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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx
RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
3. End censorship
4. Investigate the pharma and food industry and make sure what we are consuming is actually healthy for us. Especially younger people.
5. Close the borders to protect our supply of labor

I can remember when these used to be Democrat positions but it seems only the Republicans who are campaigning to them now.

In addition, Trump has pledged to RFK and his base that he will release ALL JFK assassination records and put him in charge of finding out what actually happened then.

In contrast to what I hear from these guys, the DNC convention in comparison all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced. It sounds more like to me that all they want is more division, rancor, fighting, and discord among the people. No plans about how they will fix the country. Kamala seems to be a nice personality, but really hasn't made any platform of her own yet. But we are led to conclude it will be the same puppet show of more wars which is what the Republicans like Bush and Cheney were all about.

So the Republicans are starting to switch places with the Democrats!

And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed. He is really going up against the deep state at this point and I can't believe he has the guts not to hide for cover. I know I would if I were him.

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RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
The US isn't in "the wars". This is basically code for "abandon Ukraine to the Russians", which would be a monumentally dumb foreign policy decision on pretty much every level. But would bring lots of lovely Russian money into the pockets of Trump and his cronies.
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
That's impossible. Middle class Americans will not work for the pitiful wages that industry pays in the developing world, so they will always be undercut. And if they were somehow forced to do so, they would drop out of the middle class.
3. End censorship
What censorship? The First Amendment already ended government controlled censorship, back in 1791. Trump is 234 years too late.
4. Investigate the pharma and food industry and make sure what we are consuming is actually healthy for us. Especially younger people.
It's not - Americans eat a woefully unhealthy diet.

But the US Government already has an entire administration dedicated to making sure that Food and Drugs are not fundamentally unsafe, and to ensuring that Americans who freely choose to eat shit that's killing them are at least minimally informed when they make that poor choice.

I am rather surprised that you are unaware of the existence of the FDA; it's been around since 1906, although it didn't get its modern name until 1930.
5. Close the borders to protect our supply of labor
Your supply of labour comes across your southern border; If that border could be "closed" (it can't), the US agriculture industry would collapse due to labour shortages, and the price of food would skyrocket. Middle class Americans won't do the jobs those undocumented workers do, and if they did, they would drop out of the middle class.

The act of closing the border would do the exact opposite of "protect our supply of labor".
I can remember when these used to be Democrat positions
No, you don't. They never were.
but it seems only the Republicans who are campaigning to them now.
Yes, only the post-Trump GOP, and nutters like RFK, are crazy enough to actually want such a self-defeating and contradictory set of populist nonsense in their platform. Everyone else is just astonished that they can believe such utter tripe would somehow be a good thing.
In addition, Trump has pledged to RFK and his base that he will release ALL JFK assassination records and put him in charge of finding out what actually happened then.
I am sure that's of massive importance. More information about a crime that occured six decades ago will be a huge boost to US trade, the economy, and the standard of living of American citizens. :rolleyesa:
In contrast to what I hear from these guys, the DNC convention in comparison all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced.
Are you out of your mind? Both ladies experience racism daily; Your post here is an actual example of one of the two things you say "neither could have experienced"

It is vanishingly unlikely that there is a single woman of colour anywhere in the USA who has not experienced both racism and sexism.
It sounds more like to me that all they want is more division, rancor, fighting, and discord among the people.
Oddly, it sounds to me like that's the primary goal of both Trump and Putin.
No plans about how they will fix the country.
Except these: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/
Kamala seems to be a nice personality, but really hasn't made any platform of her own yet. But we are led to conclude it will be the same puppet show of more wars which is what the Republicans like Bush and Cheney were all about.
Whomever is leading you to conclude that, is a lying liar and you could massively improve your quality of life by not paying any further attention to their lies.
So the Republicans are starting to switch places with the Democrats!
They did that in the 1960s, when the Southern Strategy sucessfully won the (all important) "racist fuckwit" lobby over to the Republican side of politics.

Sadly for the GOP, the electoral influence of that lobby has declined significantly since the days of Nixon, and it's now costing them more than it gains them. Which is why they cannot get a Republican President elected with a popular vote majority, and have to rely on the stupid Electoral College to stand any hope at all of winning.
And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed. He is really going up against the deep state at this point and I can't believe he has the guts not to hide for cover. I know I would if I were him.
^ What Ford said.

