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Trump told Comey to shut down the Flynn investigation


Veteran Member
Dec 22, 2006
Basic Beliefs
Jesus fuck:


(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.

"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials. "Three words: obstruction of justice," said CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday. "Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that's true, that is obstruction of justice."

If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).
Jesus fuck:


(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.

"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials. "Three words: obstruction of justice," said CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday. "Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that's true, that is obstruction of justice."

If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

It can't possibly be worse than I thought. I am, however, saddened that it is looking like it might be every bit as bad as I feared.
Jesus fuck:


(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.

"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials. "Three words: obstruction of justice," said CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday. "Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that's true, that is obstruction of justice."

If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

It can't possibly be worse than I thought. I am, however, saddened that it is looking like it might be every bit as bad as I feared.

You know what drives me nuts? It's still technically possible that all of this has nothing to do with Trump colluding with a foreign government and everything to do with trump being a self-serving moron who just wants to avoid looking bad...and in his quest to avoid looking bad, makes himself look worse and worse and worse...

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Jesus fuck:


(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.

"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials. "Three words: obstruction of justice," said CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday. "Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that's true, that is obstruction of justice."

If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

It can't possibly be worse than I thought. I am, however, saddened that it is looking like it might be every bit as bad as I feared.

You know what drives me nuts? It's still technically possible that all of this has nothing to do with Trump colluding with a foreign government and everything to do with trump being a self-serving moron who just wants to avoid looking bad...and in his quest to avoid looking bad, makes himself look worse and worse and worse...
Jesus fuck:


(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey wrote in a memo that President Donald Trump asked him to end the investigation of national security adviser Michael Flynn, according to sources familiar with the matter.

Comey was so appalled by the request that he wanted to document it, sources said. Comey shared it with FBI senior officials, according to sources.

"I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting the President. CNN has not viewed the memo but sources described it to CNN.

The memo is the clearest sign yet of potential interference by Trump with the investigation into whether members of his campaign team colluded with Russian officials. "Three words: obstruction of justice," said CNN's senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin on Tuesday. "Telling the FBI director to close down an investigation of your senior campaign adviser for his activities during your campaign for president, if that's true, that is obstruction of justice."

If all this shit combined doesn't take him down we really are in big fucking trouble (worse than we thought).

"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

My own theory now is there is a 24/7 campaign to remove a democratically elected leader of a modern democracy which has so far been carried out with worthless and clearly dishonest media reporting to make something look like something else.

We don't know that the Trump campaign colluded with any Russians. Even Clapper says that several times. What we do know is that Clinton was careless and blaming the Russians and the current government doesn't nullify this.
"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

Unless of course he then fires the person for not letting it go. :rolleyes:

You really need to give it up.
Unless of course he then fires the person for not letting it go. :rolleyes:

You really need to give it up.

Yep. Like I told him in another thread, I liked him a lot better when stuck to the other subforums and stayed out of politics. What he posted above is just nutty.
"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

My own theory now is there is a 24/7 campaign to remove a democratically elected leader of a modern democracy which has so far been carried out with worthless and clearly dishonest media reporting to make something look like something else.

We don't know that the Trump campaign colluded with any Russians. Even Clapper says that several times. What we do know is that Clinton was careless and blaming the Russians and the current government doesn't nullify this.

Spicey, that you? Kellyanne? Vlad?
"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

Unless of course he then fires the person for not letting it go. :rolleyes:

You really need to give it up.

Then that would also have to be established that he was fired for investigating Flynn after being instructed not to. It seems anyone can make anything up but what is needed are the following:

Trump definitely ordered the investigation into Flynn to cease.
What Flynn actually did in Russia apart from paid speeches

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

- - - Updated - - -

"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

My own theory now is there is a 24/7 campaign to remove a democratically elected leader of a modern democracy which has so far been carried out with worthless and clearly dishonest media reporting to make something look like something else.

We don't know that the Trump campaign colluded with any Russians. Even Clapper says that several times. What we do know is that Clinton was careless and blaming the Russians and the current government doesn't nullify this.

Spicey, that you? Kellyanne? Vlad?

