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The Race For 2024

January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
This is more annoying that capitalism evangelists (old reference from a former poster).

There was violence in protests in 2020 and even some highly violent riots and destruction. There was a lot of peaceful protests in 2020. And there was violence by alt-right wingers in 2020 during those protests. Can you drop your cliche?
No, it is not possible.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
This is more annoying that capitalism evangelists (old reference from a former poster).

There was violence in protests in 2020 and even some highly violent riots and destruction. There was a lot of peaceful protests in 2020. And there was violence by alt-right wingers in 2020 during those protests. Can you drop your cliche?

I don't see you whining about the constant TDS outbursts in every thread.
That'd be another cliche. Dude is running for President, going Christian Nationalist. He is quite relevant, {snip}
In some threads Trump certainly is relevant but far too often the sufferers of TDS just blurt out some Trump nonsense like they have Tourette syndrome in threads where it makes no sense. It’s not annoying, it’s just tedious.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
This is more annoying that capitalism evangelists (old reference from a former poster).

There was violence in protests in 2020 and even some highly violent riots and destruction. There was a lot of peaceful protests in 2020. And there was violence by alt-right wingers in 2020 during those protests. Can you drop your cliche?

I don't see you whining about the constant TDS outbursts in every thread.
That'd be another cliche. Dude is running for President, going Christian Nationalist. He is quite relevant, {snip}
In some threads Trump certainly is relevant but far too often the sufferers of TDS just blurt out some Trump nonsense like they have Tourette syndrome in threads where it makes no sense. It’s not annoying, it’s just tedious.
From the guy who has "Let's go Brandon" as their 'motto'. Yeah, everyone else is TDS, except you.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
This is more annoying that capitalism evangelists (old reference from a former poster).

There was violence in protests in 2020 and even some highly violent riots and destruction. There was a lot of peaceful protests in 2020. And there was violence by alt-right wingers in 2020 during those protests. Can you drop your cliche?

I don't see you whining about the constant TDS outbursts in every thread.
That'd be another cliche. Dude is running for President, going Christian Nationalist. He is quite relevant, {snip}
In some threads Trump certainly is relevant but far too often the sufferers of TDS just blurt out some Trump nonsense like they have Tourette syndrome in threads where it makes no sense. It’s not annoying, it’s just tedious.
From the guy who has "Let's go Brandon" as their 'motto'.
Eh? I’ve been a Brandon Brown fan for years.
Yeah, everyone else is TDS, except you.
No, not everyone but quite a few on here are chronic sufferers of TDS.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
The difference being that the 2020 riots were an attempt to defund the police (which was stupid); whereas the Jan 6 riots were an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of democratic power.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
The difference being that the 2020 riots were an attempt to defund the police (which was stupid); whereas the Jan 6 riots were an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of democratic power.
Yabut which one had more PROPERTY DAMAGE??
Keep your eye on the ball - only one thing matters.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
The difference being that the 2020 riots were an attempt to defund the police (which was stupid); whereas the Jan 6 riots were an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of democratic power.
Of course, it'd be a good idea to denote that in 2020, there were a lot of protests, some protests had small levels of damage (by protestors or criminals or even alt-right folks), and there were actual riots with substantial damage. None of the violence was anything but criminal (regardless if by angry protestors, gangs, or alt-right folk). In a few cases, the cops stood back because trying to insert themselves in that situation was most likely dangerous to their personal life and safety. Some wanted to suggest the people in charge did so for other reasons, which was defamation. The cause for the protests was police maltreatment of blacks that led to death. The cause of the damage during the protests was either overzealous anger or criminal intent. The riots are clearly inexcusable, but the risk to life of officers in trying to stop a riot was simply too high.

The riot on January 6th turn college frat dorm prank, required the National Guard to clear the US Capitol building. Congress was evacuated. Yes, once the fools broke in, and saw Congress was out of touch, the violence devolved into petty frat level bullshit. However, had they managed to breach areas determined to be unbreachable, how many people would have been killed. This riot was also politically motivated to overturn an election's results.

