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The Race For 2024

Meanwhile, Trump invokes Navalny's death and states his woes are the death of our democracy. It is a real weird thing for him to say as Navalny's death would be a poke at Putin. But he isn't poking at Putin, but at the Democrats.

article said:
"The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country," Trump wrote, appearing to link the death to his own political troubles.

"It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024"
Of course, was it really Navalny's death that made him thing there was rigged elections? This guy can't win in '24. He and this entirely ridiculous MAGA movement needs to be down away with. But the conservatives will vote for him again.
Nikki Haley on Sunday mocked Republican presidential primary rival Donald Trump’s demeanor when it comes to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Every time he was in the same room with him, he got weak in the knees,” Haley told a Fox News town hall in South Carolina. “We can’t have a president that gets weak in the knees with Putin. We have to have a president that’s going to be strong with Putin in every sense of the word.”

Putin :kissbutt: Trump
Meanwhile, Trump invokes Navalny's death and states his woes are the death of our democracy. It is a real weird thing for him to say as Navalny's death would be a poke at Putin. But he isn't poking at Putin, but at the Democrats.

article said:
"The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country," Trump wrote, appearing to link the death to his own political troubles.

"It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024"
Of course, was it really Navalny's death that made him thing there was rigged elections? This guy can't win in '24. He and this entirely ridiculous MAGA movement needs to be down away with. But the conservatives will vote for him again.

Either he doesn't know who Navalny was or he does know who his audience is.
When he rails about how bad something is for “this country”, simply substitute the word “me” and the statement suddenly become true and germane.

All the stuff he says is so bad for the country is just really really super bad for Donald J Trump.

You know, like accountability, courts, laws, presidents that aren’t allowed to murder people … shit like that.
I only knew of "Tay Tay" from a vicious satire of her on an adult cartoon, Family Guy, before the righties started obsessing over her.
I heard of her over the years, but have not paid her much mind. Only recently has there been a political hullabaloo over her though.
The lefty reaction to "righties" "obsessing" over her seems to be much louder than the initial "obsession" it seems to me - I hear a lot more making fun of "righties" and obsessing over how great she is than anything else. It certainly is that way on this forum.
I hear a lot more making fun of "righties" and obsessing over how great she is than anything else. It certainly is that way on this forum.
Do you realize how much this forum is Not a representative sample of Usonians?
The two big issues that are against Biden now are:
1. His age
2. Israel/Palenstine
Indeed. His age is relevant to his ability to effectively do this job until January 2029. And the Muslims and their useful idiots on the Left might sink him in Michigan. Rashida Tlaib is for example pushing the "undecided" campaign for the upcoming primaries.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges Michigan Democrats to vote against Biden in the primary
Dean absolutely IS going after Biden because of his age
Do you know this guy personally? Are you friends? Why are you calling him by his first name?

and is lending credence to concern that the old man just isn’t cutting it. It’s more credible because this is coming from someone within Biden’s party who has voted with him 100% of the time. It’s a selling point: Gee, I like the guy and I agree with him but he’s past his prime and we need a new, younger version of the old man. Say, me. ( that is: Phillips)
I mean, he is past his prime. He should not have ran. And there is still a chance he withdraws after the primaries but before the convention.
Would give us an interesting Convention at the very least.

I understand that you and voters like you might have been more comfortable with Bloomberg who, btw, is the same age as Biden.
I know he is. That's why I used him as a counterexample. They are the same age, but I think he'd be more effective in not getting himself dragged to the left. Unlike Biden, who is a cookie cutter career politician, Bloomchen was an electrical engineer and a successful businessman before he entered politics as mayor of NYC.
Bloomberg simply did not have the experience, the expertise, the relationships that Biden has spent so many years developing. And we’d be hearing about what an old man Bloomberg is.
He did have more executive experience than Biden, running first a business and then a city of >8M people (8x the population of Delaware). nd the fact that he hasn't been in federal politics since Nixon was in office is a plus in my book. It would have made him less calcified.
But yes, both are ancient.

Biden was THE choice for anyone who wanted the antithesis of and antidote to Trumpism. He was a known quantity in a time of deep crises, if not created by, certainly made much worse by loud mouth know nothing burn the whole place down and make me king Trump.
Yes. He ran on a return to normality. But then he governed differently, esp. the $3,500,000,000,000.00 bill that would have heated up inflation even more and was loaded not with infrastructure projects but with tax giveaways to special interests like parents and blue state rich.

Unfortunately he still is. Because Trump is running again.
A younger candidate would be able to use Trump's age and forgetfulness against him. Biden can't. He is even older, and most importantly, appears much older than Trump.

