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Taylor Swifts court trial

She is right and I get that part.

But what the hell is she doing? Was it really that serious to get your ass touched? I'm just saying I would not have reacted that way if I were in her shoes and trying to understand the dynamics of feminism.

Tbh, you sound like you're arguing just to argue dude. You don't touch someone (especially in such an intimate/private area) without their knowledge or consent. Period.

Are you married? Tell you what. If you are, let me come over to your house, enter unannounced and grope your wife on the tit and we'll see how well that sits with you.
Actually, isn't that the problem here. This isn't a guy issue, this is a woman issue. How RVonse feels about his wife being groped isn't the point, it would be how his wife would feel being groped by some guy who thinks he is entitled to a bit of touch.
Ditto! And WTF would this have to do with "feminism", as I really don't consider myself one. If some asshole did this to my wife, I'd have a hard time not punching him in the face.

RVonse, do you have a wife or a daughter? If so, what would your reaction be if some creep reached up a dress grabber either their asses?
I think his point is that if some woman groped him he would not sue her.
One does not need to be a feminist to recognize that male domination/abuse upon women is a bazilion times more prevalent than women doing it to men. It should not be hard to recognize that a woman with wealth, like Swift, would feel like it is worth making a legal and public statement that such assholes shouldn't have to be tolerated. My bringing up a wife or daughter was an attempt to get RVonse to think beyond his own body, as that did relate to his question.
At a professional occassion,this guy allegedly stuck his hand up her dress and grabbed Swift's butt. You don't have to be a feminist to see that is totally unprofessional and inappropriate. The fact his employer canned his ass is not Taylor Swift's fault (unless she lied about it).

What I don't understand is how anyone could have a problem with Taylor Swift's actions.
Ditto! And WTF would this have to do with "feminism", as I really don't consider myself one. If some asshole did this to my wife, I'd have a hard time not punching him in the face.
I know if someone did that to my wife or daughter, he'd already have been punched in the face or kneed/kicked in the balls before I had a chance to react.
Apparantly, the reporter felt her ass. And from the article it does look like he really did it. Ill just get this out of the way. It was a nasty thing for him to have done to her. But thats not the point of my OP.

What I am hoping for is some input from some of our distinguished feminists here on this board to help me understand. And perhaps even give me some council on the matter. Because, honest to god if I were a multi million celebrity and this had happened to me (female reporter since I am male) I know I would just shrug this off and go about my normal daily routines again. I would still have my ass in tact since it only got felt and I would still have a life only others would dream about. Perhaps I would go somewhere on my private jet to some balmy pacific island and put down some beer. But I certantly would not waste a second of my time hanging out in court trying to further destroy another person and their career. Even if he/she was a pervert.

Someone please help me to understand the female mind. And if you are going to tell me that everything is different if you are a female in this situation then help me understand why all the other equal rights issues arent different if you are a female.

Does this mean multi millionaire women should never object to having their asses grabbed in public ? What about women in general, the non multi millionaire women ? If they object would you understand why ?

At face value the guy is a sleazy dickhead. He's grabbed her ass at an opportunistic moment trying to be a big shot, "He guys, check it out, I grabbed TSwizzle's ass har har". Fucking knob head. Away from the cameras, she probably would have slapped the dipshit across the face and that probably would have been the end of it. Happens in every nightclub and bar all over the world. Boundaries.
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Hand is definitely in the vicinity.

The thing is, this is just a snapshot of a precise moment. It could be that has hand was by his side prior to this picture and he is moving it up and behind her and eventually places it on her shoulder or the small of her back. I'm not saying that's what happened but this particular picture may not be all there is to it.
Taylor Swift's ass is not a sky dive thrill seeking opportunity. Or more fitting a conquest for male bonding tales. This guy was lucky he has (probably lost) his girlfriend of similar appearing age look as good as she did.
Ah, something I can comment on with a small amount of authority.

