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Trump VS COVID-19 Threat

Commissioner who Voted Against Masks in Critical Condition with COVID-19
St. Johns County Commissioner Paul Waldron caught the coronavirus and went into septic shock after voting against a motion to mandate masks for county employees last week.

His daughter posted on Facebook on July 9 that Waldron “went into septic shock and has many organs struggling.”

“He is currently in the most critical of conditions,” she wrote. “I ask you not to doubt the power of prayer.”
Coronavirus data disappeared after Trump administration shifted control from CDC
  • Since the pandemic began, the CDC has regularly published data on availability of hospital beds and intensive care units across the country.
  • But Ryan Panchadsaram, who helps run a data-tracking site called Covid Exit Strategy, said that when he tried to collect the data from the CDC on Tuesday, it had disappeared.
  • When reached for comment Thursday by CNBC, HHS spokesman Michael Caputo said in a statement that the CDC was directed to make the data available again.
White House blocks CDC from testifying on reopening schools next week - CNNPolitics
The White House is blocking US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield and other officials from the agency from testifying before a House Education and Labor Committee hearing on reopening schools next week, just as the debate over sending children back to classrooms has flared up across the US.
Americans Increasingly Dislike How Republican Governors Are Handling The Coronavirus Outbreak | FiveThirtyEight
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, governors have generally received better marks for the way they’ve handled the crisis than President Trump has. However, new polling suggests that may be changing, especially for Republican governors in states where the number of coronavirus cases has spiked in recent weeks.
Support for Republican governors has gone down a little bit, while support for Democratic governors has stayed steady.
GOP Governors Losing Residents' Support on COVID-19
Hopefully the GOP burns to the ground and the few remaining GOP'ers like Dewine and Hogan are left to rebuild the party back to at least a conservative party.
Hopefully the GOP burns to the ground and the few remaining GOP'ers like Dewine and Hogan are left to rebuild the party back to at least a conservative party.

As a resident of Maryland I can say that overall Hogan has made me proud with how he has handled COVID 19. He has shown leadership, been firm, and he has empowered the individual counties in the State to set guidelines and policy for their unique populations. And the residents of the State have responded well to this type of leadership. I live next to a large park with many trails and park usage has soared as one of the few recreational outlets available. By and large hikers and bikers follow the rules of separation on the trials.
Hopefully the GOP burns to the ground and the few remaining GOP'ers like Dewine and Hogan are left to rebuild the party back to at least a conservative party.

As a resident of Maryland I can say that overall Hogan has made me proud with how he has handled COVID 19. He has shown leadership, been firm, and he has empowered the individual counties in the State to set guidelines and policy for their unique populations. And the residents of the State have responded well to this type of leadership. I live next to a large park with many trails and park usage has soared as one of the few recreational outlets available. By and large hikers and bikers follow the rules of separation on the trials.

Hogan's only misstep, and it's a big one, is his plan for "normal" voting in November, i.e. not providing mail-in ballots for everyone. That makes no sense.
Meanwhile, you really can't make this stuff up-ville.
article said:
The White House and Senate Republicans are at odds over the amount of funding that should be given to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the next round of stimulus spending, a source with direct knowledge of the matter told CNN on Saturday.

Some Senate Republicans are pushing for more money for Covid-19 contact tracing and testing, but the White House argues that there is sufficient funding still remaining from the March stimulus law, the source said.

The specifics of the bill are expected to be unveiled next week, so any discussions at this point are just preliminary -- and the amount of funding to propose is a moving target even among GOP members, according to a GOP source. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has kept details of the bill closely held so far.

"You would have to try hard to come up with a more tone deaf position," one GOP aide said, noting that in recent days, the hope had been that the Trump administration would take coronavirus more seriously in an effort to make it clear to the public and voters that they were managing the crisis.
Well gee, this kind of shit is working for Putin... so many cases, so few reported deaths, and he won in a landslide. Let's give that a shot.
GOP senators sound alarm as coronavirus surges in home states | TheHill
Senate Republicans are raising the alarm over the country's rapidly growing number of coronavirus cases.

The warnings come as President Trump has repeatedly linked the recent spike to an increase in testing, while also overselling his administration’s response and appearing optimistic about the odds of a quick vaccine or the disappearance of the virus altogether.

But GOP senators — back in their home states, many of which are seeing increased case counts — are painting a more sobering picture with their on-the-ground view.

