What's the difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Malthusians?
The former have given up on a specific date, but still insist they know a concrete number of people (that'll be elevated to saints in armageddon) - while the latter have given up on specific numbers of people (for what's too much) but still think they have pretty good idea when it'll happen.
That's quite amusing given that you yourself said that - ''If we don't get up our collective asses and do something big to slow climate change in the next few years and/or find efficient workaround to deal with the consequences in the next few decades, we're pretty fucked by 2100'' - so the quibble is only about what exactly is going to 'fuck us up' if we 'If we don't 'get up our collective asses and do something big' and whether we are actually taking the necessary steps to prevent being ''pretty fucked by 2100.''
Given that the overall attitude by political and business leaders appears to be 'business as usual,' I'd say that not enough is being done to prevent us from being ''pretty well fucked by 2100''
If you don't see the difference between "we might be struggling to adapt to how quickly the world changes around us" and "there's simply too many of us", there's little I can do to help you.
Struggling to adapt to how quickly the world changes around us entails a set of changing conditions that make us struggle to adapt. Conditions that in your own words, ''If we don't get up our collective asses and do something big to slow climate change in the next few years and/or find efficient workaround to deal with the consequences in the next few decades, we're pretty fucked by 2100''
Nor did I say "there's simply too many of us" as the sole reason that we will struggle (climate change, rising demand in relation to growing affluence, etc, etc)....so if you recall, I said that its not a single element issue, not food production in relation to climate change alone, not population numbers alone but a collection of elements coming together into a perfect storm in the coming decades that means, in your own words, ''If we don't get up our collective asses and do something big to slow climate change in the next few years and/or find efficient workaround to deal with the consequences in the next few decades, we're pretty fucked by 2100''
Is that so hard to grasp?