Quick background, I've met/interviewed/hung out with quite a large number of country music artists. I have spoken to Taylor Swift (though it was a decade ago) and a longtime friend is the head of promotion at her label. I've hung out backstage, interviewed many, many artists, been invited on tour buses and to private performances.

In these situations (a meet and greet is what this one is called) the artist is almost always on their best behavior. They're "on the clock" as it were, and country artists in particular (Taylor was country before she crossed over to pop) are always cordial to radio people, because the people they meet decide whether or not their songs get played. Conversely, radio people are expected to be on their best behavior as well. Relationships with label and artist management are critical, and years of trust and goodwill can be ruined with one stupid remark or action.

My understanding of the situation is that this guy (he was a morning show host, not a reporter) grabbed her during the above photo, was subsequently removed from the event, and Swift's team reported the incident to station management. They investigated it internally, and he was subsequently fired. His allegation (and the reason for his suit) is that Taylor Swift personally got him fired. I know from my experience that she can be impulsive and likes to do things her own way, but demanding this guy be fired seems wholly out of character...not just for her but for artists in general.

With a few exceptions - and I know this from first hand experience - the artists don't remember you. Oh, they will smile and nod and say they do, but they don't. So the idea that she would reach out to the station management and say "I want David Mueller fired" is unlikely. To her he was just some guy who posed for a picture. The label also would be very unlikely to attempt such a thing, as they tend to stay out of internal station politics (again, I know people at the label). They would certainly express displeasure, probably tell the station that the guy is no longer welcome at their meet and greets, but they still have to have a relationship with that station.

Station management fired the guy, and if he did grab her ass, or a client's ass, or a listener's ass, or a co-worker's ass, his ass should have been canned. This has nothing to do with feminism.

Finally, he's asking for $3 million in lost wages? Please. Maybe 20 years ago a morning host in Denver could have pulled that kind of money over a 5 year contract, but nowadays nobody in a large market is pulling 7 figures to do mornings on a country station.
Morning radio shows, in my experience, tend toward the smutty side. Think Bob and Tom.
That could very well be true. I don't listen to the dreck they call country music nowadays.
Morning radio shows, in my experience, tend toward the smutty side. Think Bob and Tom.

Not in country radio. Gotta be squeaky clean for the most part.

No kidding. I did morning drive-time for several years... ya gotta be pretty careful. Just questioning the sainthood of a country artist (ANY country artist) tends to light up the switchboard with angry calls.
Taylor Swift's ass is not a sky dive thrill seeking opportunity. Or more fitting a conquest for male bonding tales. This guy was lucky he has (probably lost) his girlfriend of similar appearing age look as good as she did.

I just want to interrupt this thread to say that Beyoncé has the greatest ass of all time. OF ALL TIME!!!!!

If you want to grab an ass, you should be grabbing Beyoncé's ass.
Tbh, you sound like you're arguing just to argue dude. You don't touch someone (especially in such an intimate/private area) without their knowledge or consent. Period.

Are you married? Tell you what. If you are, let me come over to your house, enter unannounced and grope your wife on the tit and we'll see how well that sits with you.
Actually, isn't that the problem here. This isn't a guy issue, this is a woman issue. How RVonse feels about his wife being groped isn't the point, it would be how his wife would feel being groped by some guy who thinks he is entitled to a bit of touch.

My point was more "He would feel way differently about this if it were someone close to him." I could have just as easily replaced "Wife" with "Daughter" or "Close female friend/co-worker."

IoW: Hes full of shit when he says it's "No big deal" and he knows that.
Tbh, you sound like you're arguing just to argue dude. You don't touch someone (especially in such an intimate/private area) without their knowledge or consent. Period.

Are you married? Tell you what. If you are, let me come over to your house, enter unannounced and grope your wife on the tit and we'll see how well that sits with you.

And see how it sits with his wife when he says, "why are you upset? No big deal."

I don't think he'd say that. I think he'd immediately try to lay me out and call the police.
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