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The Race For 2024

If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription,
I was referring to the Biden campaign as a horse with one hoof in the glue factory, not necessarily the man himself. Biden's poll numbers are in free fall currently.
And as far as the rumors about Trump, they are rumors, not confirmed. That said, if the Adderall rumor is true, it could explain his energetic debate performance.
who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13),
Does that alleged child have a name? Is there any evidence?
Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.
I have watched the debate and saw no signs of dementia. He comported himself far better than Biden.
I do not think Trump should be president again, but your post seems to be just hopium or copium.
Actually, by coincidence, there has been a lot released quite recently.

Nobody has expressed any interest in the numbers I post from Polymarket and Betfair, but I'm creating a "permanent record" here.

Here are the numbers as the Fourth of July dawns in North America.

Betfair shows Trump as 58% to win the White House, Harris at 16%, Biden at 11%, Obama at 4½%, Newsom at 3½%, Whitmer at 2½%. Clinton is the (very distant) #7. For the D nomination, Biden and Harris are almost neck-and-neck at 40% and 37½%, with Obama at almost 8% !

One might look at these numbers and conclude that Harris is a much stronger candidate, but -- although that may well be true -- we cannot infer that from what become conditional probabilities.

Polymarket shows for the D nomination, Biden at 44%, Harris at 38%, "Other (incl. Whitmer)" at 9%, Obama at 8% and Newsom at 4%. For the brass ring they show Trump at 63%, Harris at 14%, Biden at 12%, Obama at 5%, Other D at 5%, Newsom at 2%.
Nobody has expressed any interest in the numbers I post from Polymarket and Betfair, but I'm creating a "permanent record" here.
I am interested; But I have lost more than enough money backing "odds on" favourites to have a healthy disrespect for bookies and their predictions - even when those predictions are based on the opinions of punters who are prepared to put their money where their mouth is.

It's a two horse race; It would be deeply unwise to place a bet you can't afford to lose on either runner.
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription,
I was referring to the Biden campaign as a horse with one hoof in the glue factory, not necessarily the man himself. Biden's poll numbers are in free fall currently.
And as far as the rumors about Trump, they are rumors, not confirmed. That said, if the Adderall rumor is true, it could explain his energetic debate performance.
who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13),
Does that alleged child have a name? Is there any evidence?
Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.
I have watched the debate and saw no signs of dementia. He comported himself far better than Biden.
I do not think Trump should be president again, but your post seems to be just hopium or copium.
Actually, by coincidence, there has been a lot released quite recently.

I think this is the woman you are referring to. Its a case from 2016. Its extremely fishy...

The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year.
Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite. There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims. The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists.
Why Biden must withdraw
The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise. The presidential debate was awful for Joe Biden, but the cover-up has been worse. It was agony to watch a befuddled old man struggling to recall words and facts. His inability to land an argument against a weak opponent was dispiriting. But the operation by his campaign to deny what tens of millions of Americans saw with their own eyes is more toxic than either, because its dishonesty provokes contempt.
The Economist

Ooft, et tu Brute
If Biden has’one foot in the glue factory,’ how should we characterize the other candidate, three years younger, who, for years has been rumored to suffer fecal incontinence, and who has been rumored, for years, to take copious amounts ts of adderall and other prescription medications for which he may/may not have a prescription,
I was referring to the Biden campaign as a horse with one hoof in the glue factory, not necessarily the man himself. Biden's poll numbers are in free fall currently.
And as far as the rumors about Trump, they are rumors, not confirmed. That said, if the Adderall rumor is true, it could explain his energetic debate performance.
who has been credibly accused of sexual assault, including that of a minor child ( I don’t remember if she was 12 or 13),
Does that alleged child have a name? Is there any evidence?
Trump often appears to be suffering from dementia.
I have watched the debate and saw no signs of dementia. He comported himself far better than Biden.
I do not think Trump should be president again, but your post seems to be just hopium or copium.
The court records were rece y made public. The person alleged these incidents occurred when she was 13. She uses the name Katie Johnson. She was withdrawn her suit more than once, and the last time was around the time Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his cell.

Here’s a link to the transcript:

I understand that there is and will remain a lot of doubt about this person’s testimony. Some will raise doubts because of the considerable lapse of time, or that the accuser is looking for a big pay off or even fame, although she uses a pseudonym.

It is known that Epstein provided many girls and women to be used for sex to various guests and it is known that at least some of these were underaged and unwilling. Epstein was convicted as was Maxwell on multiple charges involving child prostitution.

It is also known that Trump, among other famous persons, was a guest on Eostein’s island retreat. It is also known, by Trump’s own words, that he and Epstein shared a love of beautiful women and ‘some of them were on the young side.’

The accusations are credible.
  • Based on an analysis of court records, Donald Trump is Doe 174.
  • Trump may have fought to keep his name redacted in the documents before the judge unsealed it.
Over the past week, thousands of pages of court documents in a Jeffrey Epstein-linked lawsuit have been unsealed.

The documents name about 170 people who have come up in a legal battle between Virginia Giuffre, one of his accusers, and Ghislaine Maxwell, his former girlfriend who in 2021 was convicted of trafficking girls to him for sex.

Before now, the documents had been either fully under seal or partially redacted. Each of those roughly 170 people — a mix of Epstein's wealthy friends, his victims, and other people merely mentioned in passing — had been identified as a "J. Doe" in arguments over whether the documents should be made public.
Preska's list identifies Doe 174 as a person whose "association with Epstein and Maxwell has been widely reported in the media already, and his or her name came up during Maxwell's public criminal trial."

