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Trump falls!! Hurt too

There’s also the water hazards. A guy in SCUBA gear could pop out of one of those, if the gators don’t get him first.
No, if he was close enough to take a quick shot I would expect the bubbles to give him away. You would need a rebreather setup instead. And I doubt it's even possible with an ordinary gun--the you'll have to empty the water out of the barrel and they'll get you while you're doing that.
Yes, rebreather, thank you. Maybe a harpoon; isn't that what's used on whales?
To any unbiased person, Trump appears to be quite unhealthy, physically and mentally and emotionally.

LOL! Brandon was elected and he was a frail old man and showing signs of losing his marbles and anybody that brought it up was gaslit right up to the bitter end until he was removed, excuse me, stepped aside.

Sure we can just not vote for him but we know it is possible for him to win. He’s done it before.

Indeed, that's the way elections work. All of a sudden you don't like democracy?

So the question is: should he be elected, how long will he actually serve before either his own party removes him for unfitness and installs JD Vance? How much damage will be done before that happens? And of course: how much damage would JD cause? This catcher has not demonstrated the ability or willingness to work with..,anyone. For someone(s) yes but who is he working for? Not you and me. Not Trump really. Who?

As I said, I will take my chances with Trump over Harris. Brandon and her have done enough damage, I dread to think what damage Harris could do in a second term.
Please tell me WHAT damage Biden and Harris have done. Specifically.
Hurt a lot of snowflakes’ feelings. Passed infrastructure and drug price reforms, making The Felon look bad.

I want to know what GOOD thing Trump EVER did besides give money to billionaires, crash our economy and kill millions by denying science and mismanaging the Trump Virus.

COVID-19 deaths would only matter to the greater half of the US population if all the deaths had occurred in a single area, like Austin, Texas, where the entire population would have been wiped out. But because the deaths were spread out across the country, it seems like people don't fully grasp the scale of the loss or care as much about the staggering number of lives lost. The deaths to date are enough to leave Miami and Tampa completely empty.

Two Cities in these states as well.
  • California: Fresno (542,107) and Sacramento (525,398)
  • New York: Rochester (211,328) and Yonkers (211,598)
  • Illinois: Naperville (149,104) and Joliet (149,268)
  • Ohio: Cleveland (372,624) and Cincinnati (308,973)
  • Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh (302,971) and Allentown (125,845)
Then again, since they're urban areas, everyone may not to care. How about reducing the entire state of Idaho to the population of Nashville Tennessee or Denver, Colorado? Is the population of the entire state of Wyoming enough?

Can't care about what you don't experience I guess.

Our leader(s) did just fine. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Most people didn't die of Covid, therefore, many people didn't care.
There’s also the water hazards. A guy in SCUBA gear could pop out of one of those, if the gators don’t get him first.
No, if he was close enough to take a quick shot I would expect the bubbles to give him away. You would need a rebreather setup instead. And I doubt it's even possible with an ordinary gun--the you'll have to empty the water out of the barrel and they'll get you while you're doing that.
Yes, rebreather, thank you. Maybe a harpoon; isn't that what's used on whales?
Secret Service: When did the course get a narwahl for the water trap?
Sniper rifles are out to 1000 yards.
Uh …
From mil.com:

the top five longest-distance confirmed sniper kills all came from shots fired at more than a mile away, with the top two coming in from more than two miles away.

We just have really shitty marksmen here in the world’s gun Capitol.
There was a large element of chance in those really long shots.

The gun capital also came in third at the Olympics. :rolleyes:
Sniper rifles are out to 1000 yards.
Uh …
From mil.com:

the top five longest-distance confirmed sniper kills all came from shots fired at more than a mile away, with the top two coming in from more than two miles away.

We just have really shitty marksmen here in the world’s gun Capitol.
There was a large element of chance in those really long shots.

