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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
The window in which we could grow lettuce is pretty narrow. The window between too cold and too hot is narrow here.

We actually grow a lot, but most of it's things which would be hard or impossible to adequately buy.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
And make it easier for deer to cruise by the salad bar? Besides either groundhogs or rabbits chewed through chain link fencing. I'm not supposing much in the way of solutions to prevent them getting virtually unguarded food. The reason I don't berries even though I'd like to. Despite being in a city, we have plenty of mammals that love food. Thankfully the masked five finger bandits wouldn't bother.

Hydroponics are an option, but the volume likely wouldn't be good enough. Though maybe that wouldn't be a bad gift for my mom, whose gardening skills completely avoided my brain.
Ah, I live too close to the center of town to worry about deer. Rabbits and possums and squirrels? More than I can count. I always lose some tomatoes. Hubbies lettuces managed by some miracle not to get eaten by rabbits. Which is really surprising now that I think of it. We had rabbits even when we had dogs. Got as many berries from our raspberry bushes as we wanted.

2. Why did Trump not 'rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs' during his 2016 term?
probably because this is not something a president does. More like a legislation issue that Congress does.

Unfortunate , our elections have become more about Presidential candidates dates offering up policies that mostly can only be enacted by Congress.

Even though this country was founded on the idea of no kings, we sure do seem to want a singular leader to dictate all actions and policies, with the Congress mainly seeking to work only on those priorities the President wants. I understand that the President still needs to agree Lest they veto it but still it seems we put too much on the president and not enough on Congress, where it really should lie.
I agree, but President’s lead. And Trump’s policy was to enact tariffs to rebuild yhe industrial base. According to him, it didn’t work because it still needs rebuilding.
Or is it not possible that they could have become successful and wealthy if they were also subjected to sexism and racism?
No that would not be possible.

Have you heard of any females wearing a black sheet over their face in the middle east who (other than inheritance) bootstrapped themselves to billionaires? Females just aren't going to make billions in a country that has meaningful sexism or racism. That is what real sexism and racism looks like. Not the shit that the DNC tries to peddle in order to help cause a civil war in the US.
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It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products. Seriously, we don't need someone like Trump telling us how to improve our diets. it just takes buying and eating healthier foods, but nobody is going to force you to eat healthier. That's up to you Rvonse.
This is anecdotal but I always feel better after living a week in Europe (especially London). And I have also heard certain foods can not be sold in the UK simply because their FDA equivalent does not think they are safe. IMO Europe has better quality food than the US but the US beats Europe by having more available restrooms.

Honestly the OP is mostly what Trump/RFK said and not my own research. But it would not surprise me in the least if certain unhealthy foods sold by huge conglomerates are deemed healthy by the FDA considering the amount of lobbys and corruption that takes place in every other arm of our government.

I usually try to eat the best food I can find at the restaurants but restaurant food is not supposed to be healthy either. In any case, I am pretty lucky not to be overweight at least.
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Or is it not possible that they could have become successful and wealthy if they were also subjected to sexism and racism?
No that would not be possible.

Have you heard of any females wearing a black sheet over their face in the middle east who (other than inheritance) bootstrapped themselves to billionaires? Females just aren't going to make billions in a country that has meaningful sexism or racism. That is what real sexism and racism looks like. Not the shit that the DNC tries to peddle in order to help cause a civil war in the US.
Ok I see. It’s just a matter of using the right definition to make your point. Thanks for clearing that up. I made the mistake of contextualizing the comments locally instead of globally.

If we apply that thinking to more subjects then even perhaps the conservatives will have nothing to complain about in this country.
RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
3. End censorship

This is fucking beautiful inconsistency from RVonse.

RVonse - the only two people who can stop censorship is one worm brain eaten dipshit is tried to sue a media outlet because they told the truth and a guy who has been the only President in history to use public servants to lean on social media companies to censor mean tweets from the general public.

Also RVonse -

*drum roll*

No one who is worth multiple billions has any right to say they are (or were) oppressed by the US.

RVonse, I love you man. You are the literal gift that keeps on giving.
3. End censorship
Who is burning books?
Google and Facebook are burning digital speech. And worse than that they are indirectly controlled by our government.

It would be even much worse if Musk had not bought Twitter.
I'm just going to copy and paste why you are so wrong, because we've had this discussion.

I would recommend you inform yourself better. The FBI was clearly doing much more than that.
Are you absolutely certain you want to revisit how thoroughly debunked your bullshit accusations about the FBI were? Or how completely full of shit Taibbi is?

I mean, we can if you want...

You've never, not once, grown a pair to counter these unfortunate facts of reality my son.
RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
Wants to relinquish our alliances that have helped maintain a much better peace than the first half of the 20th Century.
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
Trump announced a number of new facilities during his Administration, not many (any?) of them came to pass.
3. End censorship
I thought Musk saved the world from that.
4. Investigate the pharma and food industry and make sure what we are consuming is actually healthy for us. Especially younger people.
Well, you don't trust science, so why would you trust those investigations? Also, this going to include furthering the anti-vaccination mantra of those on the far right/left?
5. Close the borders to protect our supply of labor
Funny how in the last several decades, the greatest source of danger to employment has been efficiency.

