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The war on the war on xmas has already started

And now the war is into the post-season.
A coworker is bragging about how many businesses he shopped at and bullied the clerks into saying 'Merry Christmas' instead of 'Happy Holidays.'
That's even the term he's using.

It struck me that in 2001, he tried to make me feel guilty because i didn't show my patriotism after 9/11. I had no little flag on my bumper or shoved in a window during September.
Of course, that also meant that i didn't have sunbleached strip of torn, threadbare fabric on my car in November. And no flag trash sitting in the gutter in December. I pointed out, then, that i'd done 20 in uniform and felt my patriotism had been demonstrated, if not illustrated.

Now, i'm thinking he's still het up about appearances. Not deeds.

I asked how many of the stores where he flexed his vocabulary had a Salvation Army bell-ringer out front? And how many times did he put money in the bucket?
Turns out, he walked past many volunteers, without donations. "Okay, what charity DID you support for the CHristmas Season?"
Oh, well, he tithed.
Same amount over the month as you did over July?
Um, yeah.
So, no EXTRA donations made for Christmas.

OUr tradition is to recycle all the bottles and cans from the year, buy everyone in teh family a soda, and hand the rest over as we go past the SA bucket.
So, you paid God what you always pay him, and the only thing you do different is get people to mouth a certain phrase. We donated around $50. And wished him a happy holiday season while we did it.

Your only hope is that God at least thinks you LOOK like a Christain...
Stop persecuting him! Godwin, Godwin, Godwin!!!! The loudmouths are usually the worst in actual application of faith. It is why they are loudmouths. Easier to sound faithful, than to be faithful.

In other news, I heard an ad on the radio between Xmas and New Years saying the Holidays were over... and I thought... no they aren't... still have New Years.
It's that time of year again, and Christians claim they are being "persecuted" because not everyone is "Christian" enough for their tastes.

So if not displaying explicit messages about Christmas makes one anti-Christian, does failing to explicitly mention Hanukkah make one explicitly anti-Jewish? Does failing to explicitly celebrate Ramadan make one anti-Muslim? Does failing to explicitly celebrate solstice make one anti-European (or rather, anti-indigenous European)?

This whole mindset is dangerous and involves the same flawed logic used by radical Islamists to claim that they are being "persecuted" anytime they aren't getting their way.

Happy Solstice Season Everybody!
(Really it's rarely worth the time to respond to Christians spouting Fox News memes, but:)
"Surely, the 'real' Jesus celebrated only the Jewish holy days? What was that last dinner of his??"
Watching the Winter Solstice happen is pretty cool. I get a great view and appreciation for the event because the south side of my house, which has a glassed-in porch, overlooks a river so the horizon is unbroken. Seeing the sun arc lower and lower into the southern sky lets me appreciate what our ancestors knew and celebrated.

That Jesus thing is a crock of phony baloney.
Watching the Winter Solstice happen is pretty cool. I get a great view and appreciation for the event because the south side of my house, which has a glassed-in porch, overlooks a river so the horizon is unbroken. Seeing the sun arc lower and lower into the southern sky lets me appreciate what our ancestors knew and celebrated.

That Jesus thing is a crock of phony baloney.
But the Solstice is when the Earth is the closest it gets to the sun for this revolution. That is independent of the sun rising.
Odd as it sounds, I am a little bit envious. I have never encountered anybody demanding that I call it Christmas or demanding I say Merry Christmas. This is only something I read about and see on TV. The closest I ever came was a Jehova's Witness walking up to me while I was filling my gas tank on Christmas day. I said I wasn't interested in his religion but thanked him for his well wishes and wished him a happy holiday, and he walked off politely and still with a smile. That's just how it is up here in Canuckistan. I'm sure some folks down in the bible belt wish it was like that there, but just once or twice I'd like to see the wildness you folks experience.
Odd as it sounds, I am a little bit envious. I have never encountered anybody demanding that I call it Christmas or demanding I say Merry Christmas. This is only something I read about and see on TV. The closest I ever came was a Jehova's Witness walking up to me while I was filling my gas tank on Christmas day. I said I wasn't interested in his religion but thanked him for his well wishes and wished him a happy holiday, and he walked off politely and still with a smile. That's just how it is up here in Canuckistan. I'm sure some folks down in the bible belt wish it was like that there, but just once or twice I'd like to see the wildness you folks experience.

I've worked in Retail for twenty years, and I was confronted with it plenty. It wasn't excessively confrontational. I'd say, "Happy Holidays" and the person would reply, "Merry Christmas" with a stern look, the one a teacher gives a rambunctious student who needs a firm hand to be gotten back in line. I'd say, "Yes, that too," and they always walked away satisfied, happy to have won that particular skirmish.
Watching the Winter Solstice happen is pretty cool. I get a great view and appreciation for the event because the south side of my house, which has a glassed-in porch, overlooks a river so the horizon is unbroken. Seeing the sun arc lower and lower into the southern sky lets me appreciate what our ancestors knew and celebrated.

That Jesus thing is a crock of phony baloney.
But the Solstice is when the Earth is the closest it gets to the sun for this revolution. That is independent of the sun rising.
For the former catholics do you remember that midnight service? All the lights get turned off in the church and then from the back the costume guy lights a candle and then more candles and then the lights come back on in the whole church.

When I think about that I'm glad I had the experience so I can relate it astronomically and anthropologically. We're a dying rising breed.
Watching the Winter Solstice happen is pretty cool. I get a great view and appreciation for the event because the south side of my house, which has a glassed-in porch, overlooks a river so the horizon is unbroken. Seeing the sun arc lower and lower into the southern sky lets me appreciate what our ancestors knew and celebrated.

That Jesus thing is a crock of phony baloney.
But the Solstice is when the Earth is the closest it gets to the sun for this revolution. That is independent of the sun rising.

I don't think the solstice has anything to do with earth's proximity to the sun. It's when the sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. (wiki)
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