The thing about Biden is that he’s actually evolved in his thinking throughout his career. He served as VP to the first black POTUS—a very progressive move. And by all reports, the two worked very well together. Obama wasn’t a particularly progressive president t—he could hardly afford to be very progressive.
Obama's presidency was better for it. Not that it was perfect - for example his cancelling the Dakota Access Pipeline as a giveaway to radical left. Even though it had already been approved and was mostly finished.

And that scared the shit out of racists so closeted they had no idea they were racist.
Please. "Racist" is one of the most overused words in contemporary discourse.
I think that Biden has become more progressive and that it’s not a case of him being manipulated by pretty young women.
There is also a very old man in the mix. The Squad's regimental commander - Colonel Bernie Sanders.
Him taking on more left-wing positions (you call that "progressive", I think that label is misleading) is not a good thing in my book.
I know you’re not keen on powerful women
Bullshit. The truth is that I am not keen on most politicians. But when I criticize a female one, then suddenly I have a problem with "powerful women". Many people positively despised Margaret Thatcher - are they all also "not keen on powerful women"?
and that you don’t particularly hold the most progressive attitudes about the environment.
Depends on how you define "progressive". In modern parlance, it just means "more to the left than liberals" which in itself is a misnomer these days. But "progressive" policy prescriptions often don't work and are not truly progressive - which is why I often call their proponents "fauxgressives" instead.
I am keen on the environment. But I do not think protesting pipelines is very effective when, if successful, all it would do is make us import more oil (for oil pipelines) and shift energy use back toward coal (for gas pipelines). The marked reduction in our coal consumption is largely due to the greater availability of natural gas due to the shale revolution and fracking.
What I am for would be a robust carbon tax. It would make more carbon-intensive energy sources more expensive than less carbon-intensive ones. But it would not penalize domestic production over imports.
I also think oil production should capture methane, itself a potent greenhouse gas in addition to being energy-dense fuel. But that requires more pipelines to move the methane gas from fields to processing plants and eventually to consumers. But pipelines are anathema to the fauxgressive left.
And don't get me started on nuclear ...
You and I sharply disagree there—but I still eat meat and drive a ( fuel efficient) gas powered vehicle.
Me too. And I am seriously thinking of getting an EV as my next vehicle in a few years time.
But come on: surely you see that we need to make some difficult changes now in our thinking about the environment and what we can do to mitigate climate change—and take very serious actions NOW.
But fauxgressive plans like the Green New Deal are not serious. GND was overloaded with tofu that had nothing to do with climate, not even the environment. Things like federal job guarantees.
I am not going to get into the whole Israel/Palestine thing except to say that I think it’s a nearly no win situation, that both sides have committed tremendous and grave wrongs —and that I don’t think the timing is an accident.
The timing was dictated in Tehran. The theocrats there are Hamas' vassal lords.
Israel must be allowed to destroy Hamas. Even if that means entering Rafah. Of course, civilians should be evacuated as best possible, even if they have to sojourn in Egypt for a couple of months.
Derec, minus something extraordinary happening, Biden is going to be the nominee. I got over it in '20, I'll get over it for '24. You need to accept that this is what it is. And the choice is between "Burn it down" man, Methuselah's Great Great Grandfather, or tossing away the vote in a protest vote that no one will ever hear or care about.
The two big issues that are against Biden now are:
1. His age
2. Israel/Palenstine
Indeed. His age is relevant to his ability to effectively do this job until January 2029. And the Muslims and their useful idiots on the Left might sink him in Michigan. Rashida Tlaib is for example pushing the "undecided" campaign for the upcoming primaries.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib urges Michigan Democrats to vote against Biden in the primary
Dean absolutely IS going after Biden because of his age
Do you know this guy personally? Are you friends? Why are you calling him by his first name?

and is lending credence to concern that the old man just isn’t cutting it. It’s more credible because this is coming from someone within Biden’s party who has voted with him 100% of the time. It’s a selling point: Gee, I like the guy and I agree with him but he’s past his prime and we need a new, younger version of the old man. Say, me. ( that is: Phillips)
I mean, he is past his prime. He should not have ran. And there is still a chance he withdraws after the primaries but before the convention.
Would give us an interesting Convention at the very least.

I understand that you and voters like you might have been more comfortable with Bloomberg who, btw, is the same age as Biden.
I know he is. That's why I used him as a counterexample. They are the same age, but I think he'd be more effective in not getting himself dragged to the left. Unlike Biden, who is a cookie cutter career politician, Bloomchen was an electrical engineer and a successful businessman before he entered politics as mayor of NYC.
Bloomberg simply did not have the experience, the expertise, the relationships that Biden has spent so many years developing. And we’d be hearing about what an old man Bloomberg is.
He did have more executive experience than Biden, running first a business and then a city of >8M people (8x the population of Delaware). nd the fact that he hasn't been in federal politics since Nixon was in office is a plus in my book. It would have made him less calcified.
But yes, both are ancient.

