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The human mind

Some people, for lack of better words, are mindless.

Anyone care to try and describe what mindless means?
Not when some clown starts talking about imaginary mind/body problems without even knowing what either are.

Precisely! And I am sure that most readers know who that Clown is.


The clown is the one claiming there is a problem with a mind and a body without knowing what either are.

It happens to be you who rejects all research, experiments, case studies, analysis by experts in their field, only to make an unfounded claim of your own.

It is you who is making a claim in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

You are the odd man out.

The clown is the one claiming there is a problem with a mind and a body without knowing what either are.

You used to argue that mind was separate from brain-body.

Have you had a philosophical epiphany?

The mind is distinct from the brain therefore distinct from the rest of the body. The mind is not the liver. It is not the spleen.

But the mind is also a part of the body. A part not made of cells. A part that is not understood at all.

There is no problem of dualism in saying the brain creates an autonomous mind.

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The clown is the one claiming there is a problem with a mind and a body without knowing what either are.

It happens to be you who rejects all research, experiments, case studies, analysis by experts in their field, only to make an unfounded claim of your own.

It is you who is making a claim in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

You are the odd man out.

What is the body?

It is made of matter.

What is matter?

In Quantum Theory it reduces to a bunch of probability equations.
It is made of matter.

What is matter?

We have working and successful theory for that.

In Quantum Theory it reduces to a bunch of probability equations.

That works too. Perhaps you should catch up.

... observing the corpse while blowing off the smoke from my just fired pistol before I holster it.
We have no theory that tells us what matter is.

All we have are theories that explain how some parts of matter BEHAVE.

Nothing we know presents a problem of dualism with the mind.

Talk of dualism became worthless with Newton's explanation of gravity.

Some are behind the times. Still talking about problems that don't exist anymore.
Irrelevant to the fact that your entire thesis is based on nothing more than petulant assertion.

The mind is not merely my assertion.

It has been asserted as long as humans have been asserting things.

Your lack of insight into what you are and what you are doing is not interesting or an argument.

To be a mind is to know you are a mind.

It is to know you are not made up of cells.

It is to know you can scratch your nose or not.

It is to know you can believe whatever you want to believe.

Even this new age nonsense asserted by minds that the mind does not exist. As stupid an idea as has ever existed.
What is the body?

It is made of matter.

What is matter?

In Quantum Theory it reduces to a bunch of probability equations.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

The issue is the relationship between our conscious experience of the world and self, and the brain...the role of the brain in relation to our conscious experience.

As it stands, all the evidence points to brain agency as the source of conscious experience of the world and self, and nothing to suggest autonomy of mind.

Consequently you have no case to argue.

As a result, we get the Red Herrings.
What is the body?

It is made of matter.

What is matter?

In Quantum Theory it reduces to a bunch of probability equations.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

Not when somebody is wailing about problems of dualism.

We have no idea what the body is or what the mind is.

All we can do is say that our experiences are true or they are delusions.

But to say they are delusions means nothing can be believed.
If mind is separate and distinct from body, what is it made up of and how does it work?
What is the body?

It is made of matter.

What is matter?

In Quantum Theory it reduces to a bunch of probability equations.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

Red Herring.

Not when somebody is wailing about problems of dualism.

You are the dualist.

That is your claim.

Are you claiming that there is nothing wrong with Dualism?

If so, prove it.

We have no idea what the body is or what the mind is.

All we can do is say that our experiences are true or they are delusions.

But to say they are delusions means nothing can be believed.

Assuming for the sake of argument that you say here is right.....how does it help establish your claim for autonomy of mind?

Can you explain?
If mind is separate and distinct from body, what is it made up of and how does it work?

It is connected to the body, connected to the brain, not separate.

It is something that arises from some activity in the brain but that includes a lot of things. Is the blood flow a necessary component? You won't have a mind without it.

The mind is a product of activity it is not the activity.

We are only at a stage where we can observe the activity.

We have no idea how or which activity is creating the mind.
We have no theory that tells us what matter is.

 Standard Model

Guide: particle = matter.


That tells you how things like quarks behave within a model.

It does not tell you what they are.

At one time the model said that the atom was indestructible.

The models are not an ultimate understanding. They are a description of observed behavior limited by our abilities to observe.

Is a quark indestructible?

How far can matter be broken?

What is matter?
We have no idea what the body is or what the mind is.

All we can do is say that our experiences are true or they are delusions.

But to say they are delusions means nothing can be believed.

Assuming for the sake of argument that you say here is right.....how does it help establish your claim for autonomy of mind?

Can you explain?

If the mind does not have autonomy then talk of "belief" is meaningless.

Talk of "logic" is meaningless. Talk of "justice" is meaningless.

If a mind is not free to decide what to believe, what is logical, or what is just then the judgements are meaningless.

If the human mind does not have the freedom to design a car or building or paint a picture that has never existed then those things could not exist.

Autonomy is a given if the world makes sense.

That is why it is a given in the real world where people are punished for their decisions.

You only punish that which could have done differently.
That’s not “autonomy.” That’s “choice.” Being able to choose between different actions prior to making them only requires the ability to abstract and “role play” with an analogue of the individual superimposed into those abstractions.

Iow, exactly my thesis.

In YOUR thesis, however, the “mind” is just a passive observer, capable only of “experiencing” that which the brain creates for it. Which necessarily requires that it is the brain that is doing the choosing for what the “mind” experiences.

You then, of course, completely discard that fact only after the brain has chosen the various “experience packets” and just assert that the “mind” somehow magically has the power of command, conveniently ignoring the fact that this too would just be another “experience packet” that the brain creates for it.

And round and round you go.
We have no idea what the body is or what the mind is.

All we can do is say that our experiences are true or they are delusions.

But to say they are delusions means nothing can be believed.

Assuming for the sake of argument that you say here is right.....how does it help establish your claim for autonomy of mind?

Can you explain?

If the mind does not have autonomy then talk of "belief" is meaningless.

Talk of "logic" is meaningless. Talk of "justice" is meaningless.

If a mind is not free to decide what to believe, what is logical, or what is just then the judgements are meaningless.

That may or may not be true, for any given definition of "meaningless", but it's not an argument about the state of the world. There's no a priori reason to assume that it is meaningful.

If the human mind does not have the freedom to design a car or building or paint a picture that has never existed then those things could not exist.

That's not an argument, that's a proclamation. Plate tectonics creates ridges, coast lines, wind erosion dune patterns that have "never existed" too - every day. Either that implies that plate tectonic and the wind have an autonomous mind, or there's a hole in your argument.

Autonomy is a given if the world makes sense.

The world is under no obligation to "make sense" (to you).

That is why it is a given in the real world where people are punished for their decisions.

You only punish that which could have done differently.

If that is so (and there are philosophies that consider the goal of punishment to be primarily determent, in which case it doesn't follow because with a change of pull- and push factors, someone who could not have done differently could maybe only have done differently), it shows at best that punishment is irrational.
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