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The Race For 2024

I am pretty sure that all the corporate media from NPR to Fox are fully in the tank for Trump and Corporate Feudalism. NPR is just running election horse race stories. Nobody is running stories on how corrupt and horrible Trump and his supporters are. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t running straight propaganda. They are running sports stories and “who will get the VP” nomination stories instead of putting everything from the Taj Mahal fraud to the present on repeat.

I can get a bar of soap, jar of peanut butter, tub of ice cream, toothpaste … and they are all made by the same global company. Those fuckers love Trump and any other anti-democracy fuck like Orban or Putin because they are going to control everything and the weaker the governments the better. These fucks control most media now. They want to keep people bickering over rainbow lights on bridges to they keep the right wingers all pissed off. Get the anti government types to worry about brown people and queers and they want be bothered to notice the corporate hand in their pockets.
That's about the size of it. Depoliticization and corporatization have always gone hand in hand.
He is not going to make it to November;

President Joe Biden squatted down during ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day Thursday, then awkwardly held the position before correcting himself while other dignitaries remained standing for his defense secretary. The odd moment came during an interlude after Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron greeted surviving heroes of the Normandy invasion, as a military band played somber music. Biden, 81, then bent his knees as if he were preparing to sit. Just as he was getting ready to plop down, the music suddenly cut, and a loudspeaker told the gathered 'distinguished guests' that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would speak. That got Biden to pause halfway to the chair, while others on stage were still upright. He then slightly elevated himself as if to stand. Then, he lowered himself down as other standing notables did the same. Biden may have gotten some covert stage directions from first lady Jill Biden, who was standing next to him, and who sometimes guides him to the exits during his public events. After Biden starting squatting down, the first lady covered her mouth and scratched the area above her upper lip. It was difficult to tell whether she let him know it wasn't yet the right time to sit.

Daily Mail

You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!

His decline is obvious, when will the Dems end this charade.
His decline is obvious, when will the Dems end this charade.
Sleepy Joe's physical decline is obvious. But not so much so as Trump's increasing malevolence. Timing for sitting and standing at performance events is probably Trump's strongest suit.
It's a damn good thing that Trump's a natural dullard and and ignoramus who doesn't know Tanzania from his own testicles. His obvious frontotemporal dementia isn't really the problem with him.
The problem is, that if Trump gets installed again, the powers that be now know exactly how to operate the puppet, and the puppet has loudly expressed his desire for their help staying out of prison. He is kompromatted beyond kompromat. It's not like there's some dirty, little secret that might get out. It's that he will spend the rest of his miserable life in prison if he doesn't perform exactly as Pootey and the MI complex dictate. He is Pootey's bitch to the nth degree right now, and they ALL lose if Trump loses. So Trump won't "lose" so much as "be rescued", whether through cheating in the actual election, overturning the actual results or both. There is a bit of an open question about whether an "insurrescue" attempt will succeed, but that it will occur once Trump loses the election, is foregone.
You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!
Ooh.. more scare quotes. Jill does have a doctorate so "doctor" is an appropriate term. Just like "criminal" is an appropriate term for Trump, which you also put scare quotes around in a previous post.

Yes, focus on the use of quotation marks, that way you need not acknowledge the important stuff.

/important stuff

In other developments, the GOP has revealed its plan to make Trump Emperor.
The idea is to lock up, kill and deport democrats, absorb the judiciary into the executive
branch and control Congress indefinitely through gerrymandering and vote rigging.
/unimportant stuff
I am pretty sure that all the corporate media from NPR to Fox are fully in the tank for Trump and Corporate Feudalism. NPR is just running election horse race stories. Nobody is running stories on how corrupt and horrible Trump and his supporters are. It doesn’t matter that they aren’t running straight propaganda. They are running sports stories and “who will get the VP” nomination stories instead of putting everything from the Taj Mahal fraud to the present on repeat.

I can get a bar of soap, jar of peanut butter, tub of ice cream, toothpaste … and they are all made by the same global company. Those fuckers love Trump and any other anti-democracy fuck like Orban or Putin because they are going to control everything and the weaker the governments the better. These fucks control most media now. They want to keep people bickering over rainbow lights on bridges to they keep the right wingers all pissed off. Get the anti government types to worry about brown people and queers and they want be bothered to notice the corporate hand in their pockets.
This has been my biggest gripe about the media; they've abdicated their responsibility to report what the consequences will be with another Trump "presidency" under the guise of being objective. I'm not talking about the right wing propaganda outlets; those disgusting abusers of the First Amendment don't count and we all know who they are.