Biden was THE choice for anyone who wanted the antithesis of and antidote to Trumpism. He was a known quantity in a time of deep crises, if not created by, certainly made much worse by loud mouth know nothing burn the whole place down and make me king Trump.
Yes. He ran on a return to normality. But then he governed differently, esp. the $3,500,000,000,000.00 bill that would have heated up inflation even more and was loaded not with infrastructure projects but with tax giveaways to special interests like parents and blue state rich.

Unfortunately he still is. Because Trump is running again.
A younger candidate would be able to use Trump's age and forgetfulness against him. Biden can't. He is even older, and most importantly, appears much older than Trump.

The thing about Biden is that he’s actually evolved in his thinking throughout his career. He served as VP to the first black POTUS—a very progressive move. And by all reports, the two worked very well together. Obama wasn’t a particularly progressive president t—he could hardly afford to be very progressive.
Obama's presidency was better for it. Not that it was perfect - for example his cancelling the Dakota Access Pipeline as a giveaway to radical left. Even though it had already been approved and was mostly finished.

And that scared the shit out of racists so closeted they had no idea they were racist.
Please. "Racist" is one of the most overused words in contemporary discourse.
I think that Biden has become more progressive and that it’s not a case of him being manipulated by pretty young women.
There is also a very old man in the mix. The Squad's regimental commander - Colonel Bernie Sanders.
Him taking on more left-wing positions (you call that "progressive", I think that label is misleading) is not a good thing in my book.
I know you’re not keen on powerful women
Bullshit. The truth is that I am not keen on most politicians. But when I criticize a female one, then suddenly I have a problem with "powerful women". Many people positively despised Margaret Thatcher - are they all also "not keen on powerful women"?
and that you don’t particularly hold the most progressive attitudes about the environment.
Depends on how you define "progressive". In modern parlance, it just means "more to the left than liberals" which in itself is a misnomer these days. But "progressive" policy prescriptions often don't work and are not truly progressive - which is why I often call their proponents "fauxgressives" instead.
I am keen on the environment. But I do not think protesting pipelines is very effective when, if successful, all it would do is make us import more oil (for oil pipelines) and shift energy use back toward coal (for gas pipelines). The marked reduction in our coal consumption is largely due to the greater availability of natural gas due to the shale revolution and fracking.
What I am for would be a robust carbon tax. It would make more carbon-intensive energy sources more expensive than less carbon-intensive ones. But it would not penalize domestic production over imports.
I also think oil production should capture methane, itself a potent greenhouse gas in addition to being energy-dense fuel. But that requires more pipelines to move the methane gas from fields to processing plants and eventually to consumers. But pipelines are anathema to the fauxgressive left.
And don't get me started on nuclear ...
You and I sharply disagree there—but I still eat meat and drive a ( fuel efficient) gas powered vehicle.
Me too. And I am seriously thinking of getting an EV as my next vehicle in a few years time.
But come on: surely you see that we need to make some difficult changes now in our thinking about the environment and what we can do to mitigate climate change—and take very serious actions NOW.
But fauxgressive plans like the Green New Deal are not serious. GND was overloaded with tofu that had nothing to do with climate, not even the environment. Things like federal job guarantees.
I am not going to get into the whole Israel/Palestine thing except to say that I think it’s a nearly no win situation, that both sides have committed tremendous and grave wrongs —and that I don’t think the timing is an accident.
The timing was dictated in Tehran. The theocrats there are Hamas' vassal lords.
Israel must be allowed to destroy Hamas. Even if that means entering Rafah. Of course, civilians should be evacuated as best possible, even if they have to sojourn in Egypt for a couple of months.
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.

Andrew Mellon was a wealthy businessman who served as Secretary of the Treasury from 1921 to 1932. He once said “The government is just a business, and can and should be run on business principles.” So Derec can use him as a premier example of a politician with executive experience, since he was also a great industrialist and knew how to manage a big organization and balance a budget. Mellon was the mainstay of US economic policy for over a decade and is one of the people most responsible for driving us into the Great Depression. But he really knew how to run a business. That was before the US government took Keynesian economics seriously. A Republican's Republican. Well, before Trump that is.
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.

