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Trump cries treason and spies. Suggests execution is appropriate

It would be funny if he went to jail and Hillary visited him and he pointed at her and shouted "Lock her up!"
i like that image.
Or, him seeing her thru the bars and forgetting which side he is on....

But treason only carries a death sentence in time of war. I guess that explains why Trump ended all our military adventurism in the first 100 days of his term.

Isn't the war on terror still a thing?
...and drugs, and Christmas, and the War on the War on Christmas...
But it only counts if the other side has signed the Deneb Accords, or it's just a police action.
Yup, this is the same as the Hillary Benghazi, Uranium 1, emails smears.

Exactly. He thinks if it worked once, it will work again.

And to Half, I will say this. Don't you remember when Trump said if he shot someone on 5th Ave., his supporters wouldn't abandon him? Doesn't that even hint at how disgusting this man is? It's not the Democrats who are deranged. It's the Republicans who enable this corrupt, incompetent man who are deranged, seriously brainwashed or are simply terrified of losing their own power. Did you not hear that Jeff Flake said that about 35 Republican Senators would vote Trump out of office if they could do it off the record? Doesn't that tell you how fearful of Trump's base these chicken shit Senators are?

Did you even bother to hear the full context in which he said it? It went like this, "My people tell me that I have such a loyal fan base that I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes! Isn't that incredible?"

Notice the beginning bold. He wasn't merely just saying it out of the blue. He was told this by his people! Context matters! But when lefties play the clip they cut out the bold part. Sneaky and dishonest, isn't it? That changes the whole context of the saying.
Yup, this is the same as the Hillary Benghazi, Uranium 1, emails smears.

Exactly. He thinks if it worked once, it will work again.

And to Half, I will say this. Don't you remember when Trump said if he shot someone on 5th Ave., his supporters wouldn't abandon him? Doesn't that even hint at how disgusting this man is? It's not the Democrats who are deranged. It's the Republicans who enable this corrupt, incompetent man who are deranged, seriously brainwashed or are simply terrified of losing their own power. Did you not hear that Jeff Flake said that about 35 Republican Senators would vote Trump out of office if they could do it off the record? Doesn't that tell you how fearful of Trump's base these chicken shit Senators are?

Did you even bother to hear the full context in which he said it? It went like this, "My people tell me that I have such a loyal fan base that I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes! Isn't that incredible?"

Notice the beginning bold. He wasn't merely just saying it out of the blue. He was told this by his people! Context matters! But when lefties play the clip they cut out the bold part. Sneaky and dishonest, isn't it? That changes the whole context of the saying.

Don is the quintessential whiny little bitch.
Yup, this is the same as the Hillary Benghazi, Uranium 1, emails smears.

Exactly. He thinks if it worked once, it will work again.

And to Half, I will say this. Don't you remember when Trump said if he shot someone on 5th Ave., his supporters wouldn't abandon him? Doesn't that even hint at how disgusting this man is? It's not the Democrats who are deranged. It's the Republicans who enable this corrupt, incompetent man who are deranged, seriously brainwashed or are simply terrified of losing their own power. Did you not hear that Jeff Flake said that about 35 Republican Senators would vote Trump out of office if they could do it off the record? Doesn't that tell you how fearful of Trump's base these chicken shit Senators are?

Did you even bother to hear the full context in which he said it? It went like this, "My people tell me that I have such a loyal fan base that I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes! Isn't that incredible?"

Notice the beginning bold. He wasn't merely just saying it out of the blue. He was told this by his people!
i gotta say, Prove it.
Trump often makes shit up and claims other people, nameless people, are saying it to him, around him.
How is this different?
Even if someone did say this, Trump chose to repeat it as a brag. So, yeagh, it's still on him.

Context matters! But when lefties play the clip they cut out the bold part. Sneaky and dishonest, isn't it? That changes the whole context of the saying.
i would suggest that without identifying who 'told' him this, there is no reason to think it's not sneaky and dishonest itself.
Trump boasts, and many of those boasts are lies.
Repeating biasts others tell him, if they really did, does not make it any less of a boast.
It would be funny if he went to jail and Hillary visited him and he pointed at her and shouted "Lock her up!"
i like that image.
Or, him seeing her thru the bars and forgetting which side he is on....

But treason only carries a death sentence in time of war. I guess that explains why Trump ended all our military adventurism in the first 100 days of his term.

