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Tara Reade is a person who exists

Last time I checked, fosters was a Canadian beer made by Molson-Coors.
Australian beer brand, but for the Canadian market it is being brewed by Molson-Coors.
What does that have to do with anything though?

Well, my fault. I'm just confused. Angelo is always talking about senile child molestester. I just assume that he was talking about Trump?! I just assumed that he was drinking too much beer or something.
Last time I checked, fosters was a Canadian beer made by Molson-Coors.
Australian beer brand, but for the Canadian market it is being brewed by Molson-Coors.
What does that have to do with anything though?

5 'Imported' Beers That Are Really Brewed in the U.S.A.

Foster’s Lager. Billed as a “uniquely Australian beer” by corporate parent SABMiller, Foster’s has been brewed in Texas for years. British pub patrons may also be surprised to know that the Foster’s on tap there is made in Manchester, England, not Down Under.
Who would you pick to represent and pursue the goals of the Democratic Party as you understand them?

From the 2020 field, I think the governors Hickenlooper and Bullock would have been the overall best representatives of the party. Senator Michael Bennett too. But neither of them ever caught on.
Who would you pick to represent and pursue the goals of the Democratic Party as you understand them?

From the 2020 field, I think the governors Hickenlooper and Bullock would have been the overall best representatives of the party. Senator Michael Bennett too. But neither of them ever caught on.

Interesting... those Colorado boys are pretty familiar to me, and I think they're both good guys. Especially Hoopenlicker. I hope to see him in the Senate. I don't think either of them is representative of the Democratic Party aspiration though.
Interesting... those Colorado boys are pretty familiar to me, and I think they're both good guys. Especially Hoopenlicker. I hope to see him in the Senate. I don't think either of them is representative of the Democratic Party aspiration though.

I guess the contemporary Democratic Party has shifted way too hard to the left and has also been infected by the disease of identity politics.

Who do you think would be a good "representative of the Democratic Party aspiration"?
How fucking deluded do you have to be to think Biden is the creepy pedo who looks senile on TV and yet Trump is just someone who uses twitter a bit much?

Simple! I'm looking at him coming from a center right perspective, while you're looking at him through rose colored far left glasses perspective.

Everything, literally everything you have accused Biden of doing Trump has done and in spades and much worse on top. Also, I'm not a fan of Biden, learn to fucking read. You, on the other hand, argue as if you are Hitler complaining how anti-semetic ISIS is.

So you agree with me, up to a point. Just like in 2016, in 2020 Americans are going to be asked to vote for possibly two of the least qualified candidates in modern American history. The main difference between the loud mouth buffoon and the senile young girl molester is that the former puts America first and foremost, while the latter puts himself and his party first and America a distant third.
So you agree with me, up to a point.

Nope. I don't agree with you at all. You have been told time and time again that all the things you condemn Biden for, Trump has done and much worse. You are perpetuating a double standard that is so fundamentally dishonest and reprehensible your arguments are as credible as this guy. In fact they are no fucking different. If you had an ounce of integrity you would have addressed why you are deliberately holding Biden to a different standard to Trump when you have been asked asked to over and over, but clearly you don't want to argue honestly. That's your choice, but you can go and get fucked if you don't expect to be treated like a partisan whore in that case.
For some reason, I prefer the douche.
Sure. But it's amazing that out of all the actual and potential candidates, Joe Freakin' Biden is what the Dems came up with.

I also find it disheartening--and I have nothing against Biden except his age. But: I don't really give any credence to Tara Reade's allegations. Not because she waited so long (even though one would have thought she might have come forward during his run as VP, either time) but because the events as she describes them seem implausible, no matter who I imagine in the role of aggressor.

What I think has happened is that those who oppose Trump are so very, very concerned about defeating him that they decided to light on the candidate who seems the absolute safest bet: old white man with a lot of name recognition and a lot of appeal for the masses.

Personally, I thought that Warren (although she's also long in the tooth), Harris, or even Klobuchar would have been better. I like Cory Booker as well. Hopefully, Biden chooses a very strong VP running mate and brings up some of the very well qualified candidates to prominent positions so we'll be in decent shape in 2024.
Everything, literally everything you have accused Biden of doing Trump has done and in spades and much worse on top. Also, I'm not a fan of Biden, learn to fucking read. You, on the other hand, argue as if you are Hitler complaining how anti-semetic ISIS is.

