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The World-O-Meter Thread

I have read that there is concern this might not provide herd immunity at all.
One Chinese study found that antibody levels dropped within weeks for many people. However, information on pathogens is stored in memory T-cells as well, so that alone is not a sign that immunity itself is waning that quickly.
Depending on the metric, it is. Mon to Mon to Mon single day cases.
1. You can't just cherry-pick data like that. Best to look at moving averages because of significant day to day fluctuations.
2. It's not even true for Monday. 2926/1758=1.66<2.

The cases are definitely increasing, but we need more data before we conclude they are increasing exponentially. In any case, Florida is in for a ride.
We're back up to 30k per day, since the 19th. The bulk is coming from the southwest and southeast states. Can starkly see now that the summer will offer no reprieve, the virus likes the hot weather just fine.
I feel bad for medical workers, it is going to be a long year for them. No summer lull, just scream right into the fall and into flu season...

Yeah... My brother, an MD in Santa Fe, is still working. Almost 72 years old and has a cardiac "incident" in his past. I fear that people with his sort of "driven" personality are probably at increased risk even without the age and med history. Additional admin is required for every single thing that they or their PAs, RNs etc. do.
Our municipal pool re-opened this week on a very limited basis, I went and swam laps. Ran into the head of County EMS, a way old customer of my last Company. He looked years older than he did last time I saw him in January. I know they had a case who was in quarters with his entire crew prior to testing positive, but I didn't pry.
It's sad, worrisome and I hope there's a God, just so He can send Donald Trump there.
So the fucking idiot in charge of Texas has said no elective surgeries allowed in four counties Texas where Covid-19 cases are increasing. This will allow hospitals to be able to have more resources on hand to deal with new Covid-19 cases that continue to increase because the Governor refuses to make mask wearing necessary!

What a fucking asshole! I'm sorry, but you can't get that wrist surgery done because I need to allow people the freedom to spread a disease.
Depending on the metric, it is. Mon to Mon to Mon single day cases.
1. You can't just cherry-pick data like that. Best to look at moving averages because of significant day to day fluctuations.
2. It's not even true for Monday. 2926/1758=1.66<2.

The cases are definitely increasing, but we need more data before we conclude they are increasing exponentially. In any case, Florida is in for a ride.

Yeah, especially the way DeSantis is cheating to please Trump. The reported cases are an arbitrary and mythical number, and they won't release daily data on hospitalizations. Even the death reports are not current. There are county by county reports available that can be scrutinized with some difficulty, but no public aggregate figures are provided.
DeSantis is trying to go along with the alternative reality offered by Trump, and info control is the first order of that business. If neither improved treatments nor a proven effective vaccine doesn't come along soon, that jig is going to be up and FL is indeed in for a ride.
I firmly believe the spike in Fl is not because of 'heat' or outside events (hell I went to protest march). The spike is due to DeSantis opening bars and restaurants without requiring FACE MASKS. And not enforcing social distancing.
Since this info is saved elsewhere and (maybe) the first wave of coronavirus has peaked in the US, the graph below is more informative regarding the US situation. Will update... occasionally. Looks like a very long tail on this thing to get below 1000 new cases/day.

We're back up to 30k per day, since the 19th. The bulk is coming from the southwest and southeast states. Can starkly see now that the summer will offer no reprieve, the virus likes the hot weather just fine.
People apparently forgot that in the South, it gets too hot. And people stay inside... where the virus spreads easier.
According to Florida, we're seeing a HUGE JUMP IN PNEUMONIA deaths, but that has nothing to do with Covid. ;)
Depending on the metric, it is. Mon to Mon to Mon single day cases.
1. You can't just cherry-pick data like that. Best to look at moving averages because of significant day to day fluctuations.
2. It's not even true for Monday. 2926/1758=1.66<2.

The cases are definitely increasing, but we need more data before we conclude they are increasing exponentially. In any case, Florida is in for a ride.

Yeah, especially the way DeSantis is cheating to please Trump. The reported cases are an arbitrary and mythical number, and they won't release daily data on hospitalizations. Even the death reports are not current. There are county by county reports available that can be scrutinized with some difficulty, but no public aggregate figures are provided.
DeSantis is trying to go along with the alternative reality offered by Trump, and info control is the first order of that business. If neither improved treatments nor a proven effective vaccine doesn't come along soon, that jig is going to be up and FL is indeed in for a ride.
About 9,000 new cases in Florida today. Positive testing is well above 10%, which is bad. Bars are now going to close in Florida and Texas, unless they can get people to buy a lot of very expensive appetizers.

