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Taylor Swifts court trial

If that article is accurate, the spiteful fuck is also suing swift's mother.

And his former company, AND he is trying to claim that his former boss (who wasn't even in the photo) was somehow the person who really sexually assaulted Taylor Swift.

Meanwhile, 2 eye-witnesses and the photo back up what Taylor reported, and the molester denies
Here: http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/10/entertainment/taylor-swift-trial-court-sketches-trnd/index.html

Apparantly, the reporter felt her ass. And from the article it does look like he really did it. Ill just get this out of the way. It was a nasty thing for him to have done to her. But thats not the point of my OP.

What I am hoping for is some input from some of our distinguished feminists here on this board to help me understand. And perhaps even give me some council on the matter. Because, honest to god if I were a multi million celebrity and this had happened to me (female reporter since I am male) I know I would just shrug this off and go about my normal daily routines again. I would still have my ass in tact since it only got felt and I would still have a life only others would dream about. Perhaps I would go somewhere on my private jet to some balmy pacific island and put down some beer. But I certantly would not waste a second of my time hanging out in court trying to further destroy another person and their career. Even if he/she was a pervert.

Someone please help me to understand the female mind. And if you are going to tell me that everything is different if you are a female in this situation then help me understand why all the other equal rights issues arent different if you are a female.

Why does this have anything to do with "the female mind", when what you're having trouble understanding is Taylor Swift's mind?
So yes, it does appear much worse for a man to touch a woman than vice versa. So doesnt that mean that men and women really are different? And that perhaps not all things can be made eqaul between men and women? Just asking.

Are you arguing that you think men are uncivilized animals and cannot be made to respect their fellow humans no matter how hard you try and therefore should just be locked up at puberty?

I mean, I guess.

There are a lot of men who would argue they have never grabbed a woman's ass without permission in their lives and can't figure out WTF you think it's okay. And that no, men are not fundamentally flawed compared to women, and it's just you and this asshole who need to be separated from society.
This guy is an idiot asshole and Swift is in the right here.
She is right and I get that part.

But what the hell is she doing? Was it really that serious to get your ass touched? I'm just saying I would not have reacted that way if I were in her shoes and trying to understand the dynamics of feminism.

You'd have reacted that way if you were subject to it all your life, and if you knew it was the necessary precursor to a rape mentality.

She said in her statement that she was doing this to stop it for the sake of other women.

Your comments suggest that you don't understand it because you can't visualize a single situation where a person grabbing your ass would be any different from a car cutting you off. Maybe this is that man-thing where men grunt and guffaw and think if someone grabbed their ass, they'd just like it, ignoring that their fantasy never involves someone they wouldn't look forward to having sex with.

That's weird AF. Creepy fucking world you inhabit.
Assuming he did it (and it seems he did), it's doubtful it was his first time, so there must have been few other singers he groped and who have not even reported him to the station management.
And that no, men are not fundamentally flawed compared to women, and it's just you and this asshole who need to be separated from society.

Do other femenists on this board feel the same way? That I should be put in jail for asking questions about news that I saw reading CNN? Or even what I have said this thread?

As far as the original OP, others have already corrected my original belief (unlike I originally thought I read) Taylor indeed did mostly try to shrug it off in the first place. So that makes sense to me now.

But what you just said sure doesnt.

If I post something so offensive that you now think I should go to jail then I will stop. But honestly I thought this was America with the 1st Amendment and everything
And that no, men are not fundamentally flawed compared to women, and it's just you and this asshole who need to be separated from society.

Do other femenists on this board feel the same way? That I should be put in jail for asking questions about news that I saw reading CNN? Or even what I have said this thread?

You seem awfully hung up on what "feminists" think.

As for what you've said on this thread, you started off by admitting...well, let me quote you:

It was a nasty thing for him to have done to her.

So you admit that he was wrong to grope her.

Then you somewhat condescendingly stated:

What I am hoping for is some input from some of our distinguished feminists here on this board to help me understand.

Again, you understand that the guy was wrong to grope her.

if I were a multi million celebrity and this had happened to me...I know I would just shrug this off and go about my normal daily routines again.

Are you suggesting that there's a level of wealth at which being groped is not a thing? Because that does seem to be what you're saying here. That if you're rich, being groped is no longer a big deal. Perhaps you can explain your reasoning here? Or at least put a dollar amount on it. How rich do you have to be to write off a guy feeling you up?

I certantly would not waste a second of my time hanging out in court trying to further destroy another person and their career.

As you've realized and admitted, this is not the case. The rich person didn't try to destroy the other person. Quite the opposite. But you're still stuck on the question of:

Someone please help me to understand the female mind.

