• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Race For 2024

BLM protests weren't the only protests during Trump's time in office.

I don't recall anything anywhere near the level of chaos and destruction as BLM. Keep in mind that the US was for the most part in lockdown and there wasn't a lot going on.

The entire nation was on edge due to the threatening nature of Trump.
LOL, if you say so. Seemed to me only a small section of deluded loons were "on edge".

Referring to Americans as vermin, communists, and saying Nazis were good people will do that to a nation. Thankfully his utter lack of preparedness and incompetent yes men helped foil his more destructive impulses during this time.

Thank goodness for that hey? Otherwise it would have been what, gas chambers, gulags, death squads?
Drama? Dismiss it all you want, but there's an actual plan this time. The goal is to persecute political opposition, give Trump dictatorial powers in order to bypass Congress and the Senate, require loyalty oaths from government employees, and the creation of national bans on civil rights.
LOL, you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid.

Oh, and let's not forget the declaration of America as a Christian nation.
Not hardly.

A very basic knowledge of history with respect to what's happened when regimes advocating for these positions shows what happens. His followers will do anything he asks (see shitting themselves in diapers) and it's not a big leap to think they'll kill for him (see the governor of Minnesota, Nancy Pelosi's husband, and the GOP's proud declaration of themselves as domestic terrorists).

You're having a laugh.

If one doesn't see this as a recipe for the loss of democracy and potential mass murder, then I don't know what to tell you.

Behave yourself.
Drama? Dismiss it all you want, but there's an actual plan this time. The goal is to persecute political opposition, give Trump dictatorial powers in order to bypass Congress and the Senate, require loyalty oaths from government employees, and the creation of national bans on civil rights.
LOL, you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid.
Considering that you have admitted to not following news, I suggest you look up Project 2025.
Drama? Dismiss it all you want, but there's an actual plan this time. The goal is to persecute political opposition, give Trump dictatorial powers in order to bypass Congress and the Senate, require loyalty oaths from government employees, and the creation of national bans on civil rights.
LOL, you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid.
Considering that you have admitted to not following news, I suggest you look up Project 2025.
Yeah. I'm done with Mr. Swizzle. Ignorance + bad faith = wallowing in the pig shit along with the pigs.
What do you have against pigs?
Drama? Dismiss it all you want, but there's an actual plan this time. The goal is to persecute political opposition, give Trump dictatorial powers in order to bypass Congress and the Senate, require loyalty oaths from government employees, and the creation of national bans on civil rights.
LOL, you really need to stop drinking the kool-aid.
Considering that you have admitted to not following news, I suggest you look up Project 2025.
Yeah. I'm done with Mr. Swizzle. Ignorance + bad faith = wallowing in the pig shit along with the pigs.

It ain’t called the Swizzle Fizzle for nothing. :D
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
In what way was anything debunked? The old duffer wandered off with that dopey, vacant look on his face. How do you debunk “he looks every day of his 81 years”?
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
In what way was anything debunked? The old duffer wandered off with that dopey, vacant look on his face. How do you debunk “he looks every day of his 81 years”?
Debunked here in the first minute of the video.

Forget it. Swizzle wants to believe in shit. That’s why he quotes constantly the tabloid rag Daily Mail. We are entering a dangerous new era, the era of Deep Fakes. Increasingly it will be difficult if not impossible to distinguish facts from lies. There may be an algorithm arms race, in which algorithms that promote ever more authentic-seeming deep fakes are counterbalanced by algorithms that detect and flag them. In the end it won’t matter, though. People like Swizzle believe what they choose to believe. Unfortunately the Swizzles seem to be in the majority.
I saw video of an author that interviewed tRump. He said he will treat his pick of the VP like the Apprentice. He sees everything as a reality show.
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
In what way was anything debunked? The old duffer wandered off with that dopey, vacant look on his face. How do you debunk “he looks every day of his 81 years”?
Debunked here in the first minute of the video.

