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The Race For 2024

Both parties need to do more/better to bring forward strong candidates for the highest offices.
Both parties need to die, along with their media.
Spoken like a true authoritarian. Not an insult, by the way. Your attitudes towards the democratic process and unshakable belief in Dear Leader dovetail such an ideology perfectly.
You don't have democracy. Democracy implies free press.
Press is free. Unfortunately, not free from foreign interference.
It's not free if government owns it. And yes, people who control government control the media as well.
Sorry, no. This is not Russia.

Would a major newspaper in Russia be allowed to call for Putin to step down?
I'm a strong moderate, but I like AOC also. Bernie is too old. While both AOC and Bernie are to my left; AOC is just more appealable to me.
I do not like AOC. She is not just too far left, but there is something unserious about her. Take her GND. She insists that the issue is urgent, and yet what has she done on the issue in the half decade since she first introduced that resolution? Also, that infamous FAQ with "getting rid of farting cows" is not exactly a sign of a serious policy proposal.
I think that eventually she'll get more popular votes. She needs more years of experience IMO.
I don't know. She may have peaked in the House. I think she is too left to win presidency, and she would need a statewide office (senator, governor) as a stepping stone, and even winning stateside would be an uphill climb for her. Queens and Bronx are very different than the rest of the state.
However, if Biden drops out, the nominee will be Harris. She isn't my favorite pick. But the optics would be very bad to have a white politician leapfrogging a black VP.
How much do Dems have to do to appease black women? Biden gave them a SCOTUS justice and the vice president, and Gavin Newsom "no E" gave them a temporary senate seat. In Maryland the party establishment went balls to the walls for Angela Alsobrooks and all but ignored her primary opponent.
If Biden drops out (and he should have done so a year ago!) there should be some kind of a competitive process to determine the best candidate. Not a coronation based on level of melanin and genitalia.
He has his fans, but they're not enough. Furthermore, having a candidate who proudly claims to be a (democratic) socialist would not just inflame the MAGA crowd, but would likely peel away some of the "never Trump" traditional conservatives who still remember the Cold War with fondness.
Not just the MAGA crowd, it would be suicide with independents as well. Especially now that Bernie has gone full movement leftist and embraced things that he eschewed before, like identity politics and hatred of Israel. He even got the islamofascist Linda "the Cockroach" Sarsour to be his surrogate in 2020.

One person I've not seen mentioned yet is Buttigieg. If his appearances on talk shows or testifying in front of a hostile GOP house are any indication, he'd absolutely wreck Trump in a debate. He's intelligent, articulate, young, a veteran, and his only real liabilities are his height (he'd look tiny compared to Fatty McFatterson) and the whole gay thing...though I think that's much less of an issue. He comes across much better than Harris, and he's proven himself to be a competent leader.
Yes, he would be a formidable candidate. The worry is that his sexuality would be a turnoff for certain parts of the Democratic base, especially the black and Latino Dems, who tend to be much more traditionally religious than the median Democrat. Remember Prop 8 in California?
Most Calif. blacks backed proposition 8
If you want to guarantee a Trump win, then Harris is your answer. It'd be an ass kicking the likes of which haven't been seen since the Reagan windshield splattered Mondale all over the electoral map. I'd vote for her, but again, I'd vote for a frozen bag of tomatoes over Trump.

Bernie... I really like Bernie. I voted for him in the primaries here in California, knowing that my vote would be wasted. As a legit candidate to take over for Biden? Yeah no.

Newsom is the only viable replacement. He'd rip Trump a new asshole at any future debate and he has the experience, looks, and charisma to quickly become a viable candidate. MAGA hates California and anyone that comes from here, but that's nothing new. They're all in on Fat Joffrey so they're not gettable anyway.

But most of America isn't that familiar with Newsom. First impressions are vital and he'd make a great first impression, particularly among undecideds.

It'd still be a tough go, but he's easily the best bet; and if it's going to happen, it needs to happen now.

ETA: in a strange twist of things, I actually and fully agree with Derec's post immediately above this one.
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I think "candidate age" and "old white man" arguments are DOA in this election. We have 2 old white men; so, *if* Biden were to step aside - and I do not think he will, nor am I convinced that he should even think of it or do it - but, if that if were more than an if, then, I think that Bernie Sanders *might* be the best choice.