The gun capital also came in third at the Olympics. :rolleyes:
They were judging by accuracy not volume.
Well, I was recently accused of fomenting armed rebellion. But I'm a terrible shot with a firearm, or at least I was the last time I picked up one of the cursed things. Twelve, maybe? The habit didn't take, despite the best efforts of the BSA to impress it on me. Its funny how in America we do our damnedest to turn young men into efficient, remorseless killers, then feign surprise every time an adult man goes off the deep end and tries a bullet-based solution on a talking problem.
The BSA taught me gun safety before letting me anywhere near the range. And the thought of me posing as an efficient, remorseless killer has my wife asking why I'm LOL'ing, even though I was a good shot.
Need to send my brother-in-law to get some of that training. A couple months ago he's showing me his new 9mm pistol. While doing so, he cleared the action while the weapon was pointed at my leg. I don't know much about guns but I know that was pretty fucking stupid. I let him have it over that.
Shouldn't have been pointed at your leg in the first place even if he wasn't clearing the action.
Well, I was recently accused of fomenting armed rebellion. But I'm a terrible shot with a firearm, or at least I was the last time I picked up one of the cursed things. Twelve, maybe? The habit didn't take, despite the best efforts of the BSA to impress it on me. Its funny how in America we do our damnedest to turn young men into efficient, remorseless killers, then feign surprise every time an adult man goes off the deep end and tries a bullet-based solution on a talking problem.
The BSA taught me gun safety before letting me anywhere near the range. And the thought of me posing as an efficient, remorseless killer has my wife asking why I'm LOL'ing, even though I was a good shot.
Need to send my brother-in-law to get some of that training. A couple months ago he's showing me his new 9mm pistol. While doing so, he cleared the action while the weapon was pointed at my leg. I don't know much about guns but I know that was pretty fucking stupid. I let him have it over that.
Shouldn't have been pointed at your leg in the first place even if he wasn't clearing the action.
I learned very early: don’t point a gun at anything you don’t want shot. Ever. Under any circumstance. I was probably 7 yrs old, standing next to my older brother as he was learning a semi-auto .22 pistol, with my Dad “instructing”. I guess the “don’t put your trigger finger inside the guard until you’re ready to shoot” wasn’t adequately communicated, as my brother blew the side of his own shoe off, while dangling the gun by his side. As I was standing on his right side with my own foot inches away from his, it kinda freaked me out.

The easy way to avoid shooting stuff accidentally, is to not have, hold or use guns. That has worked for me pretty well.
A president:
-Who told lies {snip the tedious rehashing of INSURRECTION!!!1!!!1 rhetoric}

It was almost four years ago buddy. Somehow democracy survived. Truth be told, it was never in any danger.

Yes, this clown is absolutely a threat to democracy.

I'll still take my chances with Trump. (y)
<Takes revolver, loads one chamber, spins the cylinder, fires at TSwizzle, click>
See, nothing happened, it's safe.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”
Hates women? I don't think so--he just wants them to be subservient.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”
Hates women? I don't think so--he just wants them to be subservient.
I don't think he hates anyone as long as they are obsequious.
That’s true, but what can anyone do about it? Trump is the one spewing violent and incendiary rhetoric. He thinks, and hopes, that it will result in violence against people he hates, meaning black people, women, and immigrants of color whether legal or illegal. What he is too stupid to comprehend is blowback. A nice algorithmic compression, so to say, of “you reap what you sow.”
Hates women? I don't think so--he just wants them to be subservient.
I don't think he hates anyone as long as they are obsequious.
Oh like he knows what that word even means!
Shouldn't have been pointed at your leg in the first place even if he wasn't clearing the action.
I learned very early: don’t point a gun at anything you don’t want shot. Ever. Under any circumstance. I was probably 7 yrs old, standing next to my older brother as he was learning a semi-auto .22 pistol, with my Dad “instructing”. I guess the “don’t put your trigger finger inside the guard until you’re ready to shoot” wasn’t adequately communicated, as my brother blew the side of his own shoe off, while dangling the gun by his side. As I was standing on his right side with my own foot inches away from his, it kinda freaked me out.

The easy way to avoid shooting stuff accidentally, is to not have, hold or use guns. That has worked for me pretty well.
You (and many others on here) clinging on to this minor event from years ago and regurgitating it ad nauseum is just tedious.
Now you know how the English feel about the Revolutionary War.

The idea that such a trivial conflict could seriously undermine British world hegemony is just as crazy as the idea that Jan 6 could seriously undermine US democracy.
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