The former president Trump fits that bill as someone who had a long history with the now dead pedophile and who said "I wish her well" when Maxwell was indicted on sex-trafficking charges.

Trump also came up several times during Maxwell's trial. One of his Mar-a-Lago employees testified about an Epstein victim working at Mar-a-Lago. Flight records made public on the trial showed Trump flew on Epstein's plane with his son Eric. And one victim at the trial said Epstein name-dropped Trump, apparently to demonstrate that he was connected to powerful people.
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And you want to be our latex salesman.

"Laffin' Kamala Harris"?

Weak sauce, there, Donnie. If your nickname game is indicative of your cognitive abilities, then you're slipping. And your "Crooked" moniker for your opponent is eight years old already. Halfway to you being sexually attracted to it.
View attachment 46670

And you want to be our latex salesman.

"Laffin' Kamala Harris"?

Weak sauce, there, Donnie. If your nickname game is indicative of your cognitive abilities, then you're slipping. And your "Crooked" moniker for your opponent is eight years old already. Halfway to you being sexually attracted to it.
More than half way....
article (my emphasis) said:
The president of The Heritage Foundation, a right-wing think tank, said the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling is encouraging and that the group, known for Project 2025, is already in the process of “taking the country back.”

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” Kevin Roberts said in an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast on Tuesday.

The Supreme Court granted former President Donald Trump limited immunity from prosecution for official acts in the ruling that split the justices 6-3 along ideological lines. Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the ruling dangerously expands the chief executive’s power and makes presidents “a king above the law.”

Yeah... they aren't even bothering to hide it anymore.
In the interviews with the officials, Wheeler found a number of details previously unknown to the public. At one point in the questioning, former U.S. Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael Morell revealed he was concerned about Donald Trump's "deep narcissism."
"You know, it's funny, reading the letter from the generals supporting President Trump, I agree with a number of the points that they make," Morell said when asked why he thought the election was so important. "I'm as concerned about the defense budget. I'm a pretty conservative guy when it comes to national security.

"But I have to tell you that, you know, spending 33 years at CIA and watching literally hundreds of world leaders during that time, President Trump's personality traits deeply concerned me, what I believed to be deep narcissism, what I believed to be deep paranoia, what I believe to be a type of sadism where you — not sexually, of course, but a type of sadism where you, you know, are happy when your opponents have been injured in some way — I'm talking politically — that those were all traits that I saw in foreign leaders who did significant damage to their country and significant damage to the democracies of their country," Morell continued.
On March 18, former president Donald Trump said he believes that he will likely be arrested on charges relating to hush money paid to a porn star.

He is already calling on his supporters to protest his arrest, and while that is not exactly surprising, it is something we should be deeply concerned about. Trump embodies the qualities of a textbook narcissist, and when narcissists feel threatened, they frequently experience what is called narcissistic rage, and become aggressive and obsessed with revenge. Given the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol, which Trump helped incite, we should be vigilant to ensure that history does not repeat itself.

It is no secret that Trump has a narcissistic personality. I doubt the man himself would deny his narcissism — if he were speaking honestly and in private.

In a Vanity Fair article published before Trump became president, developmental psychologist Howard Gardner of Harvard University called Trump “remarkably narcissistic,” and clinical psychologist Ben Michaelis called Trump a classic case of “textbook narcissistic personality disorder.” The article cites more than a few mental health professionals who believe Trump fits all the criteria for having pathological narcissism, and over the years many similar articles would follow, such as this 2016 article in The Atlantic by Northwestern psychology professor Dan McAdams, and this New York Times article by Jennifer Senior, titled “We Are All at the Mercy of the Narcissist-in-Chief.”

Even some Republicans have come out and attested to Trump’s narcissism. For example, this CNN article claims that “Paul Ryan was convinced Donald Trump has narcissistic personality disorder,” and Ty Cobb, a lawyer who was a member of the Trump administration legal team, described the ex-president as a “deeply wounded narcissist.”

We are all familiar with narcissism — a term derived from Greek mythological figure Narcissus, who fell in love with himself after he saw his own image as reflected in a pool of water. Most of us have known a narcissist at some point in our lives. But what characteristics does a narcissist have exactly? Dan McAdams writes:

“People with strong narcissistic needs want to love themselves, and they desperately want others to love them too — or at least admire them, see them as brilliant and powerful and beautiful, even just see them, period. The fundamental life goal is to promote the greatness of the self, for all to see.”
Trump amplifies posts calling for televised military tribunal for Liz Cheney

Former President Donald Trump amplified posts on social media calling for a televised military tribunal for former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and the jailing of top elected officials, including President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“ELIZABETH LYNNE CHENEY IS GUILTY OF TREASON,” one post created by another user that Trump amplified on his social media website Truth Social on Sunday reads. “RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS.”

Cheney responded on X, “Donald - This is the type of thing that demonstrates yet again that you are not a stable adult—and are not fit for office.”

A separate post Trump amplified on Truth Social Sunday includes photos of 15 former and current elected officials and says, “THEY SHOULD BE GOING TO JAIL ON MONDAY NOT STEVE BANNON!”

In addition to Biden and Harris, the post includes photos of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Vice President Mike Pence and members of the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol.
Can people not in the military get a military tribunal?
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