Are you serious?

Beside the point that he is too far left, and that he has fully embraced more toxic aspects of contemporary movement leftism is recent years - he was always a class warrior, but now he is a social justice warrior and identitarian to boot - he is even older than Biden. He will be 83 at the time of election.

Being a former NJ Dem (ugh, not on purpose; it was for survival) I can say that Dems are bad on supporting women candidates. Barack Obama refused to endorse Barbara Buono, the Dem who ran against Republican Chris Christie's 2nd term as Governor of New Jersey. Barack was asked, and he said "I thought about it and decided naaaaaaaaaah."
Should Dems like Obama endorse female candidates simply for being female?
blah blah - this is an example of how Democrats fail to support women candidates.
Hillary was very much supported by the DNC. Kamala was selected for veep - in fact Biden pledged to only consider women for the position. He also pledged to nominate a black woman to SCOTUS. How much more support do you want?
Kamala Harris wouldn't get the same support that Joe Biden is getting. Gretchen Whitmer (who has declined, as you said) would not get that support.
I think KH was a very flawed candidate in 2020, but she would get full party support, as would GW. Why do you think they would not?

I don't think any other woman (not AOC, not Rep Jasmine Crockett) would get as many votes, much less as much support from the Democratic Party.
Serious female candidates like KH (despite her flaws) or GW could, and probably would win. AOC and Jasmine Crockett would not be serious candidates. Both are just in House members, and the last president whose highest office was a House member was James Garfield in 1880 if I am not mistaken. Besides, the only reason JC is known is her catfight with MTG. For the record, her false lashes are ratchet. Real talk.
That's why Bernie is my final answer. I mean, in regards to "who could truly beat Trump on the off chance that Biden retired" question goes.
Would a major newspaper in Russia be allowed to call for Putin to step down?
Sure. Grandpa Bunker seldom stops things from being printed at the source, not his style. Remember Noon Against Putin? Rather, he finds out who was responsible, drops a few hints that they've shortened their lifespan, watches them run around from country to country for a couple of months to years driving up more headlines. Then he either arrests them for publishing "fake news", if its a minor case, or in more serious cases, has them messily assassinated in a way that avoids directly implicating him but making it abundantly clear to the public who was responsible. The system works. After a few decades of this, only the most bold of reporters are willing to defy him, a manageable number, and there's some reliably good bloodsport for the Russian public to enjoy.

Trump is going to try something similar, but it won't work as well, mainly because he is so universally despised (albeit milked for considerable profit) within the news media aristocracy. He'll find he lacks sufficient clout in the right rooms to cause serious trouble for the Maddows and Hayeses of the world, the investors just won't side with him.
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It might be better for Biden to stay in the race, spend the next few months campaigning hard and showing his "vigor," then - if he wins - step down sometime next year so that Harris can move into the Oval Office.
He could've done this the first go-around and given his age no one would have questioned it. Then unlikable Harris could have proven her bona fides and possibly been more palatable for this election or challenged if necessary. But they never do this. If Biden wins the only way he's going out is feet first. Just like RBG could have stepped down in a more timely manner.
Both parties need to do more/better to bring forward strong candidates for the highest offices.
Both parties need to die, along with their media.
Spoken like a true authoritarian. Not an insult, by the way. Your attitudes towards the democratic process and unshakable belief in Dear Leader dovetail such an ideology perfectly.
You don't have democracy. Democracy implies free press.
Press is free. Unfortunately, not free from foreign interference.
It's not free if government owns it. And yes, people who control government control the media as well.
Sorry, no. This is not Russia.

Would a major newspaper in Russia be allowed to call for Putin to step down?
I never claimed russian media were free. But if shit hits the fan or Putin becomes senile, yes they will call for Putin to step down.
You, on the other hand claim that your press is free, But they are not. They are all owned by people who tell them what to say and what not to say. The same people own your government. If some MSM journalist decides to change his/her opinion and it's not in line with official narrative they will be fired. That's why we have Joe Scarborough who one day says that Biden is in his best shape ever and can beat the shit out of Mike Tyson and next day he says, well, we all saw what we saw.
He is a prostitute. There are few journalists in US who have integrity.
Whitmer has already said she's not interested,...

