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The Virus - Are You Affected?

So, it's even worse than a one time slip.

Pelosi's staff said the speaker has a regular stylist who typically goes to Pelosi's house to do her hair. But that person was not available on Monday so referred Pelosi's staff to a stylist at eSalon because it is where Pelosi's regular stylist used to work.

Hair stylist house calls are against the law too.
They are? I can't make sense of that, but if it is, it is. What I understand less is that Pelosi usually had someone come do it... but they weren't available on Monday. I didn't get my hair cut for months! She couldn't wait a couple more days?

Personally, I feel most for TSwizzle who has had to resort to illegal back alley meat butcher barbers.

TSwizzle: Are you certain it is safe to cut hair with that cleaver?
Butcher: Don't worry, it's sharp enough.
FFS, Nancy Pelosi has been caught on camera in a shuttered hair salon getting her hair done by a stylist. Proof these fucking hypocrites don’t believe their own lies.

Says the guy who backs the kings of hypocrisy.

Two people die from ebola. Obama must resign.

13 embassies attacked under Bush. But Benghaaaazzzzzeee!!!

Mail in ballots are fraudulent but absentee ballots are just fine.

Republicans are the law and order party.
After suffering multiple court defeats in their push to block Grace Community Church from holding indoor worship during the coronavirus pandemic, Los Angeles County is trying a new approach. The County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works sent the megachurch a notice intending to terminate their parking lot lease, which the church has leased from the County since 1975. The notice gives the church until October 1 to surrender the lot. "If Grace fails to vacate the premise as required, the District may enter the premises and remove Grace's personal property in accordance with the Agreement and applicable law, and Grace will be responsible for any resultant expenses incurred by the District," the county wrote in the notice.


A clear sign of retribution.

Good, fuck every asshole member of that idiot church.

Proof enough that this has nothing to do with the virus. Just a bunch of control freaks and authoritarians running amok.

You're still not so clear on the concept of proof.
We just buried my wife's brother, died from Covid. His health was somewhat compromised. The burial service was quick, maybe 15 minutes at the gravesite.
I am so sorry for your loss. Please give my sympathies to your wife and her family. This has to be devastating, particularly if there was no reason to think he would be dying anytime soon.

So, it's even worse than a one time slip.

Pelosi's staff said the speaker has a regular stylist who typically goes to Pelosi's house to do her hair. But that person was not available on Monday so referred Pelosi's staff to a stylist at eSalon because it is where Pelosi's regular stylist used to work.

Hair stylist house calls are against the law too.
They are? I can't make sense of that, but if it is, it is. What I understand less is that Pelosi usually had someone come do it... but they weren't available on Monday. I didn't get my hair cut for months! She couldn't wait a couple more days?

Personally, I feel most for TSwizzle who has had to resort to illegal back alley meat butcher barbers.

TSwizzle: Are you certain it is safe to cut hair with that cleaver?
Butcher: Don't worry, it's sharp enough.

House call prohibition is from before covid, it's a licensing regulation. The hair stylist would be making the violation.

But it makes sense with covid, if you close hair salons, to ban house calls, since there's no reason to think it would be any safer there.

But I think they should open them up, that it can be done safely enough.

I just saw that California has released protocols for hair salons when opened that should be sufficient. Open them all now.

FFS, Nancy Pelosi has been caught on camera in a shuttered hair salon getting her hair done by a stylist. Proof these fucking hypocrites don’t believe their own lies.

Says the guy who backs the kings of hypocrisy.

Two people die from ebola. Obama must resign.

13 embassies attacked under Bush. But Benghaaaazzzzzeee!!!

Mail in ballots are fraudulent but absentee ballots are just fine.

Republicans are the law and order party.

Are you sure TS is a Republican?
FFS, Nancy Pelosi has been caught on camera in a shuttered hair salon getting her hair done by a stylist. Proof these fucking hypocrites don’t believe their own lies.

Says the guy who backs the kings of hypocrisy.

Two people die from ebola. Obama must resign.

13 embassies attacked under Bush. But Benghaaaazzzzzeee!!!

Mail in ballots are fraudulent but absentee ballots are just fine.

Republicans are the law and order party.

Previously I would have responded with a neg rep of "jog on" but since neg rep feature has been retired, WTF are you on about ?
Then you should have no problem diagraming how proof works there.
Aussie Covid Denier Arrested

Police in Victoria arrested a 28-year-old pregnant woman for organizing a protest against pandemic-related lockdowns on Facebook as part of a wider crackdown on these kinds of actions in Australia. The woman, Zoe Buhler, was arrested in her home for “incitement” after officers presented a warrant as she tells them she’s pregnant and claims to have no idea what she’s done wrong.

“I have no idea why you guys are doing this,” she says as she’s handcuffed.

[TWEET]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">COVID-denier in Australia is arrested for organizing a protest against the lockdown <a href="https://t.co/W7VTd6yWF6">pic.twitter.com/W7VTd6yWF6</a></p>— Fifty Shades of Whey (@davenewworld_2) <a href="https://twitter.com/davenewworld_2/status/1301220067057831940?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">September 2, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/TWEET]
Aussie Covid Denier Arrested

Police in Victoria arrested a 28-year-old pregnant woman for organizing a protest against pandemic-related lockdowns on Facebook as part of a wider crackdown on these kinds of actions in Australia. The woman, Zoe Buhler, was arrested in her home for “incitement” after officers presented a warrant as she tells them she’s pregnant and claims to have no idea what she’s done wrong.

