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The Only Way To Defeat Trump

Only place that isn't hot as fuck right how
Breezy, mid 80s … perfectly comfortable as long as there’s shade
And it only lasts a few hours before it starts dropping and the wind stops. It will be good working weather this evening, as it was this morning.

Also, Santa Monica?
The only way to defeat Trump is to get more people to vote for his opponent, in states with enough electoral votes to carry the election.

You would need a viable opponent and Biden is not viable.

The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.

Getting the rest of us to surrender and let it crash and burn is exactly what they have been working towards since 1969.

One way of looking at it I suppose but it is the extreme leftists and progressives that are hellbent on burning everything down. And they are getting some traction with it too which is gathering momentum. You just need to take a look at the results in California.
Biden absolutely IS viable.

Trump, otoh, is not viable nor is he competent.

We have before us the evidence of how each person’s first term played out. Biden is clearly more qualified and more competent.
I have no idea what "results" in California would suggest dicontentment with Democratic governance, though. Didn't we just turn down an idiotic bid to recall the governor and replace him with a radio talk jockey?

Newsom does not have a strong approval rating in California, he’s not doing a good job and never has. Yes, he did avoid his recall thanks to Larry Elder. However, the recall effort garnered enough support to get it on the ballot and he may yet face another recall challenge. Fingers crossed.
Don't forget that your idiot friends are also trying to recall my county DA, Pamela Price, for no goddamned reason. At a cost of $20 million to taxpayers in a county that is already 60 million in the red. But getting your dumb ideas on the ballot is not proof that anyone agrees with you.
There is a wide diversity of people who are supporting the Pamela Price recall. Yes, many are rich real estate, business and tech leaders. But also residents who are not happy with the crime situation, especially in Oakland. Including the Oakland chapter of the NAACP:

Oakland NAACP: "Failed Leadership, Including the Movement to Defund the Police, our District Attorney's unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life threatening serious crimes, and the proliferation of anti-police rhetoric have created a heyday for Oakland criminals."

The campaign’s supporters have objected to Price’s prosecutorial philosophy, which is opposed to using enhancements to increase jail time for defendants, and pursuing stiff penalties for youth offenders. The campaign has also attacked Price for allegedly engaging in nepotism and mismanaging the DA’s office, leading to the departure of some prosecutors.

As I recall, you live in a town in Alameda County that is widely touted as one of the best cities to live in (not just in CA, but in the US if I recall), while another city a short drive away (Oakland) ranks among the worse. Maybe if you lived in Oakland for an extended length of time, you would feel the desperation and frustration that its residents do about the crime situation, and would want someone who is tougher on crime and is making a difference.
The end goal of neoconservatism has always been to bring the entire system down. It is political nihilism at it's deepest. They don't want a functioning government. They want power to do as they like, to whom they like and amass wealth.
Get your terms right. Biden IS a neoconservative. Trump can and his supporters can be called conservatives.
I don’t think many conservatives consider Trump to be a conservative. Not in the traditional sense anyway.

In fact, many view him as an outsider brought in to fight for their cause. He’s not pro-life, or fiscally responsible, or a rule-of- law guy.
The only reason the Republicans still bow to Trump is they believe he can deliver the votes that will allow them to exercise power. In Trump, they have their perfect candidate. He is easily manipulated and is incompetent. This makes him the perfect weapon for stabbing the beast they see embodied in the Federal government. They don't care that he is a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and now a convicted felon. He is just a means to an end.

The Achilles' heel of this strategy is that it depends on the collective stupidity of a great mass of people. That is balancing on a needle point. It can tip in any direction and almost impossible to predict which way it will tilt.
Biden was obviously quite ill that night. The next day he was quite active and quite refreshed.
Biden is in the situation where being ill does not help him. It just reinforces impressions of fragility and he does not need that at present.
Yeah, they tried to pull that shit with Hillary too.
Biden was obviously quite ill that night. The next day he was quite active and quite refreshed.
Biden is in the situation where being ill does not help him. It just reinforces impressions of fragility and he does not need that at present.
Yeah, they tried to pull that shit with Hillary too.
Biden is now attributing his poor performance to sleepiness from his foreign travel:

Biden blames foreign travel for debate debacle, says he almost fell asleep on stage

“I wasn’t very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times … shortly before the debate,” he said while talking to donors at a fundraiser in Virginia. “I didn’t listen to my staff … and then I almost fell asleep on stage.”

The president was in Camp David for debate prep for a whole week before it, traveling there on June 20. He left Camp David on the morning of June 27 to travel to Atlanta for the debate.

He returned from a trip to Italy for the Group of Seven summit on June 14, six days before heading to Camp David. Before the trip to Italy, he traveled to France for the D-Day anniversary, which is on June 6.
He'd been home from his world travels since June 14 and the debate was on June 27. And he was sleepy from his world travel still? He's not helping his case with that lame excuse. What happened to the "I had a cold" explanation? He's just making shit up now. Blaming everything but his own obvious mental decline for his performance.
Biden was obviously quite ill that night. The next day he was quite active and quite refreshed.
Biden is in the situation where being ill does not help him. It just reinforces impressions of fragility and he does not need that at present.
Yes, Biden is ill, he suffers from illness called dementia.
Doesn't seem to. Trump on the other hand DOES seem to have some serious cognitive impairment.
I don't see anyone here mentioning 2nd amendment solutions... surprising.
Biden was obviously quite ill that night. The next day he was quite active and quite refreshed.
Biden is in the situation where being ill does not help him. It just reinforces impressions of fragility and he does not need that at present.
Yes, Biden is ill, he suffers from illness called dementia.
No evidence of that, just blather and lots of noise from Russian ignoramuses and Republican morons.
Blaming everything but his own obvious mental decline for his performance.

Nobody believes any of these excuses and I have nothing but contempt for these people that try to gaslight us. It’s one thing to blather on a silly forum and claim Brandon is fine but for government to feed us this shit is deplorable.

I seem to remember the same shit went on when Reagan started to show signs of dementia. The UK comedy show used to rip on Reagan about it.

Brandon is deteriorating rapidly.
Blaming everything but his own obvious mental decline for his performance.

Nobody believes any of these excuses and I have nothing but contempt for these people that try to gaslight us. It’s one thing to blather on a silly forum and claim Brandon is fine but for government to feed us this shit is deplorable.

I seem to remember the same shit went on when Reagan started to show signs of dementia. The UK comedy show used to rip on Reagan about it.

Brandon is deteriorating rapidly.
Yep. I've watched a few of KJP's press briefings since the debate and , OMG, what a nightmare job she has to try and spin this. It used to be mainly Peter Doocey (Fox News) who would give her a rough time, but now it seems all the press is totally piling on and asking her the tough questions. You can tell no one is buying what she's trying to sell. I think even KJP knows at this point that the jig is up. How she can get up there day after day and tell these lies and then sleep at night is beyond me.
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