We're not talking about some alien intelligence here. Taylor Swift is not from another planet. She's human. Tall for a human female, but definitely one of our species. Her brain works more or less exactly like any other human brain in general terms. What I would ask is why you (also a human) jumped to the conclusion that what was happening here was a rich young woman trying to ruin a man's life over what you considered to be insignificant. This guy was - at the time of the incident - 51 years old. Taylor was 23. A middle aged man grabbing the ass of a woman young enough to be his daughter is certifiably creepy, but when you read the story your brain turned it into a woman victimizing a hapless man.

How did you initially come to that conclusion?

And now that you realize this was not the case, why are you still stuck on this being somehow related to "feminism?"
So I should go to jail for being wrong?
So I should go to jail for being wrong?

Maybe you should take that up with Rhea.

I didn't suggest anything of the sort. I was just trying to sort out how you arrived at being so spectacularly wrong about what happened.
Someone please help me to understand the female mind.

I just read something on the social media that might help you.

A country radio programmer friend posted the story I linked earlier about the case being thrown out. A female country artist - who is signed to a label where another friend of mine works - posted this in response:

"Thank you for not being a creep and treating me like an artist and human instead of legs in a skirt. It does NOT go unnoticed."

I've heard that phrase before...legs in a skirt.

Maybe you don't think it is a big deal if someone grabs your ass, but look at it from the perspective of a woman trying to make it in the music biz. You're legs in a skirt. A piece of ass. Your talent takes a back seat to your back side and how it looks in a tight dress.

No, I don't think you should be thrown in jail. But a little empathy might be in order.
Ok. Fair enough Ford. I relate to all you have said. Thank you.

And yes I am a little biased about feminism perhaps more than I should. I would not call them fem nazis like Rush Limbaugh but after that last comment from Rhea, now I can sort of see where Rush Limbaugh is coming from.

In any case, feminism is not such a big deal to me as the first amendment. I belong to another forum where a member self banned himself because he was threatened by yet another member who doxed him and said would be turned into the Homeland Security because he kept siting Russia articles from RT. To me that is going WAY too far when a member says they are going to turn you into a government agency just because of your comments on a chat forum. So that just happened there and I know Rhea (who I think is a social worker) is telling me I should be in jail for what I said. I just think turning people in to the government is going too far for just what you have said. Especially when you live in America.
So I should go to jail for being wrong?

Your inability to figure out what this case was really about or apparently have any empathy for women who have been sexually assaulted made you look just as callous and predatory as the DJ. Can you understand that?

Also, You are caught up on you going to jail, but that isn't what Rhea suggested.
RVonse if you have no problem with men touching wealthy women inappropriately without their consent, did you vote for Trump?
So I should go to jail for being wrong?

So now that you've recognized that you're fully in the wrong, you're going to try and turn it around and make yourself into the victim?

Didn't take you for an SJW.
The DJs on the morning radio station I listen to are good friends with another DJ who has worked with this guy. This other DJ says Mueller's ass grabbing of Taylor Swift comes as no surprise, and you would totally expect it from him. Apparently he has a long history of douchebaggery when it comes to this sort of thing. Of course, assuming he did do it, which seems very likely, he is guility of sexual assault and should have to pay a price.

There does seem to be a difference between the genders in their response to incidents of sexism and sexual assault. Take for instance, what just happened to Ashley Judd a few days ago in an airport:


Seems to me she kind of made a mountain out of a molehill, but that's my interpretation as a male. Contrast what happened to her to what a lot of famous men, particularly rock/pop stars (think Justin Bieber), put up with when it comes to overzealous female fans clawing at them, ripping their shirts off, yelling out how they want to fuck them, trying to sneak into their hotel rooms, etc. This behavior is more or less normalized and chuckled about in today's society it seems. The men try to avoid these loonies by hiring security, going in/out back doors, going incognito, etc. They seem to just kind of accept it as part of "the biz". If young men reacted as aggressively to female pop stars like young women do to male pop stars, there would be a huge shitstorm. I think this is kind of the double standard (or gender difference) that RVonse might be referring to.
RVonse if you have no problem with men touching wealthy women inappropriately without their consent, did you vote for Trump?
Uh, this was already taken care of in the OP:
Apparantly, the reporter felt her ass. And from the article it does look like he really did it. Ill just get this out of the way. It was a nasty thing for him to have done to her.
Uh, this was already taken care of in the OP:
Apparantly, the reporter felt her ass. And from the article it does look like he really did it. Ill just get this out of the way. It was a nasty thing for him to have done to her.

And yet he continued to argue that it wasn't a big deal. Talk about mixed messages.
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