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Trump and neocons started War with Iran in order to win elections?

60 Canadians might have just become indirect victims of this tit for tat, waving micro-penises around out-showmanship.
So when are Canada and Ukraine going to retaliate against Iran for this?

Jolly, here is my suggestion as to what your country should do. Export a bunch of poutine to Iran, but lie to them and say it's 100% beef gravy when it's really pork gravy.
What Canadians should do is not go to Iran/Iraq or anywhere else that the US is currently causing trouble in foreign lands. We famously have to wear maple leaves on our backpacks when we travel just to distinguish us from US Americans and make ourselves less hated.
What Canadians should do is not go to Iran/Iraq or anywhere else that the US is currently causing trouble in foreign lands.
It's Iran that is causing trouble actually. And has caused trouble for 41 years now. Did we take people hostage in their embassy or they in ours?
But yeah, Iran may not be the best vacation spot. However, most of the Canadian citizens who were on that plane were actually Iranian.

We famously have to wear maple leaves on our backpacks when we travel just to distinguish us from US Americans and make ourselves less hated.

Anti-Americanism is a very common form of bigotry. Even here.
Its all over the world. When I travel through south East Asia as soon as I speak English they suspect I am American and suspect trouble. Then they realize I am Canadian and relax.
Its all over the world. When I travel through south East Asia as soon as I speak English they suspect I am American and suspect trouble. Then they realize I am Canadian and relax.

Again, it's bigotry to suspect "trouble" just because somebody is an American.

In any case, better an American than a Canadian who pays Islamic terrorists and traitors $10 million. :rolleyes:
I am sure your Prime Minister Islam Socks also had a sad when he heard Soleimani was killed.
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The more I read up on the history between Iran and the USA the harder a time I have trying to see the US as the good guys. You toppled their first democratic leader so you could take their oil, install the shah and then you are surprised that he is taken out and replaced by religious nutjobs? You back Iraq in a war against Iran and then wonder why Iran hates you? You load up sanctions against Iran, threaten them constantly and then assassinate an Iranian general, and you are still the good guys somehow??? Boggles the mind.
Its all over the world. When I travel through south East Asia as soon as I speak English they suspect I am American and suspect trouble. Then they realize I am Canadian and relax.

Again, it's bigotry to suspect "trouble" just because somebody is an American.

It is. And I feel bad for good and friendly Americans who have to face the reputation that both your government's foreign affairs and their fellow tourists have created.
I would rather a prime minister who paid out $10mil to somebody (not that it was his decision to do so) than a president who wants to start world war 3.
What the US has done is throw away any spectre of credibility for peace. The US should not be the region halfesy around the planet in the first place. And attacks on Iran isn't going to take the "weird beards" as Derec calls them, but rather play directly into their hands and create more support for them. Before Trump, Iran was by all reports respecting and adhering to the deal Obama made with them, and wasn't building nukes. They will be now.

The problem is that there's no good answer here.

What Iran wants is for us to leave them alone to conquer the Muslim lands--but then they're going to come after the rest of the world. Islam can't accept not being top dog.
Please provide a link that supports your claim because Iran conquering Muslim lands is delusional enough, but the rest of the world?

Iranians are mostly Shiites. Much of the Islamic world is Sunni. Iraq is about 2/3 Shiite and 1/3 Sunni. Iran does not want the Shiites of Iraq dominated by Sunnis. ISIL and al Qaeda are Sunnis A problem for Iran. People seem to not remember Iran's threats to get involved in Afghanistan over the Taliban's mistreatment of Afghanistani Shiites by the Taliban. And of course, it was Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, who attacked Iran. This isn't just an academic exercise by the Shiite Iranians.
And the Iranians fucked up by killing civilians and Trump is mildly responsible for creating the damn atmosphere in the first place. He talks, he talks, he blusters, he threatens all hell. And that bluster has a non-negligible amount of blame for this loss of life. The majority does go to Iran, but the US splashed an Iranian plane so we really can't poke too much there.
The more I read up on the history between Iran and the USA the harder a time I have trying to see the US as the good guys. You toppled their first democratic leader so you could take their oil,
You seem to be reading one-sided screeds. Mossadegh wasn't some democratic leader. He was a) a Soviet puppet and b) during the crisis that led to his ouster he gave himself decree powers and stopped voting in an election so he would not lose. Also, it was not to "take their oil". Iran entered into agreements with companies to develop their oil and Mossadegh seized those companies - i.e. blatant theft.

install the shah and then you are surprised that he is taken out and replaced by religious nutjobs?
Religious nutjob that was hailed as a "saint" by Carter's UN ambassador.
Young Praises Islam as ‘Vibrant’ And Calls the Ayatollah ‘a Saint’

Carter threw the Shah under the bus.

You back Iraq in a war against Iran and then wonder why Iran hates you?
That was after Iran invaded and occupied the US embassy, holding 52 hostages for over a year.

You load up sanctions against Iran,
So now it's bad even to sanction rogue states?

threaten them constantly and then assassinate an Iranian general, and you are still the good guys somehow??? Boggles the mind.

Iranian general who was the head of a designated terrorist organization (so-called Quds Force) that was responsible for much mayhem throughout the region.
And he was only taken out after one of his militias killed a US contractor during an attack at a US base.
Iranians are mostly Shiites. Much of the Islamic world is Sunni. Iraq is about 2/3 Shiite and 1/3 Sunni. Iran does not want the Shiites of Iraq dominated by Sunnis.
But they want the Sunnis of Syria (majority) to be dominated by minority Shiites. They want the Sunnis in Yemen to be dominated by the minority Shiites through the Houthis. They also want the Sunnis and Christians of Lebanon to be dominated by minority Shiites through Hezbollah (wholly owned subsidiary of the Quds Force). They also want to destroy Israel and have their puppets run so-called "Palestine".

