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The Virus - Are You Affected?

Looks like France and Spain back to their highest daily infections rates, no deaths yet though. Could it be that these who could die already did?
So much for South Korea and Japan, they both have spikes.

Deaths lag cases, obviously. That said, the death rate goes down when more people are tested and more asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases are counted and also as death rate actually decreases as physicians know more about the disease and how to treat it. Surely the healthcare profession knows a lot more about COVID in August than it did in April.

In France second spike in infections have been going on for a while now, no significant increase in deaths.
Of course no deaths does not mean no long term health effects for these who managed to survive.
Looks like France and Spain back to their highest daily infections rates, no deaths yet though. Could it be that these who could die already did?
So much for South Korea and Japan, they both have spikes.

Deaths lag cases, obviously. That said, the death rate goes down when more people are tested and more asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic cases are counted and also as death rate actually decreases as physicians know more about the disease and how to treat it. Surely the healthcare profession knows a lot more about COVID in August than it did in April.

In France second spike in infections have been going on for a while now, no significant increase in deaths.
Of course no deaths does not mean no long term health effects for these who managed to survive.

Deaths lag and it's mostly young people getting it these days, it doesn't look like the French are somehow protected against dying.
In France second spike in infections have been going on for a while now, no significant increase in deaths.
Of course no deaths does not mean no long term health effects for these who managed to survive.

Deaths lag and it's mostly young people getting it these days, it doesn't look like the French are somehow protected against dying.

Makes sense.
Deaths lag and it's mostly young people getting it these days,

I think young people were mostly getting it since the beginning. The young people have always been the ones more likely to interact with other people either through their social lives or their jobs (retail and food service workers are disproportionally young). But in the early months of the pandemic most people who were confirmed cases were those who got real sick, and those skew older. With more testing, you get more asymptomatic people and weakly symptomatic people.
NY state officially has 2.4% of the population as confirmed cases. But antibody testing estimates that ~20% of the state has been infected, or about 8x as many. That is a huge hidden population of cases.

it doesn't look like the French are somehow protected against dying.
That would be a great superpower though. :)
NY state officially has 2.4% of the population as confirmed cases. But antibody testing estimates that ~20% of the state has been infected, or about 8x as many. That is a huge hidden population of cases.
Antibody tests are not accurate, some very inaccurate, they react to wide range of antibodies including other (non COVID19) corona viruses.
NY state officially has 2.4% of the population as confirmed cases. But antibody testing estimates that ~20% of the state has been infected, or about 8x as many. That is a huge hidden population of cases.
Antibody tests are not accurate, some very inaccurate, they react to wide range of antibodies including other (non COVID19) corona viruses.

They can be, the sensitivity/specificity of an antibody test is an empirical question. I haven't really looked around, but I'm sure there are figures somewhere, although, at the moment I'm not sure how good are estimates are.
Deaths lag and it's mostly young people getting it these days,

I think young people were mostly getting it since the beginning. The young people have always been the ones more likely to interact with other people either through their social lives or their jobs (retail and food service workers are disproportionally young). But in the early months of the pandemic most people who were confirmed cases were those who got real sick, and those skew older. With more testing, you get more asymptomatic people and weakly symptomatic people.
NY state officially has 2.4% of the population as confirmed cases. But antibody testing estimates that ~20% of the state has been infected, or about 8x as many. That is a huge hidden population of cases.

Antibody testing leaves a lot to be desired, especially when we haven't identified whether there are other agents that provide some cross resistance. (And it looks like there likely is something of the sort for Covid.)
[Surely the healthcare profession knows a lot more about COVID in August than it did in April.

One would think. However, similar to “climate change”, politicians seize the moment to force their own agenda.

And what's their benefit from the lockdown? It's just conspiracy crap.

Well, I read on Facebook in posts written by Qarens that the Plandemic is part of a plot for the Global Reset. The vaccine will be used intentionally by Bill Gates to reduce the population so he can send children in Wayfair-ordered furniture to be sex-trafficked. President Chosen One is the only one who can stop this ring of Satanists from succeeding.
Surely this has been known for sometime.

Nearly every American who has died of coronavirus also suffered from other underlying diseases, recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data reveal. According to the CDC's latest update on COVID-19 fatalities, 94 percent of people who have died of the infection in the US had at least one pre-existing condition, such as obesity, high blood pressure or heart disease. Coronavirus was the sole cause of death for just six percent of fatalities as of data published August 26.


Meanwhile in California, the insufferable prick of a governor (Gavin "follow the "science"" Newsom) has come up with a four tier, colored system to determine when and how a county can open up.
Jeezus, the control freaks are going full on Stasi;

San Diego State University has hired a private security company to look for COVID-19 policy violations on campus.
Fox 5 talked with Dr. Luke Wood, vice president of student affairs at the university, Sunday. He said the private security firm will patrol campus and the area surrounding it.

