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Trump calls Maxine Waters "low IQ"

Who is more intelligent could be provable. We need a Trump vs. Waters brain-off.
Not really.

Even if Trump were right, it doesn't change that the president is a grotesque imbecile and a disgrace to the nation for abusing his office and lowering political discourse the way he does. So, no, we don't need to put this to the test. That he said it is wholly wrong no matter what.
Why? What's different between what he said about her and what he said about anybody else? You are only concluding it was "racist" because the target is black - which is really poor reasoning.
Wrong. I am concluding that because Trump is a fucking racist and always has been. :shrug:

I also have zero doubt that she is more intelligent than he is.
LMAO! Yes, Trump likes to say outrageous things, but he never said stupid things...
Trump says stupid things multiple times a day, which is exactly why we have an entire thread dedicated to exactly that.

Derec, I know that you hate women and you hate black people, and Maxine Waters is both, but how the hell can you defend Trump?
Wow, Derec. Just a few posts in and while you're trying to attack leftists and blacks, you still haven't posted random pictures and videos of black men.
I wasn't attacking "blacks".

Please do remember the thread title and op. This is a news story about Il Douchebag calling Maxine Waters "low IQ."
Yes, Trump called her that. But he calls many people names. There is no warrant to say that just because Maxine Waters is black, calling her "low IQ" is somehow racist. Especially when she really is dumb.

Twitler continues to aggressively verbally attack people, especially minorities.
Citation needed on "especially minorities". It strikes me that he is an equal opportunity insult politician. ;)

Would you care to comment on this? Or do you want to provide cover by changing the subject?
I did comment on it before and I restated my position briefly in this post.
Wrong. I am concluding that because Trump is a fucking racist and always has been. :shrug:
Nice circular logic. Trump is racist because Trump is racist.

Trump says stupid things multiple times a day, which is exactly why we have an entire thread dedicated to exactly that.
That still does not mean that saying Maxine Waters is low iq is either racist or wrong.

Derec, I know that you hate women and you hate black people,
I hate neither.
and Maxine Waters is both, but how the hell can you defend Trump?
Even Trump needs defense against unfair or inaccurate attacks. Sure, he is not smart as some of our past presidents. Particularly his immediate predecessor. But that does not mean there aren't people in Washington that are much dumber than him. Especially in the House with the large number of very safe districts (and all of Maxine's districts have always been very safe) we have many very unimpressive Congresspeople. And Maxine ranks high among them.
Just because she is a woman and black, does not mean we should pretend that she is smarter than she is.
It strikes me that he is an equal opportunity insult politician. ;)

He has insulted entire countries/continents of minorities.

Africans are not a minority in Africa. Duh! Actually, whites are minority in countries like South Africa, and current RSA president wants to steal the land belonging to minorities.
It strikes me that he is an equal opportunity insult politician. ;)

He has insulted entire countries/continents of minorities.

Africans are not a minority in Africa. Duh! Actually, whites are minority in countries like South Africa, and blah blah blah.

No shit sherlock. None of what you wrote is relevant to what I wrote. You wrote that he was an "equal opportunity insult politician." I responded he insulted entire countries of minorities. Of course, I was talking about what we call minorities here. Anyone knowing English would know that.

So, either address that he has insulted entire countries and a whole fucking continent of VAST MAJORITY non-Whites or don't. Keep arguing semantics with vapid commentary or trying to change the subject.
Nice circular logic. Trump is racist because Trump is racist.

Trump made what I believe he meant to be a racist statement because he is a known racist.

how the hell can you defend Trump?
Even Trump needs defense against unfair or inaccurate attacks.
There is nothing unfair nor inaccurate about calling Trump out on his racism, his WILLFUL ignorance, and his raging ruination of every aspect of the office he supposedly holds.

Sure, he is not smart as some of our past presidents. Particularly his immediate predecessor. But that does not mean there aren't people in Washington that are much dumber than him.
EVERYONE is "dumber" than Trump is because Trump never shuts his ignorant racist vile vicious fat butt-hole of a mouth. :shrug:

As for his intelligence and/or knowledge, I'm sure there are people more stupid than he is. His followers and Faux News followers are good examples of that. But I seriously doubt there is any elected politician in D.C. that is more willfully ignorant and stupid than Trump... not even Maxine Waters.

Just because she is a woman and black, does not mean we should pretend that she is smarter than she is.
Just because she is a woman and black, does not mean you should pretend that she is stupider than she is.

