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The World-O-Meter Thread

Men less likely to wear face masks because they’re ‘not cool’ and ‘a sign of weakness’
Men in the US report less intention than women to wear face coverings, especially in counties that don’t mandate wearing them, according to a paper authored by researchers from Middlesex University London in the UK and the Mathematical Science Research Institute in Berkeley, Calif. This, the authors say, suggests that making face coverings mandatory “has a larger effect on men than on women.”

Men are also less likely to believe they’ll be seriously impacted by COVID-19, despite data to the contrary, the research found. “The fact that men less than women intend to wear a face covering can be partly explained by the fact that men more than women believe that they will be relatively unaffected by the disease,” co-authors Valerio Capraro and Hélène Barcelo wrote.

This finding is “particularly ironic,” they said, as men appear to be more severely impacted by the virus: In places such as China, Italy, Spain and New York City, men have died from COVID-19 at far higher rates than women did.
That may also explain some right-wingers aversion to masks - to them, masks are yet another bit of liberal wimpiness.

Source: PsyArXiv Preprints | The effect of messaging and gender on intentions to wear a face covering to slow down COVID-19 transmission
Right on queue cue. The stats used in the article are not strictly government generated but based on additional independent analysis by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. If you are accusing the Atlanta Journal Constitution of faking their data or being a Kemp shill, I'm not just going to take your extremely biased word.


A queue is a bunch of people waiting in line.

A cue is a signal that it is time for someone to do something - usually for an actor to start acting their part of a scene, or speaking their part from a script.

A cue is also a stick used for table games such as billiards, snooker, and pool; While both queue and cue are considered acceptable spellings for the oriental hairstyle.

Q is a character from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Kew is a London suburb famous for its botanic gardens.

What's the etymology and pronunciation of the words "pedantic douche"?

Right on queue cue. The stats used in the article are not strictly government generated but based on additional independent analysis by the Atlanta Journal Constitution. If you are accusing the Atlanta Journal Constitution of faking their data or being a Kemp shill, I'm not just going to take your extremely biased word.


A queue is a bunch of people waiting in line.

A cue is a signal that it is time for someone to do something - usually for an actor to start acting their part of a scene, or speaking their part from a script.

A cue is also a stick used for table games such as billiards, snooker, and pool; While both queue and cue are considered acceptable spellings for the oriental hairstyle.

Q is a character from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Kew is a London suburb famous for its botanic gardens.

What's the etymology and pronunciation of the words "pedantic douche"?


I'd have an easier time with "grammar nazi". :)
Right wingers are not noted for their facility with the English language, anyhow.
Sweden's former health chief: country should have gone into lockdown - Business Insider
  • Sweden's lockdown-free pandemic strategy is a global outlier.
  • The country has recently seen its coronavirus death rate soar, with many of the oldest, frailest people left vulnerable to catching the virus.
  • Former state epidemiologist Annika Linde said recently in an interview with Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter that the country, in hindsight, probably should've instituted a lockdown.
  • "I think we're starting to see that the Swedish model maybe hasn't been the smartest in every respect," she said.
Sweden was the only country that remained fully open as the novel coronavirus tore through Europe.

Now, it seems the nation is paying a deadly price for its choice.

Sweden has one of the highest coronavirus death rates of any country — per capita, it's now worse than any other in Europe.

Open letters signed by more than 2,000 Swedish scientists in April urged the country to reconsider a lockdown. But so far, it has not. Swedish people are simply urged instead to frequently wash hands, stay home when sick, and generally use common sense

Finland and Norway, both geographically, economically, and culturally similar countries to Sweden, issued harsher lockdowns, and have kept their case fatality rates (roughly 5% and 3%, respectively) at a fraction of Sweden's 12%.

At the same time, the latest Swedish studies suggest that far less than 10% of the country's population has been exposed to the virus, in line with infection rates in the rest of the world.
And their economy didn't do any better than its neighbors.

Coronavirus Sweden: Economy to contract as severely as rest of Europe

Even where there is no official lockdown, people still stay home and change behaviors anyway, The economic problems started before there were any lockdowns, so lifting them may make only a minor difference economically. For there to be economy recovery, the virus has to be under control so people feel safe.
US Averages:
4,897 total cases per 1M population
291 deaths per 1M population

2,226 total cases per 1M population
100 deaths per 1M population

1,845 total cases per 1M population
51 deaths per 1M population

3,830 total cases per 1M population
167 deaths per 1M population

Hmm, the left wing narrative (so far) doesn't seem to fit the facts. Oh yeah, that's right, the data is fake. When the data doesn't support the narrative, the data is a lie.

