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The Only Way To Defeat Trump


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
I'm reminded of the Avengers movie, where the only way to defeat Thanos was to let him win.

Maybe the only way to defeat Trump is to let him win. And then watch and let the economy melt down around him. Hyper inflation as well.

And it can happen too. The Dems just need to win the midterms in 2026. Then actually balance the budget - which is probably needed anyways.

Can you imagine what would happen if we really did cut out all welfare benefits? Refused to fix social security and let it run out of money entirely? It would be a disaster (for me personally too).

I don't want to see that, but I see no way around the dilemma that's been building for the last few days - the awful debate, the SCOTUS rulings on immunity. I don't know. I really, really fear for the future.

But maybe we can emerge from a Trump presidency 10x stronger if he utterly fails.

That and we need to evangelize for freethought and atheism. Christianity is what is killing us. Well, Christians to be more precise.
Two years is a long time to let a fully charged Trump run amok in the land. Project 2025 is already drafted. Goodbye Paris Accords, goodbye NATO, goodbye civil service system, goodbye nonpartisan FBI, and, if he has Congress on his side, OMG. We're off to Jesusland on a supertrain. Texans will be able to sue you for writing a pro-choice letter to your local paper. Trump will get to January with 100% spineless ass-kissers in his government. And remember, Trump has always been able to blame his failures on his enemies, and his base always believes him.
What about a shooting in broad daylight on 5th Avenue.

Doesn't Miami have a 5th Avenue?
You think there will be midterms in 2026 if Trump wins, now that he has the SC practically crowning him dictator in waiting?
Exactly. Remember that the January 6th riot and the behind the scenes plot to overturn the election were a dry run. While Trump himself is a blithering idiot, there are people around him (and funding him) that are smarter and even less interested in keeping our democracy functioning. Republican legislatures and governors are already making it harder for people in blue-leaning districts to vote, and are gearing up for legal challenges to any losses they might incur. Give them control of the White House, House, and Senate (they already have the Supreme Court) and there won't be as much stopping them from making our elections about as free and fair as Venezuela's.
The problem in this is thinking that if things go to shit under Trump that any Republicans would ever get blamed for it.

It’s like presenting science to a flat earther. They will never believe it.
The only way to defeat Trump is to get more people to vote for his opponent, in states with enough electoral votes to carry the election.

The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.
I'm not sure I disagree with you but I'm sure glad you posted this instead of myself! Because around here a conspiracy theory like that will get you labeled the "J. Higgins lunatic tin foiling hat" award!

It certainly does look like our political leaders are heading us towards some kind of huge debt restructuring jubilee though while keeping our borders wide open. And you can bet certain people are carefully planning to make themselves even richer at the expense of everyone else.
Nations rise, undergo crisis, change to meet the crisis and survive or fail and perish. Perhaps the US is having one of those times.

It has too many contradictions in its nature that cannot be overcome and too many problems that were solvable at one point no longer are.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.
I'm not sure I disagree with you but I'm sure glad you posted this instead of myself! Because around here a conspiracy theory like that will get you labeled the "J. Higgins lunatic tin foiling hat" award!

It certainly does look like our political leaders are heading us towards some kind of huge debt restructuring jubilee though while keeping our borders wide open. And you can bet certain people are carefully planning to make themselves even richer at the expense of everyone else.
I agree with you. To conservatives freedom is the ability to shit on other people without any repercussions and blame the people being shit on by saying they deserve it. They do want a government though but their idea of a government is one that is a servant to them, not a master.
And you can bet certain people are carefully planning to make themselves even richer at the expense of everyone else.
You mean like having perpetual fundraisers repeating the lie the 2020 elections were "stollen"?

Here's a suggestion - stop fucking believing in heroes! Optimus Prime is not going to come down from the heavens riding Haraineer to solve all your ills. This is going to require years of work from the ground up by numerous people to fix this. Why? Because that's exactly what the right did to accomplish this. One side is putting the work in and that's why they're winning.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives.
Yes, to preserve any semblance of dignity and common sense you need to retire the corpse of Biden and run next in line - Harris. She will most likely lose to Trump and you will have to endure orange piece of shit for another 4 years.
Trump is not an aberration, he is a symptom of what is wrong with your system.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives fascists.
I'm not sure I disagree with you but I'm sure glad you posted this instead of myself! Because around here a conspiracy theory like that will get you labeled the "J. Higgins lunatic tin foiling hat" award!
It's not a conspiracy theory. The fact that conservatism - and especially the trumpian version - is devoted to tearing down representative government, is common knowledge outside of the RW delusion bubble. In fact, that goal is recently right up front, not even covered in political politeness. It used to be called "the quiet part".
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