You seem to be making the erroneous assumption that I am holding Maxine Waters up as some sort of female Barack Obama or black Hillary Clinton. I don't. However, I do think she exceeds the exceptionally low bar set by Trump.
No shit sherlock. None of what you wrote is relevant to what I wrote. You wrote that he was an "equal opportunity insult politician."
Would you consider Germany a "country of majorities"? Because he insulted them too, calling them "total mess".

I responded he insulted entire countries of minorities.
Which is a nonsensical construct.

Of course, I was talking about what we call minorities here.
Of course. But that is an improper usage of "minority".

Anyone knowing English would know that.
Anyone knowing English should know that that was not proper usage.

So, either address that he has insulted entire countries and a whole fucking continent of VAST MAJORITY non-Whites or don't. Keep arguing semantics with vapid commentary or trying to change the subject.
He has insulted other countries. The problem is that technically if he say insults Germany, people of German descent are also a minority in US. So thanks for clarifying that you really mean "whites". Yes, he has insulted white countries too.
Would you consider Germany a "country of majorities"? Because he insulted them too, calling them "total mess".

Which is a nonsensical construct.

Of course, I was talking about what we call minorities here.
Of course. But that is an improper usage of "minority".

Anyone knowing English would know that.
Anyone knowing English should know that that was not proper usage.

So, either address that he has insulted entire countries and a whole fucking continent of VAST MAJORITY non-Whites or don't. Keep arguing semantics with vapid commentary or trying to change the subject.
He has insulted other countries. The problem is that technically if he say insults Germany, people of German descent are also a minority in US. So thanks for clarifying that you really mean "whites". Yes, he has insulted white countries too.

The only thing somewhat relevant in all this is that he insulted Germany. And I doubt he did it in a questionable way somehow referencing the credentials of the German people. He probably said it more like as a criticism of money for defense because the US bases are there and he wants money OR he probably talked about letting the Muslims in, not pointing to any possible flaws in white people. Even so, even if he did say something that someone could reasonably take racial offense to, it still doesn't compare at all to his trashing of Africa, Haiti, Mexico, etc etc in such a way that your "equal opportunity insult politician" just doesn't work.
The only thing somewhat relevant in all this is that he insulted Germany. And I doubt he did it in a questionable way somehow referencing the credentials of the German people. He probably said it more like as a criticism of money for defense because the US bases are there and he wants money OR he probably talked about letting the Muslims in, not pointing to any possible flaws in white people. Even so, even if he did say something that someone could reasonably take racial offense to, it still doesn't compare at all to his trashing of Africa, Haiti, Mexico, etc etc in such a way that your "equal opportunity insult politician" just doesn't work.
Now you are shifting goalposts.
The fact is that the countries you mention are basket-cases and thus more readily a target for criticism than European countries. Is it really "racist" to point it out.

And you went far afield from the actual topic of the thread - calling Maxine Waters (who is a person, not a country) "low iq", which is completely in line with many other individuals of all hues he insulted in a similar manner. So I see no racism in his calling Waters dumb. Especially since it's true.
You seem to be making the erroneous assumption that I am holding Maxine Waters up as some sort of female Barack Obama or black Hillary Clinton. I don't. However, I do think she exceeds the exceptionally low bar set by Trump.

What we are witnessing with Trump insulting Waters is two kids in the special ed class fighting each other. You don't need to look for hidden racial motives here.
I heard Trump actually took an IQ test. It came back negative.
The only thing somewhat relevant in all this is that he insulted Germany. And I doubt he did it in a questionable way somehow referencing the credentials of the German people. He probably said it more like as a criticism of money for defense because the US bases are there and he wants money OR he probably talked about letting the Muslims in, not pointing to any possible flaws in white people. Even so, even if he did say something that someone could reasonably take racial offense to, it still doesn't compare at all to his trashing of Africa, Haiti, Mexico, etc etc in such a way that your "equal opportunity insult politician" just doesn't work.
Now you are shifting goalposts.
The fact is that the countries you mention are basket-cases and thus more readily a target for criticism than European countries. Is it really "racist" to point it out.

And you went far afield from the actual topic of the thread - calling Maxine Waters (who is a person, not a country) "low iq", which is completely in line with many other individuals of all hues he insulted in a similar manner. So I see no racism in his calling Waters dumb. Especially since it's true.

I am not shifting the goalposts. You wrote that Trump was an equal opportunity insulter. I demonstrated that he isn't due to the population of continents and countries. Now, you're backpedaling.
So a clip of Trump hijacking a conference into talking about himself and his new 90 story building whilst being patronizing is proof he's not racist?

^ This proves he's not a racist. (To the satisfaction of ignorant neo-cons)
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