ISIL and al Qaeda are Sunnis A problem for Iran.
They don't mind them cutting off heads or throwing gays off rooftops, or seek world domination for Islam, but they are bothered that they revere the wrong successor of Mohammed.
I would rather a prime minister who paid out $10mil to somebody (not that it was his decision to do so) than a president who wants to start world war 3.

It was obviously Justin Castro's decision. He did not even consult the parliament. And it's not just somebody but a terrorist and traitor.

And if anybody wants to start WWIII, it's Iranians.
Trump has shown incredible restraint - probably too much restraint.
I would rather a prime minister who paid out $10mil to somebody (not that it was his decision to do so) than a president who wants to start world war 3.

It was obviously Justin Castro's decision. He did not even consult the parliament. And it's not just somebody but a terrorist and traitor.

And if anybody wants to start WWIII, it's Iranians.
Trump has shown incredible restraint - probably too much restraint.

So Trump isn't Trumpy enough for you. No surprise.
The resolution voted on today: House Concurrent Resolution 83:
H.Con.Res.83 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Directing the President pursuant to section 5(c) of the War Powers Resolution to terminate the use of United States Armed Forces to engage in hostilities in or against Iran. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Introduced by Rep. Elissa Slotkin, it got 134 cosponsors.

The vote on it today, Jan 9:
Final Vote Results for Roll Call 7
  • Dem: Yes: 220, No: 8, Not Voting: 4
  • Rep: Yes: 3, No: 186, Not Voting: 9
  • Ind: Yes: 1
  • Total: Yes: 224, No: 194, Not Voting: 13
So there were 8 Democrats who voted against it, and 3 Republicans and 1 Independent who voted for it.

The Independent was Justin Amash, and one of the Republicans was Matt Gaetz.
Joshua Potash on Twitter: "Matt Gaetz just said to Tucker Carlson:
“It is my belief that declaring war is a non-delegable power of the United States Congress.”
Don’t know why people are breaking rank, or how Gaetz learned the word delegable, but this feels like the Twilight Zone. https://t.co/SNjyn4MRrl" / Twitter

Yamiche Alcindor on Twitter: "Key to remember on the war powers resolution just passed by the House: It is not binding on the president and would not require his signature. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi nonetheless insists it "has real teeth" because "it is a statement of the Congress of the United States."" / Twitter

Yamiche Alcindor on Twitter: "Only 3 Republicans— Reps Matt Gaetz, a close ally of Pres Trump, and Francis Rooney, both of FL, and Thomas Massie of Kentucky along with the House’s only independent, Rep Justin Amash, joined Dems in supporting war powers resolution. And, 8 Democrats broke ranks to oppose it." / Twitter

Yamiche Alcindor on Twitter: "Rep Gaetz, a Trump ally who voted for the war powers resolution, tells me: “The resolution clearly sets forth our right to act in self defense. Even preemptively in self defense, if needed. The President told me today he is even more anti-war than I am. And I love him for that.”" / Twitter
The more I read up on the history between Iran and the USA the harder a time I have trying to see the US as the good guys. You toppled their first democratic leader so you could take their oil, install the shah and then you are surprised that he is taken out and replaced by religious nutjobs? You back Iraq in a war against Iran and then wonder why Iran hates you? You load up sanctions against Iran, threaten them constantly and then assassinate an Iranian general, and you are still the good guys somehow??? Boggles the mind.

No--we toppled a guy with Russian backing who wanted to seize the property of US companies.

And you're forgetting the hostage incident. That was an act of war by Iran against the US. They're lucky we just provided some assistance to Iraq rather than outright invaded.
Please provide a link that supports your claim because Iran conquering Muslim lands is delusional enough, but the rest of the world?

Iranians are mostly Shiites. Much of the Islamic world is Sunni. Iraq is about 2/3 Shiite and 1/3 Sunni. Iran does not want the Shiites of Iraq dominated by Sunnis. ISIL and al Qaeda are Sunnis A problem for Iran. People seem to not remember Iran's threats to get involved in Afghanistan over the Taliban's mistreatment of Afghanistani Shiites by the Taliban. And of course, it was Saddam Hussein, a Sunni, who attacked Iran. This isn't just an academic exercise by the Shiite Iranians.

This isn't about percentages. Iran wants the Shiites on top, period. Note that there has been extensive religious cleansing in Iraq to accomplish this.

And there's Yemen, an ongoing proxy war between the Sunnis and Shiites. A pox upon both of their houses!
The more I read up on the history between Iran and the USA the harder a time I have trying to see the US as the good guys. You toppled their first democratic leader so you could take their oil, install the shah and then you are surprised that he is taken out and replaced by religious nutjobs? You back Iraq in a war against Iran and then wonder why Iran hates you? You load up sanctions against Iran, threaten them constantly and then assassinate an Iranian general, and you are still the good guys somehow??? Boggles the mind.

No--we toppled a guy with Russian backing who wanted to seize the property of US companies.

And you're forgetting the hostage incident. That was an act of war by Iran against the US. They're lucky we just provided some assistance to Iraq rather than outright invaded.

The hostage situation was decades after regime change and interference also continues to today:
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