Treason for what? I thought you lefties hate putting America first because it's nationalism and you hate nationalism. But now, you want America first?

Lefties change their views by the minute.
Anyone with an IQ (doesn't matter how high or low) knows that if something happens to someone after you've threatened their life investigators will be at your door.

But how does that apply to Trump?

There was an impeachment inquiry (big deal) under way because of said whist-blower (big deal) and said President Trump (who is a big deal) threatens said whist-blower's life sometime before said whist-blower turned up dead (which would be a big deal).

Heh. I wasn't clear. I meant to imply that Trump doesn't have an IQ. My bad.
"He's a racist!" they shout as he pumped 100 billion dollars to black communities to fix them up. Didn't know this? Of course not. Leftist media won't mention it because it contradicts "he's a racist!" narrative.
$100B from where? I mean, did he steal it from other communities like he did for wall money?
Are the citizens of the nation better off for this money being spent or did he rob peter to pay paul?

Can you cite this claim, Halfie? Or are you just jabbering something you heard on alt-right media?


"More than 8,000 communities nationwide, where nearly 35 million people live, are in opportunity zones. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said that he expects that there will be about $100 billion in private capital invested in the zones.

Mnuchin, Carson and several other administration officials attended the executive-order signing, as did Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and several local-government officials and religious and business leaders.

The new White House council will aim to streamline and target existing federal programs so that they benefit opportunity zones, examine legislative proposals and potential regulatory reforms, develop reports on ways to encourage investments in distressed communities, and work to ensure that the government can collect the necessary data so that it can measure the results of the opportunity-zone program and governmental actions, the senior White House official said."
"He's a racist!" they shout as he pumped 100 billion dollars to black communities to fix them up. Didn't know this? Of course not. Leftist media won't mention it because it contradicts "he's a racist!" narrative.
$100B from where? I mean, did he steal it from other communities like he did for wall money?
Are the citizens of the nation better off for this money being spent or did he rob peter to pay paul?

Can you cite this claim, Halfie? Or are you just jabbering something you heard on alt-right media?


"More than 8,000 communities nationwide, where nearly 35 million people live, are in opportunity zones. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said that he expects that there will be about $100 billion in private capital invested in the zones.

Mnuchin, Carson and several other administration officials attended the executive-order signing, as did Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and several local-government officials and religious and business leaders.

The new White House council will aim to streamline and target existing federal programs so that they benefit opportunity zones, examine legislative proposals and potential regulatory reforms, develop reports on ways to encourage investments in distressed communities, and work to ensure that the government can collect the necessary data so that it can measure the results of the opportunity-zone program and governmental actions, the senior White House official said."

Man, you just cannot read, can you?
1) i do notice that the article says 'impoverished' neighborhoods, and you read 'black' neighborhoods. Not exactly disproving racism, halfie.
2) i also notice Trump hasn't given anyone a single fucking cent. He has created a council to choose how to spend already-existing funds in already-existing programs, and HOPES that private money (from someone other than Trump, or this admin) will flood these 'black' neighborhoods.
3) i also notice that Ivanka and her hubbie stand to profit from this executive order.

Gosh, how could anyone think he was a racist after he does such a big fuck-all for the black community?
The TDS has gotten SERIOUSLY out of control. There's more evidence Joe Biden committed treason than Trump. I love the fact that this will make the undecided voters swing to Trump because they see how insane the Dems are with their witch hunts. This man has been beaten up every single day since 2015 when he decided to run for President and he's still standing strong. Nothing brings this man down. It's astonishing to me. Despite all this, the Dems still refuse to respect Trump. The TDS is beyond insanity.

"He's a criminal!" they shout as they can't name one crime.

"He's a racist!" they shout as he pumped 100 billion dollars to black communities to fix them up. Didn't know this? Of course not. Leftist media won't mention it because it contradicts "he's a racist!" narrative.

He knowingly aided our enemy (by delaying weapons to the enemy of our enemy) for personal gain (A demand for a frame-up of his opponent's son.) That's treason in my book.

And the reason nothing brings him down is the GOP cares more about the GOP than about America. To take action against their maniac would hurt them in the 2020 election.

"More than 8,000 communities nationwide, where nearly 35 million people live, are in opportunity zones. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said that he expects that there will be about $100 billion in private capital invested in the zones.

Mnuchin, Carson and several other administration officials attended the executive-order signing, as did Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and several local-government officials and religious and business leaders.

