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Trump is finally getting his balls back and the Democrats are switching place with the Republicans

Not sure I get that 'want to fuck you and kill you' part. And I'm not a purist. My favorite new dessert is coffee/choc chip gelato, with a ginger snap crumbled on top. As Joan of Arc said when they were frying her, "That is some damn fine cookin'".
Eating road kill is not as crazy and unheard of as you might think,
It's also not the story, but you knew that. I love how you pick things out of context, manufacture an imaginary audience that feels that is a big deal, and then argue against that point.

I'm sure there's a word for that technique, but I don't know what I would call it. Spoiler: I know exactly what I would call such a ploy.
I honestly have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.
It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products.
who told you this? The same of self-described “experts” who told us to wear masks and get vaccines?!!?

I think you may be conflating her discussion about vaccines and healthy eating. She is not linking the two. Though I have seen some nutters claim that eating organic food absolves you of the need for vaccines.
nope. Just sarcasm, apparently too subtle.
It's pretty simple. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables nuts wholegrain, beans, and a limited amount of lean meat, or fish. If you're vegan, skip the animals products.
who told you this? The same of self-described “experts” who told us to wear masks and get vaccines?!!?

I think you may be conflating her discussion about vaccines and healthy eating. She is not linking the two. Though I have seen some nutters claim that eating organic food absolves you of the need for vaccines.
nope. Just sarcasm, apparently too subtle.
:) No worries. My sarcasm gets missed constantly. You'd think I would know better.
I have a road kill story.
One night they feed us some mystery meat at college.
It was nasty.
Like really bad liver.
Found out it was road kill dear that the state police had given to the school.
Which was common back then.
You see, if the animal is not blead out properly the meat is like eating a large bruise.

There was a big food fight, and no one was punished.
RFK jr. recently announced he is suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump in the swing states. In this campaign video we hear RFK jr and Trump saying that they:
1. Want to get us out the wars
2. Rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs
3. End censorship
4. Investigate the pharma and food industry and make sure what we are consuming is actually healthy for us. Especially younger people.
5. Close the borders to protect our supply of labor

I can remember when these used to be Democrat positions but it seems only the Republicans who are campaigning to them now.

In addition, Trump has pledged to RFK and his base that he will release ALL JFK assassination records and put him in charge of finding out what actually happened then.

In contrast to what I hear from these guys, the DNC convention in comparison all I heard was billionaire Oprah and Millionaire Obama complaining about the racism and sexism that neither could have experienced. It sounds more like to me that all they want is more division, rancor, fighting, and discord among the people. No plans about how they will fix the country. Kamala seems to be a nice personality, but really hasn't made any platform of her own yet. But we are led to conclude it will be the same puppet show of more wars which is what the Republicans like Bush and Cheney were all about.

So the Republicans are starting to sw' itch places with the Democrats!

And most unexpected to me is how Trump is growing a pair of balls since almost getting killed. He is really going up against the deep state at this point and I can't believe he has the guts not to hide for cover. I know I would if I were him.
1. Yes, Trump is an isolationist. No surprise here. It is extremely convenient for Putin to have an American POTUS who is isolationist. Again, no surprise that Trump is an isolationist. Although I admit to a tiny bit of surprise: there is always a ton of money to be made in a war and after. I'm certain Trump knows and embraces the opportunity but it's more convenient for him to be an isolationist. After all, there are always wars and always those eager to make money off of them. Trump will definitely try to cash in.

2. Why did Trump not 'rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs' during his 2016 term? While industrial based jobs do provide good livings, or they used to do, that is not a given. My town has several manufacturing industries in town and the wages they pay are definitely better since the pandemic basically forced their hands, they are still what most of us would consider working class livings. Not all, of course, There are always management and management adjacent jobs which pay better than working on the line or the floor. But basically, Trump entered the presidency completely unprepared to handle the complexities of the job or to implement most of what he promised and he was hit with a pandemic AFTER he dismantled the agency set up to handle pandemics and the rest of his time in office was mostly spent recovering from COVID and denying COVID and doing what he could to undermine American confidence in our institutions.