So you agree with me, up to a point. Just like in 2016, in 2020 Americans are going to be asked to vote for possibly two of the least qualified candidates in modern American history. The main difference between the loud mouth buffoon and the senile young girl molester is that the former puts America first and foremost, while the latter puts himself and his party first and America a distant third.
The latter...compared to your earlier smear...

So you agree with me, up to a point.

Nope. I don't agree with you at all. You have been told time and time again that all the things you condemn Biden for, Trump has done and much worse. You are perpetuating a double standard that is so fundamentally dishonest and reprehensible your arguments are as credible as this guy. In fact they are no fucking different. If you had an ounce of integrity you would have addressed why you are deliberately holding Biden to a different standard to Trump when you have been asked asked to over and over, but clearly you don't want to argue honestly. That's your choice, but you can go and get fucked if you don't expect to be treated like a partisan whore in that case.

Temper temper! Do I need to post the creepy images of Biden invading women's and young girls space again?
So you agree with me, up to a point.

Nope. I don't agree with you at all. You have been told time and time again that all the things you condemn Biden for, Trump has done and much worse. You are perpetuating a double standard that is so fundamentally dishonest and reprehensible your arguments are as credible as this guy. In fact they are no fucking different. If you had an ounce of integrity you would have addressed why you are deliberately holding Biden to a different standard to Trump when you have been asked asked to over and over, but clearly you don't want to argue honestly. That's your choice, but you can go and get fucked if you don't expect to be treated like a partisan whore in that case.

Temper temper! Do I need to post the creepy images of Biden invading women's and young girls space again?

Don't bother. I'm so angry I'm gonna leave this forum and never post here again.
So you agree with me, up to a point.

Nope. I don't agree with you at all. You have been told time and time again that all the things you condemn Biden for, Trump has done and much worse. You are perpetuating a double standard that is so fundamentally dishonest and reprehensible your arguments are as credible as this guy. In fact they are no fucking different. If you had an ounce of integrity you would have addressed why you are deliberately holding Biden to a different standard to Trump when you have been asked asked to over and over, but clearly you don't want to argue honestly. That's your choice, but you can go and get fucked if you don't expect to be treated like a partisan whore in that case.

Temper temper! Do I need to post the creepy images of Biden invading women's and young girls space again?

Yeah, creepy Joe Biden. Compared to the venerable Donald Trump. Skip to 2:15.

It should be noted that this photo is clearly staged and I doubt seriously it would have been the photographer who suggested this particular pose. Regardless, Trump would have had to have approved of the staging had it been suggested by the photographer, so I'm not sure which is worse; that Trump staged the photo or that he approved of the suggested pose as being at all appropriate and how he wanted to portray he and his underraged daughter's relationship.
That really is a creepy photo. He is looking at the camera like "wink wink nudge nudge".

Ivanka has to deadbolt the bathroom while she showers, meanwhile Donnie Jr and Eric are bemoaning, 'he never tries to watch me shower'.
That really is a creepy photo. He is looking at the camera like "wink wink nudge nudge".

It looks like it's either the morning after, or just about to happen, with the blankets clearly disheveled as if they just emerged or are about to climb under. And she appears to be in some sort of a nighty or sexy, too short dress. It would be one thing if that were the only such photo, but as we all know there are many such photos taken of them throughout their lives, each one showing the same incestuous relationship between them. Combine those photos and the many disturbing comments Trump has made also over the years that only confirm the same incestuous relationship and I need a Silkwood shower.
That really is a creepy photo. He is looking at the camera like "wink wink nudge nudge".

It looks like it's either the morning after, or just about to happen, with the blankets clearly disheveled as if they just emerged or are about to climb under. And she appears to be in some sort of a nighty or sexy, too short dress. It would be one thing if that were the only such photo, but as we all know there are many such photos taken of them throughout their lives, each one showing the same incestuous relationship between them. Combine those photos and the many disturbing comments Trump has made also over the years that only confirm the same incestuous relationship and I need a Silkwood shower.
Yeah, I suppose that is probably the absolutely worst part of the photo... it is on a bed! I can't think of any formal photos my family was involved with (either growing up or my own family), that involved shots on a bed or even in a bedroom.
Back to Reade, there is this bit that I don't think anyone has noted yet (emphasis mine):

In the interview with Halper, Reade alleged that Biden had sexually assaulted her while the two were alone on Capitol Hill in 1993. Reade says she was dropping off an athletic bag for the Senator in the Capitol Hill complex, a maze of halls and tunnels that connect the U.S. Capitol building to Senate and House office buildings. According to Reade, Biden had been speaking with another person, who walked away as she approached. “All at once,” she said, Biden pressed her against a wall.

