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Trump blames military for SEAL’s death

I have to give credit to the Marines for discipline and strength of will, though. I'd never salute that orange idiot.
Oh, i would.
But only because not doing so would reflect poorly upon my uniform, my service. Nothing to do with him.
THat's pretty much exactly not what i said.
However Obama took them off the ground which is creditworthy. Still a few died when Obama was in power. as in my earlier reply. Per your reasoning he should be investigated.
Have i made any attempt to exempt Obama from the responsibility? Could you point out where i only hold Trump or only the Republican presidents responsible? That was not my intent, so I'd like to see where i did that, so i can correct my mistake.

Okay I misunderstood your intent then - my fault.
We can't say it went south since we don't know that it did. If boots are put on the ground there is a likelihood of deaths (regardless of the success of any operation).
But we never PLAN for our people to die. We gauge the risks, but the PLAN would not have been to get a experienced man killed. Replacing him is expensive, if nothing else.

We don't PLAN for expensive aircraft to be expended while troops are still inside them.

So, yeah, we can say it 'went south' pretty clearly.

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THat's pretty much exactly not what i said. Have i made any attempt to exempt Obama from the responsibility? Could you point out where i only hold Trump or only the Republican presidents responsible? That was not my intent, so I'd like to see where i did that, so i can correct my mistake.

Okay I misunderstood your intent then - my fault.
Bravely said, WP.
But we never PLAN for our people to die. We gauge the risks, but the PLAN would not have been to get a experienced man killed. Replacing him is expensive, if nothing else.

We don't PLAN for expensive aircraft to be expended while troops are still inside them.

So, yeah, we can say it 'went south' pretty clearly.

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THat's pretty much exactly not what i said. Have i made any attempt to exempt Obama from the responsibility? Could you point out where i only hold Trump or only the Republican presidents responsible? That was not my intent, so I'd like to see where i did that, so i can correct my mistake.

Okay I misunderstood your intent then - my fault.
Bravely said, WP.

What you say is well put but I think an investigation should be routine to try to establish the reason for the deaths and the crash so as to avoid possible repetitions. I've never heard bravely on any posts; stupidly or comments snipped by the moderator are the usual responses.
What you say is well put but I think an investigation should be routine to try to establish the reason for the deaths and the crash so as to avoid possible repetitions.
There ARE three investigations that have started because of military standard procedure. There's one into Owen's death, one in to the plane crash, and one into the civilian deaths.
These investigations are pretty much automatic when a mission goes pear shaped.
I just think that there should also be an investigation into the planning. Trump's really trying to avoid anything to do with that.
What you say is well put but I think an investigation should be routine to try to establish the reason for the deaths and the crash so as to avoid possible repetitions.
There ARE three investigations that have started because of military standard procedure. There's one into Owen's death, one in to the plane crash, and one into the civilian deaths.
These investigations are pretty much automatic when a mission goes pear shaped.
I just think that there should also be an investigation into the planning. Trump's really trying to avoid anything to do with that.

He can always blame Obama then, :)
For a second, I misread the thread title as "Trump blames Hillary for SEAL's death" and was actually surprised that wasn't it.
Trump's tweet today:
trump flight jacket.jpg
Good thing he's keeping himself separate from 'the military' that fucked up the raid.
Shameless draft dodger.

In my view, there should be no shame in having doged the Vietnam draft. That was essentially a whole-sale crime against humanity. We bombed into oblivion hundreds of thousands of civilians. And probably caused hundreds of thousands of birth defects because of our use of chemical weapons. All this in a war of aggression started under false pretenses. We hung people at Nuremberg for less.
Uh, sure there is, if you are a fan of war and aggressive military action and war crimes, and you didn't care about any of the injustices of that war, or if also you supported the war. Not everyone who dodged the draft did it for respectable and consistent reasons. It's called being a chickenhawk.
Yeah. My dad dodged the army draft by joining the army reserves. He's quite up front about his choices.

But he doesn't go around calling people who DID serve, like McCain, losers.
He doesn't talk about shooting the families of terrorists.
He doesn't want us to invade any other countries so his or other people's sons get shot up in them.
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