3. I can understand why Trump wants to 'end censorship' because he deals in falsehoods 24/7 and he does not like to be fact checked or exposed. Of course Trump is happy to engage in the type of censorship he thinks favors him: I believe he fully supports book bans, etc.

4. It is difficult to say that one wants to 'expose big pharma and the food industry' while simultaneously undermining the FDA and indeed, most federal agencies and to undermine science and science education and research. Trump manages to say it though because it simply is another distraction for his followers: It is not their fault that they are unhealthy and overweight: It's the fault of BIG FOOD and BIG PHARMA. Just so long as they do not take away his burgers and friend chicken and ketsup and adderall and cocaine and whatever else floats through the veins of the Trump family and friends.

5. This is absolutely laughable. Undocumented workers crossing the border ARE our labor supply for all of those jobs that are dirty, unsafe, unhealthy and that we don't want to adequately compensate our workers for. Cheaper than increasing safety, providing decent wages and benefits, etc. BTW, Trump employs undocumented workers at Mar A Lago.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
Yes, I come from a long line of farmers and gardeners.
But, most people don't or can't grow their own food.
Hell, look at how many people don't even cook their own food.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
And yet they don’t.

Would they even if lettuce became monstrously expensive? Or would they just stop eating salad, if they even do now?

2. Why did Trump not 'rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs' during his 2016 term?
probably because this is not something a president does. More like a legislation issue that Congress does.

Unfortunate , our elections have become more about Presidential candidates dates offering up policies that mostly can only be enacted by Congress.

Even though this country was founded on the idea of no kings, we sure do seem to want a singular leader to dictate all actions and policies, with the Congress mainly seeking to work only on those priorities the President wants. I understand that the President still needs to agree Lest they veto it but still it seems we put too much on the president and not enough on Congress, where it really should lie.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
And yet they don’t.

Would they even if lettuce became monstrously expensive? Or would they just stop eating salad, if they even do now?
I don’t know. It’s been decades since I lived in an actual urban area but while I did, I managed a very small yet very productive garden. Granted I have farmer roots. But also, at that time, very little money. Still there is a growing movement t to make and expand urban gardens in neighborhoods with little or no access to fresh produce.

2. Why did Trump not 'rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs' during his 2016 term? While industrial based jobs do provide good livings, or they used to do, that is not a given. My town has several manufacturing industries in town and the wages they pay are definitely better since the pandemic basically forced their hands, they are still what most of us would consider working class livings. Not all, of course, There are always management and management adjacent jobs which pay better than working on the line or the floor. But basically, Trump entered the presidency completely unprepared to handle the complexities of the job or to implement most of what he promised and he was hit with a pandemic AFTER he dismantled the agency set up to handle pandemics and the rest of his time in office was mostly spent recovering from COVID and denying COVID and doing what he could to undermine American confidence in our institutions.
I wound up in a manufacturing job late in 2020. Working in a factory making N95 masks. The factory was run by Honeywell (though I worked for an employment agency like most other workers) and was an old Cold War factory that had been retrofitted to make masks. The pay was better than anything I could earn at the grocery store I'd worked at earlier in the pandemic, but the work was a lot harder. "Lean manufacturing" is a helluva thing. That one factory was churning out anywhere from 750,000 to a million masks over the course of 3 shifts per day.

None of this had anything to do with Trump. It was a mix of necessity and opportunity that made that operation possible. What the Biden administration did was to provide opportunities and incentivize companies to open up manufacturing facilities here. All Trump ever did was to cut taxes on the CEOs so they could afford a third home in the Hamptons.

2. Why did Trump not 'rebuild the industrial base for middle class jobs' during his 2016 term?
probably because this is not something a president does. More like a legislation issue that Congress does.