Andrew Mellon was a wealthy businessman who served as Secretary of the Treasury from 1921 to 1932. He once said “The government is just a business, and can and should be run on business principles.” So Derec can use him as a premier example of a politician with executive experience, since he was also a great industrialist and knew how to manage a big organization and balance a budget. Mellon was the mainstay of US economic policy for over a decade and is one of the people most responsible for driving us into the Great Depression. But he really knew how to run a business. That was before the US government took Keynesian economics seriously. A Republican's Republican. Well, before Trump that is.
I did not mean to imply that it was impossible for a businessman to serve well in government. Secretary of the Treasury is a lot different than President of the United States. And the 1920’s were a long time ago.

POTUS has to work well with lots of different people in lots of different capacities. The buck may stop on his desk but people do not have to do what he says.
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.

Andrew Mellon was a wealthy businessman who served as Secretary of the Treasury from 1921 to 1932. He once said “The government is just a business, and can and should be run on business principles.” So Derec can use him as a premier example of a politician with executive experience, since he was also a great industrialist and knew how to manage a big organization and balance a budget. Mellon was the mainstay of US economic policy for over a decade and is one of the people most responsible for driving us into the Great Depression. But he really knew how to run a business. That was before the US government took Keynesian economics seriously. A Republican's Republican. Well, before Trump that is.
Hoover, who was actually quite liberal for his times, was waiting for all the corporate overlords to come to the rescue. That didn't happen. Without a responsible government and a society where people have and spend money your corporation doesn't have a chance.
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.
Bloomberg was not just a corporate executive, but also a government executive - he ran a city bigger than all but 12 most populous states.

I like the idea of somebody who had a meaningful career before entering government. Biden has been part of the federal government for the last half century.
Derec, minus something extraordinary happening, Biden is going to be the nominee.
Most likely.
I got over it in '20, I'll get over it for '24.
He wasn't my favorite in 2020 either, especially after the Corrupt Bargain with Clyburn, but Biden in 2020 was quite different kettle of fish than Biden 2024.
Whom did you like in 2020?
You need to accept that this is what it is. And the choice is between "Burn it down" man, Methuselah's Great Great Grandfather, or tossing away the vote in a protest vote that no one will ever hear or care about.
I do not propose tossing a vote.

But I can still express an opinion, right?
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Do you realize how much this forum is Not a representative sample of Usonians?
I am aware. The first sentence was not restricted to this forum.
In the leadup to the Superbowl I was hearing a lot of fawning over TS in liberal media. Even NPR. Whether that came before or after right wingers, I do not know, but there was a lot of it from the left side of the aisle.
The lefties are obsessing? Lolololol!
Not exclusively, but yes. Some libs were even saying how great it was that she is a billionaire, when they usually love to tear billionaires up and demand they pay wealth taxes.
I don't know anyone in this forum who has had more to say about AOL than Derec.
AOL? When have I talked about them in the last 20 years? Oh, yes, you must mean Alexandria Ocasio Lopez. Her name is Cortez, like the conquistador, not Lopez like the singer with the badonkadonk (definitely not TS lmao).

And have you never met lpetrich? He is the resident AOC enjoyer on here. He even started a megathread about her.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
287 pages. Not bad. By comparison, I mention her quite infrequently.

I don't expect him or the right wing echo chamber to stop bringing her up, but she is not the celebrity that she once was in the news media.
I am not a right-winger, and neither was my comment part of an echo-chamber.
You are right that she is not as omnipresent as she was a few years ago, but she is still well-known as the leader of the Squad. Besides, in the other post where I used the same metaphor I also mentioned Bernie.

She still manages to get air time for interviews, but not as frequently as in the past.
She is still the most prominent young leftie in Congress.
AOC appears to be putting in her time at the moment, and isn't remotely in charge of anything.
Well she is the head of the Squad, even if that is not an official position.
You could say she is Biden'ing her time for a senate run when Schumer retires.
I do not think she can win statewide, not even in NY. At least I hope New Yorkers are smart enough to reject her.
That she lives rent free in your mind probably helps her pay the bills too.
That's an exaggeration. She merely visits from time to time. Why would I charge her rent for that?
Has this been mentioned yet? I didn't see anything about it. How pivotal is WI? Is it really considered a swing state?
It is, but congressional districts play no role in presidential elections (except in ME and NE).

I agree that gerrymandering should be done away with. Next, how about Illinois?
Not a lot of time to respond but I definitely do not buy the corporate executive as political leader model. Biden’s political experience is actually expertise and invaluable.
Bloomberg was not just a corporate executive, but also a government executive - he ran a city bigger than all but 12 most populous states.

I like the idea of somebody who had a meaningful career before entering government. Biden has been part of the federal government for the last half century.
Running a city, even one so large as NYC, is vastly different in scope and scale than heading a nation.

I know that it is fun to imagine that some ‘outsider’ will ‘clean out the swamp/corruption’ but so far that has not worked so well.

I think that Biden has done a remarkably good job, far outperforming my expectations.
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