“I have no idea why you guys are doing this,” she says as she’s handcuffed.
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Aussie Covid Denier Arrested
Police in Victoria arrested a 28-year-old pregnant woman for organizing a protest against pandemic-related lockdowns on Facebook as part of a wider crackdown on these kinds of actions in Australia. The woman, Zoe Buhler, was arrested in her home for “incitement” after officers presented a warrant as she tells them she’s pregnant and claims to have no idea what she’s done wrong.

“I have no idea why you guys are doing this,” she says as she’s handcuffed.
I thought that right-wingers are for law and order.
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Aussie Covid Denier Arrested

Police in Victoria arrested a 28-year-old pregnant woman for organizing a protest against pandemic-related lockdowns on Facebook as part of a wider crackdown on these kinds of actions in Australia. The woman, Zoe Buhler, was arrested in her home for “incitement” after officers presented a warrant as she tells them she’s pregnant and claims to have no idea what she’s done wrong.

“I have no idea why you guys are doing this,” she says as she’s handcuffed.


Interesting you asking another guy about sexual arousal.

No, political positions don't get me aroused. That seems to be your thing.
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Aussie Covid Denier Arrested

Police in Victoria arrested a 28-year-old pregnant woman for organizing a protest against pandemic-related lockdowns on Facebook as part of a wider crackdown on these kinds of actions in Australia. The woman, Zoe Buhler, was arrested in her home for “incitement” after officers presented a warrant as she tells them she’s pregnant and claims to have no idea what she’s done wrong.

“I have no idea why you guys are doing this,” she says as she’s handcuffed.

The right wing authoritarian government in Australia, comically called the Liberal Party, started undermining and destroying the right to protest at least three years ago if not longer. It doesn't matter what you're protesting, nowadays, it's going to be difficult for you. And this anti-mask moron no doubt is a supporter of the very right wing authoritarian party that sought to weaken or even remove her right to protest anything.
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Good, fuck every asshole member of that idiot church.

Proof enough that this has nothing to do with the virus. Just a bunch of control freaks and authoritarians running amok.

They're idiots because indoor services are going to spread the virus. We've seen it again and again. If they were just risking their own lives, fine, but covidiots are a danger to everybody.
I was checking the stats for new dead.


The curve flattened in July and August for the whole world and is still stable. While it sucks we can't go to parties, society works and we can still do stuff. I'm feeling really hopeful about it.

Still no vaccine on the horizon. It'll be a while. The world speed record for producing a vaccine is still held by the Mumps Rubella vaccine developed 1963-1968. That was done after decades of basic science collected in advance. Something we barely have for Corona viruses. Even if we shave two years off, it's still two years to go. So we better get used to this new normal for a while. But I'm cool with it. Life works here in Denmark. I'm not suffering from the measures we now have in place. And we should always have been using masks in the subway anyway.

Another positive development is that I haven't had a cold since the Corona measures got into place. I think that is positive.

So I'm feeling quite chipper and cheerful
I was checking the stats for new dead.


The curve flattened in July and August for the whole world and is still stable. While it sucks we can't go to parties, society works and we can still do stuff. I'm feeling really hopeful about it.

Still no vaccine on the horizon. It'll be a while. The world speed record for producing a vaccine is still held by the Mumps Rubella vaccine developed 1963-1968. That was done after decades of basic science collected in advance. Something we barely have for Corona viruses. Even if we shave two years off, it's still two years to go. So we better get used to this new normal for a while. But I'm cool with it. Life works here in Denmark. I'm not suffering from the measures we now have in place. And we should always have been using masks in the subway anyway.

Another positive development is that I haven't had a cold since the Corona measures got into place. I think that is positive.

So I'm feeling quite chipper and cheerful

In 1965 the knowledge of the structure and function of nucleic acids was only a dozen years old.

There were computers, but none as powerful as my wristwatch.

1965 is closer to the mainstream acceptance of the miasmatic theory of disease than it is to the present day.

Seriously, if we can't do better than the guys in the pre-Moon landing era at developing an effective vaccine, we all deserve to die.
I was checking the stats for new dead.


The curve flattened in July and August for the whole world and is still stable. While it sucks we can't go to parties, society works and we can still do stuff. I'm feeling really hopeful about it.

Still no vaccine on the horizon. It'll be a while. The world speed record for producing a vaccine is still held by the Mumps Rubella vaccine developed 1963-1968. That was done after decades of basic science collected in advance. Something we barely have for Corona viruses. Even if we shave two years off, it's still two years to go. So we better get used to this new normal for a while. But I'm cool with it. Life works here in Denmark. I'm not suffering from the measures we now have in place. And we should always have been using masks in the subway anyway.

Another positive development is that I haven't had a cold since the Corona measures got into place. I think that is positive.

So I'm feeling quite chipper and cheerful

In 1965 the knowledge of the structure and function of nucleic acids was only a dozen years old.

There were computers, but none as powerful as my wristwatch.

1965 is closer to the mainstream acceptance of the miasmatic theory of disease than it is to the present day.

Seriously, if we can't do better than the guys in the pre-Moon landing era at developing an effective vaccine, we all deserve to die.

The main problem is that we've known about Coronaviruses since forever, but they've barely been studied. There was a US researcher who tried getting the funds to make a Coronavirus vaccine 20 years ago. Nobody gave a shit and the project died. There's a lot we don't know about Coronaviruses still.

But sure, in theory we should be better at it. And the vaccine industry now is massive and much more well funded than the fledgling companies of 1965. And we have computerz.

But the situations are similar. The Rubella pandemic of 1965 has a lot of similarities to Covid-19, in both contagion and effects.

Fun fact. Stanley Plotkin who developed the Rubella vaccine in the 60'is is still in the business and is now busy developing a Covid-19 vaccine.
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