS exclaiming: " I did not have sex with that woman!"
I mean, who can forget a certain POTUS exclaiming: " I did not have sex with that woman!"

Or the current one boasting about moving on married women like a bitch and grabbing their pussies! And that fun little fact about his first wife accusing him of raping her (and then recanting after being threatened, no doubt) and another woman coming forward about how he raped her too (in almost exactly the same manner as in one version of Reade's story coincidentally)? And the other 25 or so women--just the ones we know about--confirming his repeated pedophilic and sexual predation over many years. I mean, what a worthless piece of shit, right? No one could ever vote for that despicable rapist.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

I'm sure this makes more sense in the original Russian.
I'm watching Biden at this very minute. He was on MSNBC last night and I recorded it. He certainly doesn't sound senile. He actually knows what's going on concerning the pandemic. He even mentioned that we should have joined the rest of the world in developing a vaccine etc. Compared to Trump, Biden sounds like a stable genius. :)
I'm watching Biden at this very minute. He was on MSNBC last night and I recorded it. He certainly doesn't sound senile. He actually knows what's going on concerning the pandemic. He even mentioned that we should have joined the rest of the world in developing a vaccine etc. Compared to Trump, Biden sounds like a stable genius. :)

Agreed. I've said it a million times, the republicans are the masters at creating misleading meme's to attack their opponents. They can't win on issues, so they attack on memes. Biden is far smarter than Trump. More importantly, he would rely far more than Trump on a great staff to provide policy answers and actions.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

I'm sure this makes more sense in the original Russian.

Apparently Biden is a senile creep who you wouldn't trust around young girls. As opposed to Trump because...........apparently Trump's biggest flaw is his addiction to Twitter*? But Trump is perfectly safe around young girls and doesn't sound senile at all. Believe me.

Also Biden is weak on Muslim terrorism because Biden threw the Kurds under a bus and let Erdogon and supported a Saudi Prince who murdered a journalist. Oh, and Biden sold weapons to Iran and Al Quaeda

*And methamphetamemes. He's addicted to those as well
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

I'm sure this makes more sense in the original Russian.

Apparently Biden is a senile creep who you wouldn't trust around young girls. As opposed to Trump because...........apparently Trump's biggest flaw is his addiction to Twitter*? But Trump is perfectly safe around young girls and doesn't sound senile at all. Believe me.

Also Biden is weak on Muslim terrorism because Biden threw the Kurds under a bus and let Erdogon and supported a Saudi Prince who murdered a journalist. Oh, and Biden sold weapons to Iran and Al Quaeda

*And methamphetamemes. He's addicted to those as well

Let's not forget how Biden's own daughter talked about how he likes to barge in on little girls in their changing rooms while they are changing. Or how he talked about how he wanted to date her!

Biden is such a creep!*

(Obligorory /s; all these things are actually about Trump, not Biden).
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS!

No, there is only one man no matter how you argue it that shouldn't be nominated let alone POTUS right this very minute. Trump. There is no valid argument where that isn't true.

On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female

Which is, again, confirmed to be Trump.

and when you add senility to the list of faults

Trump's problem isn't senility; it evidently is a serious adderall drug addiction.

, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism

Both idiotic assertions that are demonstrably false.

, what choices do American voter have?

None. Biden isn't a choice; he's a necessity and a fait accompli at this point.
None. Biden isn't a choice; he's a necessity and a fait accompli at this point.
View attachment 27725

Except in this election the choice is between a douche and a turd sandwich who will sodomize you with a rusty railspike whilst stealing from you hand over fist to support his crony friends who will rape the local orphanage and burn it to the ground.

For some reason, I prefer the douche.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

Well, you're probably right. Not sure if I'd advise too many young women to hang out around Trump, unless there are witnesses around. But I disagree with you that Trump is senile. I just think that he is set in his ways and unable to think rationally.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

Well, you're probably right. Not sure if I'd advise too many young women to hang out around Trump, unless there are witnesses around. But I disagree with you that Trump is senile. I just think that he is set in his ways and unable to think rationally.

In this case it seems that senility is in the eye of the beholder. It was Creepy hair sniffing pedo Biden who who stated on public television that there were 600.000 COVID-19 deaths in the US.
How fucking deluded do you have to be to think Biden is the creepy pedo who looks senile on TV and yet Trump is just someone who uses twitter a bit much?
How fucking deluded do you have to be to think Biden is the creepy pedo who looks senile on TV and yet Trump is just someone who uses twitter a bit much?

