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The mother of all dog whistles

Jesus Fucking Christ. Again. How did I overestimate this degenerate? There is just no amount of lunacy and rage and paranoia that won't come bubbling out of him. (And he did what I thought he'd wait for a second term to do -- he said fuck on Limbaugh's show 2 weeks ago.) Time for Kathy Griffin to get out that fake Trump head with the bloody neckline again.
So Biden gets shot in 3 weeks... then Kamala becomes President.

A couple thoughts.

1) I find the most absurd part being him saying Kamala Harris makes Bernie Sanders look like a "serious conservative"

2) Kamala... Kamala... Kamala. This reminds me of an observation my Aunt (former NICU nurse) made in the hospital. Male doctors are almost always called by the last name (Dr. Smith). Female doctors, by their first name, sans "Dr.".
Jesus Fucking Christ. Again. How did I overestimate this degenerate? There is just no amount of lunacy and rage and paranoia that won't come bubbling out of him. (And he did what I thought he'd wait for a second term to do -- he said fuck on Limbaugh's show 2 weeks ago.) Time for Kathy Griffin to get out that fake Trump head with the bloody neckline again.

I hope not. It's not the "same thing" as a president worshiped by right wing authoritarian followers calling for someone's head, but it is horrendous and unnecessary, and possibly as inflammatory to the trump obedience machines as his dog whistling. "The Left" doesn't have such an army or violent tendencies (regardless of what our resident right wing authoritarian followers falsely claim), but either action, hers or Trump's, will inflame the same violent, obedient, bloodthirsty people..
Stand back and stand by.

Of course, like all good dog whistles this has a double meaning which is perfectly innocuous, so discussing it will get us nowhere with the Trump crowd. Not even after the assassination. I never heard a single admission of guiilt from my Republican friends after six people were killed for the crime of standing next to Gabby Giffords while they tried to assassinate her, and the "dog whistle" was much more blatant in that case.
I could see major maneuvers that magically get the Republicans the House, Biden and Harris are targeted and murdered and then the Republican Speaker becomes the President, Senate approved radical VP candidate, and then the right-wingers say the Dems are whining about how the Constitution is set up.

Thankfully that seems impossible, but who knows what the GOP has up its sleeves.
I could see major maneuvers that magically get the Republicans the House, Biden and Harris are targeted and murdered and then the Republican Speaker becomes the President, Senate approved radical VP candidate, and then the right-wingers say the Dems are whining about how the Constitution is set up.

Thankfully that seems impossible, but who knows what the GOP has up its sleeves.

Good luck, rich people are super hard to kill on purpose these days. Taking out two at once? Nearly impossible.

Actually having a slightly more progressive VP* is probably the best life insurance plan Biden could have taken out.

(*where by "slightly more progressive" we mean, "laughs at the very thought of being considered progressive when asked". God this country is a dump sometimes...)
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.

That has been the basis of his entire presidency. He's been utterly incompetent as a leader, but he is good at upsetting liberals, and that's all his supporters fundamentally want. The country can go to hell in a handbasket, as long as their black/gay/female/indigenous/poor/educated neighbors aren't enjoying it too much.
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.

He's actually playing his righty loony army and their craving for violence like he's been doing since Charlottesville. When "lefties" make derogatory comments about Trump, it's Trump fans who threaten and commit violence against lefties. And when Trump makes dog whistling comments, it's still Trump followers who threaten and commit violence against lefties.

It's astounding how easily right wing authoritarian obedience machines are played and driven to violence. And you've made it astoundingly clear over the last few years that there is no limit to how much violence you can excuse or ignore while focusing on people being upset about violence and dog whistling that, again, make up the biggest terrorist threat to the US.
Speaking of seething, violent thugs just itching to kill liberals. Alex Jones interviewed a militia leader, who is ready to act in case of an illegitimate election, which he defines as any election in which Joe Biden wins. He plans on having people stationed near DC because of the likelyhood of thousands of antifa laying siege to the white house. Oh, and said we are already in a civil war “because you have sitting politicians who are part of the enemy’s ranks,”
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.

That has been the basis of his entire presidency. He's been utterly incompetent as a leader, but he is good at upsetting liberals, and that's all his supporters fundamentally want. The country can go to hell in a handbasket, as long as their black/gay/female/indigenous/poor/educated neighbors aren't enjoying it too much.

It is not "lefties" who are being played. It's right wing authoritarian followers who are obedient to Trump's every word. They are easily goaded into violent reactions.

"Lefties" are right to be upset about violence and dog whistling. We are ordinary human beings who are not zealots and have not forfeited our humanity and ability to discern right from wrong. I'd be more critical of "lefties" if we didn't get upset by the behavior of Trump and his army of thugs.
I would bet cash money and lay odds that the median IQ of Trump supporters is significantly less than the median IQ of Biden supporters. It boggles the mind that some with the aptitudes needed to post on message-boards support this contemptible cretin. For that reason, I'm always happy when one of them lets us look inside his head.
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.
So you love and admire politicians who threaten their opponents with criminal violence.

Got it. Is this the key to your political platform, or were you just as proud when your man met privately with Vladimir Putin?
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.

That must be another way of saying 'He says stupid, illiterate and delusional things that people who actually read, act on critical thinking, and have respect for others never say.'

Or "He upsets people who have not forfeited their humanity or conscience or capacity to be upset by the murderous words of a bigoted, violence loving president."
I love the way Trump can play lefty loonies like a fiddle.
Riiight, because only a leftie looney would be upset about the US President predicting the murder of his opponent or next President.

Trausti loves the way his orange idol is immune to consequences for words and actions that would land any actual citizen in jail, or at least under interrogation.
I would bet cash money and lay odds that the median IQ of Trump supporters is significantly less than the median IQ of Biden supporters.
I wouldn't place that bet. There are two intelligences in people, normal and tribal/partisan (politics/sports). Really intelligent people are Trump supporters. Really hard workers are Trump supporters. But when it comes to politics, these people just get so ID driven.
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