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Trump Just Secured His Re-Election! Mexico Caved!

Ah, but the Trumpers will say "that's the failing New York Times. Fake news!"

The New York Times bashes conservatives and censors free speech by conservatives. Why would we respect those bigots?


Of course, the Times bashes conservatives. And it isn't that the Times censures conservatives so much as they ignore them, as they should and as we all should.

Facts are brutal to conservatives. That is why conservatives are comforted by Trump's reality-denying lies, which are ultimately many of the same lies dreamed up by Fox News to provide fig leaf cover for the rather ridiculous positions conservatives are forced to take to hide their unsavory biases and bigotry and to explain their dedication to increasing the incomes of the already rich at the expense of everyone else.

I should update and publish my thread of "lies that conservatives believe". I think that the list was last updated in the earliest days of the Obama administration, so early that Obama wasn't born in the US wasn't included but death panels are. It would be a walk down memory lane for you I suspect. There are about 140 lies included from such good conservatives as Nixon, Reagan, 2X Bush, Beck, O'Reilly, Will, Kristal, Laffer, Hayek, Rothbard, Friedman, Bernanke, Dole, and our own band of conservatives here... Trump would present such a bounty of lies that it could reasonably be reduced to everything that he says.

As a comparasion, "my lies that liberals believe" has only about 40 in it and lies that both liberals and conservatives believe in is about twenty only, (not a separate list, marked in the two lists.)

Bashing conservatives isn't that hard. Let me try:

Hey, fuck Ben Shapiro. He's a hack. Also, fuck anyone who uses him as a source.

See? Easy!
It's probably going to be something great but I can guarantee you that no matter what it is, you guys will crap all over it.

So, toilet paper.
Anyone see that episode of The Office, where the idiot boss promised a big surprise bonus later that day, then spent the day desperately trying to invent the big bonus?
A half-hour of a bad liar trying to bolster his lie, every idea failing, trying to convince himself that his non-existent ad lib skills would kick in at the last minute...

I can't quite remember how that episode ended. I remember the build up, the doubling-down, the stupid... But just can't bring to mind what the big bonus surprise turned out to be...

Here's the relevant parts:

MICHAEL: OK? All right. Do we feel good? All right. Good. Plus, there's some other good news. Today, at the end of the day, I will have, for all of you, a big surprise. OK? So hang in there, and I will see you at the end of the day. Right?
Michael talks to the camera

MICHAEL: Do I know what the surprise is? Hell no! It doesn't matter. The point is, they're not unhappy anymore. They're out there thinking, "Wow, my boss really cares about me. He has a surprise. He's cool. I... what a great guy. I love him. I... love him.
Michael, talking to the camera

MICHAEL: OK, so I don't know what the surprise is. Am I worried? No. No way. See, I thrive on this. This is my world. This is improv. This is Whose Line is it Anyway?
Cut to Michael, entering the office

MICHAEL: Hey, hey, everybody, Ice-cream sandwiches! Aaaahh! [laughs] Here you go. Take one, take one.
STANLEY: This isn't the big surprise, is it? Because we've been having a pretty horrible day.

MICHAEL: Uh, nope. Nope. This isn't the surprise. It's surprising, um... because you didn't expect it. But you will... you'll know it when you see it.
MICHAEL: So, well, OK. See you guys on Monday.

ANGELA: What about the surprise?

MICHAEL: Oh... Yes. Exactly. Thank you Angela, for reminding me. Terrific. Um, before I tell everybody what the big surprise is, would you like to tell me what you think the big surprise is?

STANLEY: We all think you don't have a surprise.

MICHAEL: All right, I have some news for you. There is a big surprise. And... here it is. Here we go. And the big surprise is... Brrrrrrrr! Drum roll... Brrrrrrrr! Brrrrrrrr!


Cut to Michael, talking to the camera

MICHAEL: When I am backed into a corner, that is when I come alive. See I learned improv from the greats, like, um, Drew Carey and Ryan Stiles.

Cut back

MICHAEL: [clapping hands] God, yeah... Ah! This...

Everyone leaves,

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Anyone see that episode of The Office, where the idiot boss promised a big surprise bonus later that day, then spent the day desperately trying to invent the big bonus?
A half-hour of a bad liar trying to bolster his lie, every idea failing, trying to convince himself that his non-existent ad lib skills would kick in at the last minute...

I can't quite remember how that episode ended. I remember the build up, the doubling-down, the stupid... But just can't bring to mind what the big bonus surprise turned out to be...