People keep saying this, but what does it mean? That she didn't want to appear on a debate stage pointlessly attacking the incumbent, along with some other also-rans? That's NOT what we'd be asking for. We're assuming that the "cats could be herded" and Whitmer (or someone) chosen at the Convention by acclamation Do you honestly think she would do a
Nobody ever actually said this said:
If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve.

Another misconception is that Biden might refuse to step down. If enough insiders (start with Obama and Dr. Jill) ask him to step down he will. (If he didn't that would demonstrate that he really IS senile.)

A third misconception is that insiders are happy with Biden. They MUST say that publicly. (If I were a pundit appearing on TV, I would also be toeing the party line.) But in their secret cloak rooms they are feverishly discussing alternatives. However that fever is dying out. The Ds have come to their senses too late.
I was re-reading The Audacity of Hope today:

"Maybe the critics are right. Maybe there's no escaping our great political divide, an endless clash of armies, and any attempts to alter the rules of engagement are futile. Or maybe the trivialization of politics has reached a point of no return, so that most people see it as just one more diversion, a sport, with politicians our paunch-bellied gladiators and those who bother to pay attention just fans on the sidelines: We paint our faces red or blue and cheer our side and boo their side, and if it takes a late hit or cheap shot to beat the other team, so be it, for winning is all that matters.
But I don't think so. They are out there, I think to myself, those ordinary citizens who have grown up in the midst of all the political and cultural battles, but who have found a way-in their own lives, at least- to make peace with their neighbors, and themselves.
...I imagine they are waiting for a politics with the maturity to balance idealism and realism, to distinguish between what can and cannot be compromised, to admit the possibility that the other side might sometimes have a point. They don't always understand the arguments between right and left, conservative and liberal, but they recognize the difference between dogma and common sense, responsibility and irresponsibility, between those things that last and those that are fleeting. They are out there, waiting for Republicans and Democrats to catch up with them."

President Joe Biden on Wednesday increased his outreach to lawmakers, Democratic governors, and staff after days of criticism that he hasn't done enough to personally tamp down on nervousness that he should abandon his run for re-election.
On an all-hands call with campaign staffers, Biden made clear that he didn't plan to exit the race, telling attendees, "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running," according to one campaign official on the call. “No one is pushing me out," the president added, also saying, "I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win.” Moments later, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated Biden's comments at a press briefing, telling reporters that the president is "absolutely not" considering stepping down.


This is going to be the funnest election EVAH!!

Let's Go Brandon!!

President Joe Biden on Wednesday increased his outreach to lawmakers, Democratic governors, and staff after days of criticism that he hasn't done enough to personally tamp down on nervousness that he should abandon his run for re-election.
On an all-hands call with campaign staffers, Biden made clear that he didn't plan to exit the race, telling attendees, "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running," according to one campaign official on the call. “No one is pushing me out," the president added, also saying, "I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end, and we’re going to win.” Moments later, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated Biden's comments at a press briefing, telling reporters that the president is "absolutely not" considering stepping down.


This is going to be the funnest election EVAH!!

Let's Go Brandon!!
I seem to recall another President who refused to leave the White House when it was past his time to go. What was his name? Hmmm...:unsure:

I like the part where Joe says, "Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can, as simply and straightforward as I can". So much potential comedy in that one line.
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Looks like RFK has got some 'splainin' to do.

RFK Jr. denies eating a dog while sidestepping sexual assault allegations in Vanity Fair article

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has denied allegations made in a new Vanity Fair report that he had previously eaten a dog while sidestepping accusations of sexual assault levied by a former nanny in the magazine, saying, “I’m not a church boy.”

I knew this was going to be the funnest election evah!!
Reuters said:
Biden and Trump each had 40% support among registered voters in the two-day poll that concluded on Tuesday. A prior Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted June 11-12 showed Trump with a marginal 2 percentage point lead, 41% to 39%.
Trump, that's -2 points for being full of shit during the debate.
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