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Trump falls!! Hurt too

To any unbiased person, Trump appears to be quite unhealthy, physically and mentally and emotionally.

LOL! Brandon was elected and he was a frail old man and showing signs of losing his marbles and anybody that brought it up was gaslit right up to the bitter end until he was removed, excuse me, stepped aside.

Sure we can just not vote for him but we know it is possible for him to win. He’s done it before.

Indeed, that's the way elections work. All of a sudden you don't like democracy?

So the question is: should he be elected, how long will he actually serve before either his own party removes him for unfitness and installs JD Vance? How much damage will be done before that happens? And of course: how much damage would JD cause? This catcher has not demonstrated the ability or willingness to work with..,anyone. For someone(s) yes but who is he working for? Not you and me. Not Trump really. Who?

As I said, I will take my chances with Trump over Harris. Brandon and her have done enough damage, I dread to think what damage Harris could do in a second term.
Please tell me WHAT damage Biden and Harris have done. Specifically.
Hurt a lot of snowflakes’ feelings. Passed infrastructure and drug price reforms, making The Felon look bad.

I want to know what GOOD thing Trump EVER did besides give money to billionaires, crash our economy and kill millions by denying science and mismanaging the Trump Virus.
In my opinion, this isn't like Kennedy's assassination, where there was still room for bipartisan unity after a leader’s death. It’s more comparable to Lincoln’s, which had severe consequences by intensifying the already existing instability.
A nitpick, if I understand you correctly, but the assassination of Lincoln did not excite the south. Quite to the contrary, a lot of southerners were horrified and saddened by it, including Robert E. Lee.
If Trump were not a stupid, ignorant, unlettered and uncultured man, he might, after two assassination attempts, reflect on the adage, “you reap what you sow.”

The problem is, he won’t be the only one facing the consequences— we all will. I’m sure some people felt the same way about U.S. meddling in the Arab world when Osama struck on 9/11. Many believed that America was reaping what it had sown that day, but every single one of us (including those who held that view) has been dealing with the aftermath ever since.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”

I don't think Trump hates women. He said Nicky Jam is hot.
In my opinion, this isn't like Kennedy's assassination, where there was still room for bipartisan unity after a leader’s death. It’s more comparable to Lincoln’s, which had severe consequences by intensifying the already existing instability.
A nitpick, if I understand you correctly, but the assassination of Lincoln did not excite the south. Quite to the contrary, a lot of southerners were horrified and saddened by it, including Robert E. Lee.

Oh, I'm sure they were absolutely devastated by how it affected reconstruction. With Andrew Johnson being so lenient towards them and all.:rolleyes:
If Trump were not a stupid, ignorant, unlettered and uncultured man, he might, after two assassination attempts, reflect on the adage, “you reap what you sow.”

The problem is, he won’t be the only one facing the consequences— we all will. I’m sure some people felt the same way about U.S. meddling in the Arab world when Osama struck on 9/11. Many believed that America was reaping what it had sown that day, but every single one of us (including those who held that view) has been dealing with the aftermath ever since.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”

I don't think Trump hates women. He said Nicky Jam is hot.
Good thing he didn't try to grab Nicky Jam by the... well...
In my opinion, this isn't like Kennedy's assassination, where there was still room for bipartisan unity after a leader’s death. It’s more comparable to Lincoln’s, which had severe consequences by intensifying the already existing instability.
A nitpick, if I understand you correctly, but the assassination of Lincoln did not excite the south. Quite to the contrary, a lot of southerners were horrified and saddened by it, including Robert E. Lee.

Oh, I'm sure they were absolutely devastated by how it affected reconstruction. With Andrew Johnson being so lenient towards them and all.:rolleyes:

When Lincoln was assassinated, they had no idea what Johnson would do. Back then, I think a great many Americans were more educated and aware than they are now, a real irony I guess, given that today we have so many sources of information at our fingertips that were denied to people of that time. But people back then were highly literate, were avid newspaper readers, and were steeped in the bible. They would have read Lincoln’s second inaugural address, which called for “malice toward none, with charity for all.” The evidence shows that a great many southerners were devastated by Lincoln’s assassination, if only because they thought he was their best hope to avoid a retributive peace after the surrender of Lee’s army. Johnson later was extremely lenient toward Confederate traitors, which in part was in keeping with what Lincoln wanted. But unlike Lincoln, he also opposed civil rights for freed blacks and ended up getting impeached for it, in his conflict with the so-called Radical Republicans in Congress led by Thaddeus Stevens. It’s really a complex and riveting piece of history. I highly recommend the historian David Blight’s Yale course on the Civil War, from prelude to the war to Reconstruction, here. I think it’s also important to note that a LOT of southerners actually opposed secession, which is one reason why we got West Virginia as a state.
To any unbiased person, Trump appears to be quite unhealthy, physically and mentally and emotionally.

