• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

The Religion Portion Of The Talk Freethought Has Livened Up A Bit Of Late

Let's get back to that swearing. Does God talk to you, DLH, in discrete sentences, and does he say Fuck? Because that would justify and endow your cursing. Also, if he says Fuck, what is it in reference to?
If this forum consisted of nothing but a bunch of skeptics patting each other on the back for being skeptical it would be supremely boring.
I doubt that there are many true skeptics here. There are religiophobic antitheists, and skeptics pretending to be RAs, but TSs are not in abundance.

Well I know for a fact there are no true Christians here. True Christians would have sold all they have, given it all to the poor and followed Jesus. Anyone with a computer and Internet service hasn't done that and if they go to a library and surf the Internet there they aren't following Jesus. Jesus never surfed the Internet.
Well I know for a fact there are no true Christians here.
No true internet forum lacks a Scotsman.
True Christians would have sold all they have, given it all to the poor and followed Jesus.
Dramatic. Easy to do if you're poor, hard to do if you're rich. Give it your all, or you're not in. If your all ain't much...
Anyone with a computer and Internet service hasn't done that and if they go to a library and surf the Internet there they aren't following Jesus. Jesus never surfed the Internet.
The "inter" net catches the dead dude.
I am certainly interested in the free exchange of opposing ideas in the spirit of discovery. Insulting one entire side of that discussion by summarily calling them 'stupid' does little to further such exchange.

If this forum consisted of nothing but a bunch of skeptics patting each other on the back for being skeptical it would be supremely boring. I continue to welcome the ongoing discussion of disparate viewpoints. Otherwise being an atheist is like being someone who doesn't collect baseball cards. It's not a basis of common shared interest around which a community can grow.

There was a time when I, a conservative christian evangelist for 18 years, truly believed that everyone who did not know what I "knew" was ignorant. Over time I came to understand that these people did, in fact, have good reasons for believing (or not believing) as they did. Over many years I too came to terms with my skepticism and am now comfortable with it. I am not the only ex-preacher here. I only bring this up because I spent many years and great effort going to college and peering deep into the wealth of thought, philosophy, scholarship and rationalizations underpinning the faith I once defended. I did not come to my present state lightly.

I respect that you have what you believe to be good reasons for believing as you do. Kindly extend some of the rest of us the same courtesy. Or don't, if that's your preference. It doesn't take much intelligence or courage to sit behind a keyboard and bully or insult others. It takes both to listen to what others have to say and answer them with rational arguments and actual evidence. Condescension is a poor method for conversion.

The OP of this thread makes me feel as if you're looking for a pat on the back for having perked up the discussions in the General Religion section of this forum. I'll give you one. Thanks for joining the discussion.


Two name-changes ago when this place was part of the Internet Infidels, I specifically came here because of the debates. In fact I started out as a lurker watching the debates as I learned much about the creation/evolution debate that way. This place used to be lively with debate against theists, and frankly I miss that aspect.
I am certainly interested in the free exchange of opposing ideas in the spirit of discovery. Insulting one entire side of that discussion by summarily calling them 'stupid' does little to further such exchange.

Its an observation not an insult. I believe we are all stupid but it manifests itself more in an exchange such as this. On both parts. It was a joke and an opportunity to post a video clip which I quite like. And don't for a second compromise your integrity by not acknowledging that the stupid isn't implied in application to me and my ilk in general on your part. People are stupid. What can I say.

If this forum consisted of nothing but a bunch of skeptics patting each other on the back for being skeptical it would be supremely boring. I continue to welcome the ongoing discussion of disparate viewpoints. Otherwise being an atheist is like being someone who doesn't collect baseball cards. It's not a basis of common shared interest around which a community can grow.

[Laughs] Nonsense. No one is that stupid.

There was a time when I, a conservative christian evangelist for 18 years, truly believed that everyone who did not know what I "knew" was ignorant.

And now things have changed?!