And we know from this:

Biden’s Senate offices were in a prime location, bookending the second floor of the Russell Senate Office building, the closest to the U.S. Capitol.

Reade’s attorney told the NewsHour that Reade recalls the assault happening “in a semiprivate area like an alcove” and that it was “somewhere between the Russell (building) and/or Capitol building.” He pointed out that survivors often have difficulty with specifics about trauma.

Reade’s description aligns with other staffers’ recollections of Biden’s short indoor route between his office and the Capitol. It is a roughly 10-minute walk that consists of one flight of stairs and one long hallway inside the Russell Building, followed by a wide tunnel through which he could walk or take an internal subway train to the Capitol.

The layout of that route and building has not changed. A recent walk through that area showed the subway tunnel contains no out-of-view areas, like an alcove. The remaining portion of the route includes multiple stairwells as well as corridors lined with offices. It is a main thoroughfare for senators and staffers.

Some former staffers told the NewsHour that if Biden did assault Reade in any of these places, it would have been a brazen attack in an area with a high risk of being seen.

“When I worked in the Senate, it was always crowded [and] packed with lobbyists, staff and tourists,” said Sheila Nix, who was Biden’s chief of staff on the 2012 presidential campaign and previously worked as chief of staff to two other Democratic senators.

So, not only is the area in general a highly unlikely place for an assault as alleged, from her own recollections, the attack allegedly happened immediately after someone had just walked away from Biden. Which would have meant that person saw her and knew Biden was there and, more importantly, Biden knew that person saw Reade, etc. And, evidently, that person would still be within earshot at the very least, assuming that such a normally crowded area was somehow completely empty.

It doesn't prove it didn't happen, of course, but it certainly adds further doubt and would certainly imply that Biden was not just brazenly reckless, but sociopathic to the point of being a serial predator to think he could (a) not get caught by the normal heavy traffic and/or (b) not be at all concerned that the person he was just talking to could not only easily place Reade and Biden together, but would be close enough for Reade to scream out to, should Biden inexplicably choose that moment and place to sexually assault her.

Then there's another point that has always stood out to me. Reade makes it a point of saying that Biden stopped what he was doing apparently after seeing that she wasn't responding favorably to his advances, supposedly stating:

Reade said that she was "tensed up and frozen," and that when Biden noticed she wasn't reciprocating his advances, he "pulled back immediately" and said, "Come on, man, I heard you liked me."

First of all, why would Biden refer to her with "come on man"? That's a common phrase for him, no doubt, but in relation to a woman? It sounds more like she used that phrase precisely because it's a common one for him to use, but again, in relation to a woman?

But, more importantly, included in her accusation is actually his exoneration in a sense. If that were true what he said, then it indicates that he was told by someone that she had expressed some form of sexual desire toward Biden--at least some form of tacit or I guess indirect consent via a third party that Biden had to have assumed knew what they were talking about--and that is why he acted as he did. And when it became clear to him that she did not and he was evidently lied to, he stopped his attack; he "pulled back immediately." Iow, when he discovered he did not have at least tacit consent, he stopped immediately.

None of that is indicative of a sexual predator, let alone of the sort that would assault a victim in such a brazen, high risk manner.

She then goes on to note:

She continued, claiming Biden was "then angry" and that she could feel the "hostility build."

"And he pulled back, and he was just looking at me directly, and he said, he pointed his finger at me and he said, 'You're nothing to me. You're nothing,'" Reade said. She claimed that as Biden saw her start to get upset when he said those words, he shook by her the shoulders and said, "You're ok, you're alright," before walking away.

"And I think that's the hardest thing — and I know people talk about the assault — but his words, those words, stayed with me my whole life," Reade told Kelly.

So, having him forcibly insert his fingers into her vagina was not the "hardest thing" for her about the alleged incident, it was him saying "You're nothing to me. You're nothing" and then "You're ok, you're alright"?