LOL! Brandon was elected and he was a frail old man and showing signs of losing his marbles and anybody that brought it up was gaslit right up to the bitter end until he was removed, excuse me, stepped aside.

Sure we can just not vote for him but we know it is possible for him to win. He’s done it before.

Indeed, that's the way elections work. All of a sudden you don't like democracy?

So the question is: should he be elected, how long will he actually serve before either his own party removes him for unfitness and installs JD Vance? How much damage will be done before that happens? And of course: how much damage would JD cause? This catcher has not demonstrated the ability or willingness to work with..,anyone. For someone(s) yes but who is he working for? Not you and me. Not Trump really. Who?

As I said, I will take my chances with Trump over Harris. Brandon and her have done enough damage, I dread to think what damage Harris could do in a second term.
Please tell me WHAT damage Biden and Harris have done. Specifically.
Hurt a lot of snowflakes’ feelings. Passed infrastructure and drug price reforms, making The Felon look bad.

I want to know what GOOD thing Trump EVER did besides give money to billionaires, crash our economy and kill millions by denying science and mismanaging the Trump Virus.

COVID-19 deaths would only matter to the greater half of the US population if all the deaths had occurred in a single area, like Austin, Texas, where the entire population would have been wiped out. But because the deaths were spread out across the country, it seems like people don't fully grasp the scale of the loss or care as much about the staggering number of lives lost. The deaths to date are enough to leave Miami and Tampa completely empty.

Two Cities in these states as well.
  • California: Fresno (542,107) and Sacramento (525,398)
  • New York: Rochester (211,328) and Yonkers (211,598)
  • Illinois: Naperville (149,104) and Joliet (149,268)
  • Ohio: Cleveland (372,624) and Cincinnati (308,973)
  • Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh (302,971) and Allentown (125,845)
Then again, since they're urban areas, everyone may not to care. How about reducing the entire state of Idaho to the population of Nashville Tennessee or Denver, Colorado? Is the population of the entire state of Wyoming enough?

Can't care about what you don't experience I guess.

Our leader(s) did just fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I am not obsessed about 1/6. It comes up so frequently on here it is just boring to me. I don't give it the significance most on here do. So what, that makes me a QANON, MAGA, Trump sucking whatever? I don't give a shit about it, it's obvious I don't and yet it gets brought up to me ad nauseum so don't get all prissy when I say I'm not interested. It happened nearly four years ago, what else is there to say about?

You have a fascinating propensity to spend a lot of time engaging with things that don’t interest you.
I usually skip those threads/comments. It would not have occurred to me to invest in them like you do.


So what, that makes me a QANON, MAGA, Trump sucking whatever?
The observant reader will note that I did not call you any of those things. Interesting that you decided to call yourself those.

It is so interesting watching you evolve, TSwiz, from someone who was a libertarian to someone peddling paranoia theories.

What paranoia theories am I peddling?

You have a fascinating propensity to spend a lot of time engaging with things that don’t interest you.

I only respond to the subject of 1/6 when it is aimed at me and sometimes I will {snip} it out and dismiss it.. What is fascinating about that?

Oh, and I occasionally interject that the 1/6 "riot" was mostly peaceful to noise up a few on here.

I usually skip those threads/comments. It would not have occurred to me to invest in them like you do.

I don't know why you would say I am invested in it when I just said it bores me. I only address it when it is aimed at me and sometimes I will {snip} it out. So no, I am not invested in it, that's just something you made up.

The observant reader will note that I did not call you any of those things.

I never accused of doing so.
Interesting that you decided to call yourself those.

It's the go to slur for some on here.
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What paranoia theories am I peddling?
Let's start with this one.

Biden did not win the 2020 election. The victory was stolen from Trump by voting fraud. Fraud committed by Democrats.

I cannot imagine how anybody could still believe that, but lots do. You are one of them.

Correct me if I am wrong.
To any unbiased person, Trump appears to be quite unhealthy, physically and mentally and emotionally.

LOL! Brandon was elected and he was a frail old man and showing signs of losing his marbles and anybody that brought it up was gaslit right up to the bitter end until he was removed, excuse me, stepped aside.

Sure we can just not vote for him but we know it is possible for him to win. He’s done it before.

Indeed, that's the way elections work. All of a sudden you don't like democracy?

So the question is: should he be elected, how long will he actually serve before either his own party removes him for unfitness and installs JD Vance? How much damage will be done before that happens? And of course: how much damage would JD cause? This catcher has not demonstrated the ability or willingness to work with..,anyone. For someone(s) yes but who is he working for? Not you and me. Not Trump really. Who?

As I said, I will take my chances with Trump over Harris. Brandon and her have done enough damage, I dread to think what damage Harris could do in a second term.
Please tell me WHAT damage Biden and Harris have done. Specifically.
Hurt a lot of snowflakes’ feelings. Passed infrastructure and drug price reforms, making The Felon look bad.

I want to know what GOOD thing Trump EVER did besides give money to billionaires, crash our economy and kill millions by denying science and mismanaging the Trump Virus.

