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The Stock Market

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Biden starts doing extremely well.
Stock market goes up.
Some media: stock market went up because Biden.

Biden gets double digits above Sanders in polls.
Stock market tanks.
Same media: *crickets*
Well, there was a specific reason that it went up when Biden became basically a shoo-in as the nominee and that's because health insurance company stocks suddenly became a much safer investment than they would have been under a potential Sanders' presidency. People had just yanked a whole boatload of cash out of the market and were looking for something to do with it and a (relatively) safe bet suddenly became available.

The other problems with the stock market don't actually have much to do with either of these guys, so it would have been weird for anybody to mention them during coverage.
Well, there was a specific reason that it went up when Biden became basically a shoo-in as the nominee and that's because health insurance company stocks suddenly became a much safer investment than they would have been under a potential Sanders' presidency. People had just yanked a whole boatload of cash out of the market and were looking for something to do with it and a (relatively) safe bet suddenly became available.

The other problems with the stock market don't actually have much to do with either of these guys, so it would have been weird for anybody to mention them during coverage.

Exactly so. Aside from the Super Tuesday rally, it was back to your regularly scheduled virus panic.
Well, there was a specific reason that it went up when Biden became basically a shoo-in as the nominee and that's because health insurance company stocks suddenly became a much safer investment than they would have been under a potential Sanders' presidency. People had just yanked a whole boatload of cash out of the market and were looking for something to do with it and a (relatively) safe bet suddenly became available.

The other problems with the stock market don't actually have much to do with either of these guys, so it would have been weird for anybody to mention them during coverage.

Exactly so. Aside from the Super Tuesday rally, it was back to your regularly scheduled virus panic.

That, and exactly how long do people actually expect their gambling tendencies to pay off? The double whammy of an overly valued marked and corona virus simply kicked in.
Well, there was a specific reason that it went up when Biden became basically a shoo-in as the nominee and that's because health insurance company stocks suddenly became a much safer investment than they would have been under a potential Sanders' presidency. People had just yanked a whole boatload of cash out of the market and were looking for something to do with it and a (relatively) safe bet suddenly became available.

The other problems with the stock market don't actually have much to do with either of these guys, so it would have been weird for anybody to mention them during coverage.

Exactly so. Aside from the Super Tuesday rally, it was back to your regularly scheduled virus panic.

That, and exactly how long do people actually expect their gambling tendencies to pay off? The double whammy of an overly valued marked and corona virus simply kicked in.

The overly valued market is mostly Trump's fault. And much of the pandemic panic-selling can be chalked up to his administration's obviously hapless response and Trump's lies about it. The rest of the slump... somewhat predictable cyclic variance, exacerbated by the fact that Trump has long since shot his wad trying to artificially prop up the markets to make himself look good. Interest rates, for example, can't go much lower without paying people to take money... which just might be a tad inflationary.

I anticipate that the usual instability that has been a feature of the markets under trumpian influence will continue, with a 10% or so lower baseline valuation that is purely the result of the pandemic's actual effect, and shouldn't rightly be laid at Trump's feet. Once the panic subsides, the DOW might bounce around between 23000 and 27000 up to November. And Trump will continue to claim "the best economy ever" with the added tag: "if it wasn't for the Democrats".
and shouldn't rightly be laid at Trump's feet.
nah. He's taken tge credit fir EVERYTHING positive on his watch, and tried to sluff every bad thing off on everyone else.
Cannot have it both ways forever.
He's at the tiller, it's his iceberg.
When it comes to economic or financial analysis, the media conflates correlation with causation.
Biden starts doing extremely well.
Stock market goes up.
Some media: stock market went up because Biden.

Biden gets double digits above Sanders in polls.
Stock market tanks.
Same media: *crickets*

There are dozens of articles available that accurately attribute the market decline to the effect of coronavirus on the global economy. Add to that the new oil price war. You’re hearing crickets only because you’re not hearing what you desperately want hear.
and shouldn't rightly be laid at Trump's feet.
nah. He's taken tge credit fir EVERYTHING positive on his watch, and tried to sluff every bad thing off on everyone else.
Cannot have it both ways forever.
He's at the tiller, it's his iceberg.

Pandemics and downturns in economic cycles are inevitable. Tapping out every economic safety net when they're not needed just to make himself look good, is all Trump. That's an exacerbating factor, but to call it an underlying cause is to give Trump too much credit. The fact that the downturn cycle coincides with the pandemic AND with Trump-driven stupid lemming behaviors, is simply proof that the universe is out to get Trump.