Do those of you who think these three states (their leadership) don't care about people dying care to bet that their numbers (total cases and deaths) will exceed the US average?
And their economy didn't do any better than its neighbors.

Coronavirus Sweden: Economy to contract as severely as rest of Europe

Even where there is no official lockdown, people still stay home and change behaviors anyway, The economic problems started before there were any lockdowns, so lifting them may make only a minor difference economically. For there to be economy recovery, the virus has to be under control so people feel safe.

I think that is kind of the point. People on the left are predicting that these red states are heading for disaster by loosening government restrictions. There seems to be some assumption that people need to be ordered by government on what to do in order to avoid disaster, that they are too dumb to figure it out on their own (even though cities and counties and the individuals within them have better local knowledge on the situations in their particular areas).

So far the data doesn't support the left wing narrative. I'm open to change my mind based on future data, but I believe certain left members on this board are putting politics ahead of critical thinking. One even made the suggestion that the area I live in (Lane County, Oregon) is following a right wing agenda by implementing the phase I reopening. That statement is ignorant beyond belief.
You mean Georgia, Florida, Texas aren’t trending up? Louisiana is also noting upward trends.

And this is with some cities trying to hold back. Said it’d start to show in a few weeks, it is starting to show.

And if I can’t take my daughter to Waldameer this August because a bunch of right wing mutherfuckers fucked it all up...
You mean Georgia, Florida, Texas aren’t trending up? Louisiana is also noting upward trends.

And this is with some cities trying to hold back. Said it’d start to show in a few weeks, it is starting to show.

And if I can’t take my daughter to Waldameer this August because a bunch of right wing mutherfuckers fucked it all up...

Those states have an advantage of low population density, slowing down the spread. But ignoring any kind of distancing will counter act that advantage. Any idea if their hospitals are up for the increase in cases coming?
Nurse disciplined for wearing only bra and panties under PPE gown
A nurse in Russia was suspended from the hospital where she worked in Tula, 100 miles south of Moscow, after she arrived at her shift in the all-male coronavirus patient wing with no clothing save for her skivvies under her transparent personal protective equipment.

This was first "reported" in the Daily Mail. I still think it's garbage. How could she possibly not notice that it was transparent??
And their economy didn't do any better than its neighbors.

Coronavirus Sweden: Economy to contract as severely as rest of Europe

Even where there is no official lockdown, people still stay home and change behaviors anyway, The economic problems started before there were any lockdowns, so lifting them may make only a minor difference economically. For there to be economy recovery, the virus has to be under control so people feel safe.

Yup, which is why the Republican plan is nuts.

US Averages:
4,897 total cases per 1M population
291 deaths per 1M population

2,226 total cases per 1M population
100 deaths per 1M population

1,845 total cases per 1M population
51 deaths per 1M population

3,830 total cases per 1M population
167 deaths per 1M population

Hmm, the left wing narrative (so far) doesn't seem to fit the facts. Oh yeah, that's right, the data is fake. When the data doesn't support the narrative, the data is a lie.

Do those of you who think these three states (their leadership) don't care about people dying care to bet that their numbers (total cases and deaths) will exceed the US average?

You're smarter than this. The US data is distorted by the huge cluster in New York. Also, simply giving totals doesn't take into consideration when it started to spread.

All the states with currently increasing counts are red.
I think that is kind of the point. People on the left are predicting that these red states are heading for disaster by loosening government restrictions. There seems to be some assumption that people need to be ordered by government on what to do in order to avoid disaster, that they are too dumb to figure it out on their own (even though cities and counties and the individuals within them have better local knowledge on the situations in their particular areas).

The facts bear this assumption out. The areas that don't order lockdowns have a lot of people engaging in risky behavior, making it very hard for those who want to protect themselves to do so.

So far the data doesn't support the left wing narrative. I'm open to change my mind based on future data, but I believe certain left members on this board are putting politics ahead of critical thinking. One even made the suggestion that the area I live in (Lane County, Oregon) is following a right wing agenda by implementing the phase I reopening. That statement is ignorant beyond belief.