It's the traditional media outlets who have utterly shit the bed when it comes to informing the public of what's actually happening. To be fair, they can't help sway the slack-jawed morons watching Fox News, but for some unfathomable reason there are a lot of undecideds who do get their news from non-batshit outlets yet they seem utterly unaware of just how dire things are.

The U.S. is in a state of crisis, but you wouldn't know it from looking at CNN or ABC. We haven't been in the circumstance where both sides have a legitimate argument since before Bush/Cheney and Rove fully and successfully tested out the gaslighting strategy. Meanwhile, the media still thinks its 1995.
He is not going to make it to November;

President Joe Biden squatted down during ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day Thursday, then awkwardly held the position before correcting himself while other dignitaries remained standing for his defense secretary. The odd moment came during an interlude after Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron greeted surviving heroes of the Normandy invasion, as a military band played somber music. Biden, 81, then bent his knees as if he were preparing to sit. Just as he was getting ready to plop down, the music suddenly cut, and a loudspeaker told the gathered 'distinguished guests' that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would speak. That got Biden to pause halfway to the chair, while others on stage were still upright. He then slightly elevated himself as if to stand. Then, he lowered himself down as other standing notables did the same. Biden may have gotten some covert stage directions from first lady Jill Biden, who was standing next to him, and who sometimes guides him to the exits during his public events. After Biden starting squatting down, the first lady covered her mouth and scratched the area above her upper lip. It was difficult to tell whether she let him know it wasn't yet the right time to sit.

Daily Mail

You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!

His decline is obvious, when will the Dems end this charade.
I'm not going to repost it, but I stand my position that a frozen bag of tomatoes would be infinitely better for this country than the yam colored shit stain.
He is not going to make it to November;

President Joe Biden squatted down during ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day Thursday, then awkwardly held the position before correcting himself while other dignitaries remained standing for his defense secretary. The odd moment came during an interlude after Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron greeted surviving heroes of the Normandy invasion, as a military band played somber music. Biden, 81, then bent his knees as if he were preparing to sit. Just as he was getting ready to plop down, the music suddenly cut, and a loudspeaker told the gathered 'distinguished guests' that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would speak. That got Biden to pause halfway to the chair, while others on stage were still upright. He then slightly elevated himself as if to stand. Then, he lowered himself down as other standing notables did the same. Biden may have gotten some covert stage directions from first lady Jill Biden, who was standing next to him, and who sometimes guides him to the exits during his public events. After Biden starting squatting down, the first lady covered her mouth and scratched the area above her upper lip. It was difficult to tell whether she let him know it wasn't yet the right time to sit.

Daily Mail

You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!

His decline is obvious, when will the Dems end this charade.
I'm not going to repost it, but I stand my position that a frozen bag of tomatoes would be infinitely better for this country than the yam colored shit stain.

If Brandon is your guy, that's cool.

He's not the guy for me though. I am not going to hold my nose and vote for him.
If Brandon is your guy, that's cool.

He's not the guy for me though. I am not going to hold my nose and vote for him.
So basically you'd rather vote for a convicted felon who mistakes his ex-wife with women he sexually abused and fantasises over Hannibal Lector than a guy who listens and occasionally follows instructions from his wife. Wish I could say I was surprised.
You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!
Ooh.. more scare quotes. Jill does have a doctorate so "doctor" is an appropriate term. Just like "criminal" is an appropriate term for Trump, which you also put scare quotes around in a previous post.

Yes, focus on the use of quotation marks, that way you need not acknowledge the important stuff.
I can do both. I just chose to comment on the quotation marks. It indicates to me your disinterest in having a good faith discussion on the important stuff by signaling a strong bias.
You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!
Ooh.. more scare quotes. Jill does have a doctorate so "doctor" is an appropriate term. Just like "criminal" is an appropriate term for Trump, which you also put scare quotes around in a previous post.

Yes, focus on the use of quotation marks, that way you need not acknowledge the important stuff.
I can do both. I just chose to comment on the quotation marks. It indicates to me your disinterest in having a good faith discussion on the important stuff by signaling a strong bias.

You could do neither and simply move along.
If Brandon is your guy, that's cool.