Trump has sustained months of criticism for his administration’s response to the coronavirus, including a costly delay early on before ramping up production of medical equipment and a lag in testing. He suggested earlier this month that the virus could “disappear.”

“And I think we're going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that's going to sort of just disappear. I hope. … I think we're going to have a vaccine very soon too," Trump told Fox Business.

Trump's handling of the virus could impact not only his reelection chances but also that of Senate Republicans, who are fighting to hold their majority as Democrats post record-breaking fundraising numbers. But GOP senators have been careful not to criticize Trump, whose base they need for support on Election Day, even as they offer vastly different messages than the president when it comes to the coronavirus.
What a bunch of cowards. They ought to come out and hit him on the head about how bad the virus is.
New York City reports zero new deaths from Covid-19 for the first time in months - CNN

1 in 3 young adults vulnerable to severe Covid-19 — and smoking plays a big part, research finds - CNN

I've glad I've never smoked in my life.

Florida coronavirus: 1 state has more Covid-19 cases than most countries - CNN - "Florida had more new cases in 1 day than the entire US did in about 2 months"
Australia (population 25 million) has had 9,980 cases of Covid-19, according to data Monday from Johns Hopkins University.
South Korea (population 51 million) has had 13,479 coronavirus cases as of Monday.
Florida (population 21 million) has had 282,435 Covid-19 cases by Monday, according to Johns Hopkins.
In other words, Florida's Covid-19 cases has topped Australia's and South Korea's combined -- times 12.

At least 4,277 Floridians have died from Covid-19.
A Boeing 747 plane can carry about 400 passengers. That means the coronavirus death toll from Florida is about the same as if 10 jumbo jets crashed, killing everyone on board.
That's more than have died in the 9/11 attacks.
Six months ago, the world thought this new coronavirus was contained to China -- specifically, the Wuhan area.
But now, the entire country of China has less than 1/3 the total Covid-19 cases that Florida does, according to Johns Hopkins data. As of Monday, China had 85,117 total cases since the pandemic started, compared to Florida's 282,435.

As of Monday, Italy (population 60 million) had 243,230 cases from throughout the pandemic. Florida (population 21 million) has already surpassed that number, at 282,435.
Florida's death toll, however, remains lower than Italy's -- 4,277 in Florida, compared to 34,954 in Italy.

f Florida were a country, it would rank No. 9 in the number of Covid-19 cases worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins data Monday.
More COVID-19 cases than Florida: United States, Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the United Kingdom.
Fewer COVID-19 cases than Florida: more than 100 countries, including France, Germany and Japan.

Governor DeSantis ought to be ashamed of himself. The continued spread of this disease is likely to ruin Florida as (1) a tourist destination and (2) a place to retire to.

I have to say, smoking was a hell of a drug. No positive benefits and tons of negative. And yet I still sometimes imagine a cigarette decades since I've had one.
Coronavirus: Cuomo clears NYC to enter next phase of reopening with restrictions
  • New York City has been cleared to enter the next phase of reopening on Monday, but indoor restaurants, bars, museums and malls will remain closed, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Friday.
  • “I’m so proud of what New Yorkers have done. But we must continue to be on alert,” Cuomo said in a tweet.
  • “There will be a second wave [of the coronavirus], I would wager on it,” he told reporters during a press briefing Friday.

The Trump administration has balked at providing billions of dollars to fund coronavirus testing and shore up federal health agencies as the virus surges across the country, complicating efforts to reach agreement on the next round of pandemic aid.

Senate Republicans had drafted a proposal that would allocate $25 billion in grants to states for conducting testing and contact tracing, as well as about $10 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and about $15 billion for the National Institutes of Health, according to a person familiar with the tentative plans, who cautioned that the final dollar figures remained in flux. They had also proposed providing $5.5 billion to the State Department and $20 billion to the Pentagon to help counter the virus outbreak and potentially distribute a vaccine at home and abroad.

But in talks over the weekend, administration officials instead pushed to zero out the funding for testing and for the nation’s top health agencies, and to cut the Pentagon funding to $5 billion, according to another person familiar with the discussions.
Even Donald Trump criticized Kemp back in April for the way he was handling the pandemic. Imagine that. Even Donald Trump thought he was being reckless.

