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The Only Way To Defeat Trump

The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives.

Would have agreed before Biden was president, but supporting a tax on billionaires doesn't seem very neoconservative to me.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives.
You'll have to supply your definition of conservative and neoconservative, because as it stands, your statement doesn't make sense.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.
I'm not sure I disagree with you but I'm sure glad you posted this instead of myself! Because around here a conspiracy theory like that will get you labeled the "J. Higgins lunatic tin foiling hat" award!

It certainly does look like our political leaders are heading us towards some kind of huge debt restructuring jubilee though while keeping our borders wide open. And you can bet certain people are carefully planning to make themselves even richer at the expense of everyone else.
The rise of neoconservatism came about as a reaction to the expansion of civil rights. A segment of the population were content while they perceived the government was enforcing laws which appealed to their personal prejudices and maintained their economic welfare. Segregation and suppression of voters was once embedded in our criminal and legal code. There was a time when a property deed could specify that the deed could only be transferred to a white person. In the same vein, it was illegal for a white person and a black person to apply for a marriage license.

The problem arose when the Constitution came to be applied to all citizens, not just those who bore a resemblance to those who wrote it. Government was no longer the bulwark of racism and oppression of the poor. As such, it became an obstacle to the kind of life, liberty and especially the pursuit of happiness that neocons saw as their God given privilege. The solution was to weaken government and put the undeserving back in their proper place.

As for the border, that's just garden variety fascist fear mongering. Today, in my local paper there are articles about four murders. The murderer in each case is an American citizen. There is an article about five undocumented persons who were caught with a number of fish over the legal limit.

If Republicans were actually worried about the problem at the border, they would not have abandoned their own legislation, after it became apparent that it might actually relieve the problem of which they have been complaining. They don't actually care about immigration. They just think it's a path to power.

They also don't care about the debt, except as a way to prevent the government from spending money on people they don't like. They are perfectly happy to cut taxes without cutting spending. They justify this by claiming this will put more money in the economy and make everyone better off. This has never actually worked in reality, but it's one of those statements which seems to make sense, if the hearer is ignorant of how the economy actually functions.
I'm reminded of the Avengers movie, where the only way to defeat Thanos was to let him win.

Maybe the only way to defeat Trump is to let him win. And then watch and let the economy melt down around him. Hyper inflation as well.

And it can happen too. The Dems just need to win the midterms in 2026. Then actually balance the budget - which is probably needed anyways.

Can you imagine what would happen if we really did cut out all welfare benefits? Refused to fix social security and let it run out of money entirely? It would be a disaster (for me personally too).

I don't want to see that, but I see no way around the dilemma that's been building for the last few days - the awful debate, the SCOTUS rulings on immunity. I don't know. I really, really fear for the future.

But maybe we can emerge from a Trump presidency 10x stronger if he utterly fails.

That and we need to evangelize for freethought and atheism. Christianity is what is killing us. Well, Christians to be more precise.
Where were you during his first term? Under a rock?

His first term was amateur hour. Jan 6 was a dry run. Those gallows were not a joke. This time, Trump has a goddam manifesto and so long as he’s in power, he will let every Christofascist the GOP can get into office run amuck. We’ll see camps for undesirables for real.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.
I'm not sure I disagree with you but I'm sure glad you posted this instead of myself! Because around here a conspiracy theory like that will get you labeled the "J. Higgins lunatic tin foiling hat" award!

It certainly does look like our political leaders are heading us towards some kind of huge debt restructuring jubilee though while keeping our borders wide open. And you can bet certain people are carefully planning to make themselves even richer at the expense of everyone else.
Have you looked at the Project 2025 website?

It's not what people are saying about Project 2025. It's what Project 2025 is saying about itself. It's their website!
The only way to defeat Trump is to get more people to vote for his opponent, in states with enough electoral votes to carry the election.

You would need a viable opponent and Biden is not viable.

The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.

