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Trump calls Maxine Waters "low IQ"

??? He's a billionaire ...

Assumes facts not in evidence. For all you know, he could have a negative net worth of billions of dollars. He's also a fraud and a conman whose multiple bankruptcies have allowed him to stiff small business contractors while his consortium rakes in Russian money.
As has been pointed out, all his machinations have not allowed his $140,000,000.00 inheritance to out-perform an index fund, even if his claims of wealth are true.
But of course, in the minds of neo-cons, inheriting $140,000,000.00 is a sign of great intelligence and unassailable virtue...
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary. One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.

Redneck? Trailer trash? White trash? Yeah, never been stereotypes of white people having low IQs.

Disingenuous, much? No, no dominant stereotypes in European or North American culture of all or most white people, as a race having very low IQs. Yes, there have been class based stereotypes, of the sort you mention--indeed, it was such stereotypes like that that helped Hilary Clinton lose the election by condescending to classes of white people she considered stupider that herself.
Based on my sporadic observations of her, I don't find her to be of a "very low IQ" (Trump's exact phrase, not your "might not be highly intelligent" euphemistic redaction of it); I don't know whether or not she's highly intelligent--not enough observation of her on my part.
If you mean to imply that Trump is wrong unless she has an IQ that would put her in mentally retarded (or whatever the current preferred nomenclature is) than you are being hyperliteral. It is obvious to all that her not being smart is what his meaning was. And that is obvious even from sporadic observation.

There's a lot of ground in between, don't you think? So when my impressions of a black woman's intelligence and of a white man's intelligence disagrees with Trump's impressions, yeah I think that racial and gender stereotypes are clouding his perception of her and of himself.
Or maybe your prejudices are clouding your perception.
Look at some of her statements. She is not the sharpest knife in Congress, and we are not talking about the most impressive collection of cutlery there.

"Not very smart" is not the same as "very low IQ"--from your statements I can only assume that you are writing in bad faith, or have a developmental challenge when it comes ot processing language.
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary. One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.

Redneck? Trailer trash? White trash? Yeah, never been stereotypes of white people having low IQs.

Disingenuous, much? No, no dominant stereotypes in European or North American culture of all or most white people, as a race having very low IQs. Yes, there have been class based stereotypes, of the sort you mention--indeed, it was such stereotypes like that that helped Hilary Clinton lose the election by condescending to classes of white people she considered stupider that herself.

Polack jokes? A whole nation and ethnicity.
I'm going with the Occam's Razor angle on this.

The simplest explanation is that Trump is an asshole with a big mouth who says nasty shit about people who don't kiss his ass.

Was his comment about Waters racist? Maybe; quite possibly. But compare that with all the other shit that Trump says about people and it's not any different. Hell, the motherfucker claimed to have an IQ higher than Rex Tillerson, his own SOS.

The guy's an unsophisticated asshole. It's the easiest explanation.
I'm going with the Occam's Razor angle on this.

The simplest explanation is that Trump is an asshole with a big mouth who says nasty shit about people who don't kiss his ass.

Was his comment about Waters racist? Maybe; quite possibly. But compare that with all the other shit that Trump says about people and it's not any different. Hell, the motherfucker claimed to have an IQ higher than Rex Tillerson, his own SOS.

The guy's an unsophisticated asshole. It's the easiest explanation.

The obvious implication was "I'm smarter than Maxine".
Doesn't even rise to the level of a dubious claim. Given a standardized IQ test (these score the subject's ability to read, level of numeracy and the ability to conceptualize spatial relationships), Cheato might (or might not) barely break three digits.
The obvious implication was "I'm smarter than Maxine".

The obvious implication when he talked about Rosie O'Donnel was that he wasn't fat.

The obvious implication when he smears women's appearances is that he's too handsome for them.

The obvious implication when he says "Fake News" is that he's honest.

The obvious implication when he says "Crooked Hillary" is that he's not corrupt.

Etcetera... well, one more.

The obvious implication when he said that Joe Scarborough was "dumb as a rock" was that he was considerably more intelligent than Scarborough.

Use the same insult, but replace the name Maxine Waters with any other name on the planet and it's no different from anything else he says.

There's no dispute that Trump is a racist. Look at the crowds he appeals to. The cliche, not everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, but all racists voted for Trump is pretty damn accurate. But it's not revelatory.

Trump spreads insults around equally. It doesn't make them not vile, but this one is nothing special.
I'm going with the Occam's Razor angle on this.

The simplest explanation is that Trump is an asshole with a big mouth who says nasty shit about people who don't kiss his ass.

Firstly I acknowledge and appreciate the use of Occam's Razor... a principle more people should understand and employ.

However I am going to disagree with you on this one point. I do not believe it is the simplest explanation. If it were completely the case, then he would not have won the Republican nomination, much less the presidency. In order for that to be true, not only would he have to be described as you say, but all of the GoP and about 40% of the population of the US would have to fall into that category too. So, not the simplest explanation.

