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Trump Calls Americans Who Died in War ‘Losers’

John Bolton says he didn't hear Trump insult fallen soldiers in France

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said in comments published Friday that he never heard President Trump refer to slain American soldiers buried at a French cemetery as "losers" and "suckers," after the allegations were made in a bombshell report published Thursday.

Every person who was known to be with Trump has denied he made the comments. The media sources are all anonymous. And the documents from the DOD confirm that the trip to the cemetery was cancelled due to weather. Bolton's book, which was release before this media smear, explained why driving was not an option. I guess if you fell for the Russia Collusion hoax, you'll fall for anything.
I can understand someone hating war a lot. I hate it a lot. But with Trump it's something else. I mean, as much as I hate war, I respect the soldiers who fought and the sacrifices made.

Trump seems to hate the soldiers, not just from these remarks, but his overall perspective.

Mary Trump claims that Fred Trump (Donald's father) vowed to disown any of his kids if they joined the military.
Truasti might have a point, just not the one he thinks.

A lot of journalists who are tasked to report on North Korea are frustrated by how "rumours" become "fact". Basically, so much bullshit comes out of NK, who the fuck is going to dispute it? Kim Jong Ill never took a shit in his life? Of course the NK News is going to report this! Did North Korea kidnap some Japanese filmakers to do a shitty version of Godzilla! Yes! Did Kim Jong Un order all men in NK to shave their left scrotum but not their right scrotum to show solidarity? Of course he did!

We expect these stories to come out of North Korea. Some of them are true. And that is what is so batshit cray about North Korea. You don't know if it is real or not. We now expect these absurd stories to come out about the leader of the free fucking world. Seriously, if someone told me, "Donald Trump fisted a chihuahua whilst being pegged by Ivanka", the only reply I could muster is: Fuck is it Thursday again I need to put the bins out!

Is anyone surprised that Donald Trump doesn't give a flying penguin testicle fuck about soldiers? The sad reality is that whether this story is true or not, it really shouldn't change your opinion about the cunt by now.
A lot of people with Trump on the trip are denying that he said it, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dan Scavino, Jordan Karem and others. Bolton’s book doesn’t mention anything about it. But that’s not everyone. The one key source who could confirm it has not denied it as of yet: John Kelly. He left as Chief of Staff shortly after the events, in January 2019. When pressed about Kelly’s silence, Trump lashed out at him as incompetent and out of his depth. Hmmmm. That gives me pause. All eyes are now on Kelly and so far he’s keeping quiet. But Trump’s tirade may push him over the edge.

The alleged quote is quite stunning. It’s hard to accept that any POTUS would even think such things. But this is Trump who has come close to saying stuff like this in the past. He called McCain a loser for being captured. I thought that should have done him in but it didn’t.

In the end, we need to hear from Kelly. The man Trump just insulted.

Trump is saying Kelly could have been a source, which is not something you'd say if you want to argue it was made up by someone who couldn't know.
John Bolton says he didn't hear Trump insult fallen soldiers in France

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton said in comments published Friday that he never heard President Trump refer to slain American soldiers buried at a French cemetery as "losers" and "suckers," after the allegations were made in a bombshell report published Thursday.

Every person who was known to be with Trump has denied he made the comments. The media sources are all anonymous. And the documents from the DOD confirm that the trip to the cemetery was cancelled due to weather. Bolton's book, which was release before this media smear, explained why driving was not an option. I guess if you fell for the Russia Collusion hoax, you'll fall for anything.

No, not every person known, because there were at least four others there too. And all Bolton said was that he didn't hear it, not that it didn't happen. He also said it would not be out of character for him to say it.

And that was just one of several different comments that were corroborated by multiple news sources.

We all know he said it, it sounds just like the things he says in public. Why even deny it? It's not like it would make any difference to you.

^TDS. As if anybody needs to make up a Trump quote, when anybody can just watch him on TV on any day saying something heinous.

What cracks me up is the one from Politifact today.

Trump said he never called McCain a "loser."

Well as they pointed out, he called him a loser, then tweeted - apparently bragging - about calling him a loser, and now denies he said anything of the sort.