One way of looking at it I suppose but it is the extreme leftists and progressives that are hellbent on burning everything down. And they are getting some traction with it too which is gathering momentum. You just need to take a look at the results in California.
You would need a viable opponent and Biden is not viable.
So, Swiz, I assume that if Biden wins you will join Trumpers in claiming he cheated?
Will it be another genius undetectable cheat, just like 2020?
Hey, the dumbass Republitards still can’t figure out how Joe did it last time; what are the chances that they’re going to figure it out this time? I estimate them at ZERO.
The only way to defeat Trump is to get more people to vote for his opponent, in states with enough electoral votes to carry the election.

You would need a viable opponent and Biden is not viable.

The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.

One way of looking at it I suppose but it is the extreme leftists and progressives that are hellbent on burning everything down. And they are getting some traction with it too which is gathering momentum. You just need to take a look at the results in California.
As they say on You Tube, "every accusation is a confession".

Of which in results in California do you speak?

Of which in results in California do you speak?
presumably it’s all the homeless people shitting on the streets in San Francisco since it is obviously not the climate.
San Francisco climate sucks. It’s always wet, usually cold and largely caused by homeless people shitting on the street. Which they definitely would NOT be doing if they were in Santa Monica.
San Francisco climate sucks.
Only place that isn't hot as fuck right now. Enjoy your global warming, dweebs, we tried to warn you!

I have no idea what "results" in California would suggest dicontentment with Democratic governance, though. Didn't we just turn down an idiotic bid to recall the governor and replace him with a radio talk jockey?

Of which in results in California do you speak?
presumably it’s all the homeless people shitting on the streets in San Francisco since it is obviously not the climate.
San Francisco climate sucks. It’s always wet, usually cold and largely caused by homeless people shitting on the street. Which they definitely would NOT be doing if they were in Santa Monica.
Yes. Sorry. I meant to imply Santa Monica and should not have generalized to the rest of California.
I have no idea what "results" in California would suggest dicontentment with Democratic governance, though. Didn't we just turn down an idiotic bid to recall the governor and replace him with a radio talk jockey?

Newsom does not have a strong approval rating in California, he’s not doing a good job and never has. Yes, he did avoid his recall thanks to Larry Elder. However, the recall effort garnered enough support to get it on the ballot and he may yet face another recall challenge. Fingers crossed.
I have no idea what "results" in California would suggest dicontentment with Democratic governance, though. Didn't we just turn down an idiotic bid to recall the governor and replace him with a radio talk jockey?

Newsom does not have a strong approval rating in California, he’s not doing a good job and never has. Yes, he did avoid his recall thanks to Larry Elder. However, the recall effort garnered enough support to get it on the ballot and he may yet face another recall challenge. Fingers crossed.
Don't forget that your idiot friends are also trying to recall my county DA, Pamela Price, for no goddamned reason. At a cost of $20 million to taxpayers in a county that is already 60 million in the red. But getting your dumb ideas on the ballot is not proof that anyone agrees with you.
I have no idea what "results" in California would suggest dicontentment with Democratic governance, though. Didn't we just turn down an idiotic bid to recall the governor and replace him with a radio talk jockey?

Newsom does not have a strong approval rating in California, he’s not doing a good job and never has. Yes, he did avoid his recall thanks to Larry Elder. However, the recall effort garnered enough support to get it on the ballot and he may yet face another recall challenge. Fingers crossed.
Don't forget that your idiot friends are also trying to recall my county DA for no goddamned reason, at a cost of $20 million to the taxpayers.

Who is your DA and why do you hate democracy? And your insufferable anti democracy prick governor is trying desperately to keep the repeal of prop 47 off the ballot and has blown through a budget surplus to get to a $65billion deficit.

But getting your dumb ideas on the ballot is not proof that anyone agrees with you.

It is still an indication that a large number of people do.
why do you hate democracy?
I don't hate democracy. We elected Pamela Price in good faith, and the recall effort began in bad faith that very same week. You are trying to overturn elections for no other reason than that you lost them. That's not pro-democracy.

Me? I don’t think so, not my district.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives.
I don’t think many conservatives consider Trump to be a conservative. Not in the traditional sense anyway.

In fact, many view him as an outsider brought in to fight for their cause. He’s not pro-life, or fiscally responsible, or a rule-of- law guy.
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