Here's the relevant parts:

MICHAEL: OK? All right. Do we feel good? All right. Good. Plus, there's some other good news. Today, at the end of the day, I will have, for all of you, a big surprise. OK? So hang in there, and I will see you at the end of the day. Right?
Michael talks to the camera

MICHAEL: Do I know what the surprise is? Hell no! It doesn't matter. The point is, they're not unhappy anymore. They're out there thinking, "Wow, my boss really cares about me. He has a surprise. He's cool. I... what a great guy. I love him. I... love him.
Michael, talking to the camera

MICHAEL: OK, so I don't know what the surprise is. Am I worried? No. No way. See, I thrive on this. This is my world. This is improv. This is Whose Line is it Anyway?
Cut to Michael, entering the office

MICHAEL: Hey, hey, everybody, Ice-cream sandwiches! Aaaahh! [laughs] Here you go. Take one, take one.
STANLEY: This isn't the big surprise, is it? Because we've been having a pretty horrible day.

MICHAEL: Uh, nope. Nope. This isn't the surprise. It's surprising, um... because you didn't expect it. But you will... you'll know it when you see it.
MICHAEL: So, well, OK. See you guys on Monday.

ANGELA: What about the surprise?

MICHAEL: Oh... Yes. Exactly. Thank you Angela, for reminding me. Terrific. Um, before I tell everybody what the big surprise is, would you like to tell me what you think the big surprise is?

STANLEY: We all think you don't have a surprise.

MICHAEL: All right, I have some news for you. There is a big surprise. And... here it is. Here we go. And the big surprise is... Brrrrrrrr! Drum roll... Brrrrrrrr! Brrrrrrrr!


Cut to Michael, talking to the camera

MICHAEL: When I am backed into a corner, that is when I come alive. See I learned improve from the greats, like, um, Drew Carey and Ryan Stiles.

Cut back

MICHAEL: [clapping hands] God, yeah... Ah! This...

Everyone leaves,

That was pretty much my impression, big claims, big promises, shit delivered. Kinda like this 'secret part' of the deal with Mexico...
Ignore conservatives? What happened to open discussion in the marketplace of ideas? When these people "silence" conservatives, they are sending a message to conservatives that it looks like they are scared of the conservative ideas so they have to silence them. This in turn makes the conservative movement grow because people wonder "why don't they want us listening to conservatives?"

You can say it's because conservatives have dumb ideas. But, conservatives say the same thing about liberals. They bash AOC's ideas all the time but they don't call for her to be silenced. That's the difference. This "crackdown on free speech against conservatives" is only going to make conservatism stronger.

A newspaper isn't an open discussion of ideas, it's reporting on what happened. They aren't for publishing political propaganda.
What happened to open discussion in the marketplace of ideas?

President Twitler McCrazyPants destroyed the marketplace of ideas and replaced it with a schoolyard of bullying and braggadocio. Now, it's all we got.

256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ?????? Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."
What's the fancy word that means "person who is scared to death of bad hombres but only the ones who can't climb walls"?
What happened to open discussion in the marketplace of ideas?

President Twitler McCrazyPants destroyed the marketplace of ideas and replaced it with a schoolyard of bullying and braggadocio. Now, it's all we got.

256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

My bad. So he's both a bully and a racist fucktard.

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Heh. Halfie revealed his true motivation, there.
The Wall won't do much to stem illegal immigration, but Half just wants all immigration stopped. And thinks Trump is the bastard to accomplish this.
Which just adds 'poor sportsmanship' to bully, racist, fucktard.

I mean, my whole family comes from immigrants. On my side, we go back to the Mayflower (descended from the first white man thrown in jail by the Pilgrims!), and as recent as Great great Grandpa MacLean brought over by the Mormons as a missionary and an engineer.
On my wife's side, the immigration was less storied, and far less volunteerism in the recruitment... Whips and chains, and not the fun kind under the secret panel in a televangelist's bedroom.

It's just selfish to whine about legal and/or humanitarian immigration when your own history isn't that morally superior.
Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ������ Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."

Talk about easily programmed idiots. No one is saying that "walls don't work", at least not without the obvious context of the wall in question being one along the entire span of the US/Mexico border. Mr. Knowles either knows this, and is easily programming the idiots who listen to him, or he is an easily programmed idiot himself.

Sure, walls work. In certain configurations they are great for holding up a roof. In certain configurations walls are great for keeping weather out, and in similar configurations, they are also great for keeping plants, animals, and even people in or out. Unfortunately for the easily programmed idiots, those last couple of uses work best when those walls are also holding up a roof, and are built upon a solid foundation with solid flooring underneath, or require continual monitoring. The nearly 2,000 mile long border between Mexico and US does not allow for that optimal configuration, even if it were possible to build a roof over, and solid flooring under, the entirety of either Mexico or the US. Maintaining and monitoring a wall when it is 2,000 miles long is the big problem when it comes to keeping people out, given that people are also great a figuring out ways to bypass or dismantle walls.
What happened to open discussion in the marketplace of ideas?