No one complains more about the "Mainstream Media" than right-wingers and they are the worst for clicking on crap stories, In order to stay alive, large legacy media outlets are becoming more and more click-baity and it's because people are clicking on the dumb stuff, like fake Biden videos.

The red-pilled nimrods at work constantly complain about the "Lamestream" media as they gleefully share fake stories about Trudeau being Fidel Castro's son, or Biden pooping his pants, or some conspiracy nonsense. I find I'm eating lunch in my car most days so I don't have to lose brain cells listening to them.
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
In what way was anything debunked? The old duffer wandered off with that dopey, vacant look on his face. How do you debunk “he looks every day of his 81 years”?
Debunked here in the first minute of the video.

OK, finally video was provided. Biden does, in fact, thumb-uping real people.
1. Original video was not edited by right wing scum, as biden scum claimed.
2. Second, different angle video appeared much later, so right-wing scum had no other video to use against this senile mam
4. MSM scum media tacitly agreed that first video does look like biden is wandering off and thumb-upping nobody.

OK, we cleared this shit up. So, the next question is, Why do you have debates before parties conventions?
Last edited:
Brandon is getting worse;

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni walked over and guided a wayward President Biden after he strolled away from a photo opportunity at the G7 Thursday. The president and other world leaders were gathered to view parachute jumpers who descended from the sky while displaying the flags of allied nations – in a show of unity and military prowess. Some of the leaders were still clapping as one blue-clad parachutist unhooked some of his gear, when Biden started slowly walking away. At that point Meloni jumped into action, walking over to the president to guide him back to the shot which would show all the leaders together.

Daily Mail

He looks every day of his 81years, he is out of it, totally confused and lost.

He's not going to make it to November.

*edit. To be fair, he has traveled a fair bit the past few days and he is sure to be tired. But still, he is not up to the job of POTUS.
It sounds like President Biden had a moment of confusion at the G7 event, which prompted Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to help guide him back. While traveling extensively can be exhausting, concerns about his fitness for office are understandable given his age and recent behavior.
Moment of confusion? Really? For saluting someone in jest? Regarding the parachutist, Biden was talking to the parachutist. This was photoshopped.

I'd recommend to people to be suspicious of the media.

The Deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but TSwizzle was taken in by it anyway. SAd.
In what way was anything debunked? The old duffer wandered off with that dopey, vacant look on his face. How do you debunk “he looks every day of his 81 years”?
Debunked here in the first minute of the video.

OK, finally video was provided. Biden does, in fact, thumb-uping real people.
1. Original video was not edited by right wing scum, as biden scum claimed.
2. Second, different angle video appeared much later, so right-wing scum had no other video to use against this senile mam
4. MSM scum media tacitly agreed that first video does look like biden is wandering off and thumb-upping nobody.

OK, we cleared this shit up. So, the next question is, Why do you have debates before parties conventions?

So you're saying you fell for it.
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have laid out starkly contrasting blueprints for the U.S. economy as they vie for a second term in November.

Trump has said he would seek to extend and expand his 2017 tax cuts, severely restrict illegal immigration while deporting millions of foreign-born residents, impose tariffs on all U.S. imports, and roll back much of Biden’s initiatives to transition the nation to clean energy.

Biden would extend some of the Trump tax cuts − but not for wealthy individuals and corporations – establish more targeted tariffs on Chinese imports and toughen immigration constraints but not nearly as dramatically as Trump.

He also would push a lengthy wish list of social service programs that would make child care more affordable, provide free college tuition, cancel more student loan debt and lower drug prices, among other proposals. But analysts say they’re unlikely to pass a divided Congress.
It's kind of silly to be focused on this event. It looks to me like its ambiguous as to whether he's wandering off or just checking out the skydiver. There are better, non-ambiguous examples of Biden not being all there. Like his reading out loud of teleprompter cues ("Pause", "End of Message", etc). Or forgetting cabinet member names (e.g. his DHS secretary most recently), getting names wrong, calling out dead people, forgetting where he is, mixing up countries, calling Kamala "President", forgetting when he was VP...
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