Over time I came to understand that these people did, in fact, have good reasons for believing (or not believing) as they did. Over many years I too came to terms with my skepticism and am now comfortable with it. I am not the only ex-preacher here. I only bring this up because I spent many years and great effort going to college and peering deep into the wealth of thought, philosophy, scholarship and rationalizations underpinning the faith I once defended. I did not come to my present state lightly.

Let me ask you, wise and learned one, these questions three:

1. Do you pay income taxes? Can you show me the law for your having to do so?

2. Who is considered the "Father of Evolution?"

3. Is the soul, according to the Bible, mortal? Does it die?

I respect that you have what you believe to be good reasons for believing as you do. Kindly extend some of the rest of us the same courtesy. Or don't, if that's your preference. It doesn't take much intelligence or courage to sit behind a keyboard and bully or insult others. It takes both to listen to what others have to say and answer them with rational arguments and actual evidence. Condescension is a poor method for conversion.

I have been pretty respectful, comparatively speaking, but that isn't saying much. Okay. I will endeavor to be more so on your admonition.

The OP of this thread makes me feel as if you're looking for a pat on the back for having perked up the discussions in the General Religion section of this forum. I'll give you one. Thanks for joining the discussion.

Your welcome and thanks for your participation. I couldn't have done it without you. By the way. I don't take myself nearly as seriously as I appear to for the minor annoyance of the resident opposition. The home team, in this case.

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Has it not? Do you approve?

No, it has been dumbed down by a biblepreacher.

Criticism noted.

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If this forum consisted of nothing but a bunch of skeptics patting each other on the back for being skeptical it would be supremely boring.
I doubt that there are many true skeptics here. There are religiophobic antitheists, and skeptics pretending to be RAs, but TSs are not in abundance.

Well, obviously. Nothing new there, except, once again, no one here is jumping all over your ass for saying so. Interesting.
I doubt that there are many true skeptics here. There are religiophobic antitheists, and skeptics pretending to be RAs, but TSs are not in abundance.

What are you basing that on? Besides straw men caricatures unrelated to anyone who's actually on the site, I mean.

I love the common defense of the forum participant! Its so blatantly predictable and political!

Troll. Straw man. What are the others?
I am certainly interested in the free exchange of opposing ideas in the spirit of discovery. Insulting one entire side of that discussion by summarily calling them 'stupid' does little to further such exchange.

Well for many atheists, this is akin to trying to have a free exchange of opposing ideas about the Easter Rabbit.

It's nonsensical and not worth discussing.

Then you would think that there would be far less protestation against participating in such an exchange of ideas as there would be . . . well . . . in protestation against participating in such an exchange of ideas. Especially if there hadn't been.
Exactly. 'Bullying' wasn't my intent, my intent was answering the question honestly.

That's alright. I hardly noticed.

If you have the motivation to deconvert the religious, all power to you, but I honestly don't care and have become pretty thoroughly comfortable with the idea that religion is nonsense, and God is unknowable. End of story, done.

I understand this position, and respect it, but you can't keep interjecting it without it becoming apparent that all you want people to do is shut up and think just like you, you see?

Once you move on from religion you confront the fact that the universe is filled with an almost infinite number of more interesting and relevant topics, so no.. I don't welcome the fact that Talk Freethought is still hung up on God, rape, and minimum wage.

The universe is really big. Really beautiful. And Really empty and void of interesting topics.

Free thinking, or thought, is a misnomer for an intolerance of thinking that has been as opposed to what is thought should be. Its a fashion statement.
I love the common defense of the forum participant! Its so blatantly predictable and political!

Troll. Straw man. What are the others?

A person with a gigantic chip on his shoulder. Not content to simply hang with like minded individuals, but instead compelled by a desire to prove his own faith that he seeks out obscure internet communities of non-believers and barges in declaring himself to be superior. It is his greatest desire to prove a few dozen atheists wrong...so much so that he becomes wrapped up in his "mission" rather than looking inward and trying to be a better person.
Well for many atheists, this is akin to trying to have a free exchange of opposing ideas about the Easter Rabbit.