Just to show how bad Florida has fucked up, New York which has New York City, only had 10 days 9,000+ daily cases. Granted, I have no idea if they had less testing and those numbers should be higher, regardless, Florida is crossing into NY territory. Texas and California are right behind. At least the Governor of California is pleading to wear masks.
Wisconsin is apparently upset they aren’t ranked as high as other states for the number of cases, so someone there is hosting Herd Immunity Fest.

Yes, for $105.50 you can get a 3 day pass to a concert to celebrate your coming infection. I think every one of them should be marked so hospitals will not admit them.
Wisconsin is apparently upset they aren’t ranked as high as other states for the number of cases, so someone there is hosting Herd Immunity Fest.

Yes, for $105.50 you can get a 3 day pass to a concert to celebrate your coming infection. I think every one of them should be marked so hospitals will not admit them.

You owe me a new jaw.
Looks like Trump's hunch was wrong.
Oh well.
(make the asshole go away)

On June 25th the US reported over 40,000 new cases for the first time ever. The previous high occurred on April 24th, with 39,116 cases.
Now, we have recorded four days in a row with over 40,000 new cases each day, INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.
How long until record deaths follow from this unprecedented level of infections?

us daily.JPG

On June 25th the US reported over 40,000 new cases for the first time ever. The previous high occurred on April 24th, with 39,116 cases.
Now, we have recorded four days in a row with over 40,000 new cases each day, INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.
How long until record deaths follow from this unprecedented level of infections?

View attachment 28395

Lots of cases over the weekend don't get reported until Monday. I worry that those last couple days will show a steep spike once the rest of the weekend gets reported.

On June 25th the US reported over 40,000 new cases for the first time ever. The previous high occurred on April 24th, with 39,116 cases.
Now, we have recorded four days in a row with over 40,000 new cases each day, INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.
How long until record deaths follow from this unprecedented level of infections?

Lots of cases over the weekend don't get reported until Monday. I worry that those last couple days will show a steep spike once the rest of the weekend gets reported.
That actually shifted a month ago I think. Weekend reporting isn't low anymore, that is Monday reporting now. Regardless, cases are at the worst point since the start of the pandemic, and there is so much room for growth. I believe NY/NJ were 50+% of the initial cases. Now it is all over the place.

I find it humorous (well, not really) that 30 year olds are being blamed for spreading the virus, like it wasn't 30 year olds that spread it the first time. But Americans were told to go out and spend... and when they did, the Government said... no... don't spread the virus while spending!

On June 25th the US reported over 40,000 new cases for the first time ever. The previous high occurred on April 24th, with 39,116 cases.
Now, we have recorded four days in a row with over 40,000 new cases each day, INCLUDING SATURDAY AND SUNDAY.
How long until record deaths follow from this unprecedented level of infections?

Lots of cases over the weekend don't get reported until Monday. I worry that those last couple days will show a steep spike once the rest of the weekend gets reported.
That actually shifted a month ago I think. Weekend reporting isn't low anymore, that is Monday reporting now. Regardless, cases are at the worst point since the start of the pandemic, and there is so much room for growth.

The three day moving average hit a new high on 6/22, and has, for the first time since late March, posted 7 days of sequential records since then. Yes, our situation is worse than ever and yes, there is a long way to go before it "can't get any worse" - which seems to be the point for which the Trump administration is striving.

It will be REALLY interesting to see if the body count follows the case count into record territory in 2-3 weeks, or perhaps longer.
As we learn more about the residual effects of the disease, its effects seem to stretch out further and further; patients deemed "recovered" are still suffering from lingering disabilities. But that is, unlike body counts, almost impossible to quantify. It would be somewhat heartening to see the number of cases and the number of deaths continuing to diverge, but I'm not confident that it will be so.

It does seem that by the time testing is widespread enough to really give us a handle on the number of people who have been exposed, that number will be "most of us".
Weekend reporting isn't low anymore, that is Monday reporting now.

44,698 today... Looks like someone decided the graphs would look "better" (less rigged?) without all those weekly spikes and drops. Now it's just one bigass spike, Monday through Sunday.
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