I think the simplest explanation that satisfies OR is that Trump thinks that insulting her on that day in that way was good for his chosen career. It being "random" Trump assholishness does not jibe with other observations.
The obvious implication was "I'm smarter than Maxine".
Doesn't even rise to the level of a dubious claim. Given a standardized IQ test (these score the subject's ability to read, level of numeracy and the ability to conceptualize spatial relationships), Cheato might (or might not) barely break three digits.
I bet he is smarter than Maxine. Not that it is saying much, as she is not smart at all.
but all racists voted for Trump[/I] is pretty damn accurate.
Are you sure about that? Even black racists?

Yup. Even them. (What other black people would have voted for him?)
Cheato's racism sees only one color: green. If you have a lot of money you're a "very fine person". Otherwise, not so much.
I'm going with the Occam's Razor angle on this.

The simplest explanation is that Trump is an asshole with a big mouth who says nasty shit about people who don't kiss his ass.

Was his comment about Waters racist? Maybe; quite possibly. But compare that with all the other shit that Trump says about people and it's not any different. Hell, the motherfucker claimed to have an IQ higher than Rex Tillerson, his own SOS.

The guy's an unsophisticated asshole. It's the easiest explanation.

He is a fucking racist - there is no doubt about that. He hates anyone who doesn't kiss his ass, but he feels especially threatened by strong women, and strong black women in particular.

I have zero doubt he means his slur in a racist way. I also have zero doubt that she is more intelligent than he is. But those are my opinions - not provable facts.
but all racists voted for Trump[/I] is pretty damn accurate.
Are you sure about that? Even black racists?

I almost---almost, was going to write something to qualify that statement, but then I decided against it because I didn't think anyone would be petulant enough to pretend to not know what I meant.

You sir, have proven me wrong. Congratulations.
He is a fucking racist - there is no doubt about that. He hates anyone who doesn't kiss his ass, but he feels especially threatened by strong women, and strong black women in particular.
Of course you would think that.

I have zero doubt he means his slur in a racist way.
Why? What's different between what he said about her and what he said about anybody else? You are only concluding it was "racist" because the target is black - which is really poor reasoning.

I also have zero doubt that she is more intelligent than he is.
LMAO! Yes, Trump likes to say outrageous things, but he never said stupid things like "Putin invaded Korea" or "I was a millennial once". Oh, and speaking of being outrageous, she said that LA Riots (which she prefers to call "rebellion") were "understandable" and she wants to nationalize oil companies.

But those are my opinions - not provable facts.
Who is more intelligent could be provable. We need a Trump vs. Waters brain-off.

- - - Updated - - -

I almost---almost, was going to write something to qualify that statement, but then I decided against it because I didn't think anyone would be petulant enough to pretend to not know what I meant.

You sir, have proven me wrong. Congratulations.

You should have qualified. Because, as written, your statement implies that only white people can be racist, which is a misconception widely held on the Left.
You should have qualified. Because, as written, your statement implies that only white people can be racist, which is a misconception widely held on the Left.

I honestly suggest to you, Derec, that if you really didn't know what I meant, then you may want to brush up on reading comprehension. There's no shame in that. Before taking the bar exam, I actually purchased an LSAT reading comprehension book because I kept missing tertiary and quaternary issues in essays (stupid shit, but still).

However, I really don't think you failed to understand what I wrote. You willfully seized on a less than minor subtlety and attempted to make an issue of it.

This is typical of the maddening disingenuousness of the modern American conservative.

They know perfectly well what you mean, but then hide behind "You can't prove that I didn't know what you meant!"

It's petulant and aggravating, as is the especially flimsy straw man, "... a misconception widely held on the left." Some people on the left do believe that, but only a tiny fraction. I don't hold that belief. I know anyone, regardless of ethnicity, can be a racist.

As for white racists, they voted for Trump in overwhelming numbers. It's not reasonably debatable.
I'm going with the Occam's Razor angle on this.

The simplest explanation is that Trump is an asshole with a big mouth who says nasty shit about people who don't kiss his ass.

Was his comment about Waters racist? Maybe; quite possibly. But compare that with all the other shit that Trump says about people and it's not any different. Hell, the motherfucker claimed to have an IQ higher than Rex Tillerson, his own SOS.

The guy's an unsophisticated asshole. It's the easiest explanation.

I think there are different types of racism. Twitler clearly engages in some of them. I also think the degree to which a person is racist is a spectrum. In some sense, "racist" is just a label because a person's actions [and future actions] matter more than whether or not they achieve some threshold to be defined in some narrow way to be X. When we look at Twitler we ought to note, he's an influential powerful person whose tweets and hatred carry across the world. His persistent racial talk, animosity, and characterizations of minorities inspire Nazis, more hatred, diviseness, xenophobic policy, and contempt. The struggle against racism and Twitler remain important regardless of labels. Call him anything, but keep eyes on the goal and be reasonable.
Wow, Derec. Just a few posts in and while you're trying to attack leftists and blacks, you still haven't posted random pictures and videos of black men. Please do remember the thread title and op. This is a news story about Il Douchebag calling Maxine Waters "low IQ." Twitler continues to aggressively verbally attack people, especially minorities. Would you care to comment on this? Or do you want to provide cover by changing the subject?
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