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Trump calls Maxine Waters "low IQ"

This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

How is that a racist comment? He made a comment about a single individual, not about a race. Politicians of every hue have been accused of being dumb, including many times on this very forum. Is that only acceptable when the target is white?
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary.
And because of that we must pretend that all black people are smart or else we are racist?
That's some major league bullshit. And the kind of bullshit double standards that is keeping race relations from progressing for decades. Until it is equally acceptable to call Maxine Waters and Louis Gohmert (for example) "low iq", we have a long way to go.

One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.
Yes, these stereotypes exist. But the solution is not a knee-jerk rejection of any suggestion that any black person might not be highly intelligent.
I'm hopeful, we will at some point be able to seal up this presidency and move forward without it or it's attitude lingering in the future. The W Admin's attitude towards any dissent was bad enough, but the Trump Admin is so vile and contemptible.

Trump is broadcasting to his lowest common denominator base, and just them.
You're talking about the first president in American history that will hold office for three full terms.
FDR served three terms, didn't he?
I'm hopeful, we will at some point be able to seal up this presidency and move forward without it or it's attitude lingering in the future. The W Admin's attitude towards any dissent was bad enough, but the Trump Admin is so vile and contemptible.

Trump is broadcasting to his lowest common denominator base, and just them.
You're talking about the first president in American history that will hold office for three full terms.
FDR served three terms, didn't he?
Don't bring facts into this, dammit! I'm a conservative, and if I say it and you disagree, you might want to consider the damage the liberal media has influenced the record books and it's undue influence on how you interpret the ill-recorded fake facts.

[/alchohol induced superiority]
FDR served three terms, didn't he?
Don't bring facts into this, dammit! I'm a conservative, and if I say it and you disagree, you might want to consider the damage the liberal media has influenced the record books and it's undue influence on how you interpret the ill-recorded fake facts.

[/alchohol induced superiority]

Do you really think Trump will live another ten years, given his current state of obesity and mental decay? Or is that an alcohol-induced implication? :D
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary.
And because of that we must pretend that all black people are smart or else we are racist?
That's some major league bullshit. And the kind of bullshit double standards that is keeping race relations from progressing for decades. Until it is equally acceptable to call Maxine Waters and Louis Gohmert (for example) "low iq", we have a long way to go.

One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.
Yes, these stereotypes exist. But the solution is not a knee-jerk rejection of any suggestion that any black person might not be highly intelligent.

Based on my sporadic observations of her, I don't find her to be of a "very low IQ" (Trump's exact phrase, not your "might not be highly intelligent" euphemistic redaction of it); I don't know whether or not she's highly intelligent--not enough observation of her on my part.
There's a lot of ground in between, don't you think? So when my impressions of a black woman's intelligence and of a white man's intelligence disagrees with Trump's impressions, yeah I think that racial and gender stereotypes are clouding his perception of her and of himself.
I'm hopeful, we will at some point be able to seal up this presidency and move forward without it or it's attitude lingering in the future. The W Admin's attitude towards any dissent was bad enough, but the Trump Admin is so vile and contemptible.

Trump is broadcasting to his lowest common denominator base, and just them.
You're talking about the first president in American history that will hold office for three full terms.
FDR served three terms, didn't he?

He died during his fourth term, and his VP won the next election. It was after that the Republicans legislated Presidential term limits,
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

So it is also racist when people say that Trump has a low IQ? Just trying to understand the hypocrisy.

That doesn't even begin to make sense, considering who we are discussing here. It's pretty obvious that Trump is not very bright.

??? He's a billionaire whose had three attractive wives, many pretty girlfriends, sired five children, has his name on buildings all over the world, became a household name by sheer chutzpah, has defied his critics time and time again, and dethroned the harridan who thought the presidency was owed to her. And you're what? Anonymous guy posting on an internet forum from his basement before he faps to porn. LOL.
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

So it is also racist when people say that Trump has a low IQ? Just trying to understand the hypocrisy.
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary. One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.

Redneck? Trailer trash? White trash? Yeah, never been stereotypes of white people having low IQs.
FDR served three terms, didn't he?

He died during his fourth term, and his VP won the next election. It was after that the Republicans legislated Presidential term limits,

The Republicans didn't "legislate" term limits. Congress proposed the 22nd amendment by the required 2/3 majority in both chambers and 3/4 of state legislatures had voted to ratify it a little less than for years later.
And you're what? Anonymous guy posting on an internet forum from his basement before he faps to porn. LOL.
Actually southernhybrid is an older lady.
But I get your point. Trump may have gotten lucky on the real estate boom, but he is a good bullshit artist. Good at salesmanship, especially when selling himself. Not quantum physics or even rocket science, but I am sure it takes more intellectual chops that being a congresswoman in a series of very safe Democratic districts. In her almost 30 years in the House, I do not think she ever chaired a committee.

I propose Waters and Trump settle it once and for all in a televised battle of wits of some kind.
Based on my sporadic observations of her, I don't find her to be of a "very low IQ" (Trump's exact phrase, not your "might not be highly intelligent" euphemistic redaction of it); I don't know whether or not she's highly intelligent--not enough observation of her on my part.
If you mean to imply that Trump is wrong unless she has an IQ that would put her in mentally retarded (or whatever the current preferred nomenclature is) than you are being hyperliteral. It is obvious to all that her not being smart is what his meaning was. And that is obvious even from sporadic observation.

There's a lot of ground in between, don't you think? So when my impressions of a black woman's intelligence and of a white man's intelligence disagrees with Trump's impressions, yeah I think that racial and gender stereotypes are clouding his perception of her and of himself.
Or maybe your prejudices are clouding your perception.
Look at some of her statements. She is not the sharpest knife in Congress, and we are not talking about the most impressive collection of cutlery there.
That doesn't even begin to make sense, considering who we are discussing here. It's pretty obvious that Trump is not very bright.

??? He's a billionaire whose had three attractive wives, many pretty girlfriends, sired five children, has his name on buildings all over the world, became a household name by sheer chutzpah, has defied his critics time and time again, and dethroned the harridan who thought the presidency was owed to her. And you're what? Anonymous guy posting on an internet forum from his basement before he faps to porn. LOL.
That is his dads money + some luck. no, he isnt bright at all.
I think we can all agree that neither of these two are particularly bright.
Interestingly she kept mispronouncing Vovan as Boban. Cyrilic V looks like Latin B, the only difference being that lower case looks like a small capital B so Vovan would be Вован.
That doesn't even begin to make sense, considering who we are discussing here. It's pretty obvious that Trump is not very bright.

??? He's a billionaire whose had three attractive wives, many pretty girlfriends, sired five children, has his name on buildings all over the world, became a household name by sheer chutzpah, has defied his critics time and time again, and dethroned the harridan who thought the presidency was owed to her. And you're what? Anonymous guy posting on an internet forum from his basement before he faps to porn. LOL.
Projection is a form of narcissism not analysis.
As a businessman, he's a failure by every possible standard. If he had just taken his inheritance and invested it in S&P he would be wealthy instead of in debt to the Russians after a string of bankruptcies.

But I guess in the land of alternative facts, he's a great success.
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