Squadron Leader
HJers remind me of the following movie quote..I'm not sure why you quote me since nothing you write is relevant to anything I wrote.
Are there "mythicists" here?
[snipped]- Lt. Aldo Raine: Are you going to take off your uniform?
- Pvt. Butz: Not only shall I remove it, I intend to burn it.
- Lt. Aldo Raine: Yeah, that's what we thought. We don't like that. You see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way you can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a Nazi.
Speaking only for myself, I do not read your long posts, which often appear to be a collection of Footnotes, without any reference to what they are footnotes FOR! Much better would be for you to start with one or two clear paragraphs(s) written in your own words to summarize what in He** your point even is!
In the unlikely event you choose to offer a Mythicist opinion of Brother James, Please put it in Bold and Red or I won't see it.