President Twitler McCrazyPants destroyed the marketplace of ideas and replaced it with a schoolyard of bullying and braggadocio. Now, it's all we got.

256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.


Evaluation: Three Pinocchios
256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

My bad. So he's both a bully and a racist fucktard.


This has nothing to do with racism. China built the Great Wall, were they racist? Vatican City has a wall, are they racist? Israel has a wall, are they racist? But when we want a wall for the U.S. all of a sudden it's "racist!"
Heh. Halfie revealed his true motivation, there.
The Wall won't do much to stem illegal immigration, but Half just wants all immigration stopped. And thinks Trump is the bastard to accomplish this.
Which just adds 'poor sportsmanship' to bully, racist, fucktard.

I mean, my whole family comes from immigrants. On my side, we go back to the Mayflower (descended from the first white man thrown in jail by the Pilgrims!), and as recent as Great great Grandpa MacLean brought over by the Mormons as a missionary and an engineer.
On my wife's side, the immigration was less storied, and far less volunteerism in the recruitment... Whips and chains, and not the fun kind under the secret panel in a televangelist's bedroom.

It's just selfish to whine about legal and/or humanitarian immigration when your own history isn't that morally superior.

LEGAL immigration. Not ILLEGAL immigration. Why is it so hard for you guys to understand this?

The people who are already here illegally, I support looking up their background and find out if they are productive or leeching off the system. If they are productive, we give them citizenship. If they are leeching, then they get deported. But, in the meantime, we shold stop all illegal immigration because it's getting to be too much. We can barely afford to take care of our own citizens! Le's get this problem solved first before we talk about immigrants.

Some comments on the video:

"Nancy Pelosi has a HUGE wall around her multimillion dollar mansion in San Francisco... she had the wall built AFTER she purchased the property. But Nancy... I thought walls don't work??! Oh... you put the wall up to keep people off your property until you've have a chance to meet them and understand what their intentions are before allowing them in? Oooookay...."

"People are so brainwashed that they ate up the lie that walls don't work. No one, throughout human history, has EVER doubted the effectiveness of a wall, until the liberal media put out the talking point. Its really scary and sad how easily people can be manipulated to think a certain way. Common sense is dead."

"Exactly! I can’t believe we’re actually debating this. The NPC meme is so accurate. “Orange man bad!”, “walls don’t work!”. “Racist!”, “Fascist!” “Homophobe!”... ������ Good grief! Our country is full of easily programmed idiots."

Talk about easily programmed idiots. No one is saying that "walls don't work", at least not without the obvious context of the wall in question being one along the entire span of the US/Mexico border. Mr. Knowles either knows this, and is easily programming the idiots who listen to him, or he is an easily programmed idiot himself.

Sure, walls work. In certain configurations they are great for holding up a roof. In certain configurations walls are great for keeping weather out, and in similar configurations, they are also great for keeping plants, animals, and even people in or out. Unfortunately for the easily programmed idiots, those last couple of uses work best when those walls are also holding up a roof, and are built upon a solid foundation with solid flooring underneath, or require continual monitoring. The nearly 2,000 mile long border between Mexico and US does not allow for that optimal configuration, even if it were possible to build a roof over, and solid flooring under, the entirety of either Mexico or the US. Maintaining and monitoring a wall when it is 2,000 miles long is the big problem when it comes to keeping people out, given that people are also great a figuring out ways to bypass or dismantle walls.

Did you watch the Knowles video? It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.
256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

My bad. So he's both a bully and a racist fucktard.


This has nothing to do with racism. China built the Great Wall, were they racist? Vatican City has a wall, are they racist? Israel has a wall, are they racist? But when we want a wall for the U.S. all of a sudden it's "racist!"

Yes, all these groups are racist. Not every individual, but many people are racist. I don't know why you thought you concluded this was because of a wall, though. Sounds like you are making up reasoning.
It's weird how whenever I post a Knowles video, there are no refutations except attacking him as ad hominems.

Yeah, that happens when I post Jerome Corsi videos too!

Can't imagine why that happens...
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
256 more miles of border wall is being built as we speak! I'd say he's gotten more done to fight immigration than any other President. He does a lot more than just talk on Twitter.

My bad. So he's both a bully and a racist fucktard.


This has nothing to do with racism. China built the Great Wall, were they racist?
Vatican City has a wall, are they racist?
No, the walls were built for protection against invading armies, not poor migrants.
Israel has a wall, are they racist?
Their wall is protection against violence but many in Israel are bigoted against Arabs.
But when we want a wall for the U.S. all of a sudden it's "racist!"
It is not necessarily racist or bigoted, but when our President talked about "the wall", he used bigoted terminology, and has continued to exhibit bigotry against people of Mexican descent. So, in his case, it is reasonable to attribute bigotry among his motivations.
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