It's nonsensical and not worth discussing.

Except that we can and often do have a free exchange of opposing ideas about who is better, the Sith or the Jedi...or any number of imaginary/fictional groups.

So apparent. So unimaginative. So typical. The Sith isn't running for political office. Isn't teaching your children in school. Isn't ripping your poor off the TV . . . well, okay, they are doing that, but otherwise, c'mon!
I love the common defense of the forum participant! Its so blatantly predictable and political!

Troll. Straw man. What are the others?

A person with a gigantic chip on his shoulder. Not content to simply hang with like minded individuals, but instead compelled by a desire to prove his own faith that he seeks out obscure internet communities of non-believers and barges in declaring himself to be superior. It is his greatest desire to prove a few dozen atheists wrong...so much so that he becomes wrapped up in his "mission" rather than looking inward and trying to be a better person.

Disgusting! Where is he, I want to give him a piece of my mind! Goddamned sceptics (AKA skeptics) coming around here troubling us believers with their nonsensical doggerel! Who do they think they are?! Why, we can't tollerate disagreement! It'll tear us apart! We need to strut up and down the corridors of perception as if'n we own the place.


But still intolerant as fuck and apparently unable to back up anything we say without googling it and leaving it at that and bitching and complaining like a bunch of crybaby pansies.

Isn't. Surely. Us. We. Me and you Ford. Now, is it?
Except that we can and often do have a free exchange of opposing ideas about who is better, the Sith or the Jedi...or any number of imaginary/fictional groups.

But in that situation both groups are known to be fictional. Not so a Christian vs atheist religious discussion.

I often wonder if that isn't entirely true.
Isn't. Surely. Us. We. Me and you Ford. Now, is it?

Well I don't show up at your praise Jesus forum and insist that I'm the smartest guy in the room, do I?
I am certainly interested in the free exchange of opposing ideas in the spirit of discovery. Insulting one entire side of that discussion by summarily calling them 'stupid' does little to further such exchange.

As a member of your side, apparently, I'm very happy with the appellation 'stupid' from the other side. Them doing so continues my sense of superiority that I am not so brain dead as to resort to calling opposition names. heh

BTW how are the mindless wimps handling societal changes like Ms. Goldmedal being welcomed into the political arena as a republican?

Is this a joke?

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But in that situation both groups are known to be fictional. Not so a Christian vs atheist religious discussion.

Really? Do tell.

How are Those expressing [woo]Christian Ideas[/woo] not fictional?

Uh. Is it wrong to kill? Rob? Murder? Screw around?

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Isn't. Surely. Us. We. Me and you Ford. Now, is it?

Well I don't show up at your praise Jesus forum and insist that I'm the smartest guy in the room, do I?

Better not.

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I suspect that True Sceptics are just as rare and elusive as True Christians, True Republicans, and True Scotsmen. ;)

The elusive true anything. The elusive truth. There you go.
Really? Do tell.

How are Those expressing [woo]Christian Ideas[/woo] not fictional?

I think you may have misunderstood the point. My take was that the Christian vs atheist discussion has at least one group that is not espousing a fictional character unlike the other situation in which both groups are espousing fictional characters.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I know! Amphipithecus?! Aegyptopithecus?! Archaeopteryx?!
Postscript: I didn't mean to imply that atheists are the same as, alleged Satanists. Only that they are just as stupid.

In the other thread you broke St. Paul's commandment not to use obscene language, and now you've broken Jesus's commandment not to call your brother a fool...

Don't take this the wrong way in your attempt to dictate the law as you interpret it while positing the idea that the law shouldn't be interpreted or posited for, I'm assuming the sake of argument, but dude. If you ain't fucked up by religion you probably ought to be. You know?
Better not.


I'm not saying I'm gonna go and shit on your forum like you've done here, but it would be instructive if you'd let us see the playground where you reign supreme.
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