The new White House council will aim to streamline and target existing federal programs so that they benefit opportunity zones, examine legislative proposals and potential regulatory reforms, develop reports on ways to encourage investments in distressed communities, and work to ensure that the government can collect the necessary data so that it can measure the results of the opportunity-zone program and governmental actions, the senior White House official said."

Man, you just cannot read, can you?
1) i do notice that the article says 'impoverished' neighborhoods, and you read 'black' neighborhoods. Not exactly disproving racism, halfie.
2) i also notice Trump hasn't given anyone a single fucking cent. He has created a council to choose how to spend already-existing funds in already-existing programs, and HOPES that private money (from someone other than Trump, or this admin) will flood these 'black' neighborhoods.
3) i also notice that Ivanka and her hubbie stand to profit from this executive order.

Gosh, how could anyone think he was a racist after he does such a big fuck-all for the black community?

Surely you know Don is the Negro's president, why the black community hasn't enjoyed such low unemployment since slavery.
So buried in FFvC's latest tirade is this gem

FFvC said:
I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.

He is seriously losing his shit. I wonder how long it will be before someone takes him up on the suggestion. The one I’m sure he's just joking about. :rolleyes:


Just more evidence that Trump operates like a mob boss. Mob boss commits a crime and someone snitches on him, it's the snitch that gets killed.

That's how trump thinks. He is the mob boss.
So buried in FFvC's latest tirade is this gem

FFvC said:
I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.

He is seriously losing his shit. I wonder how long it will be before someone takes him up on the suggestion. The one I’m sure he's just joking about. :rolleyes:


Just more evidence that Trump operates like a mob boss. Mob boss commits a crime and someone snitches on him, it's the snitch that gets killed.

That's how trump thinks. He is the mob boss.

Well I think we all saw what happened to Epstein. He knew too much about the ruling aristocracy.
So buried in FFvC's latest tirade is this gem

FFvC said:
I want to know who’s the person, who’s the person who gave the whistleblower the information? Because that’s close to a spy. You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.

He is seriously losing his shit. I wonder how long it will be before someone takes him up on the suggestion. The one I’m sure he's just joking about. :rolleyes:


Just more evidence that Trump operates like a mob boss. Mob boss commits a crime and someone snitches on him, it's the snitch that gets killed.

That's how trump thinks. He is the mob boss.

Exactly. The whistleblower has asked for and received government protection based on Don-the-Con's threats.
Trump impeachment: Whistleblower 'endangered' by Trump criticism

When you're inciting a mob, bounties, and personally threatening people, you're digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.
Which, I think, makes it unlikely that this is all something Trump staged. They'd have a much better script and try harder to stick to it.

Although, it would be FUCKING HILARIOUS if the whistleblower brings an impeachment, and they don't convict on the phone call, but do convict on the charges of witness intimidation...
Trump impeachment: Whistleblower 'endangered' by Trump criticism

When you're inciting a mob, bounties, and personally threatening people, you're digging a deeper and deeper hole for yourself.
Which, I think, makes it unlikely that this is all something Trump staged. They'd have a much better script and try harder to stick to it.

Although, it would be FUCKING HILARIOUS if the whistleblower brings an impeachment, and they don't convict on the phone call, but do convict on the charges of witness intimidation...

I expect theater and spectacle, should be a riveting episode of The Reality America Show.
"He's a racist!" they shout as he pumped 100 billion dollars to black communities to fix them up. Didn't know this? Of course not. Leftist media won't mention it because it contradicts "he's a racist!" narrative.
$100B from where? I mean, did he steal it from other communities like he did for wall money?
Are the citizens of the nation better off for this money being spent or did he rob peter to pay paul?

Can you cite this claim, Halfie? Or are you just jabbering something you heard on alt-right media?
It was a totally verified youtube comment. ;)
"He's a racist!" they shout as he pumped 100 billion dollars to black communities to fix them up. Didn't know this? Of course not. Leftist media won't mention it because it contradicts "he's a racist!" narrative.
$100B from where? I mean, did he steal it from other communities like he did for wall money?
Are the citizens of the nation better off for this money being spent or did he rob peter to pay paul?

Can you cite this claim, Halfie? Or are you just jabbering something you heard on alt-right media?
It was a totally verified youtube comment. ;)
Hell, his actual citation wasn't even THAT good.
Absolutely nothing he claimed turned out to be true.
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