COVID-19 deaths would only matter to the greater half of the US population if all the deaths had occurred in a single area, like Austin, Texas, where the entire population would have been wiped out. But because the deaths were spread out across the country, it seems like people don't fully grasp the scale of the loss or care as much about the staggering number of lives lost. The deaths to date are enough to leave Miami and Tampa completely empty.

Two Cities in these states as well.
  • California: Fresno (542,107) and Sacramento (525,398)
  • New York: Rochester (211,328) and Yonkers (211,598)
  • Illinois: Naperville (149,104) and Joliet (149,268)
  • Ohio: Cleveland (372,624) and Cincinnati (308,973)
  • Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh (302,971) and Allentown (125,845)
Then again, since they're urban areas, everyone may not to care. How about reducing the entire state of Idaho to the population of Nashville Tennessee or Denver, Colorado? Is the population of the entire state of Wyoming enough?

Can't care about what you don't experience I guess.

Our leader(s) did just fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You're forgetting that the deaths were mostly of unimportant people. The elderly, people with chronic illlness, etc. The Republican position is that such people are worthless whether there are a thousand or a million of them, so who cares how many of them died? It's like threatening to nuke Baltimore unless your demands are met. Harris might look alarmed, but Trump would just chuckle.
The idiotic rhetoric from the Democratic ticket:

Biden: "Donald Trump is the most corrupt president in modern history."
Biden: "This is a battle for the soul of this nation."
Biden: "Trump represents an existential threat to the country."
Biden: "He’s not just a threat to democracy. He’s a threat to the core of who we are as a nation."
Biden: "Trump and his allies are a danger to democracy."
Biden: "We must be honest with each other and with ourselves: Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

Harris: "Donald Trump is the greatest national security threat to our nation."
Harris: "We have a president who incites violence."
Harris: "Trump is a danger to our democracy."
Harris: "Donald Trump and his supporters have proven that they are willing to destroy our democracy if that’s what it takes to win."
Harris: "Trump is trying to sow chaos and confusion."

In my opinion, only the underlined statements are problematic because, instead of focusing solely on Trump as their opponent, they address a large segment of the population. Trump just tends to make that mistake more often.
Tjhe capitol riots and Trump's attempt to overthrow the election was no less than treason.

He shortchanged people to show up in DC armed preapred to fight.

His family is as corrput as it gets.
Why does the Secret service seem be not particularly concerned if Trump lives or dies?
1 attempt is bad enough but 2 looks likes carelessness or worse.

They’ve kept the apricot from being picked off twice in about as many months. It’s not the fault of USSS that Trump wanted crazy people to have guns and now his own crazy voters are shooting at him.
There are far more people than Trump is the US who want crazy people to have guns it seems.
He signed the legislation.
The easy solution is lock him up.
Would he be safe in prison? I am sure that your prisons would have killings within.
It wouldn't be likely that he'd be in a normal prison to begin with. Heck, housing him in a Motel 6 probably would be sufficient.
It would probably be one of those low security federal prisons like the one depicted in the movie The Accountant. No real cells. More of an open dormitory.
I cannot be the only one who bemoans the degraded state of what has come to pass as “marksmanship” in this once-proud country.
Did this guy actually shoot?

And I'm not going to blame the Secret Service for missing because they were actually doing suppressive fire.
Sniper rifles are out to 1000 yards.
Uh …
From mil.com:

the top five longest-distance confirmed sniper kills all came from shots fired at more than a mile away, with the top two coming in from more than two miles away.

We just have really shitty marksmen here in the world’s gun Capitol.
There was a large element of chance in those really long shots.
He’s been identified at Ryan Wesley Routh. 58 year old white guy, originally from North Carolina. Appears to have made a lot of anti Trump and Pro Harris posts on social media, but I can’t find his Facebook page - I suspect it’s been hidden and frozen by FB immediately.

His LinkedIn profile says he lives in Kaawa Hawaii and builds structures for homeless people.
I think it is AP that had him as building sheds in Hawaii and a one time supporter of Tulsi Gabbard.

I can't imagine it is easy for Secret Service to protect someone on a golf course. From the photos, the line on trees and tall hedgerow provides good cover.
I’m trying to think of a place that would make it more difficult than a golf course to protect someone, and I’m coming up empty. An average course has a perimeter of about two miles. There are often plenty of places to hide, and clear views for hundreds of yards. It’s a security nightmare. You should also be flying a drone over the entire acreage to look for heat signatures, in case someone snuck in overnight.
Lightly forested mountain. You didn't specify that it be a location that he might actually want to go.
There’s also the water hazards. A guy in SCUBA gear could pop out of one of those, if the gators don’t get him first.
No, if he was close enough to take a quick shot I would expect the bubbles to give him away. You would need a rebreather setup instead. And I doubt it's even possible with an ordinary gun--the you'll have to empty the water out of the barrel and they'll get you while you're doing that.
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