But why would Biden say "You're nothing to me. You're nothing" and get angry and his hostility build toward her? He was supposedly told by someone that Reade had sexual desires about him. I mean, they're both grown adults, so the idea of someone telling Biden, "Hey, that girl Reade likes you" is sufficient for a grown man like Biden to translate into "then I will pounce on her and shove my fingers up her vag" is quite a stretch, but let's say that's what happened and Biden acts on this third party indication of consent toward his sexual advances. Again, by Reade's own testimony he stops immediately upon realizing she is NOT responding to what he's doing. So why does he get angry at her? The person he should be immediately angry with is whoever mislead him into believing that Reade was looking to hook up with him in the first place!

To her, he should have been immediately apologetic and swearing up and down that he was told by so-and-so that Reade had a thing for him and that he's so embarrassed and he never would have done what he did if it weren't for this person assuring him, etc., etc., etc.

And the choice of words. "You're nothing to me. You're nothing." Was she ever anyone to him? Did the simple act of someone telling Biden, "Hey, that girl Reade likes you" somehow get magically transformed into Biden thinking she was the greatest love of his life that meant everything to him, such that, when she rejected his advances, she now means nothing to him? And that is what she remembers the most about the whole assault!?

She also describes him whispering intimately in her ear, "did I want to go somewhere else, in a little voice" and:

"He said some other things," Reade added. "I can't remember everything he said. But he said something vulgar."

"May I ask what?" Kelly said.

"He said, 'I want to f--- you...And he said it low"

So, again, according to her own depiction of the events, Biden seems to be acting on someone having told him that Reade wanted him, sexually, and is behaving toward her in an extremely intimate manner--with sexy whispers in a "little voice" about going someplace else to continue their sudden, but deeply felt, torrid love affair--only to be rejected by this woman who meant everything to him, but now, after refusing his sexual advances, immediately stopped touching her and turned angry with her--like a now jealous lover--and now she means nothing--NOTHING--to him! His passion turned to anger at the only woman to have denied his deep felt love.

Again, does ANY of that sound like any kind of rape or sexual assault? Or does it sound more like the inner fantasy of a young, mentally unbalanced woman obsessed with their boss who actually never gave two thoughts about her and who she blamed for firing her?

ETA: There's also this:

Reade told me that she wanted me to think of this story as being about abuse of power, “but not sexual misconduct.” Her emphasis was on how she was treated in Biden’s office by Senate aides, who she said retaliated against her for complaining about how Biden touched her in meetings. “I don’t know if [Biden] knew why I left,” she said. “He barely knew us by name.”

She sent me an email that evening with an essay she’d written. Her local paper in California, the Union, published a similar version a few weeks later with a line she’d sent to me, too: “This is not a story about sexual misconduct; it is a story about abuse of power. It is a story about when a member of Congress allows staff to threaten or belittle or bully on their behalf unchecked to maintain power rather than modify the behavior.”

Last year, Reade encouraged me to speak with a friend of hers who counseled her through her time in Biden’s office in 1992 and 1993. The friend was clear about what had happened, and what hadn’t.

“On the scale of other things we heard, and I feel ashamed, but it wasn’t that bad. [Biden] never tried to kiss her directly. He never went for one of those touches. It was one of those, ‘sorry you took it that way.’ I know that is very hard to explain,” the friend told me. She went on: “What was creepy was that it was always in front of people.”

ETAETA: And, finally, for this post at least, there's this form the Vox piece that is likewise odd in her choice of words (emphasis mine):

Well, I was going to tell the whole thing … the whole history with Biden. … But the way I was being questioned, it made me so uncomfortable that I didn’t trust it. And no offense to the reporters out there, it’s just maybe that’s something that can be learned, how to talk to somebody who got. … Because I just really got shut down. … And the narrative [they] really wanted it to be was that it wasn’t a sexual thing. Like don’t say it’s sexual. And so I was like, okay, I guess I can’t really say the whole story.

But it wasn't "sexual," it was (allegedly) assault. But, again, she doesn't refer to the alleged event in a typical manner. For her, it wasn't a sexual assault, it was a "sexual thing." She wasn't attacked, so much as Biden's strong love for her was rejected by her. He pulled back immediately. "You're nothing to me! You're nothing!" Like a tele novella.

The more you dig, the weirder it gets, but it also comes into a kind of focus, depending on which version of the events you plug in and which version can be at all trusted.
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