Can you make this understandable? :)
Dudley Doright (Comey) has a history of documenting his stance on various higher ups during decisions of import, basically lots of CYA. He did it with his opposition to the Justice Department under GW Bush concerning the torturing going on in that administration. This has precedent.

Ironic that Trump threatened Comey with tapes while Comey is the one that has documentation of wrongdoing. The worst of it is, Trump knew this.
Ironic that Trump threatened Comey with tapes while Comey is the one that has documentation of wrongdoing. The worst of it is, Trump knew this.

Yep. He should have known that making Comey an enemy in this manner would have consequences. But he's rash, impulsive and just generally irrational. Which is why we can't have him in charge of nuclear weapons.
Ironic that Trump threatened Comey with tapes while Comey is the one that has documentation of wrongdoing. The worst of it is, Trump knew this.

Yep. He should have known that making Comey an enemy in this manner would have consequences. But he's rash, impulsive and just generally irrational.

He also doesn't seem to grasp that he's operating on a whole other level. This isn't his game show. He's not dealing with D-list celebrities who are trying to stretch their 15 minutes. He's dealing with people who are deadly serious.

His handling of this reminds me of a line from an actual celebrity. Trump would have done well to heed the words of Keanu Reeves in Point Break when he said "I...am...an..F B I agent!" Trump is like Bohdi. He just wants to catch a wave and have some good times, but he completely underestimated Johnny Utah.
I think Trump is the victim of all of this. He was a business man trying to learn the ropes, getting used to this wacky political work. He was just trying help a True American (tm). And Trump was just trying to help a Russian who helped him build buildings. How was he supposed to know that money was laundered, he just thought Russians trusted him unlike those mean old American banks.

Poor Trump. All he wanted to do was drain the swamp and Make America Great again, and if that was a bridge too far maybe enrich his family a bit more, build a hotel in Ankara. If that is a crime, then yes, he is guilty.
Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence.

No extraordinary claims have been made. It only needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. The steps so far:

1. Trump asked Comey to pledge his loyalty to Trump. Comey declined.
2. Trump summoned Comey to meeting at the White House. Trump had Pence and Sessions leave and then asked Comey to drop the investigation of Flynn. Comey declined.
3. Trump fired Comey and the next morning cited "the Russia thing" as a justification for the termination.

A member of high-school debate team acting as prosecutor could get a conviction here.
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"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something.
That's an impressive amount of bullshit.
Of fucking COURSE it 'suggests' an instruction to stop the investigation.

carried out with worthless and clearly dishonest media reporting
Oh, that's hilarious. You calling someone else, anyone else, dishonest.
"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

Is Trump paying you to defend him like this, or do you just have an authoritarian hard-on for him like he does for Putin, Kim Jong Un and the others?

I suggest that you watch Lawrence O'Donnel's show from tonight. I don't usually watch him, but he had an excellent discussion about the Nixon years. You might want to educate yourself a bit more before you keep repeating your silliness
"I hope you can let this go," and not seeing the memo doesn't suggest an instruction to stop something. Potential interference does not mean interference.

Is Trump paying you to defend him like this, or do you just have an authoritarian hard-on for him like he does for Putin, Kim Jong Un and the others?
Seriously whichphilosophy, what is the story with your devotion to Trump? Have you swore an oath of loyalty to him? He seems to be into that kind of thing.
Yep. He should have known that making Comey an enemy in this manner would have consequences. But he's rash, impulsive and just generally irrational. Which is why we can't have him in charge of nuclear weapons.

That's what I just can't fathom. He made enemies with the FBI, CIA, etc. before he was even elected. And he's treated them like shit this whole time. What did he think was going to happen?

He's also very familiar with lawyers. Comey is a lawyer AND the head of the fucking FBI! Comey keeps records of anything of any potentially minor note because it's so necessary to cover your ass in those lines of work. Does Trump not know that lawyers FBI people document everything???

But then again, he doesn't seem to be aware of the gravity of the office he holds. As if this is a civil case where he can just call up a team of lawyers and make the thing go away, while he goes off to play golf and grab pussy.
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