Unfortunate , our elections have become more about Presidential candidates dates offering up policies that mostly can only be enacted by Congress.

Even though this country was founded on the idea of no kings, we sure do seem to want a singular leader to dictate all actions and policies, with the Congress mainly seeking to work only on those priorities the President wants. I understand that the President still needs to agree Lest they veto it but still it seems we put too much on the president and not enough on Congress, where it really should lie.
I agree, but President’s lead. And Trump’s policy was to enact tariffs to rebuild yhe industrial base. According to him, it didn’t work because it still needs rebuilding.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
Yes, I come from a long line of farmers and gardeners.
But, most people don't or can't grow their own food.
Hell, look at how many people don't even cook their own food.
Oh, absolutely. And I note the growing epidemic of obesity. And the likely relationship. Not to mention the advent of new obesity drugs which are mostly out of reach of most consumers.

The question is if we can change these trends . One way would be to reduce the work week to 32 hours.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
Sure. B
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
Sure, but you likely can’t feed your family all its required meals this way, right? If every urban dweller could do that they would not be urban dwellers. Given our modern lifestyle it make sense to have careers specializing in food production and companies that optimize that.
Sure. B
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
Sure, but you likely can’t feed your family all its required meals this way, right? If every urban dweller could do that they would not be urban dwellers. Given our modern lifestyle it make sense to have careers specializing in food production and companies that optimize that.
True, you can't. In almost all of the US, growing vegetables outside is a 3-5 month long proposition. BUT there are hydroponic garden set ups that are readily available. No, you cannot grow your entire food supply from a window in your apartment. BUT you can raise some lettuce and some herbs pretty easily. It's seriously low skill. More difficult if you also have cats. and potentially some dogs. I've always lived in places with 4 seasons and except for the first terrible apartment in a terrible neighborhood, I've always had some sort of garden, however feeble. Tomatoes and lettuces can be grown in planters on a very small patio or tiny patch of a yard that gets 6+ hrs sunlight/day. Watering required. The same size pot will let you grow peppers or even zucchini or spinach or some peas or beans. It sounds like a lot of work but it isn't really. The hardest part is a)waiting for things to sprout and b) remembering to consistently water. Nothing tastes better than a home grown tomato/bunch of basil/peas/beans. If you have the room, cherries and apples are pretty easy to grow. We lost our cherry tree some years back but have planted a couple of new ones which are not yet old enough to put out much fruit. Now, such an endeavor does require a bit more land than a patio but our yard is pretty small and is surrounded by other houses so sunlight is a premium. Oh, and we have to protect cherries from birds. We were never able to protect the pears from squirrels, though. My husband's uncle used to grow mushrooms in his basement and I know you can buy those kits. Ive never done it myself, though. Former neighbors had chickens for a while. I know they used the eggs but I'm uncertain whether they ever ate the chickens. They stopped their egg farming operation a few years before they sold their house and moved away. Again: middle of town, not a large lot. Personally, I do not want to raise chickens, although raising chickens and sheep and goats does make a pretty fantasy. I learned long, long ago that one names an animal being raised for your table at your own peril......Which is why people who raise rabbits for food do not raise them inside their homes....
Just imagine what a salad would cost if farm workers got $15/hr.
Do you know how easy it is to grow lettuces? I'm not talking large scale production but even urbanites can grow enough for their own table.
If by the grace of gawd anything I planted grew out of the ground, groundhogs and rabbits would see to the produce not making my plate.
Raised beds. Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can do it.
And make it easier for deer to cruise by the salad bar? Besides either groundhogs or rabbits chewed through chain link fencing. I'm not supposing much in the way of solutions to prevent them getting virtually unguarded food. The reason I don't berries even though I'd like to. Despite being in a city, we have plenty of mammals that love food. Thankfully the masked five finger bandits wouldn't bother.

Hydroponics are an option, but the volume likely wouldn't be good enough. Though maybe that wouldn't be a bad gift for my mom, whose gardening skills completely avoided my brain.
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