The main difference between the two things is the 2020 protests consisted of a broad spectrum of events that some want to exaggerate were all violent. Meanwhile the same people have this tendency to overlook the violent and fascist acts that took place at the behest of Donald Trump and his minions right before (and during by President Trump) they happened.
January 6th was not a riot, it was a mostly peaceful protest.
To quote teenage girls everywhere: lol wut?
More "mostly peaceful" than the 2020 riots for sure.
The difference being that the 2020 riots were an attempt to defund the police (which was stupid); whereas the Jan 6 riots were an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of democratic power.
And one was a lot more successful than the other.
He's not going to make it to November;

Joe Biden's cognitive decline has become readily apparent to dozens of high-ranking officials in recent months, a bombshell new report claims. More than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers offered insight on the subject, citing recent mistakes by the commander-in-chief they found concerning. Aired in the midst of an election year, the report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past, while the White House maintains the 81-year-old is still a top leader. The dozens who spoke to The Wall Street Journal disagreed - describing a president who today speaks so softly that some struggle to even understand what he's saying. Others pointed to the commander-in-chief's declining grasp of important policy details, and increasing reliance on notes and impromptu offerings from aides. Several said Biden's demeanor varies by the day - as the White House reportedly went through great pains to keep tabs on what Democrats were saying. The report, titled 'Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping', published Tuesday.

Daily Mail

The jig is up, time to get in a new candidate.
He's not going to make it to November;

Joe Biden's cognitive decline has become readily apparent to dozens of high-ranking officials in recent months, a bombshell new report claims. More than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers offered insight on the subject, citing recent mistakes by the commander-in-chief they found concerning. Aired in the midst of an election year, the report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past, while the White House maintains the 81-year-old is still a top leader. The dozens who spoke to The Wall Street Journal disagreed - describing a president who today speaks so softly that some struggle to even understand what he's saying. Others pointed to the commander-in-chief's declining grasp of important policy details, and increasing reliance on notes and impromptu offerings from aides. Several said Biden's demeanor varies by the day - as the White House reportedly went through great pains to keep tabs on what Democrats were saying. The report, titled 'Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping', published Tuesday.

Daily Mail

The jig is up, time to get in a new candidate.

Speaking of tedious...
Speaking of tedious...
Lulz! Swiz believes the DM.
I can't wait.
When Trump gets his lunch handed to him Swiz will conclude - or rather, has likely ALREADY CONCLUDED - that fraud is responsible for the fact that a 34x felon with 54 more pending felony charges, a miserable performance record and a history of lying, fraud, sexual assault and attacking democracy, turns out to NOT be 'Murka's favorite candidate.
Meanwhile, sleepy Joe just keeps on racking up the wins.
Swiz just can't understand how that can be!
Speaking of tedious...
Lulz! Swiz believes the DM.
I can't wait.
When Trump gets his lunch handed to him Swiz will conclude - or rather, has likely ALREADY CONCLUDED - that fraud is responsible for the fact that a 34x felon with 54 more pending felony charges, a miserable performance record and a history of lying, fraud, sexual assault and attacking democracy, turns out to NOT be 'Murka's favorite candidate.
Meanwhile, sleepy Joe just keeps on racking up the wins.
Swiz just can't understand how that can be!
Now, now. Don't be deranged. Brandon has clearly lost the plot. I haven't heard him praise Hannibal Lector once, which is a clear sign of early dementia.
And yet the Ilk pretends that they were "mostly peaceful". What is more peaceful?

Or this:

Or Maybe like this.

Next time a DNC/BLM/LGBTQXYZ rally kills or wounds over a hundred LEOs, I’ll stop making fun of the equivocators.
I am pretty sure that all the corporate media from NPR to Fox are fully in the tank for Trump and Corporate Feudalism. NPR is just running election horse race stories. Nobody is running stories on how corrupt and horrible Trump and his supporters are. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t running straight propaganda. They are running sports stories and “who will get the VP” nomination stories instead of putting everything from the Taj Mahal fraud to the present on repeat.

I can get a bar of soap, jar of peanut butter, tub of ice cream, toothpaste … and they are all made by the same global company. Those fuckers love Trump and any other anti-democracy fuck like Orban or Putin because they are going to control everything and the weaker the governments the better. These fucks control most media now. They want to keep people bickering over rainbow lights on bridges to they keep the right wingers all pissed off. Get the anti government types to worry about brown people and queers and they want be bothered to notice the corporate hand in their pockets.
I don’t have the time or patience to articulate this better from my tiny phone. I am on an island in Mexico right now where the locals have draped the town hall and square in rainbow and the nation elected a woman with a science degree. Next week I go back to DeSantistan and fear what shenanigans the global corporations are going to pull to fuck up any positive direction here. They have elections on weekends here and ban alcohol sales on Election Day.
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