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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

Walls work. Just ask Hadrian.

But don't whatever you do ask Antoninus. :)

Don't be silly. You Guy's arguments are getting worse and worse.

It is akin to me saying, "You know house doors don't work because my friend got his kicked down and robbed. So, it's obvious to anyone with a brain that doors don't work."

No, it's akin to saying, "Nancy Pelosi has walls around her house, so anyone with a brain knows walls work." Both arguments are moronic; the difference is I was being facetious and you were being serious.
Moats work, too. But moats are useless for protection against identity theft.

To say "a moat around a house won't stop identity theft" is NOT to say that A) moats are useless in other situations or that B) identity theft is not a real problem to be dealt with.

But it can make for an effective derail via bad analogy.
Walls don't work like you hope when the tyrant making the wall is boxing you up with him. If you want to be walled up with President Twitler McCrazyPants, get a hotel room and don't include me. And if you want to know how that goes, ask Stormy Daniels.
Walls don't work like you hope when the tyrant making the wall is boxing you up with him. If you want to be walled up with President Twitler McCrazyPants, get a hotel room and don't include me. And if you want to know how that goes, ask Stormy Daniels.

You realize Stormy Daniels admitted the affair never happened, right? She was lying.
Walls don't work like you hope when the tyrant making the wall is boxing you up with him. If you want to be walled up with President Twitler McCrazyPants, get a hotel room and don't include me. And if you want to know how that goes, ask Stormy Daniels.

You realize Stormy Daniels admitted the affair never happened, right? She was lying.

Do you just make shit up to get people to respond?

No, Stormy Daniels did not "admit the affair never happened" and she was not lying. Moreover, Trump paid her quite a bit of money to not discuss said affair. Not even HE denies it.
Back to the "deal" that Trump says he secured...remember the "secret" one he waved around?

Mexico has released the full text. It's not a deal. It is an agreement to start discussing a future agreement.


Dated June 7, the letter states that the US and Mexico “will immediately begin discussions to establish definitive terms for a binding bilateral agreement to further address burden-sharing and the assignment of responsibility for processing refugee claims of migrants.”
Moats work, too. But moats are useless for protection against identity theft.

To say "a moat around a house won't stop identity theft" is NOT to say that A) moats are useless in other situations or that B) identity theft is not a real problem to be dealt with.

But it can make for an effective derail via bad analogy.

No idea what this is all supposed to mean. But, basically Mexico is going to be the wall now until we get it built and they pay for it. Finally some justice.
Back to the "deal" that Trump says he secured...remember the "secret" one he waved around?

Mexico has released the full text. It's not a deal. It is an agreement to start discussing a future agreement.


Dated June 7, the letter states that the US and Mexico “will immediately begin discussions to establish definitive terms for a binding bilateral agreement to further address burden-sharing and the assignment of responsibility for processing refugee claims of migrants.”

That still is great news. They are finally going to do something about illegal immigration. Funny how they aren't just saying, "HAHA screw Trump! We don't care!" Trump is a man of results, plain and simple. If Obama got Mexico to do this, leftists would be dancing in the streets going, "Is there anything Obama can't do?"

The funny thing with Trump is that if he wanted more praise, he could stand up and say, "I identify as a woman today" and he would actually be (no joke) considered the first female President.

Such is the crazy world we live in nowadays.
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Walls don't work like you hope when the tyrant making the wall is boxing you up with him. If you want to be walled up with President Twitler McCrazyPants, get a hotel room and don't include me. And if you want to know how that goes, ask Stormy Daniels.

You realize Stormy Daniels admitted the affair never happened, right? She was lying.
Do you just make shit up to get people to respond?

Automated response 'bots don't actually "make up" anything at all. Its program is ... its program. It dunno nuffin.

No, Stormy Daniels did not "admit the affair never happened" and she was not lying. Moreover, Trump paid her quite a bit of money to not discuss said affair. Not even HE denies it.

It's a stupid program. It doesn't differentiate between fact and fiction, just responds to instructions from its programmer.
What happened to open discussion in the marketplace of ideas?

President Twitler McCrazyPants destroyed the marketplace of ideas and replaced it with a schoolyard of bullying and braggadocio. Now, it's all we got.

256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

So Far, $1.57 Billion for Wall Yields 1.7 Miles of Fence
256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

So Far, $1.57 Billion for Wall Yields 1.7 Miles of Fence

Yep. Libs are complaining because it's expensive despite being in favor of FREE healthcare and FREE education that will cost TRILLIONS per year. Weird.

'Medicare-for-All' program could cost $32 trillion but may also save $2 trillion

Free at the point of service.

Also no refutation of post #171.

This coming from the guy who habitually dodges posts.
Also no refutation of post #171.

Every time your points are refuted, you complain about the source being biased and bigot (whilst providing no proof). Also, your argument is basically "what about Obama?", so typical whataboutisms from you.
Now I hope you appreciate the work I put in; I found an alleged conservative who can refute your claims, this guy. He likes the same discredited sources you like, and most people think he is kind of a moron but I think you'd agree with him. Anyways, he said:

"Whataboutism" isn't a good form of argumentation.

So now you can consider your post refuted. My advice though; ignore what this "conservative" says. His arguments are pretty weak and just about everyone considers him a sad pathetic joke anyways.
Walls don't work like you hope when the tyrant making the wall is boxing you up with him. If you want to be walled up with President Twitler McCrazyPants, get a hotel room and don't include me. And if you want to know how that goes, ask Stormy Daniels.

You realize Stormy Daniels admitted the affair never happened, right? She was lying.

[Citation needed]!!!
256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

So Far, $1.57 Billion for Wall Yields 1.7 Miles of Fence

Yep. Libs are complaining because it's expensive despite being in favor of FREE healthcare and FREE education that will cost TRILLIONS per year.
Don't forget FREE WI-FI and FREE Continental Breakfast too!
Back to the "deal" that Trump says he secured...remember the "secret" one he waved around?

Mexico has released the full text. It's not a deal. It is an agreement to start discussing a future agreement.


Dated June 7, the letter states that the US and Mexico “will immediately begin discussions to establish definitive terms for a binding bilateral agreement to further address burden-sharing and the assignment of responsibility for processing refugee claims of migrants.”

That still is great news. They are finally going to do something about illegal immigration.
Shouldn't they be more concerned about the "asylum" overcrowding? Because the caravans are coming up and those not dispersing in Mexico are seeking "asylum" in the US, not crossing and trying to hide in it.
Funny how they aren't just saying, "HAHA screw Trump! We don't care!" Trump is a man of results, plain and simple. If Obama got Mexico to do this, leftists would be dancing in the streets going, "Is there anything Obama can't do?"
To do what? To do what they already had said they were going to do?

The funny thing with Trump is that if he wanted more praise, he could stand up and say, "I identify as a woman today" and he would actually be (no joke) considered the first female President.
The funny thing is there wasn't an asylum "crisis" before Trump and his attempts to end "illegal immigration". His actions have helped create this situation. Weird.
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Half Wit said:
FREE healthcare and FREE education

"FREE" healthcare (and "FREE" education) would benefit every single American and can't be easily defeated by a fucking airplane or just doing what any of the actual criminals already do; just go straight through the actual checkpoints.

You are defending a traitorous buffoon who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire in a Moscow hotel room.

You will die in disgrace. :hallo:
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