Little discussed but IMO a big factor at the moment, is how Trump's buffoonery in lieu of actual foreign policy has left the USA out of any discussions in the boys club of Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran et al. A competent president not viewed by those boys as an easily manipulated fool, might possibly been able to stabilize the spat that sent oil prices off the table today...
My father had an expression that I heard many times when I was young, "Your chickens came home to roost." It means something bad happened, which you should have been able to predict, but didn't.

After hearing this declaration about a hundred times over the years, I finally asked what chickens had to do with anything. My father was born and raised on a farm. There were always a few chickens that had become semiferal and no longer stayed in the chicken yard and slept in trees. At sundown this small flock would fly to the tree limb to sleep for the night. The spot under this tree was covered in chicken manure because the last thing a chicken does before falling asleep is defecate. So, at just about the same time, just at sundown, a shower of chicken shit hits the ground, and anyone standing under the tree is covered in it. They're your chickens and you knew they were there, so it's nobody's fault but your own.

This is the situation where we find ourselves. After about a century of governments taking on the task of regulating the economy, we know all the rules about maintaining a balance between borrowing and spending to keep things in balance. The stock market surge of the Trump years was fueled by corporations using money gained by their tax cuts to buy back their own stock. This drives up stock prices and increases the value of the corporation, but without a commensurate increase in productivity. In the meantime, the government has to borrow to cover the necessities of governing. This is a formula for a slow moving disaster.

We are standing under the tree, watching the sunset and wondering what this stuff is that were standing in.
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Dow to open up 1000+ points this morning because... it's off its meds?

Trump also suggested a possible payroll tax cut or other relief... because putting money in people's wallets will help them go out shopping more when they are being quarantined at home?
Dow to open up 1000+ points this morning because... it's off its meds?

Trump also suggested a possible payroll tax cut or other relief... because putting money in people's wallets will help them go out shopping more when they are being quarantined at home?

I'll wager Trump's idea of relief will involve handouts to the leisure industry... with an emphasis on hotels.
Dow to open up 1000+ points this morning because... it's off its meds?

Trump also suggested a possible payroll tax cut or other relief... because putting money in people's wallets will help them go out shopping more when they are being quarantined at home?

I'll wager Trump's idea of relief will involve handouts to the leisure industry... with an emphasis on hotels.

Airlines, travel and cruise industries hurt by coronavirus could get tax relief from White House

The tax deferrals for the travel industry are being considered as airlines cut back on routes and warn about declining ticket sales. Hotel chains are struggling with vacancies in Asia and are bracing for similar waves in the United States. Business travel is falling, and trade shows, music festivals and conventions are being canceled from San Francisco to Chicago to Austin to Miami. Families and college students are reconsidering spring break excursions and distant summer plans.

Socialism for big business, rugged individualism for the masses.
Dow to open up 1000+ points this morning because... it's off its meds?

Trump also suggested a possible payroll tax cut or other relief... because putting money in people's wallets will help them go out shopping more when they are being quarantined at home?

That type of bounce-back is typical during a fall. The quick evaporation of the bounce-back is also typical. That 1,000 point recovery is now only about 100 points.
Socialism for big business, rugged individualism for the masses.

But it's conservative socialism so it's good socialism. If it was liberal socialism it would be bad, bad, bad.

I am sad to report that the opposition does not call it socialism. They call it "saving us all from death by correcting the errors Obama made". The "handouts" are not handouts... they are reparations {dogwhistle} for the things Obama did that caused the loss of revenue... like engineering the virus, if you wish to believe that, then that is just fine.
Socialism for big business, rugged individualism for the masses.

But it's conservative socialism so it's good socialism. If it was liberal socialism it would be bad, bad, bad.

I am sad to report that the opposition does not call it socialism. They call it "saving us all from death by correcting the errors Obama made". The "handouts" are not handouts... they are reparations {dogwhistle} for the things Obama did that caused the loss of revenue... like engineering the virus, if you wish to believe that, then that is just fine.

The republicans are far too smart to call themselves socialists or anything else so self defamatory. You don't consistently win elections with fewer voters without being savy. I wish the democrats had similar type of sense.
I thought we were talking about the stock market. Futures are currently down over 800 points as of this minute. Of course, with all of the volatility, that might change a lot before I finish typing this sentence.
Futures plunged after Trump addressed the nation last night. A travel ban on Europe and what would now be an ineffective stimulus package?
One of the greatest leadership tests a president could face and Trump is in office.
With the expected growth rate of the virus combined with the lack of testing, the shit is going to hit the fan on this.
Surely institutional investors are piecing all this together. Are there even buyers in this market? Ill informed Trump supporters, perhaps?
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