Literally everything in the OP is based on counterfactual premises, faulty logic, or both. I'm almost impressed; It's really quite difficult to be quite so wrong about quite so many things in such a short post.
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
That's impossible. Middle class Americans will not work for the pitiful wages that industry pays in the developing world, so they will always be undercut. And if they were somehow forced to do so, they would drop out of the middle class.
You took RVonse's post, smashed it to bits, and lit the tiny pieces left over on fire, but I'd add a caveat to this one. While we're not "bringing back coal mining jobs" (for some reason Trump thinks we're just not mining enough coal) the US under BIden/Harris is leaning into bringing back manufacturing in the tech sector with the Chips Act. Companies are breaking ground here in AZ and hiring large numbers of people for decent-paying jobs making chips, we've got an EV manufacturer building cars here and another one with a test track and development site, and the administration has learned a lesson from the pandemic and is at least trying to right the supply chain ship. And while people on the right are treating grocery prices and gas prices like the final sign of the Armageddon, the simple fact is that the US is doing a helluva lot better with regards to inflation, but we're still smarting from supply chain issues because many of the countries that are in the chain didn't bounce back as well as we did.

If Trump gets back in office, he's going to impose (again) stiff and breathtakingly stupid tariffs on imports from countries he doesn't like, which will push prices even higher. Economists have been ringing the looming recession bell for about 3 years now, but the economic downturn has flatly refused to manifest. If Trump is allowed to paralyze the federal government (Project 2025) and go on trade wars with every country that hurt his feelings, we'll all suffer. And I don't just mean Americans. If the world's biggest economy slides into recession, we're taking everyone else down, too.
1. Regarding our world police: We are part of humanity and have a duty to do the right and difficult thing when needed. Our terrible and evil massive US military as the naive might decry it to be is sometimes used for just that purpose. And when done so, ignored by the fringes as it does not fit their hammered-in worldview.

2. By and large, with employment rates being what they are today, if you cannot find a job to your abilities, you've no one to blame but yourself.

3. ?

4. Twenty dollars and my left nut says these ass clowns will not do a fucking thing in these regards. Most of us can eat healthy all by ourselves. Those who can't, I'm sure a Trump administration has absolutely no intention whatsoever of helping.
One needs an ounce of self-control and to reevaluate whether seeking out the absolute lowest price on what you put in your body is really the prudent course of action.

5. Fed Chair Jerome Powell has stated on numerous occasions, immigrants played a significant role in bringing down inflation. Do you think there is some native group of people who, generation after generation endeavor to pick vegetables and process meat? I suppose if the positions paid enough, had good working conditions, a good healthcare plan and retirement, we might be able to secure a permanent native source for these jobs.

RVonse on being Black in America.
I'd like to read more.
3. End censorship
Any elaboration? If someone like Trump says he wants to "end censorship", it probably means things like Kim Davis down in Kentuck telling gays she doesn't have to marry them, or pharmacists telling you they're Christian and they won't sell you birth control. It certainly means coaches can make a BFD about praying on the fifty yard line, which SCOTUS already says is fine. And of course, let's put down them pencils and start praying to the Christian god in school. It could also mean getting rid of hate speech as a legal concept. In Trump's head, it could mean ending gag orders and letting him spew his venom without redress.
"End censorship", from the movement that, even in my little town, has inspired local groups of nitwits to attack the "pornography" in libraries, both school and public?
It's kind of. ironic that an overweight man who loves eating Fried children, cheeseburgers and fries is going to teach us how to eat healthier foods. And, an extreme anti vaccination nut job is going to help us improve our medical care. RFK jr. is a total nut job. He was going to eat a dead baby bear and he once had a freezer full of road kill to eat. Please don't listen to what these kooks tell you. You can look up nutritional guidelines.

It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products. Seriously, we don't need someone like Trump telling us how to improve our diets. it just takes buying and eating healthier foods, but nobody is going to force you to eat healthier. That's up to you Rvonse.

Plus, based on my extensive reading on nutrition, there is not one diet that works for everyone. As long as you get the basics that I've listed, and don't eat to many empty calories, your diet should be fairly healthy. Some of us don't absorb non heme sources of iron, so we must have some meat, while others get all the iron they need from foods like broccoli and even dark chocolate. Okay. I don't want to go too far off topic, but it triggers me to think that those two idiots are going to help Americans have a healthier life style.

I'll let the other posters continue to dissect the rest of the OP.
…all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced.
Thats strange because I swear there were more than two speakers at the DNC.