Simple! I'm looking at him coming from a center right perspective, while you're looking at him through a rose colored far left glasses perspective.
How fucking deluded do you have to be to think Biden is the creepy pedo who looks senile on TV and yet Trump is just someone who uses twitter a bit much?

Simple! I'm looking at him coming from a center right perspective, while you're looking at him through rose colored far left glasses perspective.

Everything, literally everything you have accused Biden of doing Trump has done and in spades and much worse on top. Also, I'm not a fan of Biden, learn to fucking read. You, on the other hand, argue as if you are Hitler complaining how anti-semetic ISIS is.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

Well, you're probably right. Not sure if I'd advise too many young women to hang out around Trump, unless there are witnesses around. But I disagree with you that Trump is senile. I just think that he is set in his ways and unable to think rationally.

In this case it seems that senility is in the eye of the beholder. It was Creepy hair sniffing pedo Biden who who stated on public television that there were 600.000 COVID-19 deaths in the US.

Buddy, entirely my fault that I misunderstood you. But are you sure that you don't have it backwards? Trump is extremely sleazy and odd. Maybe you drank too many Fosters yesterday?
In this case it seems that senility is in the eye of the beholder. It was Creepy hair sniffing pedo Biden who who stated on public television that there were 600.000 COVID-19 deaths in the US.

Buddy, entirely my fault that I misunderstood you. But are you sure that you don't have it backwards? Trump is extremely sleazy and odd. Maybe you drank too many Fosters yesterday?

Last time I checked, fosters was a Canadian beer made by Molson-Coors.
So, whichever way one argues, there are two men aiming to prevail in November who shouldn't even be nominated let alone one of them actually becoming POTUS! On the one hand there's a boisterous buffoon who opens his mouth through, [twitter] when the best policy would be to shut the f...k up. On the other hand you have a creep who shouldn't get anywhere near a young female and when you add senility to the list of faults, and a promise to return America to the Obuma appeasement policy of constant drawing red lines in the sand of the Middle East without so much as raising a finger. An apologist for Muslim terrorism, what choices do American voter have?

Well, you're probably right. Not sure if I'd advise too many young women to hang out around Trump, unless there are witnesses around. But I disagree with you that Trump is senile. I just think that he is set in his ways and unable to think rationally.

In this case it seems that senility is in the eye of the beholder.

Then behold:

Biden who who stated on public television that there were 600.000 COVID-19 deaths in the US.

He was referring to the number of confirmed cases and simply misspoke, but see above video again.
Normally I wouldn’t post something like this, but it goes to not just her credibility, but to her susceptibility to being swayed by a large monetary payoff. From Manipulative, deceitful, user’: Tara Reade left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances:

After her husband suffered a brain injury that forced the couple to sell the property, Wrye said, Reade turned on them.

“She became really difficult,” Wrye said. “She said, ‘You’re going to have to pay me to get me to leave.’”

“She was manipulative,” said Wrye, a self-described feminist and social activist. “She was always saying she was going to get it together, but she couldn’t. And ‘could you help her’?”

Wrye’s distressing experience with Reade wasn’t an isolated case. Over the past decade, Reade has left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances in California’s Central Coast region who say they remember two things about her — she spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped.
A number of those in close contact with Reade over the past 12 years, a period in which she went by the names Tara Reade, Tara McCabe or Alexandra McCabe, laid out a familiar pattern: Reade ingratiated herself, explained she was down on her luck and needed help, and eventually took advantage of their goodwill to extract money, skip rent payments or walk out on other bills.

The people quoted in this article provided copies of past emails, screenshots of Facebook Messenger or text exchanges with Reade, copies of billing invoices or court records detailing their grievances or correspondence. POLITICO also reviewed dozens of public records, including court documents, divorce filings and Reade’s 2012 bankruptcy records.

The accounts paint a picture of Reade’s life in the years leading up to her allegations, in which she spoke often of her connection to Biden but also of troubles in her personal life and a need for money. Sexual abuse victims sometimes offer contradictory information about their alleged abusers, so her comments do not necessarily refute her claims against the former vice president. But they add weight to the evidence that she spoke positively about him in the years before she accused him of digitally penetrating her in the early ’90s.
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