He's not the guy for me though. I am not going to hold my nose and vote for him.
So basically you'd rather vote for a convicted felon who mistakes his ex-wife with women he sexually abused and fantasises over Hannibal Lector than a guy who listens and occasionally follows instructions from his wife. Wish I could say I was surprised.
My guess is that TSwizzle is the holier than thou type that voted for Stein in 2016 in order to be able to brag about the purity of their convictions. Ya' know, because that did us so much good.
You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!
Ooh.. more scare quotes. Jill does have a doctorate so "doctor" is an appropriate term. Just like "criminal" is an appropriate term for Trump, which you also put scare quotes around in a previous post.

Yes, focus on the use of quotation marks, that way you need not acknowledge the important stuff.
I can do both. I just chose to comment on the quotation marks. It indicates to me your disinterest in having a good faith discussion on the important stuff by signaling a strong bias.

You could do neither and simply move along.
And you could also recognize reality by not putting scare quotes around facts like Jill Biden having a doctorate and Donald Trump being a convicted felon. But neither of us should hold our breaths, I suppose.

And if you don't feel like moving along either, you can just respond with "sure, Jan" or a rolleyes emoji.
He is not going to make it to November;

President Joe Biden squatted down during ceremonies commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day Thursday, then awkwardly held the position before correcting himself while other dignitaries remained standing for his defense secretary. The odd moment came during an interlude after Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron greeted surviving heroes of the Normandy invasion, as a military band played somber music. Biden, 81, then bent his knees as if he were preparing to sit. Just as he was getting ready to plop down, the music suddenly cut, and a loudspeaker told the gathered 'distinguished guests' that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would speak. That got Biden to pause halfway to the chair, while others on stage were still upright. He then slightly elevated himself as if to stand. Then, he lowered himself down as other standing notables did the same. Biden may have gotten some covert stage directions from first lady Jill Biden, who was standing next to him, and who sometimes guides him to the exits during his public events. After Biden starting squatting down, the first lady covered her mouth and scratched the area above her upper lip. It was difficult to tell whether she let him know it wasn't yet the right time to sit.

Daily Mail

You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!

His decline is obvious, when will the Dems end this charade.
i notice that daily mail edited that video to stop just before EVERYONE ELSE ON THE STAGE SAT DOWN.

One of the lawmakers being considered for Donald Trump's vice presidential running mate suggested to a crowd of Black conservatives that things were better under Jim Crow.

U.S. Reps. Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Wesley Hunt (R-TX) spoke to a crowd in Philadelphia this week, where they made the case to a group of supporters that living under Jim Crow was better for them, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.

The event was part of the campaign's “Black Americans for Trump” initiative, though the group met in Northeast Philadelphia, "one of the whitest and most conservative parts of Philly," the report said.

During a different point, Donalds explained that young Black people are prioritizing the nuclear family “helping to breathe the revival of a Black middle class in America.”

Democrats destroyed Black families, he argued.

“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” he said. “And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he added, referring to the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Byron Donalds is pushing back on how people interpreted what he said.
CNN said:
“All I was doing is referring to the time periods when you talk about the historical timelines in America and coinciding with Black families and what their marriage rate in Black families are,” Donalds said.

“Nobody ever made nostalgia, that was never the point. It wasn’t even about that,” he added. “I didn’t say that. I didn’t even insinuate that.”
Except one minor thing Rep. Donald's, YOU brought up Jim Crow. You could have just said black families were more united 80 years ago than they are now. Might not be true, might be true, but you get the point without tainting the thought with Jim Crow and almost giving white people credit for the great state of the average black family.

This reminds me of Trent Lott's statement while speaking at Thurmond's funeral, that if Thurmond had won the Presidency, we wouldn't have all these sorts of problems. Thurmond, as some already know ran a Presidential campaign that didn't include support for segregation, but was almost exclusively about support for segregation.
You can actually see "Dr" Jill Biden telling the old duffer not to sit down!
Ooh.. more scare quotes. Jill does have a doctorate so "doctor" is an appropriate term. Just like "criminal" is an appropriate term for Trump, which you also put scare quotes around in a previous post.

Yes, focus on the use of quotation marks, that way you need not acknowledge the important stuff.
I can do both. I just chose to comment on the quotation marks. It indicates to me your disinterest in having a good faith discussion on the important stuff by signaling a strong bias.

You could do neither and simply move along.
Sure he could.

But the only thing required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing...
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