Trump Criticizes Georgia Governor for Decision to Reopen State

Kemp is the biggest idiot, we've ever had for governor. Of course, he won the election by cheating via voter suppression, but that's another matter. He keeps saying that adults don't need a mandate to wear masks because they will do the right thing without being forced. Well, I've got news for him. It's not happening.

Meanwhile, my neighbor and a large group of Democrats have been flooding his office with phone calls and emails to no avail. I would have joined them but I knew it would be a waste of time. We've had other Republican governors here who I didn't agree with, but most of them had a lot more sense than this idiot.
Even Donald Trump criticized Kemp back in April for the way he was handling the pandemic. Imagine that. Even Donald Trump thought he was being reckless.

Trump Criticizes Georgia Governor for Decision to Reopen State

Kemp is the biggest idiot, we've ever had for governor. Of course, he won the election by cheating via voter suppression, but that's another matter. He keeps saying that adults don't need a mandate to wear masks because they will do the right thing without being forced. Well, I've got news for him. It's not happening.

Meanwhile, my neighbor and a large group of Democrats have been flooding his office with phone calls and emails to no avail. I would have joined them but I knew it would be a waste of time. We've had other Republican governors here who I didn't agree with, but most of them had a lot more sense than this idiot.

The best that can be hoped for is that he hangs himself on a rope of the human skin of his victims.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/18/...tion=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

The Trump administration has balked at providing billions of dollars to fund coronavirus testing and shore up federal health agencies as the virus surges across the country, complicating efforts to reach agreement on the next round of pandemic aid.

Senate Republicans had drafted a proposal that would allocate $25 billion in grants to states for conducting testing and contact tracing, as well as about $10 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and about $15 billion for the National Institutes of Health, according to a person familiar with the tentative plans, who cautioned that the final dollar figures remained in flux. They had also proposed providing $5.5 billion to the State Department and $20 billion to the Pentagon to help counter the virus outbreak and potentially distribute a vaccine at home and abroad.

But in talks over the weekend, administration officials instead pushed to zero out the funding for testing and for the nation’s top health agencies, and to cut the Pentagon funding to $5 billion, according to another person familiar with the discussions.
This is surreal and his followers are exposed as Brownshirts by continuing to support his madness.

Though, imagine the money Trump would throw at Florida if it was hit by a Cat 2 hurricane!

The Trump administration has balked at providing billions of dollars to fund coronavirus testing and shore up federal health agencies as the virus surges across the country, complicating efforts to reach agreement on the next round of pandemic aid.

Senate Republicans had drafted a proposal that would allocate $25 billion in grants to states for conducting testing and contact tracing, as well as about $10 billion for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and about $15 billion for the National Institutes of Health, according to a person familiar with the tentative plans, who cautioned that the final dollar figures remained in flux. They had also proposed providing $5.5 billion to the State Department and $20 billion to the Pentagon to help counter the virus outbreak and potentially distribute a vaccine at home and abroad.

But in talks over the weekend, administration officials instead pushed to zero out the funding for testing and for the nation’s top health agencies, and to cut the Pentagon funding to $5 billion, according to another person familiar with the discussions.

Don't you know that if we don't test the cases will go away? Just like magic!
Stimulus bill: White House chief of staff says stimulus negotiations will start 'in earnest' on Monday - CNNPolitics
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday that the administration has been engaged in discussions on the next stimulus bill for the past week, but negotiations will start "in earnest" Monday on Capitol Hill.

"As we've started to engage with our Senate and House colleagues up on Capitol Hill, those will start in earnest starting tomorrow, Monday," Meadows said in an interview on Fox News.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will meet with President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin "to actually start to fine tune it," Meadows added.
So the bill that needs to pass very soon will get started shortly.

Let's review each side's position.

Democrats - Extend unemployment support, protections from eviction, support checks to citizens
Republicans - Provide liability protection from lawsuits if companies have their workers die from Covid-19
Trump - Give money to people in the form of a gold Trump Debit Card. Have Fed invest in stock market to increase Dow. Pass funding for PR campaign that denies Covid-19 exists.
Kemp is the biggest idiot, we've ever had for governor. Of course, he won the election by cheating via voter suppression, but that's another matter. He keeps saying that adults don't need a mandate to wear masks because they will do the right thing without being forced. Well, I've got news for him. It's not happening.
Does your state have a process for recall of horrible governors? This guy is unbelievable, even for a southern Republican.
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