Source? Trump's own words.

Meh.... "sources".

FOUR sources with first hand knowledge.
I'm surprised that you are suddenly parroting the trumpsuckers' "FAKE NEWS!" catchall line.

The fact that Trump's reticence to visit the cemetery was about his hair, was reported at the time.

There's enough reliable dirt on him. We don't need to go looking for iffy stuff
Meh.... "sources".

FOUR sources with first hand knowledge.
I'm surprised that you are suddenly parroting the trumpsuckers' "FAKE NEWS!" catchall line.

The fact that Trump's reticence to visit the cemetery was about his hair, was reported at the time.

There's enough reliable dirt on him. We don't need to go looking for iffy stuff

True, but the comments about our war dead could play against his base, much more so than grabbing pussies and a host of other things. They will excuse a lot, I hear it from them all the time. But such a comment may be so utterly indefensible even to them. It’s all about the base. Right now they’re just screaming fake news. Parroting trump. Because they know they can’t support him if he said it. That’s why I say it’s up to John Kelly. If he confirms it, that may be enough. And Trump just insulted him.

General? your response, sir? We’re waiting!
There's enough reliable dirt on him. We don't need to go looking for iffy stuff

True, but the comments about our war dead could play against his base, much more so than grabbing pussies and a host of other things. They will excuse a lot, I hear it from them all the time. But such a comment may be so utterly indefensible even to them. It’s all about the base. Right now they’re just screaming fake news. Parroting trump. Because they know they can’t support him if he said it. That’s why I say it’s up to John Kelly. If he confirms it, that may be enough. And Trump just insulted him.

General? your response, sir? We’re waiting!

I believe Kelly has vowed to not say anything at all about his time in the cabinet, no matter the subject.

Nice... The Great Defender of the Orange hopes we will be disgusted by this satire. And if you need more convincing that poor widdle Donny is being unfairly characterized, what could be more compelling than what John Bolton says he didn't hear?

Trausti said:
John Bolton says he didn't hear Trump insult fallen soldiers in France

Very convincing, Trausti. I'm sure most of us will be voting for the misogynist draft-dodging racist serial sexual predator who has attacked Gold Star Families and demeaned service members, undermined the American intelligence apparatus, corrupted the Justice Department, attacked the FBI, CIA, NATO and every other pillar of Democracy...

now that we know what John Bolton says he didn't hear.
The baby had it coming. He probably peed on Trump.
...which means the baby has my vote. (He's gotta be less cranky than Trump. And no goddamn tweeting.)
Meh.... "sources".

FOUR sources with first hand knowledge.
I'm surprised that you are suddenly parroting the trumpsuckers' "FAKE NEWS!" catchall line.

The fact that Trump's reticence to visit the cemetery was about his hair, was reported at the time.

There's enough reliable dirt on him. We don't need to go looking for iffy stuff

“Iffy”? Can you not make a judgement based on his character? Previous comments about McCain? Does it not fit a pattern? Does other reputable news agencies such as Reuter’s running the story not lend some credibility to the charges?
That's a problem with "fake news". It leverages of actual news with plausible, believable, expansions. Among sources must be attributable sources, else it is just gossip over the back fence.

Put away the tar and feathers boys the flood happens in the next scene. After all we're alive. There is still time brother.*

*Stitched from "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" and "On the Beach".
There's enough reliable dirt on him. We don't need to go looking for iffy stuff

True, but the comments about our war dead could play against his base, much more so than grabbing pussies and a host of other things. They will excuse a lot, I hear it from them all the time. But such a comment may be so utterly indefensible even to them. It’s all about the base. Right now they’re just screaming fake news. Parroting trump. Because they know they can’t support him if he said it. That’s why I say it’s up to John Kelly. If he confirms it, that may be enough. And Trump just insulted him.

General? your response, sir? We’re waiting!

I believe Kelly has vowed to not say anything at all about his time in the cabinet, no matter the subject.

I realize that, but there’s a lot of pressure on him to break his silence right now. I say it’s time, one way or other.
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