It's the right wing that's doing this. It's all about getting this over before the election--but the only way that's going to happen is to get everyone infected. That's one or two million dead--a price the Republicans are quite willing to pay.
The economy looks likely to be in shambles by election time. But that wont matter if Trump can convince the swing states it was their Democrat governor's fault.
Hating on "the left" is not much of an argument.

COVID-19: Data Summary - NYC Health is about New York City. That city reached its peak of new cases and hospitalizations around April 1, and deaths peaked about a week later. All three kinds of events have been going steadily downward ever since. All three are now roughly 1/20 of what they were at their peaks.

New York State is following NYC's curve, but California, Florida, Georgia, and Texas have been flat over the last month or so.
People on the left are predicting that these red states are heading for disaster by loosening government restrictions.

Wisconsin was the first State to throw caution to the wind, when their Supreme Court invited everyone out for a drink on 5/13. Here is the result so far: 5/13 was the low point in the 7-day average, and has increased ever since, now at record levels.

Looks like "people on the left" were correct.

WI 5-22.JPG

I'm open to change my mind based on future data

... but not on current data?

Brazil is now nipping at the heels of the US in the new case race. But never fear, we still have more than 4X their total deaths.
Another one to look out for is India, fast climbing the list. In fourth place today, their reporting is probably very low and shows only 3 deaths per million people. The US is currently just under 300 deaths per million, so ... with a population of 1,378,566,974 the potential to pass us up in most key categories if reporting improves, is definitely there.

From near disaster to success story: how Japan has tackled coronavirus | World news | The Guardian - "Criticism of government reaction has given way to plaudits for public’s virus-challenging habits"
A little over a month ago, health experts were saying Japan risked becoming one of the world’s coronavirus “disaster zones”.

Its government was already facing criticism over its decision to quarantine passengers and crew aboard the Diamond Princess cruise liner, ...

Japan was testing too few people, critics said, opting instead to focus on clusters of cases ...

But today, Japan can make a strong case for being another coronavirus success story, albeit one that has failed to resonate globally in the same way as those in South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

So far, Japan – a country of 126 million people with one of the biggest elderly populations in the world – has confirmed 16,433 infections and 784 deaths, out of a global death toll of more than 300,000 people.

But Japan’s version of “lockdown” – requests to avoid unnecessary outings, work from home and observe social distancing – came across as a timid response to a situation that risked spiraling out of control. ...

Masks are a common sight during the winter flu season, and in spring among people with hay fever. The custom of bowing rather than shaking hands or hugging, generally high standards of personal hygiene, and the removal of shoes when entering homes have all been held up as possible explanations for Japan’s low infection rate.

Experts have pointed to universal healthcare, low obesity rates and expertise in treating pneumonia. ...

Personal habits and cultural traits, however, tell only part of the story. While Japan hesitated before imposing restrictions on overseas visitors, it was quick to recognise the dangers of mass gatherings.

Museums, theatres, theme parks and other attractions have been closed for months. ...
Also a lot of sports leagues. A sumo wrestling tournament was held without spectators.
Japan more likely to completely end virus emergency Monday
Japan has been gradually reopening.
After seeing the situation on the weekend and hearing opinions from health experts, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will formally decide what to do with the emergency for Tokyo, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama and Hokkaido, the last remaining areas under the measure among the country's 47 prefectures, according to the officials.

But amid a downtrend in daily infections, the emergency has already ended in 42 prefectures, with Abe on Thursday lifting the measure in Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo in western Japan with big urban populations.

The number of new COVID-19 infections in Tokyo started to increase rapidly in late March and peaked in mid-April.
3-step plan by Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike
Museums, schools and sports facilities without spectator stands are among facilities which can reopen in the first step. Professional baseball and basketball matches without spectators, as well as small events with up to 50 people, can also be held.

She said schools will begin reopening for students one day a week, and gradually increase the number. They are also to utilize online classes.
No mention of what's in the second and third phases.
Facilities including karaoke bars and gyms, which have a history of cluster infections, will remain asked to be closed even in the final phase, and when they can restart operations will depend on policy by the central government.
Seems like they are good about contact tracing.
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