“Really just trying to identify anything that would be either a COVID-19 violation or health and safety violation. We’re doing an immediate identification followup,” Wood said. He said once information from the private security company is passed on to his office, further disciplinary action will be taken. “We do a direct followup and the range of what that followup could vary from — notices to suspensions even expulsions in extreme cases,” Wood said.


Isn't that just lovely, the students have private investigators spying on them ?
Surely this has been known for sometime.

Nearly every American who has died of coronavirus also suffered from other underlying diseases, recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data reveal. According to the CDC's latest update on COVID-19 fatalities, 94 percent of people who have died of the infection in the US had at least one pre-existing condition, such as obesity, high blood pressure or heart disease. Coronavirus was the sole cause of death for just six percent of fatalities as of data published August 26.


From the same source:

And that should be taken to heart by 45 percent of the US population - more than 133 million people - who suffer from at least one chronic health condition.

So, potentially 45% of the US population is at an elevated risk of death caused by covid-19. Why did you choose to omit this inconvenient fact from your rant?
From the same source:

And that should be taken to heart by 45 percent of the US population - more than 133 million people - who suffer from at least one chronic health condition.

So, potentially 45% of the US population is at an elevated risk of death caused by covid-19. Why did you choose to omit this inconvenient fact from your rant?

Well it would spoil the effect of this satirical performance art. It's far too overblown to be truly convincing, though I notice a few people have been sucked in nonetheless.

Regardless, it's getting tired now. There's only so far you can carry this kind of hyperbole as a joke, without introducing some genuinely new material. But he doesn't appear to have enough imagination to come up with any - it's just a reaction comedy, where each new story has the same tedious reaction.
94 percent of people who have died of the infection in the US had at least one pre-existing condition, such as obesity, high blood pressure or heart disease

...with which they could have managed and lived with for decades. But COVID-19 killed them off early.

Imagine if 94% of people who died in car crashes also suffered from asthma. Would it make sense to say that car crashes aren't all that deadly, because those people were on death's door anyway? Of course not, because millions of people have asthma and live productive lives for years. They would just need to take extra precautions when getting into a car.

The pandemic is real.
It is really simple, where there isn't ​enough containment of the virus, the hospitals get saturated with patients, the ICU needs to be expanded substantially, freezer trucks are needed because the morgue is stuffed. And that is with just a fatality rate of about 1 percent.

So we don't need 20% of patients dying from this to create significant trouble for our hospitals. We've seen this repeated in NYC, Miami, Houston, and Phoenix. Why is this even a damn question anymore?
Surely this has been known for sometime.

Nearly every American who has died of coronavirus also suffered from other underlying diseases, recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data reveal. According to the CDC's latest update on COVID-19 fatalities, 94 percent of people who have died of the infection in the US had at least one pre-existing condition, such as obesity, high blood pressure or heart disease. Coronavirus was the sole cause of death for just six percent of fatalities as of data published August 26.


Meanwhile in California, the insufferable prick of a governor (Gavin "follow the "science"" Newsom) has come up with a four tier, colored system to determine when and how a county can open up.

"...such as obesity, high blood pressure..." - maybe that's the part you should have bolded?

An "underlying condition" is just something the doctor noted at the last check. It doesn't mean they were already as good as dead. People can and do lead fulfilling lives for decades with type 2 diabetes, chronically high blood pressure, or obesity.
So wait.... If a person has say high blood pressure, gets COVID and dies, the argument is that they didn't die from COVID but due to the pre-existing condition. But many people who survive COVID come away with organ damage, especially to the heart, that is long lasting, possibly permanent. If these survivors down the line get some other illness, flu or something, and die, will we then be able to say they died of COVID because it was a pre-existing condition that contributed to it, rather than from the flu? Do we have a million people who have 'recovered', but are actually COVID deaths waiting to happen?
From the same source:

And that should be taken to heart by 45 percent of the US population - more than 133 million people - who suffer from at least one chronic health condition.

So, potentially 45% of the US population is at an elevated risk of death caused by covid-19. Why did you choose to omit this inconvenient fact from your rant?

Well it would spoil the effect of this satirical performance art. It's far too overblown to be truly convincing, though I notice a few people have been sucked in nonetheless.

Regardless, it's getting tired now. There's only so far you can carry this kind of hyperbole as a joke, without introducing some genuinely new material. But he doesn't appear to have enough imagination to come up with any - it's just a reaction comedy, where each new story has the same tedious reaction.

I have a hard time telling performance art from genuine conviction. I know far too many people in real life who are not faking it when it comes to holding absurd beliefs on a wide variety of matters stretching from religion to covid-19.
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