“Neither could have” ever or just don’t currently, once they’ve become successful and wealthy? Or is it not possible that they could have become successful and wealthy if they were also subjected to sexism and racism?
It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products.
who told you this? The same of self-described “experts” who told us to wear masks and get vaccines?!!?
Eating fried children? Yeesh. I don't think even Jeffery Dahmer would go that far.
Everything tastes better fried.
True story...as I'm reading this, I'm also looking up the new office location for my cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning. There's a Jollibee right down the street. I've heard great things about Jollibee's fried chicken. By the time my appointment is over, they'll be open. Hmm...
It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products.
who told you this? The same of self-described “experts” who told us to wear masks and get vaccines?!!?
What she said is largely true. Only, I would add if you are vegan, first stop bragging about it and second, at least have some dairy and eggs in your diet! The fact that you need to supplement a strict vegan diet with things like B12 is your hint that its a diet that was not meant to be. And certainly don't put your infants and toddlers on a vegan diet, like some people do.

I think you may be conflating her discussion about vaccines and healthy eating. She is not linking the two. Though I have seen some nutters claim that eating organic food absolves you of the need for vaccines.
Eating fried children? Yeesh. I don't think even Jeffery Dahmer would go that far.
Everything tastes better fried.
True story...as I'm reading this, I'm also looking up the new office location for my cardiologist appointment tomorrow morning. There's a Jollibee right down the street. I've heard great things about Jollibee's fried chicken. By the time my appointment is over, they'll be open. Hmm...
Then it's worth repeating - everything tastes better fried.

Ford, you are gonna die. You are gonna die of something. That's what people do. Might as well be cholesterol.
It's kind of. ironic that an overweight man who loves eating Fried children, cheeseburgers and fries is going to teach us how to eat healthier foods. And, an extreme anti vaccination nut job is going to help us improve our medical care. RFK jr. is a total nut job. He was going to eat a dead baby bear and he once had a freezer full of road kill to eat. Please don't listen to what these kooks tell you. You can look up nutritional guidelines.

It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products. Seriously, we don't need someone like Trump telling us how to improve our diets. it just takes buying and eating healthier foods, but nobody is going to force you to eat healthier. That's up to you Rvonse.

Plus, based on my extensive reading on nutrition, there is not one diet that works for everyone. As long as you get the basics that I've listed, and don't eat to many empty calories, your diet should be fairly healthy. Some of us don't absorb non heme sources of iron, so we must have some meat, while others get all the iron they need from foods like broccoli and even dark chocolate. Okay. I don't want to go too far off topic, but it triggers me to think that those two idiots are going to help Americans have a healthier life style.

I'll let the other posters continue to dissect the rest of the OP.
Eating road kill is not as crazy and unheard of as you might think, at least in past years. My long dead grandma was known to occasionally pick up a fresh road kill and cook it up for her family. This was considered acceptable, and often necessary, back in the days of the Depression and a even beyond. And I could see a rural, not-so-well off family in 2024 picking up a recent (i.e. minutes later) roadkill (especially a deer) and eating it. I wouldn't be judgy about that. Picking up a dead baby bear in the 21st century when your last name is Kennedy to eat later though is definitely a ride on the crazy train.
You are gonna die of something. That's what people do. Might as well be cholesterol.
By all means, Have It Your Way. But I see the 42% of us who are classified obese, and I've heard how they wheeze just getting out of a chair. I'd rather have my 20 - 30 years on them. If you pick the right exercise (hint: the pool), it's fun. If you pick the right healthy foods, they make the typical American high-fat diet seem repulsive. End of speech, each to his own.
Eating road kill is not as crazy and unheard of as you might think,
It's also not the story, but you knew that. I love how you pick things out of context, manufacture an imaginary audience that feels that is a big deal, and then argue against that point.

I'm sure there's a word for that technique, but I don't know what I would call it. Spoiler: I know exactly what I would call such a ploy.
By all means, Have It Your Way. But I see the 42% of us who are classified obese, and I've heard how they wheeze just getting out of a chair. I'd rather have my 20 - 30 years on them. If you pick the right exercise (hint: the pool), it's fun. If you pick the right healthy foods, they make the typical American high-fat diet seem repulsive. End of speech, each to his own.
I apologise. I forgot that I live in a country where most of the animals want to kill you and the rest want to fuck you and kill you. And half the fucking nation burns down on a fucking whim just as a bonus. So what I'm saying is good cardio is a given where I live. I shouldn't assume. That was my mistake.

I'm dying on the hill "everything tastes better fried" though. You're welcome to the world when I'm gone. But a world without fried is a world I won't be in.
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