Meanwhile aging infrastructure in America, lack of nursing home beds and adequate staffing for elderly, managing insurance risks due to insurance companies fleeing areas leaving millions prone to total losses in major storm events, AI and how we'll manage reduction in jobs, among other real issues shall be ignored so Trump can joust with windmills.
I can remember when these used to be Democrat positions but it seems only the Republicans who are campaigning to them now.
They seem to be campaigning on CRT, transgenders, how illegals are committing crimes (not that many) in the US, and Marxism.
In addition, Trump has pledged to RFK and his base that he will release ALL JFK assassination records and put him in charge of finding out what actually happened then.
Well that is a relief. I would have guessed he'd name him the HHS Secretary.
In contrast to what I hear from these guys, the DNC convention in comparison all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced. It sounds more like to me that all they want is more division, rancor, fighting, and discord among the people.
Just how much of the Convention did you watch again?
But we are led to conclude it will be the same puppet show of more wars which is what the Republicans like Bush and Cheney were all about.
Well, they did do 9/11, so there is that.
So the Republicans are starting to switch places with the Democrats!
How can you believe something so absurdly wrong?
And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed. He is really going up against the deep state at this point and I can't believe he has the guts not to hide for cover. I know I would if I were him.
None of this is new from Trump.
And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed.

FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".

Yes, the shooting was a bad thing. Yes, it might have been deadly, but then again, every time I cross a street, I could be killed as well. So, stop pretending it was something it wasn't. It was an poorly executed assassination that missed its target and killed an innocent civilian. Trump was not almost killed anymore than I am almost killed every time I cross a street.
And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed.

FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".

Yes, the shooting was a bad thing. Yes, it might have been deadly, but then again, every time I cross a street, I could be killed as well. So, stop pretending it was something it wasn't. It was an poorly executed assassination that missed its target and killed an innocent civilian. Trump was not almost killed anymore than I am almost killed every time I cross a street.
I mean, we're dealing with someone who thinks a rich Black woman needs to sit in the back of the bus and keep quiet, while a rich white man (Muskrat) is literally the savior of the world because he allows Nazis on his social media platform.
RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
3. End censorship
4. Investigate the pharma and food industry and make sure what we are consuming is actually healthy for us. Especially younger people.
5. Close the borders to protect our supply of labor

I can remember when these used to be Democrat positions but it seems only the Republicans who are campaigning to them now.

In addition, Trump has pledged to RFK and his base that he will release ALL JFK assassination records and put him in charge of finding out what actually happened then.

In contrast to what I hear from these guys, the DNC convention in comparison all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced. It sounds more like to me that all they want is more division, rancor, fighting, and discord among the people. No plans about how they will fix the country. Kamala seems to be a nice personality, but really hasn't made any platform of her own yet. But we are led to conclude it will be the same puppet show of more wars which is what the Republicans like Bush and Cheney were all about.

So the Republicans are starting to switch places with the Democrats!

And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed. He is really going up against the deep state at this point and I can't believe he has the guts not to hide for cover. I know I would if I were him.


Just WOW!

Every sentence -- almost every word -- in this post is so ... incredible 8-) that I'll just frame it here for posterity.
I don’t know RVonse…but I feel like I know his general type all too well.

It’s the same kind of clown that is so painfully easily exposed as ignorant by even the most casual interrogators; the kind that confidently announces at a Trump rally that, for instance, “Kamala is a socialist,” and when prodded for a definition of socialism, is hopelessly lost.

It’s the kind of incurious simpleton that lacks the ability to think critically for oneself, so earnestly adopts the talking points proffered by manipulative, disingenuous propaganda outlets like Fox “News” or like-minded people from social media echo chambers.

So cocksure in the startlingly dumb things they say in public.

Oooof. That’s how you end up with an election that’s more or less a toss-up, from one that should be a self-evident blowout.
You are gonna die of something. That's what people do. Might as well be cholesterol.
By all means, Have It Your Way. But I see the 42% of us who are classified obese, and I've heard how they wheeze just getting out of a chair. I'd rather have my 20 - 30 years on them. If you pick the right exercise (hint: the pool), it's fun. If you pick the right healthy foods, they make the typical American high-fat diet seem repulsive. End of speech, each to his own.
And every year they change the definition of obese - using a BMI measurement that is not and never was a measurement of health.
You are gonna die of something. That's what people do. Might as well be cholesterol.
By all means, Have It Your Way. But I see the 42% of us who are classified obese, and I've heard how they wheeze just getting out of a chair. I'd rather have my 20 - 30 years on them. If you pick the right exercise (hint: the pool), it's fun. If you pick the right healthy foods, they make the typical American high-fat diet seem repulsive. End of speech, each to his own.
And every year they change the definition of obese - using a BMI measurement that is not and never was a measurement of health.
Look...I don't wanna derail the thread any further. I was just saying that tomorrow after I get my prescriptions from CVS, I'm probably gonna go and get a 2 piece Chickenjoy w/Palabok Fiesta plate from Jollibee. Yeah, I'll have to spend some time on the walking pad to work it off, but fried chicken AND a Filipino noodle dish? Sign me up!
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FFS, he was shot at and the bullet barely grazed him. That is not "almost getting killed".
I gotta say I don’t agree with this. I feel like if someone shoots at you with the intent to kill you, and you even get hit by shrapnel, that would be scary AF. Maybe not for seasoned combat veterans, but for most of us, that would be a pretty big deal. I think of how it stays with you all day if someone runs a light and just misses you. Having it be deliberate, would be unnerving, IMO.
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